Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

461 arvostelua
**P-Inf-TW - Total Warfare Reskin GROUND
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8.010 MB
20.8.2019 klo 14.24
24.6.2020 klo 12.33
7 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
**P-Inf-TW - Total Warfare Reskin GROUND


  • Variety Outfit, weapon and role for a Single Infantry unit. for example, an infantry unit may present as a rifleman or radioman even officer by a random factor.

  • Almost All German infantry weapon, helmet and cap from WW2。
  • New animation, such as grenades, mortars attack are under development.
  • 3-5 soldiers to present one division unit for battle. therefore there would be a massive unit on battlefield.

Support us at Paypal[www.paypal.com]



Other Mods
if you like Gundam series why not try this MOD - Gundam One Year War:

All In One MOD
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] P-AllinOne-A - Total Reskin ALL in ONE
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] P-AllinOne-B - Total Reskin No Variety Framework
  • P-AllinOne-C - Total Reskin Ironman Only

Infantry MOD
  • P-Inf-TW - Total Warfare Reskin GROUND
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] P-Inf-A - Infantry Reskin All in ONE
  • S-Inf-Ger - German Infantry Reskin
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Inf-Generic - Generic Infantry Reskin

Tank MOD
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] P-Tank-A - Tank Reskin ALL in ONE
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Tank-Ger - German Tank Reskin
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Tank-Generic - Generic Tank Reskin

Aircraft MOD
  • P-Air-A - Aircraft Reskin ALL in ONE
  • S-Air-Ger - German Aircraft Reskin
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Air-Generic - Generic Aircraft Reskin

Navy MOD
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] P-Navy-A - Navy Reskin ALL in ONE
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Navy-Ger - German Navy Reskin
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Navy-♥♥♥ - Japanese Navy Reskin
  • [http//WIPcomingSOon] S-Navy-Generic - Generic Navy Reskin

Special Ironman MOD
  • S-SPi-b - Missle Reskin & Animation Fix

Special NO - Ironman MOD
  • S-SPni-1 - Helicopters
  • S-SPni-4 - Triebflügeljäger
  • S-SPni-5 - Massive Air-Combat

Basic MOD - Ironman - no Direct effect
  • B-P-a - Basic Particle

More Detail:

If u have any Suggestions, welcome to join our Discord.

we would be appreciated if you want to support us a small amount to purchase DLCs and updating hardware.Paypal[www.paypal.com]
124 kommenttia
deadhunter476 15.2. klo 16.50 
Girl: Do you think I'm pretty?
Boy: No
Girl: Do want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No
She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I dont like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...
*Tonight at midnight your true love will realize she/he loves u
*Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
*Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
*Get ready for the shock of your life!
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have bad luck in relationships for the next 10 years
Panzerfanlol 15.10.2024 klo 0.16 
No need to update, it works.
Jose World 31.7.2024 klo 19.15 
is this competible with Road to 56? and Infantry Reskins?
kilo 25.7.2024 klo 7.29 
kilo 25.7.2024 klo 7.29 
update when
Inerael 18.4.2024 klo 1.27 
looks amazing , need an update
轻声低语中 28.6.2022 klo 11.34 
"We can't find that fundraiser It looks like that fundraiser is no longer available."
I want to make a donation
DOGO 21.2.2022 klo 2.43 
we need more mods like this this idea is genius
arc’teryx 28.7.2021 klo 9.48 
dis workin//
Sephy『Toxic Crusader』 10.4.2021 klo 5.47 
Literally busy with another mod. give them time guys.