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gStands Guide
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All Stands and how they work.
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Guide Info
What Is gStands?
gStands is a mod for Garry's Mod that adds all Stands from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, created by this handsome man.

Neat. Where can I download it?
gStands isn’t finished just yet, but the playable alpha is available here!

What Stands are done?
Currently, all Part 3 Stands are being made and will be released soon.

What is the point of this guide?
To show you all Stands currently in gStands, how they work and how to best use them.

Where can I learn more?
There's a wiki[], a steam group, and a Discord.[]

Can I speed up development?
If you really want to help, you can find Copper on the Discord and help with coding. Other than that, you can donate.[]

What if I am russian and I want to read info in my native language?
Для русских у нас есть руководство написанное на русском .

Spoilers ahead.
Tread lightly friend.
An introduction for stand controls to know how it will work.

All stands have custom keybinds system. Here's how it works:
- Any moves that use Shift including combo moves have been updated to use Modifier Key 1 (default Shift)
- Any moves that use E including combo moves have been updated to use Modifier Key 2 (default E)
- Any moves that use R including combo moves have been updated to use Mode swap (default R) with the exception of Geb's control mode which has been swapped to DoDoDo
- Any moves that use Alt including combo moves have been updated to use DoDoDo (default Alt)
- Any moves that use Middle Mouse including combo moves have been updated to use Zoom (default Middle Mouse)
- Stands that have taunts now have a dedicated taunt button (default G)
- Stands that can stand leap now have a dedicated stand leap button (default X)
- Stands that have defensive mode now have a dedicated defensive mode button (default B)
-Stands have a private voice chat mode that makes it to where only other Stand Users can hear you. The sound emits from your player and not your Stand itself due to Garry’s Mod limitations. (Default: H)
- More to come?
Star Platinum

Star Platinum: The World!

Stand User: Jotaro Kujo

Destructive Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Development Potential: A

Star Platinum is a Close-Range Active Stand from Part 3, but makes appearances in Parts 4 and 6. It is the Stand of Jotaro Kujo, the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders. Star Platinum was the first Stand seen in JoJo, and subsequently the first fully developed Stand in gStands. Star Platinum is widely regarded the Stand of all Stands, the punching ghost. Being a Tarot Series Stand, Star Platinum represents Taro #17, The Star, which symbolizes intuition, purity and core essence.

As a Power-Type, Star Platinum can use its array of moves to decimate any opponent that gets too close. It has many abilities that give it an edge in any scenario, including projectiles and pulling in players with its breath. Star Platinum gives its User 1500 health, and has a range of 500 units.

Punch Mode:

Left Click - I'm Gonna Smash You!: Star Platinum unleashes a barrage of punches with his signature ORA rush. While dealing high damage and knockback, it also adds a layer of defense, as Star Platinum takes half damage while barraging.

Right Click - You Pis​s​ed Me Off.: Star Platinum throws a heavy punch, dealing high damage and knockback. This move is difficult to land, so we recommend using it to gain distance from an enemy instead of an attack.

Shift Right Click - I'll Judge You Myself!: Star Platinum grabs a player or NPC by their neck. The grabbed User can still attack, but must kill the User or be released to break free. Any action will cancel the grab, so it's recommended to only use it to throw an enemy for distance.

Shift Right Click - Do You Understand?: Star Platinum throws a held player, throwing them roughly the distance You Pis​sed Me Off. deals.

Ability Mode:

Left Click - Star Finger! Star Platinum's finger extends greatly, and he attacks in a swiping motion. This attack is usually used for zoning, as it has a cone of attack. It can also hit multiple enemies.

Shift Left Click - He's Sucking Up Her Stand!: Star Platinum takes a huge breath, pulling in players and NPCs. When using this inside of Justice's range, you'll deal constant damage to its User. This makes Star Platinum a powerful counter to the invincible Stand.

Right Click - Star Platinum: The World!: Star Platinum stops time for 5 seconds. In Stopped Time, only those who share the ability to Stop Time can move, but only for a second and a half. This is Star Platinum's most powerful ability, as it leaves every player without a Time Stopping Stand blind and deaf for 5 seconds.

Either Mode:

Zoom - Enhanced Eyesight: Use Star Platinum's vision, allowing a greater Zoom that you can adjust.

Shift Zoom - With These Bearings, Range Increases to 20 Meters.: Star Platinum shoots a ball bearing. These will ricochet and have damage falloff, dealing 55 damage at the most.

G - Yare Yare Daze...: Say "Yare Yare Daze" like the goober you are.

Magician's Red

Crossfire Hurricane!

Stand User: Muhammad Avdol

Destructive Power: B
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: C
Development Potential: D

Magician's Red is a Close-Range Active type Stand from Part 3 and belongs to Muhammad Avdol, a core ally in Stardust Crusaders. Magician's Red was the second introduced Stand in JoJo shortly after Star Platinum's introduction. Magician’s Red is a Tarot Series Stand, representing Taro #1, The Magician, which symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities, experience and knowledge.

Magician's Red may be a Close-Range type Stand, however, it still has powerful and diverse tools in its arsenal which can be used for zoning, and can be even deadlier at closer ranges. Magician's Red gives the User 1000 Health, and a range of 500 units.

Punch Mode:

Left Click - Flaming Kick: Magician's Red unleashes a powerful kick with high knockback which deals medium damage and sets the target on fire.

Right Click - Flame Bomb: Magician's Red releases a floating small-sized fire orb that can stick to entities and surfaces.
Note: If the User tries to walk out of Flame Bomb's range, it will stick to the edge in order to stay within range of the User.

Shift Right Click - Detonate: This move detonates all currently placed Flame Bombs. It deals medium to high damage and sets nearby entities on fire.

Ability Mode:

Left Click - Flames of the Magician: Magician's Red breathes out a huge cloud of fire that deals high damage, high knockback and is capable of destroying projectiles. Magician's Red can aim at the ground in order to launch its User upwards.

Right Click - Red Bind: Magician's Red binds the affected player in their place, rendering them unable to move, but their Stand will be able to freely move around. However, if the Stand is directly affected by Red Bind, both Player and Stand will be unable to move. The User also has the option to use Red Bind on a ledge, in which case, Magician's Red will propel its User towards said ledge.

Shift Right Click - Crossfire Hurricane: Magician's Red charges up Crossfire Hurricane, and it can release up to 3 player-controlled high damage projectiles depending on its charge time.

Either Mode:

Passive - Ambient Heat: If the User is inside of a building, Magician's Red heats up the room, creating particle effects inside.

Shift Middle Click - Aggressive Life Detector: An automatic Life Detector that moves towards live entities at a slow pace. This deals little damage and is best used to locate players.

Middle Click - Passive Life Detector: The Life Detector follows its User. This is best suited for finding stealthed or hidden players.

G - Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!: Taunt, as you go No-No and make "Tsk" sounds.

