Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

28 ratings
More Historical Nicknames
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22 Aug, 2019 @ 3:40pm
24 Aug, 2019 @ 3:13pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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More Historical Nicknames


More Historical Nicknames seeks to expand the variety of nicknames your rulers can obtain in game by adding a number of new nicknames based on real historical epithets. By basing each nickname on an actual historical figure, MHN is trying to retain a close vanilla feel, and possibly spark some interest in the real figures of the medieval era who your antics in-game are replicating.


Currently, MHN adds 62 nicknames to the game based on characters' traits and stats, with more planned for the future (currently researching and implementing a new list). Check out the discussions tab to see a full list of currently added nicknames.

Currently I only have them localized in English.


MHN is compatible with version 3.2.1 of CK2, and should remain compatible with future versions without needing an update as it only adds new files, rather than changing any vanilla files.

MHN is not Ironman compatible as it changes the checksum, sorry.

MHN should be compatible with most other mods as it adds its own files and does not change any vanilla files. However, it may have issues with total overhaul mods. If you have a specific overhaul mod you would like me to test compatibility for, I would be happy to.

Help Appreciated

Feel free to leave suggestions of nicknames to add in the comment section, and I will credit them to you if I add them into the mod. As outlined in the goal, each nickname I add must be based on an actual historical epithet of a ruler (rulers from the medieval era are preferred, but I don't mind nicknames from somewhat before or after the timespan of the game if they are still good fits for the period). I would especially love ideas from outside Europe, since my current list is very Eurocentric.

If anyone would be willing to put together French, German, or Spanish localizations for the mod I would love that and happily credit you with them.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
22 Aug, 2019 @ 3:43pm
PINNED: MHN Full Nicknames List
冠希 24 Apr, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
Is it compatible with nicknames plus plus plus
Bigmachingon 27 Mar, 2020 @ 4:38pm 
Please post a link for external download
JohnMems 25 Jan, 2020 @ 5:32am 
Could "Longshanks" be added, which was the nickname given to King Edward I of England, who was also called "Hammer of the Scots"
Farabi 7 Sep, 2019 @ 8:21am 
Sorry, I should have said laqaba, not nisba. But yes, I’ll see what I can find.
Spartachilles  [author] 31 Aug, 2019 @ 1:34pm 
@Farabi, I definitely see what you mean about Constantine V (I had considered putting his nickname in the mod). Generally I will keep the nicknames rendered in English mostly because I like to avoid locking nicknames to certain cultures, but I have already made some exception and most likely will in the future. I will also avoid the more derogatory ones, but I had a lot of fun reading your comments. Also, your note about the "nisba" system in Arabic should help me pull some more "nicknames" out of Arabic history (I'm not personally very familiar with either the language or the history).

If you have more suggestions, especially from Arabic history, which you seem fairly well versed in, I'm all ears. Atypical and unusual ones are always interesting, but CK2 may not have all of the more common/typical ones, and I'm totally fine with checking against the game files.
Farabi 30 Aug, 2019 @ 10:59am 
This is a much-needed mod and I love the thought and research you've put into it.

I'm aware it might be troublesome for consistency, but there are some nicknames that sound somewhat more wonderfully poetic in their original language even if they are extremely derogatory, the most obvious example Kopronymos - 'the Dung-Named' - which was the epithet of Emperor Constantine V, so named because of an apocryphal tale of his fouling the baptismal font as a baby.

In any case, here are a couple more European suggestions whether or not you'd prefer to use the original term:

- Bibliophagus, 'Book Eater' - an epithet which I believe was used for the most learned scholars in medieval Europe. I forget the name, but I do remember it being applied to a particularly prominent theologian at the University of Paris in the 13th century.
- 'the Pale Death of the Saracens' - I forget the Greek for this (probably too long anyway), but Nikephoros Phokas's nickname is certainly impressive.
Farabi 29 Aug, 2019 @ 4:53pm 
Strictly speaking, Arab/Islamic appellations worked somewhat differently (look up 'nisba' for the ubiquitous system of various 'nicknames' by which people in the Islamicate world knew each other). However, there are a ton of unusual examples which might fit within the purview of this mod:

- al-Himar, 'the Wild Ass' - a nickname applied to the last Umayyad caliph, Marwan II. Note that this is quite a different usage to the regnal names of the 'Abbasid rulers (e.g. al-Mu'tasim, al-Rashid).
- Abu Bakr, 'Father of the Camel Calf' - probably too well-known (and inappropriate to use) but it's worth noting the meaning of the popular name of the first caliph of Islam, who as a child enjoyed playing with the camel calfs and goat kids.
- Abu'l-Dawaniq, 'Father of Pennies' - the 'Abbasid caliph al-Mansur was well known for being very very careful with his accounts books when he was building Baghdad....
Farabi 29 Aug, 2019 @ 4:52pm 
(cont'd.) - Apparently the caliph al-Amin (given name Musa) was known as Musa 'Shut-your-Mouth' when he was a young man because of his hairlip.

And that's only the caliphs going up to the early years of the 'Abbasid dynasty. There are plenty of nicknames that turn up all over the place, including some among the lower classes which are absolutely filthy (e.g. the writer al-Jahiz tells us of a certain beggar king Khalid ibn Yazid and his associates who have names like Ishaq Qattal al-Hirr (Ishaq 'the Vulva-Slayer'), Hammawaih 'Ain al-Fil (Hammawaih 'Elephant's Eye') and Sa'dawaih Na'ik Ummihi (Sa'dawaih 'the Motherf***er') - credit to CE Bosworth for his book on this gold). Certainly not appropriate for CK2, but I wanted to share them anyway!

Sorry for the wall of text! I'm sure I can dig up a few more more suitable ones...
Spartachilles  [author] 23 Aug, 2019 @ 11:32am 
@Ziegler, I just tested it with HIP and it looks like it works well. The only wrinkle is that it won't make use of the new traits, so once in a while a nickname might seem out of place because of a HIP-only trait it doesn't take into account.
Magnus 23 Aug, 2019 @ 2:32am 
Would this be compatible with HIP?