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23 Worst Things That Can Happen In PVP Battle
Mechanic tarafından
In every battle things do get wrong for one team or another as well as for one player or another and here are some basic and most common reasons why.

1. Battle starts and you immediately get a message on screen that your team is down by one player or two because they went to garage or got disconnected

2. Your team did a good job of destroying most of the enemies but you still lost the battle because enemies has captured two points in domination battle

3. Just one second before you and some teammates win the battle by capturing the base, huge enemy group return home and slaughter you all down

4. Your team lost the battle in less then 2 minutes and enemies didn't lost a single player

5. Your team making a traffic jam on some small passage while enemies are comfortably shooting us down from a distance

6. Watching your teammates shooting already disarmed bots instead of enemy players that do have weapons

7. Watching bots taking action that you know it's a guaranteed failure

8. Having a perfect chance to spray missiles at multiple enemies but that chance got wasted because teammate collided to your vehicle right when you were firing

9. You could win the battle, only if you had any ammo left

10. You flipped over, no teammate around to help you up and you become the enemies most easiest target

11. You stepped on a trap where multiple enemies have only you for a target

12. You have enough weapons to fight but not enough wheels to move

13. Both teams have the same fire weapon and you have come to a situation that fire is in your way but you don't know is it friendly or enemy fire

14. You taking a peak to fire your first shot and suddenly your build got half destroyed by the enemy artillery

15. Battle is over and you received 39 points for which you get no reputation and no reward

16. While waiting for the battle to start you see that most of the players have decently higher PS then you

17. Your teammate trolling you the whole battle

18. Your teammate sending salty massages

19. You lost connection or your game crashed in the middle of the battle

20. Battle starts, one teammate rushes towards enemies because his build have a potentially good reason for it, the other two follow him few seconds later after what enemy are down by one and our team by 3 players. After that 2 more our players are down by larger enemy groups on random places mostly because they didn't really know where they wanted to go. Now one player is charging for the whatever the first enemy come to his way because he see the battle as a certain lost and he just want to get over it. Remaining 2 players are now just waiting to be crushed by still very strong enemy. In other words, you are in a team full of f***** up people.
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7 Yorum
Civilized_Man 16 May 2022 @ 23:41 
#8 is the worst, as it can be missiles or cannons! Worse yet is if your teammate does this and pushes you into an exposed location for an enemy melee build that just straight up deletes you & then them but never teammate first then you :))

Another one to add is when a cloaked melee unit oneshots you at the very start of the match causing you to have no points and zero reward (((
wthaindm 19 Haz 2020 @ 9:05 
21. You are partying and the people you play with have a really high power score so you get destroyed.
Cunning Name 13 Haz 2020 @ 18:45 
10a. You flipped over, teammate right next to you can help you up, but wont because you become the enemies most easiest target and not him.
The Hat Critic 27 Eyl 2019 @ 5:45 
23. Go to B on domination, just to find yourself surrounded by enemies when all 7 of your teammates are on A even though more than 3 people on point doesn't help
Hammer96 26 Eyl 2019 @ 8:49 
22. actually play in a party of good people, not ignorant insubordinate people.
Rein 25 Eyl 2019 @ 2:11 
21. You don't learn from the mistakes you make.
MLGTASTIC 20 Eyl 2019 @ 8:54 
21.Get insta shot from half of the map