Ys Origin
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Ys Origin Nightmare Boss Walkthrough
作者: Mr. Bors
Nightmare difficulty can be a real nightmare for inexperienced players, so if you're having troubles with some bosses, don't hesitate to use this guide. Character tips, bosses' weaknesses, general advices - you can find everything you need here.

Note that that this guide is aimed to ensure the safety of a player. Methods that are usually used in Time Attack mode vastly differ from the methods you use in Story Mode. Sorry, you won't find any information about framerate tricks or advanced attack cancelling, mostly because I'll have to spend another 150 hours in Ys in order to tell you everything about it, sorry.
General tips
  • If you can't beat the boss no matter what, try to farm up a few levels. A single level up can give you a huge advantage.
  • When boss is low on health, don't try to mindlessly mash buttons in hope that boss dies faster than you do. Such tactic guarantees your death, so don't underestimate the damage your enemy can deal, especially in boss rush mode.
  • Your Boost ability has invincibility frames during the start-up animation and quite a lot of them. Use it wisely. Boost also decreases incoming damage in half, reduces the cost of your Skills, alters them a bit, depending on the character, and buffs up your normal attacks in different ways.
  • The more you are hurt, the faster your Boost meter fills.
  • Every character has a certain skill that can negate any damage except for environmental, like lava, for example. Keeping such skill fully charged is very important for your survival.
  • Your Skill attacks can cancel your attack animation. Every character has a certain time of recovery in the end of each attack, especially when finishing full combo. It can be very dangerous to leave your character in this recovery status, so if you see an incoming attack when you are about to finish the combo, cancel it and run away.
  • "Defence down" attack is performed by pressing an attack button right after you stop moving. This type of attack isn't very helpful against bosses, but feel free to use it in the beginning of the fight.
  • Some skills, like Hugo's Force Shield, alter your movement in the air. Be very careful when using such skills, sometimes they can do more harm than you think.
  • Observe your opponent and keep track of every single attack. Most bosses telegraph their moves, so just be patient and keep your eyes open.
  • Burst move is performed by pressing Boost button two times. Usefulness of this attack is questionable, each character has a different Burst attack. More about Burst attack in character tips.
  • Jump around. Seriously, jumping can help you avoid pretty much everything. Just be careful, some bosses have anti-air attacks.
  • To get the achievement "Bursting at the Seams" do not use Burst until you get to Darm.

Character tips
Yunica Tovah
  • Whirlwind skill is perfect for cancelling your attacks: it allows for instant dashing out of the way of foe's harmful assaults. Beware that after activation you dash instantly, but will be unable to move for half a second when the dash ends. Activating Whirlwind while jumping allows you to glide in the air a bit.
  • Bolt Crash is more useful than you think. Huge guard window, loads of damage, hits airborne enemies. Keeping it fully charged is a must, don't even bother with uncharged version.
  • Phoenix Flame is a decent ranged attack which, when charged, will push your enemies away from you, dealing a lot of damage. Nothing much to add.
  • Yunica can change her weapons halfway through the game, but Crimson Lotusblade is mostly useless against bosses, unless you want to use speedrunning strats. Low dps, huge recovery time, not enough hitstun. Don't bother using it, seriously. (You can abuse game mechanics to cancel attacks in mid-air, resulting in huge damage, but it's hard to perform and control for a beginner. Leave that for Time Attack mode.)
  • Burst attack is very powerful, but somewhat limited: Yunica surrounds herself with huge forcefield that damages anyone it comes in contact. She can't move during Burst attack, so keep this in mind when you decide to use it. But to be fair, using Burst is a waste against bosses: most of them, like Epona, will simply stay away from you.

Hugo Fact
  • Hugo isn't suited for close combat, so stay away from your enemy no matter what. You always fire in the direction you're facing at, sorry, no Touhou for you. Your enemies, on the other hand, will do everything to keep you from standing in one place and shooting casually.
  • Force Shield is your bread and butter. Charge it, use it, shoot to your heart's content. Charged version can take two hits before shattering, this is more than enough for you to avoid everything that comes in your direction. It also deals a tiny bit of damage, so never use it as a damaging tool, because it invalidates your standard attacks. By the way, Force Shield makes your falling really floaty, some bosses may use this to their advantage, so don't jump too much when Force Shield is on.
  • Trap Mine is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. Fully charged it becomes remotely controlled, allowing you to bait some enemies. Huge explosion, huge damage. Very useful.
  • Fire Wheel isn't that good, it's easier to just spam the attack button, although Eyes of Fact circling around you sometimes can help you a bit.
  • Burst creates an improved version of your Force Shield, allowing you to absorb any incoming damage while also hurting anyone who touches it. Too bad that some bosses like Kishgal, for example, will simply stay in his guard stance, negating the damaging effect of the shield.
  • Each attack has a small recovery period, during which you can't jump or use Skills. Be careful with mashing attack button mindlessly.

Toal Fact
  • The strongest character in the game. Fast attacks, little recovery time between attacks, healing abilities, dodging abilities, insanely damaging jumping attack. The essence of Ys gameplay.
  • Godspeed skill allows you to instantly dodge in any direction while simultaneously avoid any attacks and projectiles. Charged version makes you travel farther. Use it when you need to quickly escape from certain attacks.
  • Thunder Claw creates a vortex of damaging energy which also heals you. Unfortunately, healing ability is disabled during boss fights. It is not a very good offensive weapon because of slow startup and small radius of the vortex. Boosted version is miles better, but it's better to use your boost to avoid damage rather that going offensive. (Time Attack mode might disagree)
  • Inferno skill allows you to hit enemies in the air and has the ability to negate any damage. It is a nice move, moderately helpful in battles. Keep it charged if you are worrying about your safety.
  • Burst attack makes you fire a huge beam of energy, dealing a heap of damage. You cannot move during this attack. Again, it's better to use invincibility frames: your safety is the top priority. Some bosses are quite vulnerable to it though.
  • His jumping attack is ridiculously good. Very fast, stronger than normal attack and leaves you in the air for quite some time. Try using it against different enemy types, it can do magic when applied properly.
Vagullion, The Winged Familiar
Your first boss, quite frustrating for newcomers. A reference to a very annoying boss from Ys 1. But don't worry, he's very easy once you know what to do. Let's get started.

First phase

When the boss flies around as a group of bats, you can't do anything, he's immune to all attacks. Just run away in big circles and you'll be safe. After following you a bit he'll try to transform into his real form. Vagullion will always fly in one of the six spots in order to do this, so if he suddenly has changed his movement direction, get out of his way. Remember to stay away from him while he does this, otherwise he will fly towards your direction again, instead of transforming.

When he enters his true form, you can finally deal some damage to him. Just get close and mash those buttons!

When you are directly in front of the boss, watch out for his right arm: he will try to hit you with it. Please refer to the character section for more information.

If you are not at blank-point range from Vagullion, he'll perform next attacks:

  • He will spit fire in a huge arc, leaving behind three fire trails for a short time. Jump over the fire or try to run as far away as you can.
  • He will do the same attack with his right arm, but three additional energy bursts will come out of his arm. Again, just jump or use your skills to avoid them.

Second phase

His second phase is rather simple: two groups of bats will chase you from now on, and two Vagullions will appear. They share the same pool of health and can attack simultaneously. Time to run. General strategy remains the same.

Yunica Tovah

When playing as Yunica, keep in mind that your Whirlwind skill will thwart all the bats, no matter what.