Hermit Purple

Did you see it? The thorns on my hand; That is my Stand!

Stand User: Joseph Joestar

Destructive Power: D
Speed: C
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: D
Development Potential: E

Hermit Purple is an Effect Stand from Part 3. Its User is Joseph Joestar, the protagonist from Part 2, however Joseph didn't unlock Hermit Purple until much later in Part 3. Hermit Purple is one of the Tarot Series Stands, Representing Taro #9, The Hermit, which symbolizes self-discovery, awareness and wisdom.

Hermit Purple is a very unique Stand with precognitive abilities. It is also the only Stand that can use Hamon. Its moveset focuses on gathering information and grappling. While not being an Active Stand, and as such lacking a Stand Leap, Hermit Purple makes up for it in its ability to swing across cities with its vines. Hermit Purple gives the User 1500 health.

Hamon Off:

Left Click - Vine Whip: Hermit Purple whips out in a cone motion, covering a good distance. This attack can hit multiple enemies.

Shift Left Click - Vine Grapple: Hermit Purple comes out to latch on something, with varying effect depending on what you grapple.
  • Player/NPC: Hold the person still with Hermit Purple. Some stronger Stand Users will be able to move, but only a little.
  • Object/Prop: Freely move the prop around. You can hold E to hold the prop in place.
  • Vehicle: Control the vehicle by moving around. Use Shift to speed up and Control to break. The vehicle moves in the direction you are staring.

Right Click - Spirit TV: Right clicking on a rendertarget texture will view the player with the most kills.

Hamon On:

Left Click - Vine Whip: An enhanced attack that deals Hamon damage.

Shift Left Click - Vine Grapple: A grapple that conducts Hamon. People that are inbetween you and your grappled targets will also take Hamon damage. Any grappled props will also conduct Hamon, damaging nearby enemies.

Right Click - OVERDRIVE!: Deal a punch infused with Hamon, dealing damage over time.

Passive - Hamon Shield: Hamon courses through your body, automatically damaging enemies that touch you. This will also destroy Flesh Buds planted by The Lovers.

Either Mode:

G - OH MY GOD!!!: Bring out your inner Joseph and yell OH MY GOD!!!

Hierophant Green

Hierophant's Barrier surrounds you for 20 meters!

Stand User: Noriaki Kakyoin

Destructive Power: C
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: C
Development Potential: D

Hierophant Green is a Long-Range Remote type Stand from Part 3 and is wielded by Noriaki Kakyoin, a core ally of the Stardust Crusader's. Hierophant Green is the very first Long-Range type Stand in the series and represents Taro #5, The Hierophant, symbolizing religion, tradition and control over the subconscious, conscious and superconcious mind.

Hierophant Green's moveset is mainly based around setting traps and shooting projectiles. The Stand can be very powerful at a distance, but is weak in hand-to-hand combat scenarios. However, it has great mobility, meaning it can flee these situations with ease. Hierophant Green gives the User 1000 health, and has a range of 1500 units.

Punch Mode:

Left Click - Grapple: One of Hierophant Green's moves with a variety of uses. If Grapple is used on a surface, it will bring the User to the surface where Hierophant Green attached itself with its tentacles. However, if it's used on a player, it will bring the player closer to the User. Lastly, if Grapple is used on an object, it launches the object to the User.
Note: This move can not damage players

Right Click - Tentacle Trap: By pressing right click, Hierophant Green will make its tentacles pop out of the ground. This move deals high damage and traps a player in place. This move is best used at Medium-Distances.

Ability Mode:

Left Click - Emerald Splash: Hierophant Green's signature attack, it can be charged by holding left click to focus its spread. The Emerald Splash can be compared to a shotgun shot in spread and does medium to high damage, depending on how many projectiles hit the target. And yes, you can deflect the emerald splash.

Shift Left Click - Quick Barrier: By using Emerald Splash, this move places strands that, when made contact with, will bounce the target back and will shoot multiple emeralds at the target.
These strands disappear after 5 seconds, making it perfect for escaping tight situations.

Right Click - Hierophant Barrier: An improved version of Quick Barrier. By manually placing strands, you can trap your opponents. These strands are nearly invisible and if made contact with, shoot emeralds at your target. This move is great for fighting multiple opponents at once.
(Note: You can place a maximum of 50 strands)

Shift Right Click - 20 Meter Emerald Splash: This move makes every Hierophant Barrier you've placed fire off an Emerald Splash at the target.
(Note: This move is obviously weaker the less Strands that are up, so make sure to plan ahead)

Either Mode:

Passive - Possession: If Hierophant touches (the back of) another player, while in DoDoDo mode, the Stand can possess this person. However, if the User is damaged while possessing the player or if the User leaves the range of Hierophant Green, they'll be forced to leave the body.
The User, while possessing another player can only attack people if the possessed player is not a stand User. This might be useful for distancing an attacker from you.

G - Taunt: Makes the player say random Milf Hunter quotes.

Kiss From a Rose


Stand User: Holly Kujo

Destructive Power: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Range: Unknown
Durability: Unknown
Precision: Unknown
Development Potential: Unknown

Kiss From a Rose is an Effect type Stand from Part 3 and belongs to Holly Kujo, she is Joseph Joestar's daughter and Jotaro Kujo's mother. Her Stand abilities and its name are currently unknown, and are merely a representation of how it would be like if Holly Kujo's Stand hadn't taken over her body.

Kiss From a Rose is a Stand proficient at healing players and allies alike while granting safety to its User and allies. The Stand gives the User 1500 health.

Left Click - Slow Spores: Creates a large bubble that slows down everything within it, including Stand projectiles, this move lasts 5 seconds.

Right Click - Extra Pheromones: Boosted Healing is granted to the affected player, this move lasts 5 seconds.

Reload - Rose Bud: Plants a Rose Bud that heals targets within its AoE, and is capable of stacking with other Rose Buds.
(Rose Buds can also be put on walls)

E + Space - Rose Wind: If the User finds himself near a Rose Bud while Rose Wind is active, it will propel them upwards, and such still applies to Rose Buds that have been put on walls.

Rose Bud + Slow Spores Combo: Rose Buds and Slow Spores can be used in tandem in order to replace Slow Spores' Slow effect with a damage nullifying aura.

Passive - Calming Pheromones: The User has passive slow regeneration, and anyone nearby will also be slowly healed.

Hermit Purple 2

As I anticipated...

Stand User: DIO

Destructive Power: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Range: Unknown
Durability: Unknown
Precision: Unknown
Development Potential: Unknown

Hermit Purple 2 is an Effect Stand from Part 3, and DIO's second Stand. While Hermit Purple 2 is the same as Joseph Joestars, DIO uses it much differently. It is the only Tarot Series Stand to share a Taro Card, representing Taro #9, The Hermit.
Note: Originally, DIO was planned to share every Stand with the Crusaders, however it was retconned early and DIO was left with two.

