Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Evolving Maxwell Shadows
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20 Sep, 2019 @ 11:25pm
31 Mar, 2022 @ 12:30am
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Evolving Maxwell Shadows

PARTLY incompatible to the new maxwell rework from the game! Needs update...

Lets you customize maxwell and especially his shadows! No original game scripts overwritten, so much more compatible to game updates!

The Worker:
Lumber/Miner/Digger were replaced by a single shadow, called Worker.
You can give him an axe/pickaxe/shovel to tell him what he should do. Also giving him a pitchfork will make him pick things like bushes/grass/saplings/reeds or pickup things on the ground. By default his tools are consumed normally (except the pitchfork), but you can also make them last shorter/longer or infinite.
There is also a bit of control: With a shovel the worker will only dig up stumps/graves. But if you (maxwell) also equips a shovel, he will dig bushes/grass/saplings too. Similar for the pitchfork: if you also have one equipped he will pick up everything pickable he can find.
New: The worker will automatically switch equipped tool based on the nearest targets!

The Duelist:
The duelist starts with no weapon (20 damage with fists), and like the worker, you can give him equipment. You can give him weapons and armor (or helmet with armor values).
This means that also his damage depends on the weapon you gave him. Like the worker, you can make the equipment last shorter/longer or infinte.

Level System: (might be subject to change).
Max level for duelist is 100 and for worker is 20. Every nightmarefuel you give them will increase the level by 1.
Of course you can (pseudo) disable this if you don't like it (max level will then be 1, in modsettings you can define health/attack/workeffectivness to your liking, by default it will be low for lvl 1).
A higher level means more health, attack or workeffectivness. This way your shadows will still be a great help in the lategame without being overpowered in the early game.

Decay System: (might be subject to change).
Since there is no need anymore to release a lumber to get eg. a miner, you could possibly use the shadows forever (if they don't die). Therefore I implemented the decay system, of course you can also disable this.
The shadows will consume 1 nightmarefuel every day or if they don't have any in their container, will loose a level. If they can't consume fuel or a level 5 times, they will disappear. By giving them nightmarefuel you can heal them from decay.

- Toggle them on/off by rightclick to allow/stop them working/fighting. (credits to rezecib)
- Their speed will automatically match the speed of maxwell (credits to rezecib)
- You can bind them to a position, so they wont follow you anymore, but work/fight within an area (by giving them the codex umbra page you can craft)
- By rightclicking the Codex Umbra in your inventory you can call the shadows to you (eg. if you bound them elsewhere previously, but now need them)

You can examine your shadow to get useful information, like Health, Attack, Workeffectivness, Level and Decay.

- optional changes to maxwell himself: Hunger, Health, Sanity, Sanity Regeneration, number of nightmarefuel at start, learnable shadow recipes -> all default to vanilla game.
- shadows sanity penalty -> by default 20 for worker (vanilla) and 30 for duelist (vanilla was 35).
- shadow sanity drain -> by default disabled, but if enabled you will suffer sanity drain for every active shadow.
- set the max amount of shadows (keep sanity penalty in mind) -> default 4 (vanilla)

- Enable/disable it
- Keep upgrade-fuel? Decide whether you want none, half or full amount of fuels used for upgrades back, when releasing the shadow (never gives it back if the shadow/you dies!)
- Visuals? When upgraded the equipment of the shadow can change colour to indicate the level. You can change colour or disable it.
- Set/disable the decay rate. 1 nightmarefuel every x days.

General shadows:
- Set durability of equipment used by shadows - default to *3 to compensate for early ineffectivity
- Set range value for shadows to maxwell to keep them working/attacking.
- Enable/disable additional information on examine.
- Set a "HitStun Timeout" -> default from 0-5 seconds. This timeout prevents the shadows from doing the "hit" animation, which would prevent them to attack/run away.
- Set Container Size for duelist and workers from 6 to 15 slots (default both 12, while duelists can only store equipments by default).