When boss finally transforms, get close and hit him as fast as you can. Simple as that. When you are very close to him, he'll always perform a single attack with his right arm. Just step aside or use your Whirlwind skill to dodge it. What's the perfect timing to do this, you might ask? Two combo attacks.

Basically, this should be your only strategy when fighting this boss. Get close, perform two combos, turn on Whirlwind and run away. That's it. Even when he enters his second phase, use fully charged Whirlwind to keep away the bats and continue to attack him.

Hugo Fact

Vagullion's right arm attack is now different: he will always generate additional projectiles, not to mention that he hits twice and launches more projectiles when you are playing as Hugo. You can still avoid it by simply circling around him. Just don't forget to bring your shield up just in case. Keep in mind that damage dealt by the shield negates your primary attack damage.

Flame attack is now performed twice, with extra small flame bursts flying across the screen. Again, stay away from the boss to counter this attack successfully, this way you will be able to see small bursts flying in your direction.

Your shield can come really handy during the second phase, since bats tend to avoid it. They will start to break through it as soon as Vagullion decides to fly away to summon his true form. Use this to your advantage. It's quite risky though.

If you still didn't get this, your general tactic when playing as Hugo is "run and gun". Mash buttons and stay as far away as you can from the boss.

Galleon, The Impassioned
Despite being Toal's old buddy, he attacks him without hesitation. Galleon, of course, won't give up without a fight.

  • Galleon's sword swings are mostly harmless, but will deal quite a lot of damage on hit. Keep your distance and everything will be fine.
  • When you are far away from Galleon, he will shoot a series of bird-shaped projectiles. Jump over them or simply run in a straight line. They are easy to avoid.

  • If Galleon flashes for a second, get ready for a fire barrage attack. He will release four (three if he was attacked before) fire waves and with each wave he will move closer to you. He always shoots waves at your exact position. Keep your distance, you will get hurt if you are too close to him. This attack will always knock you down on hit. Use your dash skill to avoid the barrage.
  • When his health drops below half, Galleon gains an additional attack. First, he will flash for a second and starts glowing in yellow. Then he will quickly charge at you swinging with his sword. After that he will release a series of fire waves, similar to previous attack. The difference is that he will cast them faster, as well as increasing the number of waves from four to six. To avoid it, keep your Godspeed charged and stay as far away as you can. When he starts charging at you, run towards him, jump and dash over his head. Then start circling around him to escape the barrage. Use Godspeed when needed.

Your general tactic is to run around him in circles, trying to land a hit every time he recovers from his attacks. His fire barrage attack will always result in a small recovery window, use this opportunity to deal some damage. Pro-tip: if he starts to block your series of attacks, don't run away, keep on hitting. He will perform fire barrage again, giving you a chance to do more damage.

Try to keep your distance, his bird projectiles and sword swings can often catch you off guard. Never run directly back from him after an attack, change your movement direction now and then.

Epona, The Enraged
This hot redhead will kick your ass if you are not careful, so be prepared. She's fairly easy once you know what to do, since her attacks do not change during the whole fight, not to mention that every single of them can be avoided by jumping. Basically, what you must do is to stay away from her, attacking only during a certain opening. Do not under any circumstances attack her straight on.

  • She can launch a set of projectiles from her trident. Easy to avoid, nothing special. Once her health goes below half, she can perform another type of this attack, launching trident heads in a different pattern.
  • She will charge at you, trying to poke you with her trident to death. This attack can be quite lengthy, so remember to stay away from her in order to not get hit.
  • Don't jump beside her too much, or she will perform an anti-air attack.
  • Watch out for her flame attack: she'll charge at you in a straight like, dealing lots of damage and knocking you down. Do not try to jump over her: there's a high probability that you will get hit. Jump aside and you'll be safe, just don't bump into additional flame bursts. Listen to the sound cue and a flash which indicates the beginning or the attack.

To be fair, there isn't much to write about. Wait for her flame attack, jump aside, jump back, smack her. Rinse and repeat.

Yunica Tovah

Use your Whirlwind skill when needed to get away from her trident and flame attacks.

There's a little trick you can do to deal more damage, but it really isn't worth it, since it's very unsafe. You may notice that once in a while Epona will block your incoming attacks with a big forcefield. If you continue to attack her while her forcefield is up, she'll launch a couple of tridents at you. But if you turn on your fully charged Whirlwind skill and try to circle around Epona, her attack animation will always be interrupted by your Skill hits.

Hugo Fact

You are very slow, compared to Epona, but your Force Shield makes up for it. Put it on, wait for a flame charge, spam her with your shots. Don't be afraid to get reckless, your shield will negate anything Epona can throw at you. Just don't forget to charge it.

If she puts her forcefield on, continue to shoot, it won't save her.

Here's a little trick, just for you. Try to bait her into the corner, so that all her attacks hit that column in front of you. Don't stay too close, or she'll hit you through it. It's hard to perform and a bit unnecessary if you are playing story mode. Be aware that if she stops thrusting her spear into the column, she can escape this embarrassment simply by jumping to the side.
Velagunder, The Gangly Beast
This beast might look big and scary, but in reality he is harmless and easy to deal with. In order to actually hurt him, you must deal some damage to his lower head. He will get stunned after a fair amount of damage and will expose his weak point at the top of his back. Climb his arms in order to reach it.

  • He can start spitting green bubbles in big arc, filling half the arena. Either stay away from them or relocate yourself near his body to completely avoid the attack.
  • His upper head will flash for a brief moment, then he'll strike the ground with his hands, damaging and knocking you down if you are near them. A laser beam will come out from his eye, burning the ground under you with a little bit of delay. Simply run in order to avoid the attack. You can also hide behind his lower head or stay on his arms in order to stop this attack.
  • Velagunder will flash in red for a brief period, raising his arm and swinging it in very large arc. The following swing will knock you down and hurt you. A lot. As soon as this attack starts, run to the opposite end of the arena or put on your Force Shield if you are playing as Hugo. It's somewhat difficult to avoid, so be careful.
  • From time to time he will reposition himself, knocking you down and pushing away, but not dealing any damage. There's a possibility that he will spew some green slugs out of his body. Be careful, those will hurt you just by touching them when you are playing as Hugo, not to mention that green trails they're leaving will affect your movement.
  • After you hit his lower head enough times, he will try to suck you into his mouth. As soon as he starts this attack, run away from him in a straight line. If you are already near his mouth, use your protective or dashing skills in order to not get bit. Even a well timed jump can save you from this attack. Oh, and by the way, if there are any slugs left on the screen, he will suck and eat them, healing himself. Quite a disappointment, but don't worry, just refer to the section below to deal with this nuisance.

Yunica Tovah

The strategy is pretty simple: use your charged Whirlwind combined with non-stop barrage of attacks to throw him into dizzy status. That's it, I don't even know what to add.

Well, don't mind the slugs, they won't do any harm to you and won't heal him because your combined attacks are way too fast for him to actually countermeasure them. Deal with him as quick as possible, do not allow him to heal himself or to perform any attack beside bubble spitting one.

Hugo Fact

Time to truly test your spamming skills. Just shoot at the boss until he faints. Don't go near him unless you want to dodge the laser attack. Beware of the slugs: they are homing at your position now and will hurt you upon contact, so put on your shield and kill every single one of them before attacking the boss. Take your time, don't rush, you can't deal much damage anyway. Your main goal is to eliminate all the slugs first and deal with the boss later.