Hermit Purple 2 is an assist Stand to The World, and it shows, however this does not mean it's a bad Stand. Its abilities revolve around gathering information and stunning enemies. This Stand is best used in tangent with another Stand that can offer offensive capabilities. Hermit Purple 2 gives the User 1500 health.

Left Click - Grapple/Mind Read: Grapple onto a Player and read their Mind, highlighting their teammates through walls for as long as they are grappled. Targeting a screen with a rendertarget material will show and follow the player furthest from you.

Right Click - Curse: Show the location of the last grappled player. This highlights them through walls for a short time, but can be used multiple times.

Reload - Mental Overload: Blind and deafen the player you are grappling for a short time.

Tower of Gray

You could be one inch away, pointing at me with ten guns... The ten bullets wouldn't even touch my Stand!

Stand User: Grayfly

Destructive Power: E
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Tower of Gray is an Active Long-Range Stand who appears in Part 3. It's user is Grayfly. a minor antagonist and the first enemy Stand User who doesn't become an ally. It's a Tarot Series Stand, representing Taro #16, The Tower, or the end of a journey and unexpected chaos.

Tower of Gray uses its immense speed to dispatch any enemies. It leaves the user defenseless, so it's best used for reconnaissance and long-ranged attacks. Tower of Gray gives the User 800 health, and has a range of 1500 units.

Left Click - Tower Needle: Tower of Gray's tongue extends out and attacks in a quick whipping motion. Headshots deal much more damage, and killing someone with a headshot will collect their tongue. The more tongues you collect, the more damage you deal, to a maximum of 15 tongues.

Reload - Targeting: Target a specific player. This is useful, as Tower of Gray's speed can make it hard to control.

Shift - Speed Mode: Gain more Speed depending on how many tongues you have.

Right Click - Dodge: Tower of Gray vigorously shakes around, dodging all Stand Damage towards it. This doesn't defend the user.

Silver Chariot

Non, non, non, non, non, non!

Stand User: Jean Pierre Polnareff

Destructive Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: B
Development Potential: C

Silver Chariot is an Active Stand from Part 3, used by Jean Pierre Polnareff, who briefly battles the main cast but is defeated by Mohammad Avdol, and joins the group. Silver Chariot is one of the Tarot Series Stands, representing Taro #7, The Chariot, symbolizing War, Revenge and Victory.

Silver Chariot's most notable feature is its Sword. It's an incredibly fast Stand, faster than light itself, even able to overpower Star Platinum because of its speed. Silver Chariot is one of the highest damage dealing Stands. Silver Chariot is also the only Stand to include a split moveset in a split moveset, with its Armor Off changing its Ability Mode. Silver Chariot gives its User 1000 health, and has a range of 500 units.

Punch Mode:

Left Click - HORA HORA HORA!: Silver Chariot slices in front of the user at incredible speed, describable as a Stand Rush. This deals good damage and heavy knockback, but also adds a layer of defense, as it destroys some projectiles.

Shift Left Click - NAIVE!: Silver Chariot spins his sword in place, reflecting every projectile that comes his way, including the Emerald Splash. If you reflect Flames of The Magician, your sword ignites for a few seconds, setting those who make contact with your sword on fire.

Right Click - Slash Attack: Silver Chariot delivers three heavy slices, dealing medium to high damage. This attack is best used for zoning.

Right Click and Hold - Charge Dash: Silver Chariot charges for up to 3 seconds. Chariot will charge out, piercing any enemy in his path, dealing high damage. The range of the attack depends on the time charged. This attack can hit multiple enemies.

Ability Mode:

Left Click - Off Comes The Armor!: Silver Chariot sheds its armor, changing its Ability Mode moveset.

Armor On:

Passive - Armored Up: Chariot takes half the damage from all attacks. This is very useful, as it allows you to easily overwhelm Stands that rely purely on damage output to survive.

Right Click - Sword Shoot: Chariot fires his Rapier. The rapier will target enemies by bouncing off walls. Very high damage, but easily punishable as Chariot cannot attack without his sword. Best used to finish off a low health enemy.

Armor Off:

Passive - After-Images: Two afterimages stand by Chariot's side, tripling the amount of damage he can deal. This can also increase Chariot's defense, as there are three of them to reflect projectiles. This is still used best offensively as Chariot will take normal damage.

Right Click - Spin Attack: All afterimages cut wildly around the User, fending off enemies from all directions. Best used defensively or in crowd control situations. You won't land an attack often against a Player, but is still useful to keep them away.

Shift Right Click - Triple Dash: All afterimages dash forward in a cone shape, dealing a Slash Attack. This attack is easier to hit than the normal Slash Attack, but also has much more coverage.

Either Mode:

G - Taunt: Quote the Frenchman himself at random.

Dark Blue Moon

My Dark Blue Moon is king underwater.

Stand User: Impostor Captain Tennille

Destructive Power: C
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: C
Development Potential: D

Dark Blue Moon is an Active Stand that appears in Part 3. The User is an Impostor Captain, who attacks the Crusaders and nearly kills Jotaro, demonstrating the power to kill every Crusader in the water, but is defeated by Star Platinum's Star Finger. Dark Blue Moon is a Tarot Series card, representing Taro #18, The Moon, which symbolizes lies, betrayal and fear of the unknown.

Dark Blue Moon is a Close-Range Stand that is nearly defenseless on land. Its moveset relies around getting players into water, and once they are, demolishing them without a chance to escape. Dark Blue Moon is exceedingly powerful in the Ocean, able to beat any User unlucky enough to get pulled in. Dark Blue Moon gives its User 1000 health, and has a range of 500 units.

Left Click - Sharp Fins: Dark Blue Moon performs a chop that plants Barnacles on hit enemies. Barnacles will slowly drain the health of a person, and overtime they will lose more and more attack power. Enemies with Barnacles are pulled towards you, allowing you to pull enemies into the ocean. This ability can be used outside of water.

Shift Left Click - Water Blade: Dark Blue Moon sends a saw blade projectile that cuts straight to the bone. Deals high damage and homes in on enemies. This attack can only be used underwater.

Right Click - Water Blast: Dark Blue Moon sends out a powerful current that violently throws enemies away. If the enemy lands against a wall, they suffer high damage. Can only be used in water.

Shift Right Click - Water Pull: Dark Blue Moon creates a Water Current that violently pulls enemies in, leaving them vulnerable. Can only be used in water.

Reload - Whirlpool: Dark Blue Moon thrashes around the water, creating a massive whirlpool that sucks players in and throws them around. Dark Blue Moon's scales are floating around the nearby water, slicing at any player inside the whirlpool. The whirlpool can only form in a body of water.

