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Grimorum & Groov's: Invoker Guide after 7000+ Games
Vytvořil Grimorum Invoker a spoluautoři (1)
Grimorum's Credentials:
- Globally Ranked as #4 Invoker excluding PROs and #31 Invoker Including PROs (
- #17 in DotaCinema's Hall of Fame Episode 50
- 4000+ invoker games in Dota 1 and 3000+ invoker games in Dota 2
- Invoker's Raging Fury Series Gameplay
- 83.7% win rate and 7.77 KDA score with Invoker over 270 Matches
- 100% Invoker Success Rate (According to Dotabuff Plus Feature)

Groov's Credentials:
- Globally Ranked as #13 excluding PROs and #40 Invoker Including PROs (
- Globally Ranked as #3 including PROs (dotamax/maxplus)
- 3000+ invoker games in Dota 1 and 2000+ invoker games in Dota 2
- 65.93% win rate and 5.64 KDA score with Invoker over 770 Matches

In my opinion, Invoker is the most entertaining hero in Dota 2! He is also the most complex hero and has one of the highest potential skill cap. Play Invoker if you have enough patience and will to learn this Masterful Hero!
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Grimorum's Credentials
What is Invoker's Role?
Invoker is best played as a semi-carry. Normally, invoker needs to stay in lane until level seven and farm an important item or two. Invoker is too valuable to die, so avoid putting yourself in the front line after initiation. Positioning is supremely important for invoker; his best aoe spells are linear. Analyze whether you or your team should initiate. If the opposing team has better initiation, then you need to counter their initiation. My favorite section of this guide is about Tornado. To counter an initiation, always consider Tornado. It removes many buffs like Drum of endurance's active buff, Empower, Enrage, etc.
Pros / Cons
What Orbs Do I Focus?
Ghost walk was massively buffed and tornado deals good damage with amazing range. Wex/Qua's EMP is great against heroes with small mana pool. Unfortunately, Invoker's low damage base makes it very difficult to farm and level without Exort. If you have 3+ carries on your team, go W/Q, but that game is probably too hard to salvage. This build has very good crowd control, but you are unlikely to get kills in a team clash. I really like the new EMP buff in 6.79.

Full Exort's Sun Strike is great against heroes with low health points; it synergizes well with Spirit breaker, Sand King, Legion Commander, Naga Siren, Bane, Nyx Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Night Stalker, Storm Spirit, Nature's Prophet, etc. The biggest drawback to this build is that it completely relies on your team to initiate. Fortunately, obtaining Eul's Scepter of Divinity will allow you to execute sneak attacks on a lone player; however, do not initiate with Eul's Scepter of Divinity in a team clash. I would only consider this build in 1/50 games if only you absolutely need exort and have good gankers.

in 6.85 update Invoker had a decent buff to his intelligence gain from 3.2 to 4. This mean that you easily farm up your items in lanes.

After 7.00 patch release, 4-1-4 build for double forge spirit is no longer needed, u can get it by level 15 with his talent.
Lane Strategy
Practice map awareness and team communication. Due to Invoker's low base attack damage, Exort is a must against Bloodseeker, Shadow Fiend and Queen Of Pain. On the other hand, Quas is super important for survival in lane. Alacrity, Sun Strike, Forge spirit and cold snap are your primary spells for Exort in lane phase. Tornado, EMP, ghost walk, and Cold Snap are your best spells in the lane phase. Invoker is not good at capturing runes, so never buy a bottle but u can still deny oppenent runes with your forge spirit. Try to stay in lane unless a good opportunity arises. If you go exort, you are expected to assist team with Sun Strike or TP, so pay attention to mini-map and communicate with your team

Here are a few scenarios and options:

  • Mid against a solo Mepo or Lone Druid (farming heroes that don't use runes to gank): focus on last hits with alacrity!
  • Mid against two heroes: Your job is to stay alive. Use EMP!
  • Against good mid solos like Queen of Pain, Puck, Zeus, etc, just focus on farming and safely take runes or kill them with Forge Spirit. Either rush wand and boots or Hand of Midas or core item.
  • Your oppenent tends to roam alot, if you cant help the other lanes thy and push out to take towers with your alacrity and forge spirits

Early Game
Invoker needs levels more than any other hero, so gank only with good opportunities. Must carry TP scrolls to gank or protect team. Do not level up your orb until you see your opponent and his/her items. Clarity potions help a lot because Invoker does not use bottle.