Toal Fact

Use your air attack to quickly deal with Velagunder. Handling your air attacks might be pretty difficult, but it's the fastest way to knock out the boss. And don't forget about your dashing ability, it will help you avoid the new instant laser attack and the arm swing. Other than this, his strategy remains the same as Yunica's.
Nygtilger, The Pestilent Arthropod
A statue turns into a monster, what a surprise! What we see is another reference to the old Ys games, Ys 1 in particular. Nygtilger was really pathetic back in 1987, but now he is one tough ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. (I'll stop with references for now, the whole game is one huge reference, to be fair) Do not worry, just follow the instructions and everything will be fine.

In order to harm him, you need to destroy the plates on his back first and attack his head when all the plates are destroyed. Keep in mind that touching his head before breaking all the plates will result in inflicting serious damage to yourself. So, just climb up, hit him as much as you can, jump down as soon as he starts turning his head to you, then jump back and continue bashing him. Easy, right?

  • When the boss is climbing up the wall, his plates will release small electrical discharges in air. They will hit the ground after some time with a bolt of lightning, so be prepared. Pay attention to the ground under the discharges, it will glow for a second before the lightning strike. Be wary that he starts doing this attack as soon as he starts climbing up the wall, so stay away from the plates on the ground in order to not get hurt. When he's up on the wall, stay near his head, since there is a delay between discharge's release and electrical attack.
  • Nygtilger can release a powerful electrical beam out of his mouth when you are in front of him, so try to stay away from his head as long as possible.
  • Shattered plates will reveal flesh pores underneath them. These pores from time to time will release purple balls, that will explode if you don't kick them out of the arena. This explosion is pretty harmful because it gives you "poison" status, in addition to the dealt damage. The purple ball will flash before the explosion, keep that in mind. To deal with these balls, simply attack them once and run away: they will fly off the arena. They can't harm you unless exploded.
  • He'll form a large loop with his body and start circling around the arena, damaging and knocking you down if you get in his way.

What to do against such an annoying enemy, you might ask? Start using your Skill abilities in order to speed up the process of destroying the plates. Start from his head and move towards the direction of the tail, so he won't be able to catch you off guard when he starts crawling on his own body. If he climbs up the wall, use skills in order to reach the plates. If he starts rolling around, stay at one place and run up and down: his trajectory is easy to predict.

Don't bother with purple balls too much, just run away from them when needed.

Yunica Tovah

As soon as the battle starts, use your charged Bolt Crash skill to hit him while he's taking his time up on the wall. When Nygtilger finally comes down, jump on him and start hitting him with your axe and with charged Whirlwind.

Hugo Fact

Always use charged Trap Mine skill and detonate it remotely as soon as you've placed it. When it doubt, use Force Shield.

Toal Fact

Unfortunately, you can't really hit Nygtilger while he's on the wall, so be patient. Your charged Thunder Claw can help you a bit with plate shattering, but don't rely on it too much. Remember to use Godspeed to avoid his rolling attack and electric beam.

Hugo Fact, The Wanderer
Are you ready for some shmup action? Time to run and dodge a lot of bullets. Don't worry, your little brother isn't a match for such an agile fighter like Toal.

As usual, the best way to deal damage is to wait for his attacks to end, then, with the help of your Godspeed skill, get close and slash him a fast as you can. Be aware that Hugo won't stand in one place when you try to get close to him, try to predict his movement.

  • He will fire normal projectiles from his Eyes of Fact and his wand. They might be tricky to avoid, because they are always aimed at your future position: keep the distance and use your Godspeed ability in order to dodge them. Godspeed in particular can force Hugo to shoot much farther than usual, since he tries to calculate your movement between each attack: charging directly at him, for example, will make him shoot behind him.

  • Remember Hugo's Defence Down attack? He will use it against you in an interesting fashion: two spheres will come out from his wand, following you for some time. This attack can drain half of your health at point blank range, be careful. After releasing these spheres, Hugo will continue to attack with his normal shots. Keep in mind that spheres won't disappear instantly after coming to a stop: they will act like traps for some time, don't run into them.

  • Hugo can turn his Eyes of Fact in small yellow traps, which will explode when you come close to them. Pay attention to the distinct sound Hugo makes when he's planting them: it's hard to notice the traps when you are in the middle of attacking him.
  • During your attacks and occasionally during the fight, Hugo will raise his wand up in the air and create a shield surrounding him. This shield will hurt you upon touching it and can grant you a "heavy" status, which makes you crawl like a turtle, not to mention the impaired jumping ability (you can still use your Godspeed). You can shatter this shield but don't bother doing this, it's impractical.
  • After draining his health to a half, Hugo will enter a Boost mode: two additional eyes will appear, which means twice the projectiles will fly at you from now on. His attacks will also become slightly altered, but you shouldn't worry much about that.

  • When fighting boosted Hugo, pay attention: at one point he will start to glow, stop in one place for a second and then attack you with four huge fire beams. Use your skill ability to jump above him after the attack starts. He will need some time to adjust his eyes to your current position, so you will have some space and time to maneuver and to jump above him again. Use your Boost when needed to reduce the incoming damage.

Shion, The Incorruptible
Shion is Mion's twin sister, the only way to differentiate them is to look at their hair... Oh, wait, wrong game.

Shion will always have his shield up, so before attacking him, you need to destroy the shield first, unless you want to get hurt, of course. Good thing that a new skill is available to you. The key to victory is to charge your Thunder Claw, wait for Shion attacks to end, destroy his shield and land a few hits. If you didn't manage to break his shield with your first attack, retreat immediately: he can reposition himself, and you don't want to be in his way when the shield is up.

Don't bother using Defence Down attack, for some reason the boss regains his lost defence points after putting on a shield.

  • Shion will cast a series of magic thunderbolts, which will light the ground with large circles before striking. Simply run to avoid them. There will be eight thunderbolts in total.
  • There are three types of the same attack: Shion will point his sceptre at you and shoot bullet-like projectiles in different pattern, depending on how much health he has.
    - The first pattern is three-way shot. You can either run in large circles or stay between the shots to avoid them.

    - The second pattern is a homing pattern. Again, run in large circles, try to stay at the edge of the arena and jump when needed. Switch to your Godspeed if you're having troubles with it.

    -The third pattern fills the screen with projectiles, fired in eleven lines. Perform tiny steps in order to avoid them, because projectile in the middle is always aimed at you.

  • Shion will charge his sceptre and fire a blue beam in your way. You can't run away from it, you need to use your Godspeed skill in order to dodge it. Timing is very important. Jump right before the beam comes in full power and use Godspeed right when you are about to hit the ground.
Gelaldy, The Murderous Construct
Big scary dude is about to begin practising his fisting techniques. Are you ready?

Gelaldy will always attack in a certain pattern, depending on the amount of health he has. Try to remember his every attack, they are easy to avoid once you know what to do. Your goal is to hit his hands after every punching attack to expose his weak point.

  • At first he will draw back his left or right arm, trying to punch you. You can either run continuously in one direction or use your guarding skills. Stay close to the opposite end of the arena in order to not get hit.

  • After he punches you once, he will lower his body and spin around with his arm stretched. Time your jump to avoid the spinning attack.
  • He'll try to thrust his arm at you again. After that, he'll raise his arm high up in the air and smash the ground so hard that the platform you're running on will start sinking one by one. Whenever this attack starts, watch out for his hand. He will always hit the ground right before him and you don't want to get in a way of his knuckle. By the way, the platforms near the impact won't show up for some time, be aware of that.
  • Gelaldy will look up in the air and release a beam of energy. After a few seconds, energy beams will come raining down on you, lighting up the ground before the actual strike. Be very careful and pay attention to the ground. Keep your guard skill charged just in case.
  • He will lean towards you and vomit some critters that look like chicken. You should recognize them, they are called Perries. Deal with them as fast as you can, since their annoying presence and the following explosion can harm you quite a bit. They are invulnerable when a halo appears above them.
  • From this point Gelaldy will repeat his attacks from the beginning. Usually his arms should have fallen off right after next thrusting attack. That means that his weak point is exposed now. His next attack will make him vulnerable, so be prepared.
  • Without any hands left, the boss will simply try to bite you. Be careful: is bite will cause a few explosions upon the impact, which will knock you down. Again, either run or use a defensive skill. If you didn't deal enough damage during the first bite, he will vomit some Perries and try to bite you again.