Passive - Underwater King: While Underwater, Dark Blue Moon and its User gain multiple buffs that make it a force to be reckoned with.
  • Enhanced Senses: Dark Blue Moon's User can see up to five times further than the normal person in water. They can also detect anyone inside of the same body of water, highlighting enemies.
  • Enhanced Speed: Dark Blue Moon and his User are faster the deeper they are in the water. This can lead to some abysmal speeds.
  • Underwater Cutter: Swimming past opponents will cut them with your fins, dealing medium damage.
  • Regeneration: Dark Blue Moon and his User regenerate health every second while underwater. It's not enough to rely on, but very useful during a fight.

Passive - Barnacles: When above or below water, after you take damage, any player near you is automatically attacked by your barnacles.

The word that the orangutan was pointing to was “strength.”

Stand User: Forever
Destructive Power: B
Speed: D
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Strength is a Bound Object Stand from Part 3, used by the orangutan Forever. Forever was sent by DIO to assassinate the Joestar group, but was beaten to death by Star Platinum. His Stand, Strength, during the fight, binds to a small boat and turns it into a massive freighter. Strength is a Tarot Stand, representing Taro #8, Strength, symbolizing raw emotion, influence and power.

Strength, being a bound Stand, relies on the User’s awareness and strategy. Strength can bind to objects with varying effects depending on the object, and even phase through them. It allows the User to have complete control over the map and their surroundings. A smart Strength User is anyone’s worst nightmare. Strength gives its User 1500 Health and can bind to an object within 500 units from its User, but any bound object will unbind after the User leaves within 2500 units.

Left Click - Bind: Simply bind to an object or prop.

Right Click - Primary Manipulation: Control a bound object in a variety of ways, depending on what the object is.
  • Physical Objects/Props: When bound to a prop or physical object, Right Click to increase the size, up to 5 times greater than the original.
  • Breakable Objects: When binding to glass, explosive barrels, ect., Right Click to break them. Any effect the object normally has when it is broken, ex a barrel exploding, will still happen, allowing you to place explosive barrels around the map and explode them strategically. Along with this, breaking any object near a player will cause some damage.
  • Doors: When binding to doors, Right Click will open or close them. This can allow you to open a door from further away or open a door normally inaccessible.
  • Ladders: When bound to ladders, Right Click will throw anyone on the ladder off of it. This can be used for escape denial or even preventing enemies from getting to you.
  • Buttons: When bound to buttons, Right Click will zap the nearest player, dealing some damage.
  • Crane: When bound to a Crane, Right Click will throw the crane forwards, squashing any enemies. This deals massive damage and knockback.

Shift Right Click - Secondary Manipulation: Another manipulation move, but with different effects, once again based on the bound object.
  • Physical Objects/Props: When bound to a prop or physical object, Shift Right Click to Control the prop similar to telekinesis. You can slam them, make them clump together, or make them shake around vigorously.
  • Doors: When bound to a door, Shift Right Click to lock or unlock all of your bound doors. This is a very reliable and easy area denial/access ability.
  • Crane: When bound to a Crane, Shift Right Click to toggle its magnetism. This can be used to pick up metal objects and turn your squasher into a hammer.

Reload - Phase: Make all your bound props not collide with anything or anyone, allowing players and NPCs to walk right through them. You can suffocate enemies by unphasing once they are inside a phased prop.
Ebony Devil

I am Devo the Cursed. And my Stand represents "The Devil" of the Major Arcana... It symbolizes confusion and misfortune.

Stand User: Devo

Destructive Power: D
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: D
Development Potential: B

Ebony Devil is a Long-Distance Bound Type Stand from Part 3 and belongs to Devo, a minor antagonist sent by DIO in order to detain the Crusaders on their quest. Ebony Devil is a Tarot Card Stand, representing Taro #15, "The Devil", it symbolizes confusion and misfortune.

Ebony Devil is a Stand that revolves around taking non-lethal damage and setting up strategic positions at long-range and using lightweight props for maximum damage output. The Stand gives the User 1000 Health.

Left Click - Slash Attack: Ebony Devil swings its spear from within the currently bound object.

Right Click - Flurry Charge: Ebony Devil gravitates the currently bound object towards the closest player, and sends out multiple Slash Attacks when within range of the player.

Reload - Bind: Binds Ebony Devil to a prop or ragdoll.
  • Prop Locomotion: Bound objects can be controlled when in DoDoDo Mode.
  • Damage Mirroring: Whenever someone attacks Ebony Devil's currently bound object, the same amount of damage from that attack will be applied to its user.

Passive - Grudge: When a Target damages Ebony Devil or its User, Grudge Points will be stored, which in return will increase your damage output against said target.

Passive - Speed Demon: Increases Ebony Devil's damage output relative to the currently bound object's momentum.

Movement Quirks: Ebony Devil and its currently bound object can move as long as they're near a surface, making them able to climb up walls or cling onto a ceiling.

Yellow Temperance


Stand User: Rubber Soul

Destructive Power: D
Speed: C
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: D

Yellow Temperance is a Close-Range Bound Type Stand from Part 3 and its user is Rubber Soul, a minor antagonist paid by DIO in order to stop the Crusaders on their journey. Yellow Temperance is a Tarot Card Stand, which represents Taro #14, "Temperance", which symbolizes moderation of one's actions, thoughts, or feelings.

Yellow Temperance is a Stand best used for a defensive playstyle, providing the User with diverse punishing close-range tools and reliable defensive options. The Stand gives the User 1500 Health.

Left Click - Blob Slap: Yellow Temperance's blob does a whipping motion and has three different properties.
  • Wide-Range Attack: Yellow Temperance's Blob Slap can hit multiple targets as long as they're within range.
  • On Hit - Multiple Hits: A Target can take multiple hits from a single Blob Slap.
  • On Hit - Blob Spreading: When a Target is hit by Blob Slap, a Digesting Blob will be applied to the target.

Digesting Blob: Digesting Blobs can only be applied to a target by using certain moves, mainly Blob Slap, but Consume and Retaliation can also apply Digesting Blobs. And much like Blob Slap, it has different properties.
  • Growth: Digesting Blobs slowly grow over time, and deal more damage as they do so.
  • Temperature Reaction - Heat Spread: When the affected target is set on fire, the blobs will spread.
  • Temperature Reaction - Ice Spikes: When the affected target is frozen, the blobs will deal more damage.
  • Water Vulnerability: If the affected target touches water, all Digesting Blobs will be washed away.

Shift Left Click - Disguise: Disguise as the entity you're looking at, including ragdolls.

Right Click - Consume: If used on an entity, it applies a Digesting Blob to your target.
  • Amorphous Bonus: If the user consumes a ragdoll, Amorphous is triggered.

Passive - Amorphous: Amorphous allows the user to increase their size and other stats, stats include: +100 Health per ragdoll, increased Speed and Jump Height.
Note: Amorphous' health increase does not have a limit, and thus, the user can indefinitely increase their health.

Passive - Water Vulnerability: Most of Yellow Temperance's effects and abilities are disabled when in water.