By the way, if the distance between you and your target is less than 600, you could do a slight turn and catch your target with the tip of your Ice Wall.

Mid Game
If you went fulll exort, mana and cooldown restraints are an annoyance, but in a perfect world, invoke Forge Spirits first and Cold Snap or Meteor second. Invoke a third spell if you predict your Forge spirits will last throughout the upcoming battle. Early game, Exort builds are not proficient in crowd controlling, so you might need your team to initiate. If you do not have enough time or mana to prepare your spells for battle, it is better to push down a tower. Chaos Meteor or Tornado (if wex/quas build) a creep wave, then use your Forge Spirit to pull incoming creep wave away, then use Alacrity. Doing this will give you a minimum of forty seconds to destroy the tower.

It is almost always best to have Spirits summoned before battle, but beware of their expiration. Furthermore, consider summoning Spirits during battle if you have a Force Staff. For example: Force Staff yourself next to Brewmaster, then use Spirits and Cold Snap right next to him. The stun lock will prevent Brewmaster from using Ultimate for several seconds.

Wex Quas build does not have problem with mana. EMP has enormous mana recovery and mana burn potential! You need to actively coordinate ganks by scouting with Ghost Walk in the day time or initiate tornado/emp. Maintain your distance in battles. Wex Invoker has amazing MS and disables, but all that is wasted if you are chain stunned.
Late Game
Push side lanes with Forge Spirits to give your team more opportunities to smoke gank. During ganks, invoke Cold Snap first, then Tornado. Remember to prep orbs. Cast Cold snap, then immediately replace it with Chaos Meteor. When defending towers, invoke Alacrity first, then Tornado. Cast Alacrity on your carry or your Forge spirit, then replace it with Meteor. Against heroes with Black King Bar, consider initiating with Tornado and/or Emp/Ice Wall in hopes they pop the magic immunity. Then cast Alacrity on Forge spirits as your team retreats. Cast Ice wall so that opponents without BKB will have difficulty chasing. When slow sieging, do not rush it, let opponents make the first mistake. Target the tower and barracks with your Forge spirits, remember to use Alacrity! Aswell remember Sunstrike goes through magic immune so you can still deal at least 475(without aghanim) pure damage while they are on thier bkb state
Invoker have specific talent for specific situation of the game, Some of them worth to be used every game but some should be changed depending on how the game progresses.

== Talents ==

Level 10 : +125 Health or +15 Damage

This talent is very situational and both can be used in games, if u feel like need more hp goes for the +HP talent, otherwise goes for damage.

Level 15 : +30% Exp gain or +1 Forge Spirit Summon

Most of the game i tends to go with +30% Exp gain, but certain games that u can push earlier forge spirit will benefits more.

Level 20 : +35 Attack Speed or +7 All Stats

+7 stats is one of the recommended talent to go. +35 attack speed is good if u are going rightclick voker

Level 25 : -18Sec Tornado Cooldown or Aoe Deafening blast

Both talents can be used in various type of game,
Tornado : Tornado cooldown reduction is very unbalanced in my opinion and can be exploited to
disable the enemy longer than it should be. With octarine core the tornado cooldown will be only 9sec, meaning with 3 sec lift time on heroes, u only have 6 sec between tornadoes cast. Furthermore, combined with keeper of the light chakra magic, u will only have 3 sec tornado cooldown which is very very unbalanced.

Blast : Aoe blast is good on situation that u are doing your spells comboes, running from enemy ganks/chase, or even push enemy that trying to kill u from any direction. Furthermore its a great tool to ensure most of the enemy getting disarmed so u can safely help your teamates from any side.

Helpful Tips for Invoker's spells
Tornado can be used to stack creep camps by lifting them in at the spawn time. Damage is dealt immediately after landing; it prevents the use of Blink Dagger. Tornado is a good spell to have ready against Pudge. If hooked, Tornado nearby anywhere asap and you might avoid Dismember.You can use it for Sun Strikes or hunt heroes in the trees. Tornado removes the following buffs:

If timed properly, Tornado will ignore Spiked Carapace as long as carapace expires before lift duration. Remember that enemies are completely invulnerable while cycloned, so you still need to time your spells to hit after they land. The cyclone duration is based on Quas, so be mindful of how many levels of Quas you have as well. Tornado provides flying vision along its path as it travels, so it can be used as a scouting spell of sorts if you need to find an enemy in the fog of war. You and your team can subsequently use this vision in combination with your other spells, such as following up a successful cyclone with a global range Sun Strike.