    Here's the order of his attacks during the first phase: Punch - Spin - Punch - Smash - Punch - Beams - Vomit.

  • Once you chop away half of his health, the boss will enter his second phase. During this phase he will perform a platform-sinking attack in the beginning of each loop third platform of the arena will sink, his beam attack will become more ferocious and unpredictable and he will gain an additional move.
  • His new attack consists of dragging his arm, sinking platforms along the way. Simply start running away before this attack even begin and you'll be safe. Note that this attack will always be performed after the beam energy barrage. To not get caught by surprise with this attack, pay attention to the direction he is turning at. If he turns his body clockwise, you should run clockwise too.

    Order of the attack during the second phase: Punch - Spin - Smash - Punch - Spin - Punch - Beams - Arm dragging - Vomit.

    Don't stay in one place, waiting for the next attack: he performs most of his attacks when you are in front of him. Run in order to clearly see what attack is coming next.

Yunica Tovah

Use the Bolt Crash to negate the attacks. Whirlwind can help you with sinking platforms if you can't get the timing right.

Hugo Fact

Shield isn't particularly good against Gelaldy's punches, because it nullifies damage from your shots.
Be careful when using Force Shield during second phase, it can do more harm than you might think: floaty jumping isn't very good with all the beams raining down upon you.

Toal Fact

Jumping attack is the best attack. Use it, but be careful, it's not that easy to control it.
Inferno skill isn't easy to control either.

Jenocres, The Summoned Spellbinder
One of the most annoying bosses in the game. Get ready to run and jump a lot. And I mean it. You must be very lucky to manage to quickly beat this boss.

Jenocres spawns eight small pillars in the beginning of the fight: those are your personal dispensers of pain. Get ready to walk through fire and thunder. Literally.

There is no general pattern to predict which attack will come out next, but you can differentiate most of his attacks by the position of the pillars and their color.

There are no easy tactics on how to beat him without breaking a sweat. Run a lot, try to attack him with ranged attacks whenever possible, look for openings between his pillar attacks. It's a very hard fight even for an experienced player. This part probably won't help you a lot, to tell the truth, so all I can say is "Get good at video games".

  • Fire attacks are mostly harmless, because they are easy to predict and the are a lot of safe spots in-between fire lines. Exploit these kinds of attacks especially to damage the boss.

  • Electricity attack is very damaging, but easy to avoid. Electricity orbs will fill the arena and strike the ground with lightning. Both orbs and lightning can hurt you. First one is small twists of energy that will fly in your general direction. Second one is electricity orbs that fill the arena and strike the ground with lightning. Both orbs and lightning can hurt you. The third one is continuous fire of small projectiles that are very easy to avoid.

  • Wind attack sends small twists of energy homing at your current position. Keep running and jumping to avoid them.

  • Projectile attack type makes the columns continiously fire small projectiles in different patterns. These projectiles are slow and mostly harmless. This type of attack usually appears when Jenocres' health is below half. You should attack the boss if you have the chance during this stage.

  • Jenocres himself will cast huge magic circles, which indicate the place where thunderbolt will strike. Avoid them by any means, since getting hit by one may reward you with the unpleasant "heavy" status. As the fight goes, these attacks will become more ferocious.
  • Pillars will move in certain patterns during the boss fight, so watch out for altered attacks and plan your movement accordingly.
Basically, that's it, sorry, can't help you much with this one. Here are some additional tips:

  • Jenocres, after spawning, usually doesn't attack you immidiately. Try to hit the boss as soon as he appears, because whenever you are near him, he will disappear after a second. This won't work very well for Hugo though.
  • When pillars form a small square in the middle of a screen, Jenocres has a high probability spawning in the middle of it or somewhere really nearby. This little space can be a safe haven during some of the attacks, so consider running towards it as soon as there's an opportunity.
  • Running in large circles will help you avoid most of the attacks.
  • Lower his defence during the start of the fight, maybe it'll help you in the long run.

Yunica Tovah

  • Wind skill is very good for dealing damage, especially in the beginning of a round and when you are standing in a middle of a screen, surrounded by pillars.
  • Thunder skill is a good way to deal damage during risky situations. Jump in, release the charge, jump back and run.
  • Fire skill is a nice long range attack, but the amount of damage isn't really that big.

Hugo Fact

  • Your main source of damage is normal attack, don't bother with skills.
  • Force Shield can make this fight really easy for you, so always keep it charged.
  • Run, Hugo, run!
Khonsclard, The Maneating Creeper
This boss can be an absolute pain in the ass or a walk in the park, depending on the character. Yunica's battle is going to be very lengthy and tiresome, while Hugo, for example won't have any difficulties killing this big creeper.

Basically, in order to kill the boss, you must expose his weak point first. To do this, you must destroy every single starfish he spawns. Here's the catch: starfishes will heal the boss if you are not fast enough to take them out and they will pop out again after some time even if you've managed to destroy one. The sand that covers the arena will drag you towards the boss with increasing speed as the fight goes on. Starfishes by themselves don't do anything, but Khonsclard will recklessly attack you with different ways.

  • He will send a lot of small green projectiles towards your direction. You can try to destroy them with your skill attacks or simply run towards the sides of the monster: projectiles won't fly there.
  • He can stomp the ground with his tentacles, sending shockwaves across the arena. Either jump over them or stay beside the Khonsclard's base.
  • It can fire green homing missiles, which can be destroyed by any attack. Again, hide beside the Khonsclard. It won't save you from missiles, but at least you can attack both Khonsclard and the projectiles.
  • He can shoot seeds in a straight line in eight directions. A very damaging attack, position yourself between them.
  • He will fill the whole screen with scarabs in a wave-like pattern, just destroy them with skill attacks.
  • He can release several balls, which will bounce all over the place and injuring you upon contact. Stay away from them until they disappear.
  • If you stay near him between the attacks, he will pound the ground, sending shockwaves around him and pouring fire from the air afterwards at your last position. Stay away from the boss as soon as he starts this attack.

You can and you must damage the Khonsclard's body in order to render him unconscious for some time, allowing you to deal with starfishes without being constantly attacked.

Yunica Tovah

As I've mentioned it, this fight can be extremely hard for Yunica due to her relatively low dps. Don't bother with Whirlwind skill, you are not fast enough to deal with all the starfishes before they start coming out from the sand again. Your only solution to this problem is the Crimson Lotusblade and it's Phoenix Flame skill. Charge the attack and try to hit as many starfishes as you can. This way they will be destroyed mostly at the same time.

Note that Boost can give you ridiculous damage output when applied properly.

Hugo Fact

You don't need any tips. Try to hit more than one starfish. Jump, shoot, dodge. Piece of cake.

Toal Fact

Use the jumping attack to stun the Khonsclard. Your normal attacks are fast enough to deal with starfishes effectively, but consider using the Boost to increase the damage output.
Pictimos, The Grim Mantid
Another big bad boss that you need to get rid of. He may look very tough, but in reality he's nothing but a mere insect.