Passive - Retaliation: If a target attacks Yellow Temperance within melee range, a Digesting Blob is placed on the target.

Passive - Temperature Reaction: Yellow Temperance can react differently when attacked by certain kinds of moves, like fire or cold.
  • Heat Spread: When set on fire, Yellow Temperance will increase its user's size.
  • Ice Spikes: When frozen, nearby targets take damage.

Reload - Defensive Wall: The User takes greatly reduced damage. (Damage is divided by 100)

Hanged Man
I exist only within a mirror and your Silver Chariot is incapable of entering a mirror. That's why...

Stand User: J. Geil

Destructive Power: C
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: D
Development Potential: D

Hanged Man is a Long-Distance Bound Type Stand from Part 3 and belongs to J. Geil, a minor antagonist, son of Enyaba Geil and sent by DIO in order to detain the Crusaders. Hanged Man is a Tarot Card Stand, it represents Taro #12, "The Hanged Man", it can symbolize for one to be at ease even under problematic circumstances, living in the present and being suspended between two worlds.

Hanged Man is a Stand best suited at long distance attacks, with its abilities focusing on going an incredible range from the User and attacking dumbfounded enemies. The Stand is invulnerable to its victims while attacking, and can easily dispose of any enemy unlucky enough to come across it. However, the User, while not around reflective surfaces, cannot use Hanged Man effectively, meaning Hanged Man has no use in close quarters combat. It also has no means of protecting its User, as it only exists in reflections; This makes it quite the offensive Stand. Hanged Man gives its User 1000 health and has an infinite range.

Alt - Mode Swap: Hanged Man switches between one of three modes, each working off of one another.

Mode 1: Normal Walking
In this mode, you see through your own eyes. This mode has no offensive capabilities and is only useful for positioning Hanged Man from yourself.

Left Click - Transfer: Hanged Man transfers from your eye to a reflective surface. While Hanged Man has an infinite range from his User, he can only transfer to a reflective object within 5000 units; this goes for all reflective abilities.

Reload - Return: Hanged Man returns from any surface back into your eye. This can be used to escape an undesirable scenario, or to reposition Hanged Man.

Mode 2: Travel Mode
This mode lets you take direct control of Hanged Man's projection, however it is still a positional mode, and has no offensive capabilities. This mode is useful for positioning Hanged Man in places you are further away, granting access to strategic placements for long range attacks.

Left Click - Manual Projection
Hanged Man will transfer reflections from his current object to another. While in control of the Hanged Man, this ability lets you project to places out of your own sight.

Shift Left Click - Automatic Projection
Hanged Man will instantly transfer to a new, random surface within his sight. This ability is risky, but it's good for transferring to a new surface when you're in a situation where you simply don't have the time to find one yourself; Use this to avoid being attacked.

Mode 3: Inside The Mirror
Hanged Man can move around in the reflective world. He is only visible to other Stand Users in the reflective object he is residing in, however Hanged Man can see everyone else in this state. This mode is centered around offensive capabilities.

Left Click - Quick Slash: A short combo with Hanged Man's wrist-blade. Does small damage, but will leave an unaware enemy confused and scared.

Right Click - Backstab: Hanged Man grabs a foe's back, holding them still for a moment before plunging his dagger into them. This ability can latch onto a Player, Stand or NPC. While dealing large damage, it also holds an enemy in place for a short time, granting allies a chance to attack.

All Modes

Passive - Light Projection: Hanged Man cannot be hurt while inside of a reflective object, but if attacked while transferring in between two objects by a Stand with a B in Speed or higher, he will take severe damage. While this leaves Hanged Man invulnerable in an offensive setting, it also means Hanged Man doesn't exist in the physical world, and has no defensive capability for its User.


Aye Aye Sir!

Stand User: Hol Horse

Destructive Power: B
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Emperor is a Close-Range Active Type Stand that belongs to Hol Horse, a minor antagonist paid by DIO in order to detain the Crusaders. Emperor is a Tarot Card Stand, it represents Taro #4, "The Emperor", it symbolizes one's stability and control over their own life, the dominance of logic over emotion, and of mind over their heart.

Emperor is a Stand best used in medium to close ranges, and can benefit from closed enviroments with obstacles. This Stand gives the User 800 Health.

Left Click - Shoot: Emperor shoots homing bullets if the User has a target set, if the User doesn't have a target set, bullets go in a straight path. (Only 6 bullets can be active at a time, and target tracking becomes less precise the further the target is from the User)
  • DoDoDo - Even my bullets are a Stand!: DoDoDo Mode allows the User to control Emperor's last fired bullet, plus, all other currently active bullets will follow the last fired bullet. (This mode allows each bullet to deal 200 damage with no falloff, and headshot damage is multiplied by 2)

Right Click - Target: Sets the current entity that the User is looking at as a target, if the User is not directly looking at an entity it will target the nearest player.

Shift Left Click - Precisely Noon: Emperor fires 3 bullets in rapid succession. (This can be used in tandem with DoDoDo Mode)

Passive - Complete Control: Emperor's bullets have basic pathfinding, making the bullets able to avoid obstacles, meaning that the User can hide behind obstacles without hindering offensive playstyles.

Defensive Mode - My Stand's a damn gun!: When in Defensive Mode, Emperor's bullets track the closest projectile and attempt to shoot it down, although it may be hard to pull off.

Technical Info:

Emperor's bullets have an effective damage range, and after 1465 units, its damage output is linearly decreased. (Like mentioned before, DoDoDo Mode bullets ignore this debuff in exchange for making bullets harder to aim)


I'm a part of you, old man Joseph! You can't escape me now, honey!

Stand User: Nena

Destructive Power: C
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: D
Development Potential: D

Empress is a Long-Range Bound Type Stand and Belongs to Nena, a minor antagonist sent by DIO in order to stop the Crusaders on their adventure. Empress is a Tarot Card Stand, it represents Tarot #3, "The Empress", it can symbolize the development and growth of an idea before it is ready to be fully born, and the need to be open-minded and welcome change.

Empress is a Stand that is best used for defensive playstyles, allowing the User to punish their foes for not being careful and strategic enough. This Stand gives the User 1500 health.

Passive - Blood Trigger: If the User takes any kind of damage and a player is within melee range, the player is targeted by Empress. (Empress is also capable of targeting NPCs)
  • DoDoDo - I'm a part of your body now!: See through Empress' perspective.

Left Click - Barrage: Empress sends out a barrage of low damage punches.

Right Click - Strong Punch: Empress punches once and deals medium damage.

Passive - Mockery: When the User sends a message outside of team-chat, the message is instead sent by the target.

Wheel of Fortune

I win! Part three is over!

Stand User: ZZ

Destructive Power: B
Speed: D
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: D

Wheel of Fortune is a Close-Range Bound Type Stand which belongs to ZZ, a minor antagonist paid by DIO in order to stop the Crusaders. Wheel of Fortune is a Tarot Card Stand, and it represents Tarot #10, "Wheel of Fortune", it symbolizes luck, destiny, big changes and the ever-changing cycles people go through in life.