Forge Spirit
You can block hooks/arrow by summoning spirit! Use smoke on Forge Spirits and have entire team backdoor by teleporting on Forge Spirits (Beware backdoor protection)! Consider stacking ancients with Forge Spirit. Rune spawn is random, therefore, before the rune spawn, I like to send a Forge Spirit to destroy bottom rune at the 46th second and grab top rune at 55th second (during lane phase). Push lanes with Forge Spirits or scout with them. You could also pull incoming creep wave away from tower with a Forge Spirit; you can now attack the tower without enemy creep.

Cold Snap
Cold Snap has 1000 range, but Invokers attack range is 600. If Quas is low level, cast Cold Snap with a distance around 300 or your next attack will not trigger Cold Snap because it will be on cooldown. As Cold Snap is leveled up the trigger cooldown decreases, meaning that at maximum level of Quas heroes with cast or attack animations above 0.2 seconds are unable to do anything without dispelling the debuff first, if the mini-stun procs immediately when it is able to. Most of the time, it is a good idea to use animation canceling during Cold Snap's duration. Aphotic Shield and Living Armor counters cold snap hardcore.

Level 1-2 Cold snap no longer cancels Salve/Clarities.

Damage over time spells works wonders with Cold Snap. Note: the stun only triggers on damage greater than 10 after reductions (creeps does not trigger cold snap against heroes with high armor). Urn of Shadow triggers Cold Snap.

Ice Wall
If Ice Wall deals 10 or more damage after reduction, it will trigger Cold Snap. Ice wall with two or more Exort will remove Templar Assassins refraction every second. Casting ice Wall in front of your tower can provide a great defense. Although opposing heroes are unlikely to be caught, you can destroy all the creeps with tower and Forge Spirits. Ice Wall does not necessary have to catch any enemy. You could use Ice Wall to block reinforcements.

Chaos Meteor
Meteor provides a small vision; Cold Snap quickly! Meteor with one level of Exort can be used as a scare tactic (Do not consider this without Aghanim's Scepter.). Meteor can also be used defensely; opponents will reconsider chasing you when meteor is following you but remember Chaos Meteor has the longest cooldown out of all of Invoker's spells. Be careful about when you cast it, as you have to wait almost a minute to cast it again

Besides your team carry, Alacrity on Forge Spirits or siege creep is a great way to push towers from a distance. Make sure to put Alacrity on Void. Alacrity can be cast on targets with magic immunity! In 6.85v Update, Alacrity attack damage and attack speed got buffed from 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 to 30/40/50/60/70/80/90 so consider this spell as one of your best spell in game as it can give tons of damage if used on your team carries (right clicker)

Ghost Walk
Ghost walk can dodge certain projectiles. Invoke interrupts TP scroll, but Ghost Walk does not. Ghost Walk's slow aura is blocked by magic immunity. If your goal is to run away from the enemy, remember that you need at least 4 levels of Wex in order to negate the movement penalty. However, if you have time, it is also advised to shift all of your active orbs to Wex, in order to grant yourself a movement speed bonus.

Ghost Walk, Force Staff, and Ice Wall can be used as a great initiation tactic. Imagine this:
Your team is pushing, but have trouble taking tower uphill. You can use Ghost Walk, wait for target to last hit creeps, then force staff target out of position then Ice Wall!

Deafening Blast
This spell can push opponents on/off cliffs. If you invoke Meteor with EEW, a simple QR can invoke Blast after invoking Meteor. If you cast Sun Strike behind an opponent, but he does not run back, you could push him/her towards Sun Strike. Blasting an opponent can break trees if he/she backs into it.

Deafening Blast can also be used to "PULL" targets! Use Tornado or Eul first. If you time it properly and your target lands on Blast, they will get pulled towards you. However, this is probably one of the hardest things to do in Dota.

Sun Strike
Works great with Eul's scepter or two second stuns by allies. If someone is using TP scroll with low health, but your Sun Strike will not hit him/her before he/she TP, then target near the fountain instead. Bloodseeker may discreetly guide your Sun Strikes with vision. Sun Strikes provides XP if you kill the hero with it! If you are running back to fountain, consider using Sun Strike to farm a creep or two or hurt enemy hero. Sun Strike pierces through magic immunity.