Finally, a boss we can damage without doing tedious stuff, right? Well, sort of. Once his health drops below half, he will summon a heap of Chryoloses. These guys should be familiar to you, but they don't attack as often as they usually do. When Pictimos health is depleted, they will hop onto him and heal him a bit. In order to kill boss you need to make sure there are no Chryoloses left first.

  • Pictimos can hurl two types of huge circles of energy at your direction. Circles can go either horizontally or vertically. Pay attention to his blades to recognize which attack will be performed.
  • He can fire several missiles up in the air. They will stay up there and release small fire beams, which will be aimed directly at you. They won't harm you until they come in full power, so don't run immediately after you see a beam at your position.
  • If you are too close to him, he will smash the ground so hard, that a big forcefield will be created around him. Additionally, four spikes will come out to catch you off guard. Simply run away from Pictimos when this attack starts.
  • An improved version of previous attack can be performed when Pictimos' health is lowered by half. He will jump into the air, crash into the ground with great force, causing a bigger forcefield to appear. Additional spikes will also now rupture the ground, so you can't freely run away any more.
  • Chryoloses will try to attack you during beam attacks, but they are not that fast and agile to actually hurt you.
  • From time to time the boss will jump into the air and stomp the ground, pushing you to the far end of the arena and erupting spikes toward your sides. Nothing to worry about.
  • Pictimos will flash green and create four huge lances. He will charge at you and perform the following three attacks: horizontal sweep, vertical sweep and a combined delayed lance attack. These attacks are similar to his hurling attacks. He may look really scary, but in reality everything he throws at you can be dodged by simply running sideways, baiting his attack from time to time and immediately escaping it. Watch out for the glowing lances: they will hurt you upon touching.

Killing Chryoloses is kinda pointless. Every time Pictimos heals himself, his minions become weaker.

Pictimos' body and head are separate entities, so, for example, Yunica's Thunder skill will hit both body and head, resulting in double damage.

Use your Boost when in trouble. Remember those invincibility frames?

There's a neat bug that you can use to quickly kill the boss. Whenever his health depletes, he will heal himself. After healing, he will jump into the air, stomping the ground on landing and pushing you into opposite corner of the arena. What you need to do is to position yourself near the center of the arena when he is recovering his health. As soon as he starts his jumping animation, run away from him in a straight line so that you cross the center when he lifts off the ground. Due to boss' behaviour, Pictimos should land right on top of you. Use this to your advantage.

Yunica Tovah

You can either be a wuss or be a be a brave hero. What's it going to be?
If you're a wuss, spam with charged Fire skill. Do this in the middle of a jump to deal more damage.

If you are brave enough, you can charge you Thunder attack and start attacking him without hesitation. This attack will save you from incoming damage and is efficient enough to counter most things he throws at you.

After Pictimos heals himself a couple of times, switch to Lotus Crimsonblade as spam your charged skill at Chryoloses. They will die from a few hits, allowing you to finally kill the boss.

Hugo Fact

Charged Trap Mine is a great way to deal lots of damage. Get close, plant the bomb, run away. Rinse and repeat.
Shield can save you during lance attacks, but usual jumps are efficient too.
Shoot whenever there is a possibility, like beam attack start-up or Chryoloses' spawning.

Toal Fact

Jumping attack can deal quite a lot of damage, but is hard to control, so you can give it a try. Consider using charged Inferno skill. Performing it during mid-jump will deal quite a lot of damage.
If your running and jumping skills aren't good enough, switch to Godspeed skill.

Epona, The Resolute
Epona is back and she is not in a good mood. This fight against her is similar to the previous encounter, but, of course, there are some new tricks up her sleeves. Oh, and yes, she's still a pain in the ass.

  • Most of her attacks are still the same: reckless poking with trident, anti-air attack, trident projectiles. Nothing much to talk about, they look slightly different and hitboxes are a bit bigger.
  • Her charged attack will now be performed twice. The way of dodging it remains the same: jump aside or use your Thunder skill. Just don't forget about additional flames.
  • When you drain her health below half, she will enter the Boost mode and jump high up in the air. She will return shortly with two clones beside her. Now you must fight against three Eponas simultaneously. Good luck, you will need it.
  • When boosted, her attacks are more reckless and fast, not to mention that pressure from three Eponas is really nightmarish. Don't stop running away and jumping all over the place, but beware of anti-air attacks.
  • Her charge attack is now performed ridiculously fast. Proper double jumps can save you, as well as timed Boost activation. Don't rely much on Bolt Crash: charging it with three mad girls running all over the place is not that easy.
  • Epona and her clones will jump up in the air, coming down at the opposite end of the arena, just to run full speed at you and to perform an anti-air attack afterwards. Either jump away when they are very close or negate their attacks with Bolt Crash.

The Burst attack is now available to you, but Epona usually is smart enough to stay away from it. During the second phase it might come in handy, but landing it properly is quite tricky.

During the first phase you general strategy should remain the same as the last time: wait for charge attack, dodge it and attack. Thunder skill can help you with this.

Keep away from her as long as you can. This way, when her charge attack triggers, she will perform she second one right into the bounds of the arena, making her very vulnerable for Bolt Crash.

During the second phase don't even think about using Thunder skill to damage her: she's too fast and her clones won't even let you to get close. Instead, use charged Fire skill now and then. The best time to use it when she jumps away from the screen. She and her mimics will run at you in the straight line: Fire attack is going to be very damaging. Try to land the Phoenix Flame in the middle of a fight too, but beware of the long start-up.

The second phase is difficult, but doable, keep trying as hard as you can. Pay attention to the clones, don't jump around carelessly, stay out of reach of Epona's attacks as long as possible, while also looking for openings. Don't take unnecessary risks, but if you are in a desperate situation, use Boost.
Zava (with Yogleks & Omulgun), The Merciless
Time to face off one of the main villains in the game. Even though Zava is a powerful sorceress, she won't fight alone: two big heads will be summoned, so get ready for some tense action.

As usual, the battle is divided into two phases. Let's take a quick look.

To damage her during the first phase you need to double jump and perform a series of attacks very quickly or use a skill that can get her while she's in the air. Your weapon of choice is the Thunder skill for Yunica and Hugo. Toal must use his Fire skill in order to get her, though jumping attack works somewhat well.

  • Zava will fly around high in the air, while her minions breathe fire and shoot laser beams at you. Zava, of course, will attack you too. She can shoot small projectiles in your direction, covering wide area. Avoiding them shouldn't be a problem to you, just don't stay too close. Her second attack consists of summoning small magic circles which pinpoint the place of forthcoming lightning attack. Keep in mind that this attack is very damaging and after the initial hit, little shock-waves will be released from the thunderbolt. And here's a protip: this attack loops if you can manage to knock her down during the first stages of the attack.. This should be your primary strategy: wait for the lightning attack, get close and knock her down before the attack ends. It's quite easy to do, because she stays in one place during the attack and you can see her exact position because of the reflection and the small circle on the ground. Do not approach Zava after the knock down: she'll get up on her feet in a second, propelling herself into the air with damaging explosion.

    Every other approach can get you killed. It might be tiresome to perform, but there's nothing you can do for the most of the time. Of course, every character has his own small exceptions.

When her health goes below a certain threshold, Zava will merge with one of her heads. This indicates the start of the second phase.

During this phase you must damage the head that has energy orbs revolving around it. After you hit the head enough times, it will switch places with the other head.