Wheel of Fortune is a Stand best used when playing aggressively and accompanied by fellow allies. Enabling the user to make his opponents retreat.

Reload - Bind: Binds Wheel of Fortune to any Source vehicles and seats.

Right Click - Transform: Transforms the bound vehicle/seat into Wheel of Fortune, Right Clicking again reverts Wheel of Fortune to its previous bound vehicle/seat.

Passive - This was all the work of a Stand, Joestar!: Wheel of Fortune has multiple passive properties that make it useful regardless of its agressive options.
  • Maneuver Enhancement: Wheel of Fortune is faster and has better turning than other vehicles.
  • Horsepower: Running over entities deals more damage than standard vehicle collisions, and can ignite Gasolined targets.
  • Confidence: Wheel of Fortune's damage increases with the more damage it deals.

Left Click - Gasoline Bullets: Fires multiple Gasoline Bullets in a wide angle, targets damaged by Gasoline Bullets are marked with Gasoline.

Shift Right Click - Watch the Sparks!: Deals damage within a radius and ignites targets that have been marked with Gasoline.

Gasoline: This status is applied to targets that have been hit by Gasoline Bullets, targets marked with Gasoline are ignited upon receiving any type of damage.

Ctrl + Space - Leap: Wheel of Fortune leaps forward, useful for crushing enemies and avoiding obstacles.

Alt - Is there anything this car can't do?!: Holding Alt enables Wheel of Fortune to climb up most walls, although surfaces with odd geometry may throw Wheel of Fortune off its course.


Looks like Justice wants to dance with you.

Stand User: Enya the Hag

Destructive Power: D
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Justice is a long-range Active stand which belongs to Enya the Hag, a minor antagonist, mother of J. Geil. She went to avenge her son and stop the Crusaders. Justice is a Tarot Card Stand, it represents Taro #11 "Justice", which can symbolize executive, bias and probity.

Justice is a stand best suited for defense and support, which are possible with its abilities. Stand is invincible for almost all stands due to its fog nature. Of course Star Platinum can defeat it with it's inhalation ability. It's primary ability to puppeteer legions of ragdolls and create illusions make it challenging to combat. Stand gives its user 1500 health and a range of 1500 units.

Passive - Fog: Justice fog has several passive abilities that will provide its user some benefits.
  • Fog protection: Bullets fired in thick fog never hit their targets.
  • Foggy field: Justice's fog limits visibility and muffles audio.

Right Click - Corpse Puppeteer: Raise and control up to 25 ragdolls as zombies. Zombies has 50% of spawning as medic and 50% of spawning as attacker. Medics will stay close to the user and give him a medic kits. Attackers will attack other players with crowbars. Zombies are dumb and slow, so it may be better to combo with another stand user.

Left Click - Target: Direct your active zombies to move to a location or attack an entity you're pointing at.

DoDoDo: Directly control the movements of all attacking zombies.

Passive - Just a Little Scratch: Players that take any damage in Justice's fog will start to bleed and slow down. After 1 second, they are ragdolled, at which point the user can slam them in walls, floors, etc.

E + Reload - Copy Prop: Copy a prop to use as an illusion.

Reload - Illusory Prop: Place down an illusory prop with the model you copied.

T - Block: Place a thick screen of fog for 5-10 seconds.


The weakest Stand is also the most terrifying of them all!

Stand User: Steely Dan

Destructive Power: E
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: D
Development Potential: E

Lovers is a Long-Range Type Stand which belongs to Steely Dan, a minor antagonist paid by DIO in order to detain the Crusaders. Lovers is a Tarot Card Stand, which represents Tarot #6, "The Lovers", it can symbolize attraction, union and harmony towards someone.

Lovers is a Stand best suited for flanking, enabling the user to punish opponents who are unaware of their surroundings. Lovers gives its User 1500 Health.

DoDoDo - I'm Lovers!: Takes control of Lovers, while in DoDoDo Mode, the User is able to bind their Stand to an opponent by directing Lovers towards the opponent's head, Lovers' appearance is also different for other players, taking the appearance of a sprite followed by a trail. (Lovers' entry can be negated if your opponent is in Defensive Mode with an Active Type Stand)

Passive - What were you planning to destroy?: Lovers has multiple passive abilities to aid the user with when in battle.
  • Hidden Presence: Unlike other Stands, the User does not emit any particles or sound effects when controlling Lovers in DoDoDo Mode.
  • Brain Matter Collection: When bound to an opponent, Lovers will collect Brain Matter, up to 100 Units can be collected.
  • Damage Reflection: While bound to an opponent, all damage taken by the User will be mirrored to the opponent and is 3x stronger when applied against the opponent. (Knockback is also mirrored, however, NOT multiplied)

Zoom - Flesh Bud: Spends 100 Brain Matter units and plants a Flesh Bud in the bound target, dealing 15 damage per second. (You must stay bound to your target in order to keep the Flesh Bud planted)

Reload - Decoy: Spends 10 Brain Matter units and deploys an identical copy of Lovers, the decoy will fly around the closest player, which can then be used as a distraction in favor for the real Lovers. (Decoy Lovers has 1 Health Point and lasts 10 seconds)

Left Click - Punch: Punch an entity or a surface in order to deal damage to yourself and your bound target.

Right Click - Strong Punch: Punch an entity or a surface in order to deal a higher amount of damage to yourself and your bound target, with the added benefit of extra knockback.

The Sun

The Sun itself is a Stand!!

Stand User: Arabia Fats

Destructive Power: B
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

The Sun is a Long-Distance Type Stand which belongs to Arabia Fats, a minor antagonist sent by DIO in order to detain the Crusaders on their journey. The Sun is a Tarot Card Stand, which represents Tarot #19, 'The Sun', it can symbolize positivity, optimism and the dawn which follows the darkest of nights.

The Sun is a Stand best suited for carefully planned long-distance attacks, rewarding the user with the ability to pressure stationary opponents or put down unattentive enemies. The Sun gives its User 1500 Health.

Modeswap - Activate: Places The Sun 3000 units away from where the User is looking. (The Sun may be obstructed by some objects, causing it to spawn at lower heights)

Left Click - Sunbeam: Fires a projectile coming from The Sun to the point the User is aiming at and leaving behind Hot Lava if shot at the ground, dealing 35 damage, igniting the target for 15 seconds and increasing the Sunstroke Effect on target impact. (The User can also be damaged by Sunbeams)

Right Click - Sunburst: Fires a barrage of Sunbeams for 2 seconds, but leaving the User unable to perform any attacks for the next 8 seconds after being used. (Sunburst's Sunbeams are identical to its single-shot counterpart, meaning that they can also leave Hot Lava behind)

Passive - Molten Residue: Sunbeams that make contact with the ground leave Hot Lava behind for a short period of time, dealing 10 damage per tick and igniting entities or players touched by it for 7 seconds with damage falloff over time across 2 seconds.