Weakened by Arcane Boots and Obsidian Destroyer's Essence Aura. Do not focus Wex build if you predict three or more opposing heroes will get Arcane Boots. You can lure opponents out of position with EMP. Casting EMP in fog or directly on the tower might conceal your spell.
While it loses much of its potency in the late game due to mana pools getting larger, EMP can still greatly disrupt enemies at all stages of the game. Destroying the mana on low-intelligence heroes, particularly strength and agility casters, can render them impotent in the early- and mid-game, while doing so in the late-game can hinder an enemy carry's ability to cast spells
Urn Of Shadow:
Great for triggering cold snap.

Aghanim's Scepter:
Prior to 7.00 patch, Aghanim's is better to get early as possible (after midas) so can land more spells and remove the 80 mana cost.

Black King Bar:
Great item for the Hybrid invoker. Activate this item after Silencer uses his ultimate. Enemies will charge in thinking they have impunity. Now is your best chance to Tornado, Meteor, Blast, and Ice Wall. On the other hand, if you activate BKB too early, Silencer can penetrate your BKB with ultimate. Situational Item.

Blink Dagger:
Great mobility item in conjunction with force staff. Decent item to assist you in positioning for ice wall, cold snap, etc. I prefer forcestaff in most occasions. Eul/SS/Meteor/Blast deals about 1100 damage after reductions. Dagger can help you catch those elusive heroes with low HP like Anti-Mage, Slark, Storm, etc. Dagger also works amazingly well to help you setup the perfect tornado/meteor/blast/etc combo.

Drum of Endurance:
Great affordable team item. However, this item does not solve invokers mana troubles.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity:
Great item for any invoker build. However, it does not solve the low damage output of wex invoker. The 2.5 second lift duration is a perfect setup for sunstrike, meteor, and blast combo (Around 1100 damage after reduction). Also works great with dagger; Eul's 2.5 second invulnerability will buy time so you can dagger away.

Eye of Skadi:
Slow effect penetrates magic immune heroes! Very good item choice to counter back! If many opponents have magic immunity, consider skipping aghanim scepter all together. But not a recommended item, since you can get other better item.

Force Staff:
Great item for the team! This item has the most flexibility. Highly recommended against Stealth Assassin, nature's prophet, and clock. In addition, you can push enemies out of position, save your team, force enemy onto impassable terrain, etc. If you have fast reflexes, Force Staff yourself to dodge Impale after Vendetta. Icewall aslo can help you land icewall quite easily.

Gem of True Sight:
Gem works great with wex build. High movement speed and invokers disables makes him difficult to kill.

Ghost Scepter:
Good stats gain and survivability against Ursa, SA, Huskar, etc.

Hand of Midas:
Invoker is more concerned about levels than gold, so transmute level six creeps for 2.5x the experience! Note: an entire set of beginning creep wave gives 227 XP. Transmuting with Midas on a level 6 creep gives 297 XP! I tends to get this if im going exort build.

Linken's Sphere:
Great item against Doom, Nyx, and sudden Hex/Orchid. However, this item is very costly.

Amazing synergy with spirits/snap combo. True sight makes this item very useful against TA/BH etc. Great defense against Pudge's hooks. 4 summons and Cold Snap will likely kill your target. 4 summons plus alacrity can hurt towers real good.

Orchid Malevolence:
Love this item for Wex build. It solves Wex invokers lack of damage and mana regeneration. This item works amazingly well with Cold Snap. Morph, Anti-mage, Lifestealer, Storm, etc are all going to hate you for this.

This works marvelous with cold snap, but this is not your item to buy.

Refresher Orb:
This is my favorite item but i discourage 99% of invoker users to get this item. It is highly situational and requires perfect spell executions as well as positioning. Furthermore, BKB users will laugh in your face. You will need a minimum of 1700 mana to make good use of this item.

Rod of Atos:
One of the best item prior to 7.00 patch since the root mechanics, u can easily nuke and disable enemy from far,

Scythe of Vyse:
Best item for ganking. Very costly, but it is worth the price.

Veil of Discord:
Works good if you manage to activate Discord before Tornado/Meteor/Blast combo. However, it delays your tornado slightly and reveals your location. As a result, your opponents have a better chance of dodging your combo. For this reason, I do not recommend Veil on Invoker.

Octarine Core:
One of the best items for Invoker since it reduce all 10 spell's cooldowns and you can lifesteal with your spells. Consider getting this if you really need to reduce spell's cooldown

Shiva's Guard:
I normally tends to get Shiva's Guard if i feel i need more chasing capabilities as it synergize really well with your spells/combos, it gives you more crowd control abilities as well as making you tankier.
Videos: Refresher Combo Tutorials
Raging Fury Combo:
  • Ultimate Combo

Nuclear Strike Combo:
  • Insane Damage against 3 or more Targets! 6.81b patch nerfed EMP's detonation to 2.6 seconds. Targets hit by Deafening Blast cannot avoid the first EMP, but they have enough time to avoid the second EMP.