  • Flying orbs will deal damage upon touching, use you Skills.
  • There are two kinds of orbs: ice orbs and fire orbs. Fire orb will always surround the red head, the ice orb surrounds the purple one. Depending on which head has orbs around it, the attack will vary.
  • The head with orbs will always try to get close to you and bite you. It can also shoot a big laser beam in your direction: this attack can be predicted by paying attention to small flames coming out from the mouth. Beam attack is very damaging, avoid it at all costs.
  • When fire orbs surround the red head, the other head will try to draw you towards it with some magic. Run in the opposite direction to resist it. The pulling power is not very strong though. The purple head also can attack you with icy breath, just like during the first phase.
  • When purple head has orbs around it, the red head will spit homing fireballs that slowly follow you before exploding with a huge blast. Simply run away to avoid them, there's nothing that can affect your movement now.
  • Once every orb is destroyed, Zava will finally reveal herself and fall unconscious for some time. Feel free to attack her a bit, but beware of the usual take-off blast.
  • Now Zava is very angry at you, so get ready for some very powerful attacks. She will merge with one of the heads again, but this time the head will sink under the ground, performing one of the three following attacks.
  • Merging with purple head will cause the floor to freeze. Big icy spikes will come out from under your feet, so don't stop running and never change you general movement direction: you can dodge the spikes only if you are moving at full speed. Run in the very large circles to maintain the momentum.

  • When Zava merges with the red head, quickly run at the very top of the arena. Floor will be set on fire, and small fires will appear under you now and then, so jump continuously. You probably won't be able to dodge everything during this attack, but don't worry, just keep on jumping. All you have to do is not get caught in the middle of the fire burst.

  • If Zava merges with both heads, get ready to run towards the edges of the arena. A head with a sword coming out of it's mouth will appear. A magical force will start pulling you towards this head, run to resist it. Small magical bursts will spawn right under your boots, so keep running and jumping. In addition, big bursts of magical flame will come out from the centre of the screen. After a few seconds after the beginning of the attack, the sword till crash into the the ground, resulting in a huge explosion. If you are far away, it won't hurt you. Touching anything will knock you down, reducing your chances of surviving the final blast.

  • After that, the cycle will repeat itself.

Yunica Tovah

Fire skill works great throughout the whole battle, allowing you to stay away from the danger. Thunder skill is good too, though the first phase will be long and tiresome this way.

Burst ability won't save you when arena is on fire. It also won't save you from sword attack.

Hugo Fact

The safest way to deal with airborne Zava is to use the charged Thunder skill. It's hard to land a guaranteed knock-down with a single trap, so consider shooting at her a few times. Shield yourself from time to time, it can save you during some unpredictable moments during the second phase of the battle.

You can either shoot at heads with normal attacks or try baiting them in your charged traps. Both methods work pretty well.

Don't forget to shoot at unconscious Zava if there's a possibility.

Your Burst ability will shield you from any attack, so use it when in trouble.

Toal Fact

Use the Inferno skill to guarantee a knockdown. Just watch out where you land and get ready to run away. Inferno is a great skill to use throughout the whole battle.
Kishgal, The Peerless
This is going to be a very tough fight, the hardest in the game. A darkling that can control the power of ice, wields a big axe and thirsts for battle is a worthy opponent.

Kishgal will be jumping all over the arena, attacking you with both ranged attacks and axe swings. Most of his attacks are very painful, so think twice before engaging him in close combat. Good luck, you'll need it. A lot.
  • He can just swing his axe at you. Nothing to worry about.
  • Kishgal can fire five rows of icy shards in your way (one for Hugo). Jumping over them is simple, but always be aware where you are going to land. Also, you really don't want to stay close to the boss when he's performing this attack.
  • He will strike the ground with the axe, resulting in huge spikes erupting from the ground either in a straight line or forming a "V" or "X" sign. Those will stay for quite some time, crippling your freedom in movement. Your Fire skill will get rid of them, keep that in mind.
  • When you are near Kishgal or in the air, he can perform a hurricane attack. It's hard to run away from and it will deal a lot of damage if you are happen to be in the way, so be extra careful.
  • He can point in the air, releasing a beam of energy upwards. After a few seconds icicles will come crashing down on you. Keep running and don't use double jumps in order to not get hit.
  • If you want to attack Kishgal during his recovery time, be extremely careful: he can attack back at you immediately. If you've decided to continue the barrage, he will put on a shield, rendering your efforts useless, not to mention that a counter-attack may immediately follow. It can be a single ice shard appearing at his position or a roundhouse attack with shards flying in nine directions.
  • He can release one or two dragons, depending on the character you play as, that follow you around with increasing speed before disappearing. Use your guarding skills and running skills to avoid them. Just stay away from Kishgal as usual to time your jumps correctly. Jump in the very last moment, when they are about to hit you and use the skill attack.

  • Watch out for his Burst attack. When backs up to the end of the arena and becomes surrounded in white magical circles, accompanied by a sound cue, get ready: first, a series of spikes will form a "V" sign, similar to one of the attacks. Then couple of huge ice shards will come crashing down in between those spikes. Your goal is to get out from the place of impact as soon as you can. Or you can trigger Burst if needed. Keep in mind that area inside the V sign will be covered with frost, walking on it will deal damage to you. Oh, yeah, he also gains additional defence points, attacking him is a not that effective.

When Kishgal starts running out of health, dragon and Burst attacks will be performed very often. Finish him as quick as you can.

Do not activate Burst while the dragons are chasing you. Chances are high that Kishgal will activate his Burst attack right after yours. Of course, this will probably result in your death.

The more ice shards on the arena, the more chances he will perform the ice raining attack. But on the other hand, he will also use normals swings more often too.

When the boss activates his Burst attack, listen to a specific sound which will be played shortly after activation. This sound indicates the place where the big shards will land. Try to stay at the one end of the arena and immediately run in the opposite direction after you hear this particular sound. This will help you in evading the attack completely.

Burst can help you survive if you're not careful. Consider using it when needed.

Whenever you use Burst, keep in mind that you can't move during it (Hugo is the exception). So if the ice spike grows right under your feet during the Burst, you're going to take damage right after you regain control of the character.

Yunica Tovah

Thunder and Fire skills are your only options. Keep the distance, charge the shot. Attacking him straight on might work if you are overleveled, by the way.

Try staying in the corners of the arena while using Fire Skill for the bigger damage output. You can also wait until Kishgal comes closer to you or performing his attack animation to increase your chances of dragging him with your Phoenix.

Another strategy is to wait until he attacks you with axe swings and use Thunder Skill to negate the damage, hitting him afterwards with your normal attacks. This might be very tricky and dangerous to perform.

Hugo Fact

Hugo, on the other hand, isn't even trying. Put on your shield, jump everywhere, shoot bullets. You don't even need a strategy. Seriously, Hugo is easy mode no matter the difficulty.

Toal Fact

No ranged abilities, yeah, that sucks. You have to rely on two skills: Inferno an Godspeed. Godspeed is somewhat safe, because it allows you instant dodging, but Inferno lasts longer and destroys the ice.

Godspeed is optimal for skilled players. If you can recognize the patterns and have a good arena awareness, consider using it.

Inferno is good for defensive players. Those guard frames will save you, that's for sure. Just don't run into his whirlwind attack, Kishgal loves to use it as anti-air move.
Toal Fact, The Believer
Another fight against your dear brother. Despite him being in his demon form, this battle is very easy, thanks to your Force Shield.