Duelist Settings:
- Set the health for level 0 and for level 100 of the duelist. -> default 100 to 2500
- Set the health regeneration for level 0 (doubles at level 100), keep in mind that giving him armor can make regeneration OP -> default 10 health per 2 seconds.
- Set damage multiplier for level 0 and 100 -> default 1 to 5 (so will do five time the weapon damage at level 100)
- Set Kiting tactic: Always tank, always kite or tank only while armor equipped. -> default smart
- Set Kiting distance: Set the range the duelist aims to be away from enemy, before attacking again. Attack period is automatically adjusted to achieve your setting. -> default 5
- Set attack period. Attack every x seconds, if tanking. If kiting the attack speed is automatically adjusted to make kiting possible, depending on set kiting values. -> default 1
- Allow to attack shadow creatures -> default off

Woker Settings:
- Set the health for level 0 and for level 100 of the worker. -> default 1 to 250
- Set the health regeneration for level 0 (doubles at level 20) -> default 2 health per 2 seconds.
- Set working effectivness at level 0 and 100. Chop+Mining can get worse and better. Dig only worse and Pick only better than default player. -> default -> *0.333 to *3 (so at level 0 he is 3 times slower than a player while at level 20 he is 3 times faster)
- Change the shovel equipped behaviour mentioned above. -> default: only dig bushes/grass/saplings when maxwell has also shovel equipped.
- Change the preferable tree stage for the lumber to cut trees. -> defaults to "only tall trees" (fully grown).
- Tell the lumber if he is allowed to cut specific trees without seeds. -> defaults to no.
- Set the range of sight from maxwell to help them find materials and start working

Even more customization:
I put the lists to allow actions/items into its own file "BM_AllowedItemActions.lua". You can change its content to your liking, to allow/forbid specific actions on things or to change the allowed content of shadow containers. Dont forget to back up your file somehwhere outside the modfolder, since an mod-update will resett this file.

- Wexxers mod Better Maxwell which was the base, but I rewrote from scratch and alot of own ideas.
- The Good Guy's mod Smarter Shadows for the idea to ignore some more things.
- Rezecibs Rezecib's Rebalance for the idea to toggle them on/off and adjust their speed automatically to the one of maxwell.
- Golden Demon for valueable suggestions and alot of bugtesting!

Your help:
Please leave feedback, suggestions, bugreports and especially:

Also take a look at other mods I made, see my workshop ;)
Popular Discussions View All (2)
1 Jan, 2022 @ 7:25am
Known Bugs / Bugreports
21 Jan, 2021 @ 10:54am
Ex Nihilo
Serp  [author] 17 Apr, 2023 @ 10:41am 
thanks for reminding me.Unfortunately I don't know when I have time left to update...
But its on my todo list to at least replace the new shadows with the ones from this mod.
Gosh of War 17 Apr, 2023 @ 9:23am 
really miss this mod, hope it gets updated soon
GamaRadioativo 24 Dec, 2022 @ 5:59pm 
i mean the strengh and life, or even time for the shadows.
Kaef 9 Dec, 2022 @ 12:23pm 
update plss :steamsad:
Serp  [author] 8 Dec, 2022 @ 8:07am 
Sorry, I don't understand what you want to say =/ What "status"?
I think the new summoning of shadows (with the wheel) is better than the old.
GamaRadioativo 8 Dec, 2022 @ 7:55am 
what about changing the status and durbility of the shadows, mantaing the summoning as it is now. Also the change of Maxwell status that is already in the mod.
it's plausible?
Serp  [author] 6 Dec, 2022 @ 2:32am 
May be alot of work to update, did not look at the code yet.
Easiest would most likely be to replace the new shadows with the ones from the mod (spawning them with the new spawn wheel). But it seems the new shadows also have some special new abilities, so no clue how to deal with that.

Maybe you can suggest what kind of combination would be good. I think this week I will at least replace the new shadows with the ones from this mod, since this is easiest. Combining some features of both may take a bit longer.
GamaRadioativo 5 Dec, 2022 @ 4:08pm 
Update pleeeeeeease.
Awesome mod
Timedeus 6 Nov, 2022 @ 9:01am 
Will this one get updated after maxwell refresh ?
Mickmane 28 Mar, 2022 @ 10:13am 
Serp, I didn't know they put "pick up" on right click though, sounds weird. (Have been distracted with other games lately.) Checking now, picking up something else is still left-click, just not the book. Very weird.

And I wonder, "Call Shadows", is that calling them to you? Did I miss a feature all the time because I left the book at home?

Anyway, maybe add an option "old behaviour" and "new behaviour" to the mod settings. Old behaviour is obviously what it did before the update, and "new behaviour" puts the call shadows into the inventory (which I'd find more convenient anyway, if it's calling them to you).

I'd leave the rest as it is in the "new behaviour", just so people don't get lost while getting used to the new crafting menu. :)