Magnetic Storm Combo:
  • Most Reliable and Flexible, My Favorite! Nearly unaffected by EMP's nerf in 6.81. Usable as early as level 19.

Bring the Rain Combo:
  • Reliable & Second Fastest Burst Damage up to Two Targets! Usable as early as level 19.

Assassination Combo
  • Opposing team has One Very Farmed Carry like AM, Spectre, or Void? Assassinate! Re-consider if the Farmed Carry uses BKB or Blade Mail. After a few right clicks with forge spirits, this combo can do about 4400 damage to one target. Even AM will take about 3200 damage after reduction.

Typhoon Combo:
  • Usable after level 15. Consider wisely, it can be Extremely Mindblowing, or it can be Extremely Wasteful. Depends on Hero Lineup.

Impending Apocalypse Combo:
  • Great for stalling time and setting up the battle ground. This combo uses all of Invoker's deadly Aoe spells twice.
Invoker Gameplay & Downloadable Matches
These replays expire fast so I uploaded them for everyone. Just download and move it to steam's replay folder: Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\replays
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Very High MMR: Average 5600
Invoker vs Shadow Fiend
Skill Build: v6.81b: Day Stalker
Refresher Combos used: Typhoon, Nuclear Strike & Assassination
Invoker vs Weaver
Skill Build: v6.81b: 4-1-4 vs Carry
Invoker vs Skywrath Mage
Skill Build: v6.81b: Wex - Team Battle Monster
Invoker vs Magnus
Skill Build: v6.81b: 4-1-4 vs Carry
Invoker vs OD
Skill Build: v6.81: 7-9 min EUL
Invoker vs Axe
Skill Build: v6.80: Day Stalker
Invoker vs Death Prophet

Ranked Matchmaking!8I912L7Z!jcrRCBRwLTKTvugTwxXH0k0SCrrtuKkWHptEqANVRvQ
Skill Build: v6.79: 4-0-4-1
Invoker vs Tinker
Early Midas and Rush Necronomicon (Expires around Nov 9, 2013)
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: v6.79: Wex, the Team Battle Monster
Basic gameplay: Win middle, Control runes, gank side lanes, Control map. (Expires around Nov 6, 2013)
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: v6.79: 4-0-4-1
Atos is effective against Nyx (Expires around Oct 22, 2013)
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Global Sun Strike
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Push, End ASAP
Use Necromonicon's Active skill, I was too lazy.
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Adapt to situation. Quas, Sentry Ward, Orb of Venom, and Force Staff all necessary
Download Here[]
Download Here[]:
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Refresher Combo used: Bring the Rain
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Refresher Combos used: Bring the Rain & Magnetic Storm
Download Here[]
Download Here:[]
Skill Build: Universal 4-1-4
Common Mistakes
Avoid double initiation. It is very frustration to see a ravage cancelled by a tornado. At level 13+, prep orbs for the next spell and replace the old spell asap (think twice before replacing Cold Snap). At level 17+, predict your next needed spell and invoke it instead of invoking only as needed. Avoid using Meteor to farm, it has a very long cool down. Although Invoker casts spells instantly, you must consider the turn rate or you might end up cancelling the spell (Pay attention to Napalm stacks). Cold Snap is usually faster than Tornado if your goal is to interrupt channeling.
Switching Orbs
Tornado is popularly known to be invoked with Wex Wex Quas, but this is not the order you want to execute.

Option 1: Wex Quas Wex is the fastest route to invoke Tornado
Option 2: Quas Wex Wex is the most efficient route if you are playing Wex Invoker. After Tornado is invoked, simply hit Wex one time and Invoker will have all orbs focused as Wex. This is very important because the three wex orbs provides a lot of movement and attack speed bonus.

Meteor is popularly known to be invoked with Exort Exort Wex, but this is not the order you want to execute.

Option 1: Exort Wex Exort is the fastest route to invoke Meteor.
Option 2: Wex Exort Exort is the most efficient route if you are playing Exort Invoker. After Meteor is invoked, simply hit Exort one time and Invoker will have all orbs focused as Exort. This is very important because the three exort orbs provides bonus attack damage.