  • Toal will randomly dash around the arena, occasionally attacking you. Try not to get in his way.
  • Basically, he can attack you in three ways after all his dodges: he can perform his Inferno attack, which surrounds him in magical fire. It's very slow and easy to avoid.
  • He can continuously attack you with his claws. Keep on running and jumping to avoid it.
  • Toal can release a magical vortex, which will draw you towards it. To resist it, run in the opposite direction and don't jump too much. Fully charged shield will save you from this attack unless he performs it point blank.
  • Of course, Toal can use his Burst attack. Whenever you see him suddenly jumping away from you, get ready: he will unleash a huge beam of energy aimed directly at you. Simply run close to Toal as soon as you see him fleeing and jump over his head to completely avoid the beam. Or you can use your own Burst attack.

That's it, there's nothing more to tell. Charge your Shield and fire at him until he's down. Simple as that. Traps? Useless, he's way too fast. Fire skill? Again, too fast for you. Your normal shots can deal with everything in this game, relax.
Hugo Fact, The Unbound
Your little brother has gone a little mad. Time to knock some sense into him. Don't worry, there's nothing new he can throw at you. Basically, this fight is the same as the previous one against him, but with lots of Eyes of Fact shooting things at you. Get ready for some STG action.

Every single attack is familiar to you. Sure, there are Eyes of Fact everywhere now and patterns are more dense, but it's still the same fight as usual.

  • He can fire multiple orbs of lighting, that'll follow you around a bit before coming to a stop. Don't bump into these, they are extremely deadly.
  • He can send his trap mines in your direction. Keep running to avoid the blast.
  • Hugo will shoot at you from the Eyes of Fact in many different patterns. Use your skills and jumps to dodge them.
  • Hugo will put his improved shield that is completely unbreakable. Run around until it wears off.
  • When you deal enough damage, he will activate the Boost mode. You like dodging those bullets, aren't you? Now his Eyes can detach from Hugo and follow you around, occasionally spewing bullets. Be very careful and always keep an eye on Hugo.
  • Hugo still has his fire beam attack. Again, in order to avoid, simply jump over his head. This time this attack can be performed whenever he feels like even if the Eyes are flying around you. Use defensive skills and try not to get hit in this situation.

Burst attack will deal tremendous damage to Hugo. He will shield himself right after it ends though.

Attacking Hugo non-stop will cause him to put his shield up. However, using Fire skill won't trigger Hugo into shield activation for the most time.
Dalles, The Deranged
Check this guide, made by Cream0weet67 and give him a credit. It's a bit unpolished, but gives you every piece of information you need in order to beat the boss. Maybe I'll add some tips in the future, but I don't really want to de-evaluate other people's work.

So, excuse me for not doing this part of a guide and have this Ys artwork instead. Good luck with Dalles.

Darm, That Which Transcends All, Part 1
A father and his son, what a lovely scene. And a lovely fight is waiting for you. This is it, the final boss. Quite hard, quite lengthy, with lots of different attacks, but still manageable. Get prepared and onwards, to victory!

Darm is a very complex boss. He has three forms, each one with different set of attacks. Every time you discover the pearl, he will switch his form.

The fight takes place at some weird place, where the ground under your feet is formed by little blocks, which will scatter all over the place every time the boss changes his form. Whenever you fall off the arena, Darm will attack you with tentacles and teleport you back. Try to stay on four big blocks in the middle of the arena, right under Darm, they are always safe to stand on.

Phase one

In order to damage Darm, you must reveal the Pearl first. In order to do so, attack his body and hands. The Pearl's position is chosen at random (the beginning of the battle is the exception), so keep attacking. If the body part disappears without revealing the Pearl, that means you need to attack the other parts.

Remember that you can now use Burst freely, if you hadn't used it before because of the achievement.

Try not to touch Darm's body parts, they are harmful to you.

During the fight, Darm can summon some energy orbs, surrounded by rocks. Destroy them as soon as you can, they will fire projectiles at you non-stop. (Sometimes it's better to discover the Pearl first, especially when you know where it is. Act accordingly to the situation you're in.) There can be twelve orbs on one screen at a time.

His forms will be named according to his colours, three in total.

Red form

This is the form you encounter in the beginning of the fight. Relatively hard to deal with, be prepared to run a lot.
  • Darm can swing one of his arm in wide arc, pushing you away towards the edge of arena. Of course, the arm itself can hurt you, but you should worry more about keeping yourself within the bounds of the battlefield. Additionally, four rock orbs will spawn.
  • Darm will perform one big swing with two arms stretched. In addition to pushing power and increased area of the attack, several yellow shockwaves will also appear. Expect six rock orbs to be spawned.
  • He will scatter some small projectiles all over the arena, that will stay out there for a while. Easy to dodge, just don't run into them. Six rock orbs can appear, but only if the boss vomits the projectiles directly in front of him.
  • Two hands can appear near your position. Jump or use the Inferno skill to get away from them as soon as possible: they will clap together, resulting in big yellow energy clot with relatively lengthy lifespan. Stay away from it whatever it takes, it deals huge amount of damage. Clapping will also create one lightning that targets your general position in a weird arc, leaving a small explosion in the place of impact.
  • Darm will slowly put his spear in front of him. Then he will open his mouth and fire a huge energy beam across the whole field. During this attack, you will be drawn towards the beam, so keep running no matter what. Do not jump under any circumstances. Note that the beginning of Darm's animation in the beginning of the attack is the same as when he scatters the arena with projectiles, so be prepared. Even if you are being hit by some projectiles, keep running, but if you are hit by the beam, use your skills to escape.

    When his health is low, he gains new attacks. The lightning attack applies to every form, even the final one.

  • He can pound the ground with his palm, sending off few sparks in a wavy pattern. His palm will always appear above you.
  • He will raise his hand striking the area beneath it with lightning. A lot of electric sparks will come out afterwards, so get ready to jump.
  • He also gains a lightning attack which will fire two beams of lightning right at you. Don't forget to keep moving. This attack will be performed even during his other attacks.

In order to counter most of his attacks, always keep the Inferno skill charged.

Swinging attacks are easily escapable with the use of Inferno. Even if the swing pushed you out of bounds of the arena, you still have a chance of returning back, because Inferno keeps you in the air for a bit.

Clapping attack always appears when you don't expect it. Keep your eyes open: either jump away or use Inferno as soon as you see the hands. Watch out for the following lightning, you can easily bump into in after jump. Inferno usually keeps you safe from it.

Black form

Darm straightens himself up, his colour and the colour of the background changes to black. Time for some precision jumps. The most annoying form to deal with.

  • He will draw his tentacles forward and start spinning them across the whole arena. They are avoidable by jumping, just time them carefully.
  • He has another attack involving tentacles: they will spin again, but in different pattern, overlapping with each other. It's very easy to avoid.
  • Darm will hold his spear right in front of him. A big Star of David will appear and start to spin. Do not touch the red lines or you will get hit. The lines will drag you along with them if you don't jump.
  • Darm starts spinning the spear, causing a rain of energy beams to fall. You will be also continuously dragged towards Darm, so run away from him to resist this force. The rain won't hurt you if you are very close to the boss or at the very end of the arena. Oh, and don't forget about rock orbs, he will spawn six of them.
  • Darm will quickly thrust his spear, firing yellow lasers, causing yellow pools of energy to appear. Do not touch those, or you'll be "confused". They are easy to avoid, but they will stay for some time on the battlefield.
  • If he enters this form when his health is low, additional lightning attack will be constantly used. Two beams of electricity will fire from his shoulders, targeting your position. Try moving or guarding during those shots.

    This phase requires a lot of precision from you. Time your jumps correctly, observe the patterns, plan your movement.