This important concept applies to all of Invoker's spells.
Game Mode: All Pick
This hero is extremely fun, but playing against your worst enemies is a nightmare. Do not pick invoker instantly; try to avoid Silencer, Pugna, and Doom. Invoker needs levels more than any other hero, so solo mid is usually your best choice. Do not send a solo invoker to a suicide long lane; he is the most vulnerable hero at level one!
Etiquette and Morale
If your entire team refuses to ward, then step up and do it yourself. Avoid confrontation. Although ganking at early levels is not your role, I find it helpful to do so in public games. This will increase your teams morale and decrease your opposing teams morale. Requesting solo middle is much better than demanding it; you can reduce tension and gauge the cooperativeness of your team.
Groov's Gameplay Videos
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Keyboard Setup
may not be the best, but this is how I use my hotkeys:

1,2,3,4,5 = Inventory
6 = fortify
7 = transfer items
8 = grab stash
9 = courier
0 = shop
` = Sticky
Tab = quick buy
Caps lock = all summons
Ctrl = all units
m = move

Auto Attack: OFF

Alt+q/w/e/r/a/s/d = Inventory
0 = Fortify
F3 = Grab Stash + Transfer item (console command)
F2 = Courier
Spacebar = shop
Mouse5 = Sticky
Mouse4 = Quick Buy
2 = Select Other unit
Ctrl = All unit
M = Move

Auto Attack = OFF
Legacy keys for skills

Patch Notes
- Alacrity​ mana cost increased from 45 to 60.

- Level 15 Talent from +25% XP Gain to +30%
- Level 25 Talent from -15s Tornado​ Cooldown to -18s

- Strength gain increased from 1.7 to 1.9.
- Quas​ HP regen rescaled from 1.5/3/4.5/6/.. to 1/3/5/7/..
- Level 15 talent increased from 20% XP to 25% XP.

- EMP​ damage changed from Pure to Magical
- EMP damage per mana burned increased from 50% to 60%
​ - Invoke Is no longer an upgradeable ability.
- Invoke cooldown rescaled from 22/17/12/5 to 6
- Invoke mana cost rescaled from 20/40/60/80 to 60
- Invoke No longer consumes mana when only slot positions are updated.
- Aghanim's Scepter cooldown rescaled from 16/8/4/2 to 2
- Deafening Blast​ is no longer automatically upgraded when Reagents are level 7.
- Forge Spirit​ no longer spawn multiple when Quas/Exort are level 4.
- Invoker no longer gains passive attributes when leveling Reagents.
- Invoker no longer has a +6 Attribute Bonus ability at level 25.
- Active Exort​ instances damage bonus increased from 3/6/9/12/.. to 4/8/12/16/..
- Active Quas​ instances HP regen increased from 1/2/3/4/.. to 1.5/3/4.5/6/..
- Added talents:
Level 10: +15 Damage or +125 Health
Level 15: +1 Forge Spirit​ Summoned or +20% XP Gain
Level 20: +7 All Stats or +35 Attack Speed
Level 25: AoE Deafening Blast​ or -15s Tornado​ Cooldown


- Reduced Forge Spirit​ attack damage from 29/38/47/56/65/74/83 to 22/32/42/52/62/72/82.


- Reduced base Intelligence from 22 to 16.
- Increased base attack damage from 13-19 to 19-25.
- Increased cast time of all invoked spells from 0 to 0.05.
- Cold Snap's initial debuff is now dispellable.
- Increased Ghost Walk cooldown from 35 to 45.
- Reduced Tornado vision radius from 600 to 200.
- Changed Forge Spirit health/mana from Exort/Quas based to Quas/Exort based.


Deafening Blast
- Hit enemies are no longer disabled during the knockback (so they can now use spells and
items during it).
- Now applies the disarm instantly upon hit, instead of right after the knockback.
- Increased disarm duration from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5 to 1.25/2/2.75/3.5/4.25/5/5.75/6.5


- Reduced base Agility from 20 to 14.
- Increased Deafening Blast mana cost from 200 to 300.


- Reduced base Strength from 19 to 17.
- Rescaled Alacrity damage and attack speed bonus from
30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 to 10/25/40/55/70/85/100/11


- Invoker now starts with Invoke Level 1 at the beginning of the game
- Invoke now has the standard 6/11/16 leveling
- Level 25 invoker (since he is now missing an ability level) has an attribute bonus ability that
grants 6 all stats


- Increased Intelligence intelligence gain from 3.2 to 4.
- Aghanim's Scepter now also adds one level to the stats provided by Quas, Wex, and Exort on
all Invoked spells.
- Increased Alacrity attack damage and attack speed bonus from 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 to
- [Undocumented] Increased Tornado duration at level 7 from 2.5 to 2.6 (formula still is 0.5 +
(0.3 * Quas), but no longer capped at 2.5.)
- Deafening Blast is now ground-targeted at max level again, instead of instant cast (still
releases all around Invoker when at last level, this only changes its targeting type).


- Increased Intelligence intelligence gain from 2.5 to 3.2.
- Invoke no longer goes on cooldown if it only swaps the ability slots.
- Reduced Sun Strike cooldown from 30 to 25.
- Deafening Blast now turns into a non-targetable circular wave released in every direction
around Invoker when at max level (Quas, Wex and Exort at level 7).
- The following abilities no longer ignore ancient creeps, Roshan and creep-heroes: Tornado,
EMP, Chaos Meteor, Sun Strike, Ice Wall and Deafening Blast


-Tornado flying vision area reduced from 1200 to 600
-Tornado damage from 2*Wex+Quas to 3*Wex
- Alacrity can be cast on targets with Magic Immunity
- Urn Triggers Cold Snap!
- Sun Strike pierces Magic Immunity


- Forged Spirits 33% magic resistance removed
- Cold Snap damage reworked from the initial and secondary proc damage of 60/30 to 7xQuasLevel per proc
- Deafening Blast's Disarm is now dispelled when Magic Immunity is applied


- Fixed Invoker's Chaos Meteor to stack multiple meteors correctly
- Fixed Invoker's Chaos Meteor to deal the proper number of damage instances at 1 and 2 Wex
- Ghost Walk slow no longer affects magic immune enemies
- EMP delay increased from 2.6 to 2.9
- The Cyclone effect of Eul's Scepter and Invoker's Tornado can now be purged
- Necronomicon
Necronomicon Warrior's movement speed rescaled from 330/360/390 to 350
Necronomicon units XP bounty increased from 59 to 100/150/200
- Pipe of Insight
Pipe's active buff is no longer dispellable
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Cyclone now deals 50 damage to enemy units when they land
You can now cast Cyclone on yourself while you are magic immune



- Forge Spirits armor reduced from 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 to 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
- Forge Spirits attack range reduced from 300->900 to 300->690
- EMP burn increased from 100->400 to 100->550
- EMP delay from 3.7->2 to 2.6
- Alacrity manacost reduced from 75 to 45
- Ghost Walk movement speed from -30/-25/-20/-15/-10/-5/0 to -30/-20/-10/0/10/20/30
- Arcane Boots: Manacost increased by 10
- Blink Dagger: Blink no longer has a manacost (Target can blink even if you mana burn)
- Drums of Endurance
Number of charges increased from 4 to 5
Recipe cost increased from 800 to 875
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Cyclone cooldown reduced from 25 to 23
- Necronomicon
Bounty increased from 100/125/150 to 100/150/200
Unit's armor reduced from 6/8/10 to 4
Cooldown increased from 80 to 95
- Refresher Orb: Recipe cost reduced from 1875 to 1800
- Rod of Atos: HP bonus increased from 325 to 350

New Meta: Refresher Invoker!
- Ranged Heroes now get the same denied experience as melee heroes (instead of less)
- XP bounty of level 6 creeps was reduced to 119. This indirectly nerfs Midas for Invoker.
- EMP restores Invoker for 50% of the mana it drains from heroes (excluding illusions)
- Invoke Max Spells rescaled from 1/2/2/2 to 2
- Alacrity manacost decreased from 100 to 75
- Ghost Walk slow increased from 20/23/26/30/33/36/40 to 20/25/30/35/40/45/50
- Ghost Walk cooldown decreased from 60 to 35
- Tornado damage rescaled from 70+(Wex+Quas)*20 to 70+(2*Wex+Quas)*15
The following changes are an indirect nerf to Invoker
- 4 hero XP bonus changed from 15+6*Level to 20+5*level
- 5 hero XP bonus changed from 10+5*Level to 15+4*level
- Level 11 XP requirements reduced from 6500 to 6000
- Level 12 XP requirements increased from 7700 to 8200
- New Force Staff: +10 Intelligence & +3 Regeneration
- Drum of Endurance: Recipe cost increased from 750 to 800
- Drum of Endurance: Bonus damage decreased from 9 to 3
- 65 Heroes got buffed (Invoker's buff did not make W/Q viable and hardly helped Exort)