    The best way to attack this boss is during your jumps. Your projectiles cover wider area this way. Perform this attack during overlapping tentacles.

    During spinning tentacles don't double jump too often, sometimes it's useful to have an extra jump.

Yellow form

The easiest form to deal with. He will place his whole body close to the ground, spreading his arms wide.

  • He will plunge the spear into the ground. Soon, black waves will start coming out from the spear in every direction. Simply jump over to avoid them.
  • Darm can smash the ground three times with his spear, starting from the right to the left. These smashes will send red trails of energy in eight directions. This attack may look scary, but there isn't much to fear: only red trails can hit you, the red aura around the point of impact is harmless.
  • Darm can swing with his spear, pushing you away. Watch out, this attack has a big hitbox. This attack is similar to the one during the red form. Rock orbs will be spawned.
  • Darn can jump, causing a big yellow forcefield around him to appear and pushing you away from the arena the moment he lands. Simply stay away from him as soon the attack starts: it has long start-up animation.

In order to quickly reveal the Pearl, stand right beside his arms and attack him so that projectiles hit his every body part. Using Burst is especially effective.

Check out the second part to see some additional tips and tricks, as well for the continuation of the guide.
Darm, That Which Transcends All, Part 2
Special thanks to the Steam Guide's character limit.

Phase Two

When Darm has about a sixth of his health left, he enters his second phase.

The ground blocks will now rotate instead of scattering, so don't fall off! Standing at one of the four big blocks is still a good idea.

In order to damage him, you need to expose the Pearl first, so try to hit the forcefield that surrounds it. Your usual attacks won't do much damage, but Burst can take care of it one second. Use it as soon as possible.
  • Those annoying electrical beams are still there. I'm sure you know what to do, but "how to do" is the real question here.
  • Darm will stick his tentacle into the ground with a distinct sound. A second later it will come right under your feet, so move whenever you see it coming.
  • Darm will clench his fists so hard that little electrical shockwaves will come out of them. They will fly across the field in a wavy pattern. They are avoidable by jumping or guarding. Six rock orbs will spawn during this move.
  • Watch out if Darm clenches only one fist: purple spheres will target your position, exploding upon hit.
  • The boss can also create a series of lightning with a slight movement of his hand, so pay attention. They hit directly in front of his hand.
  • He will randomly slam the ground with tentacles. Hard to dodge, hard to predict. Stay away from the point of impact, red wave will hurt you too.
When you reveal the Pearl, he gains some new attacks.
  • His middle tentacle becomes electrical. Try not to touch it if you've decided to rush directly at the Pearl.
  • He can swipe the whole arena with his electrical tentacle. This attack is rather fast, so be careful.
  • The Pearl will become red, releasing a laser beam in a few moments. Additional explosions will appear along the beam, don't get too close. Easy to predict, easy to avoid.

What you must do is to destroy the shield with the Burst attack. You probably will be low on health, so Boost meter will be refilled quickly. Attacking it with your shots is dangerous and tiresome.

Don't try to hit the Pearl up close. It's possible to do, but get ready to take a heap of damage. Besides, your slashing attacks won't do anything to the Pearl, only your shots can damage it.

You can damage the shield as soon as the second phase starts. Use this opportunity to get some free hits.

Don't stop moving the during second phase: almost every attack is targeted directly at you.

Additional tips

When the fight begins, always attack Darm's body, the Pearl will always be there.

Always use your Burst when possible. Red and Yellow forms can be finished very quickly with it's help.

Don't worry about falling out of bounds: Inferno, when timed right, will completely negate every attack. You can even abuse this to gain some free time to fill your Boost meter, especially during the second phase.

Clear every rock orb with the Burst attack when there's a possibility. They are really annoying.

Charged Thunder skill deals very good damage to the body parts, especially when boosted. Too bad you need to get very close to Darm in order for it to get hit.

Don't underestimate the Godspeed: it's an excellent way to counter every attack that targets your position. It is also a great way to resist pulling attacks.

During the first phase, when the Pearl is revealed, don't attack it from the distance: get close and try to position yourself that both your projectiles and claws hit the Pearl.

Keeping Inferno always charged is a great way to counter most of the attacks on reaction.

When Darm transforms into his red form, you character will be forced to turn in the opposite direction right when the boss becomes vulnerable to attacks. This weird behaviour might mess up with your movement and attack. For example, if you want to attack Darm right off the bat during this form, turn away from him. Your character will automatically face Darm as soon as the battle starts.

Black form's yellow laser attack won't hit you if you remain stationary.

Don't worry about taking damage during this boss battle: as you know, the less health you have, the faster your Boost replenishes. You can even sacrifice your health in favour of revealing the Pearl if you want.
27 件のコメント
DraganMKD87 2023年4月6日 17時22分 
Great guide,i can tell that you are playing fighting games by using a'lot of FGC terms
Gloochi 2019年9月9日 10時36分 
A bit of an extra bit for Shion. I just found that the stairs at the bottom edge of the arena are actually high enough to block his bullets. If you hug the wall there, you'll be completely safe.
MMOtte 2019年5月3日 17時42分 
Actually for Jenocres on Hugo, I found charged Flame skill very effective. Dodging attacks was no big in itself, the big problem was at the same time getting in position to hit with attacks without them being blocked/absorbed by the pillars.

Luckily Charged Flame pierces enemies.

So just run around dodging attacks, charging Flame skill, then fire ze lazerz once the boss reappears, rinse and repeat.
Deaf 2018年2月7日 13時39分 
Also in the 2nd phase of "Epona, The Resolute", if you using Burst in the right timing, its possible to trap at least 1 clone, 2-3 Bursts and she is down.
Deaf 2018年2月4日 7時33分 
@Mr. Bors add the tip: Play with evry normal version Very Easy and with evry EX version Easy, to unlock "Bonus SP" for Nightmare.

But for real after 6th run, the unskippable dialogues getting annyoing as heck, either get macro for X or get something heavy to lay on X... xD 2nd option what i use :feena:
Weapon Master 2017年3月19日 12時02分 
I actually ended up beating him by using something that you didn't mention in your guide, a fully charged inferno ability can deal over 200 damage and not trigger his shield. That's important because then you don't have to spend 15 seconds dodging every time you do 200 damage with your claws.
Mr. Bors  [作成者] 2017年3月19日 2時12分 
I'm a lazy piece of shit, sorry. One level can make a noticeable difference, sure, but it all comes down to personal skill, in the end. I'm currently busy with some other work, but as soon as I'm done I'll look through the guide and add a few tips here and there, in addition to recommended levels. That won't happen soon though, two months, approximately.
Weapon Master 2017年3月18日 3時43分 
Last updated 2.5 years ago, but recommended levels would sure be nice. Attempting to beat Hugo 2 right now but his danmaku chip me away to 50 health before I even start his burst mode. It also doesn't help that he can randomly drop mines while you're hitting him for a cheeky 40 damage.
Azuron 2016年12月19日 13時46分 
Thanks a lot for that guide and all the effort that went into it. It was very helpful during my first playthroughs.

Some minor additions for Toal:
• Shion: It's pretty convenient to run through him using godspeed while evading his eight thunderbolts (the first attack you've mentioned). His attack takes enough time to hit him with two charged godspeed attacks (breaking his shield), basically creating an opening everytime he uses this attack.
• Gelaldy: I would suggest to dispose of the Perries (vomit attack) using Thunder Claw (charged), as you can actually heal up on both Boost and HP a bit that way.
furbleburble 2016年10月11日 8時09分 
This guide has helped me immensely. Thank you for making it.