The following changes are an indirect buff to Invoker
- While empty, Bottle causes Couriers to move 30% slower
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Recipe cost decreased from 600 to 500
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Movement speed bonus increased from 25 to 30

Guide Updates
  • March 17, 2017 - Updated skill buils to patch v7.03, Added 1 New skills build, Added New Talent Section, Edited some minor guide due to changes from 7.00.
  • July 3, 2016 - Updated skill buils to patch v6.88, Added 2 New skills build
    v6.88: Groov Personal Exort Build (Primary) and v6.88 Groov's Personal Q/W Build
  • June 27, 2016 - Updated Groov credentials, Item section (build section currently cant be updated due to steam error)
  • December 21, 2015 - Updated Groov's personal build, added Grimorum 6.86 Mid lane skill build, Updated patch for 6.86
  • November 29, 2015 - Added Skill Build: Grimorum's 7-1-4 vs Doom
  • Oct 14, 2015 - Added Ultimate combo tutorial video
  • October 2, 2015 - Added Collaborator Groov. Groov will be updating this guide on my behalf as my disciple
  • November 8, 2014 - Added Twitch link for Regular Streaming
  • November 8, 2014 - Added my Contacts and Accounts
  • September 29, 2014 - Updated Patch Update for 6.82
  • August 18, 2014 - Added Video: DotA2 Cinematic Montage in Top Weekly Appearances
  • June 28, 2014 - Added Invoker's Raging Fury Tribute in Credentials.
  • June 19, 2014 - Added new Tutorial: Impending Apocalypse Comb
  • June 17, 2014
    - Added new gameplay in the Invoker's Gameplay section
    - Updated sections to patch 6.81b: What Orbs Do I Focus? and Lane Strategy
  • June 13, 2014 - Added new match in the Invoker's Gameplay section
    - New Section: Keyboard Setup
  • June 9, 2014 - Added a new Tutorial: Typhoon Combo
  • June 2, 2014
    - Cold Snap with 1 or 2 levels of quas no longer disrupts healing salve and clarity potion
    - Magic immunity purges Deafening Blast in patch 6.81b
  • June 1, 2014 - Adjusted a few spell tips:
    - Tornado no longer purge Pipe of Insight
    - Ice Wall is completely purged by BKB in patch 6.81b
  • May 30, 2014 - Added a new Tutorial: Assassination Combo
  • May 04, 2014 - Added a new section: Switching Orbs
  • April 12, 2014 - Added a new section: Refresher Combo Tutorial Section
Počet komentářů: 209
Отвращение 1. dub. 2023 v 6.24 
напишите полнейшей хуеты в профиле
♀PiCole de Leche♀ 28. led. 2022 v 5.41 
Karl 4. srp. 2020 v 14.01 
No{O}ne 25. dub. 2020 v 23.05 
Vendetta 14. lis. 2017 v 5.17 
Update to 7.07?
M~E~D~I~C~I~N~E 16. zář. 2017 v 3.38 
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
GER: Such dir eine Sache aus der Liste aus und schreib es unter mein Profil und ich mache es auch bei dir!
PL: Wybierz jeden z komentarzy ponizej i zamiesc w moim profilu, odwdziecze sie tym samym !
+rep Oui! Nice OVERPAY
+rep Oui mate! please Boost me
+rep WAOW 2pro4me
+rep dude u need to go to the International you're so goooood!!!
+rep SUGOI!!!!!!
+rep WOOAHH there please have mercy
+rep Im already dead.
+rep Please OVERPAY me again :(
.kickback 14. kvě. 2017 v 1.46 
Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+rep good player
+rep nice player
+rep gg wp
+rep gamer
+rep fast and nice trade
+rep good teammate
+rep nice teammate
+rep AK47 GOD
+rep Cool friend
+rep Good job
+rep great, highly recommended
+rep Great man
+rep best gamer CS:GO
+rep trusted CS:GO player
+rep pro seller
+rep good gamer
+rep fast trader
+rep middle-man
v1ce 15. led. 2017 v 22.25 
Dragon Lance Slark! Check out my new guide on my profile!
Sharif 14. pro. 2016 v 15.14 
broooooooooooo plz update!!! invoker 6.70 is very bad
PADesai 6. čvn. 2016 v 20.55 
This guide is gonna get me going again after 3 years away (and I used this guide then too). Thanks man.