Passive - Sunstroke: Players that stay under The Sun's light for too long will be affected by this ability, in which its level and effects may increase in intensity over time, but players can recover as long as they stay out of The Sun's light. (The User can also be affected by Sunstroke)
  • Phase 1: Player's movement speed is decreased.
  • Phase 2: Player's movement speed is further decreased, damage dealt to other players or entities is decreased, and the player's screen start to blur.
  • Phase 3: Player's movement speed is drastically decreased, damage dealt to other players or entities is further decreased, the player starts to take burn damage, and the player's screen is further distorted.
  • Cooling Off: Sunstroke's effects start wearing off when the player leaves The Sun's light radius.
DoDoDo - Directional Control: Allows the User to see from The Sun's perspective and slowly move it, with the restriction of not being able to go up or down.

Death 13

La Li Ho! Isn't it romantic to die inside a dream?

Stand User: Mannish Boy

Destructive Power: C
Speed: C
Range: E
Durability: B
Precision: D
Development Potential: B

Death 13 is a Close-Range Type Stand that belongs to Mannish Boy, a minor antagonist found by the Crusaders while in their journey to defeat DIO. Death 13 is a Tarot Card Stand, which represents Tarot #13, "Death", it can symbolize endings, new beginnings, and one's transformation.

Death 13 is a Stand best suited for capturing a specific area on a map with the aid of an ally, rewarding the user for being stealthy with the ability to knock out an opponent. Death 13 gives its User 1500 Health.

DoDoDo: Takes control of Death 13 and allows you to roam inside the Dreamland.
(Death 13's User is still vulnerable outside the Dreamland when in DoDoDo Mode, however, it can be mitigated through proper positioning and teamwork)

Passive - You're still inside my nightmare world!: Death 13 has two main passive abilities that can be used to the player's advantage when handled properly.
  • Unguarded Spirit: If the User deals damage within melee range to a target's back, they are knocked out and taken to the Dreamland and a ragdoll takes their place at the position they were knocked into Dreamland. However, targets knocked into Dreamland get to keep whatever weapon or Stand they were holding at the moment.
    (Unguarded Spirit requires at least 5 damage within melee range in order to be put into effect)
  • Awakening: Players that have been knocked into the Dreamland can be woken up by having another player outside the Dreamland interact with their ragdoll.

Modeswap - Dreamland Control: This ability allows the user to trigger certain events on specific locations within Dreamland.
  • Bee Swarm: All flowers inside Dreamland unleash a swarm of bees for a short period of time, if any players happen to be within the swarm's range within the timeframe, smaller swarms will follow those players and deal damage over time.
  • Hot Hotdogs: The Hotdog stand windows open up, and a medium-range fire burst is released, dealing fire damage and strong knockback to any players within range.
  • Ice Cream Trap: The Ice Cream stand windows open up, and for a short period of time Ice Cream is sprayed, immobilizing anyone caught in it for a few seconds.

Right Click - Teacup Ride: The Teacup Ride starts spinning at full speed, trapping any players that happened to step inside it during activation, and dealing high amounts of damage over time.

Shift Right Click - Sinking Floor: All players within Dreamland are sunk into the floor and immobilized.

Left Click - Scythe Attack: Death 13 swings its scythe, any players struck by it are hit multiple times and take a high amount of damage.

Shift Left Click - I'll chop you in half!: Death 13 throws its scythe, automatically homing in on a random player within Dreamland and dealing 300 damage.

Crouch (Hold) - Disguise: Death 13 disguises as one of the many balloons found throughout Dreamland, allowing Death 13 to blend in with the enviroment.

Technical Info:

Only Death 13's arms, head and upper torso have hitboxes, meaning that if you hit somewhere else on the model, you may not deal damage.


Stand User: Cameo

Destructive Power: B
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: D
Development Potential: D

Judgement is a Close-Range Active Stand from Part 3, belonging to Cameo, one of DIO's mercenaries sent to pursue the Crusaders. Judgement is a Tarot Card Stand, representing Taro #20, the card Judgement, which symbolizes awakenings, resurrections and redemptions. This perfectly fits Cameo, as he indirectly helps Polnareff realize the importance of making new memories instead of mourning over lost ones.

Cameo is a very unique Stand; it plays mostly a supportive role, as the Stand grants up to three wishes to other players, which can both help or harm them. It can give many useful advantages to it's allies, but is not reliable for an offensive role. Despite being less offensive, Judgement offers many excellent defensive abilities, such as an advanced block and the ability to throw players away at immense speeds. Judgement gives is User 1000 Health and has a range of 500 Units.

Left Click - Slap Attack: Judgement slaps an enemy, dealing great knockback. Being a support Stand, this move is much more useful to keep enemies at bay rather than to kill them.

Right Click - Toss: Judgement picks up a player or medium-sized prop and throws it a great distance. This offers some great potential to distance enemies to yourself, but it does no damage excluding potential fall damage. However, chucking a prop at an enemy gives some killing capability.

T - Imprenetrable: Judgement's Stand Block is unique in the sense that it is the only block that can be actively held down for as long as the User wishes. It also reduces incoming damage to merely 1% of it's original value. Combined with the Stand's knockback, this makes a Judgement User a very hard enemy to kill.

Passive - 3 Wishes: Any player that presses E on Judgement are offered a menu of Wishes. These wishes can give positive or negative effects, depending if the Judgement User is in benevolent or malicious mode.

Alt - Mode Swap: Swap between Benevolent and Malicious mode. This changes whether the outcomes of your wish will have a good or bad effect on the wisher, though some wishes will only have one effect, no matter which mode Judgement is using, and every player can have 3 wishes per life. Each possible wish is listed below:

Malicious Mode

A Prop!: A random prop will fall on the wisher's head, dealing damage dependent on the prop.
Heal me!: Judgement takes away as much health as the Wisher is missing. (for example, if their max is 100 and they're at 85, he'll damage them for 15 HP.)
Armor me up!: Gives the wisher 100 armor, which is incredibly heavy and causes their movement speed to significantly decrease.
Bring someone back from the dead!: A hostile NPC that takes the appearance of a currently dead Player. If no one is applicable, it becomes a skeleton.
A car!: The wisher is trapped inside a flaming, unstoppable car. When it inevitably crashes, the car will explode, killing the wisher.
The ability to fly!: The wisher loses control of their movement and continues to float upwards until they die.
Immortality!: The wisher becomes an immoble, yet invincible, statue.
A friend to help fight!: Summons a hostile NPC that targets the wisher.
A lifetime supply of ammo!: Summons an abundance of crates above the wisher to crush them.
Infinite wealth!: A stream of gold bars will continue to drop onto the wisher, dealing damage until they die.
Inifnite knowledge!: The wisher can see all players through walls, at the cost at random factoids beginning to appear on the screen randomly. More and more will appear overtime until the wisher cannot see, Both effects end upon death.
A boyfriend!: Summons a male NPC that tries to kill the wisher.
A girlfriend!: Summons a female NPC that tries to kill the wisher.
A Stand arrow!: A stand arrow will appear and stab the wisher, giving them a random stand if they do not already have one.
Mangaka bigger than Gisney!: If the Rohan playermodel is installed, you'll be set to it. Your height will also be significantly increased.
Walk on water!: The wisher will be able to walk on water, but not land.
Be fast!: The wisher becomes incredibly fast and will be set on fire when running.
To be strong!: The wisher deals 1000x normal damage, but the damage they deal is also dealt to them.
To jump good!: Jump very high and take massive fall damage.
To blot out the sun!: The wisher is blinded.
Make me attractive!: Forcefully brings all nearby props to the wisher, most likely killing them.
More wishes!: 3 faux Judgements are summoned to attack the wisher while taunting them.
No good- 4 Wishes!: Judgement responds in disbelief.

Benevolent Mode

A Prop!: A random prop will appear in front of the wisher.
Heal me!: Judgement heals the wisher by 100 health.
Armor me up!: Gives the wisher 100 armor.
Bring someone back from the dead!: A friendly NPC that takes the appearance of a currently dead Player. If no one is applicable, it becomes a skeleton.
A car!: A jeep is summoned for the wisher.
The ability to fly!: The wisher can fly for just 3 seconds.
Immortality!: Same as malicious mode; The wisher becomes an immoble, yet an invincible, statue.
A friend to help fight!: Summons an NPC that assists the wisher.
A lifetime supply of ammo!: The wisher receives a lot of ammo.
Infinite wealth!: A stream of gold bars will continue to drop onto the wisher, but deal no damage.
Inifnite knowledge!: same as malicious mode, the wisher can see all players through walls, at the cost at random factoids beginning to appear on the screen randomly. More and more will appear overtime until the wisher cannot see, Both effects end upon death.
A boyfriend!: Summons a friendly male NPC.
A girlfriend!: Summons a friendly female NPC.
A Stand arrow!: A prop of the stand arrow will spawn.
Mangaka bigger than Gisney!: same as the malicious mode variant, if the Rohan playermodel is installed, you'll be set to it. Your height will also be significantly increased.
Walk on water!: The wisher will be able to walk on water.
Be fast!: The wisher becomes very fast.
To be strong!: The wisher deals 10x normal damage, but the damage they deal is also dealt to them.
To jump good!: Jump very high, but still only take the default 10 fall damage.
To blot out the sun!: Still blinds the wisher.
Make me attractive!: brings all nearby props to the wisher more gently.
More wishes!: 3 faux Judgements are summoned to attack the wisher while taunting them.
No good- 4 Wishes!: Judgement responds in disbelief.

High Priestess

High Priestess will chew you to bits!

Stand User: Midler

Destructive Power: C
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: D
Development Potential: D

High Priestess is a Long-Range Active Type Stand and belongs to Midler, a minor antagonist sent by DIO in order to impede the Crusaders on their journey. High Priestess is a Tarot Card Stand, which represents Tarot #2, "The High Priestess". It can symbolize mystery, secrets, and intuition.

High Priestess is a Stand well-equipped with various tools at its disposal, making it a capable generalist that can combine both defensive and offensive playstyles with ease, as well as providing high-mobility for itself and its User. High Priestess gives its User 1500 Health.

Left Click - Slash: High Priestess performs a slash attack that hits the target multiple times, dealing medium damage with average knockback.

Right Click - Bite: High Priestess bites the opponent, dealing medium-high damage with average knockback.
  • Refraction - These teeth are as hard as diamonds!: Bite now deals highly increased damage and stuns opponents while High Priestess is in Refraction Mode.

Stand Block - Steel Coat: High Priestess reduces incoming damage with its steel structure.

Shift Right Click - Refraction: High Priestess' movements become bound to the ground, while in this mode, Bite is enhanced and High Priestess will also blend in with the ground by camouflaging itself.

Passive - Mineral Manipulation: With its Mineral Manipulation ability, High Priestess can take on a variety of forms, each with different utilities.
  • Sawblade Form: Using Sawblade form, High Priestess offers protection by circling its User at high speeds, dealing damage to any entities in close range.

  • Coffee Mug Form: High Priestess disguises itself as a coffee mug, useful for watching over any opponents or setting up ambushes. (This form is not affected by DoDoDo Mode)

  • Harpoon Form: High Priestess takes on the form of a harpoon, dragging any players that have been struck by the harpoon toward the User, or dragging the User towards any surfaces hit by the harpoon.

  • Car Form: High Priestess flings itself at the User's aiming direction in the form of a car, dealing crush damage to any standing in its way, after its initial fling, High Priestess cannot move while in this form. (This form is not affected by DoDoDo Mode)

  • Meathook Form: While using Meathook Form, High Priestess passively follows the User. (This ability is mainly used in conjunction with DoDoDo Mode)

  • Fan Form: High Priestess assumes the form of a propeller, allowing the User to fly toward their aiming direction with moderate speed and control. (This form is still affected by gravity)

Modeswap - Next Form Selection: Pressing the default Modeswap Key will allow the User to cycle through High Priestess' forms in ascending order.

Shift + Modeswap - Previous Form Selection: Holding Shift and pressing the default Modeswap Key will allow the User to cycle through High Priestess' forms in descending order.

DoDoDo Mode - You should probably prepare yourself!: Along with its common function of being able to remotely control the Stand, DoDoDo Mode can also change how certain forms used by Mineral Manipulation function, as well as also being able to control majority of the forms' movements.
  • Sawblade: Lets the User actively pressure opponents by being able to control the Sawblade and damaging entities that come in contact with it.

  • Harpoon: High Priestess' Harpoon gains a constant uncontrollable speed with medium trajectory control, this mode rewards the User's accuracy with heavy damage capability.

  • Meathook: Deals low damage as a trade-off for very high knockback dealt to any player that touches it, this form is a very useful tool for zoning.

  • Fan Form: Fan Form's propeller pulls in nearby entities and damages them if they come in contact with its blades.

Technical Info:

High Priestess' form cycle order goes as follows: Default (High Priestess' normal form), Sawblade, Coffee Mug, Harpoon, Car, Meathook, Fan.
(High Priestess' form cycle is seamless and loops when cycling in both descending and ascending order)

The Fool

I can't just stand by and let a boy who likes dogs get killed!

Stand User: Iggy

Destructive Power: B
Speed: C
Range: D
Durability: C
Precision: D
Development Potential: C

The Fool is a Close-Range Bound Type Stand and is wielded by Iggy, an ally sent by the Speedwagon Foundation in order to help the Crusaders defeat DIO. The Fool is a Tarot Card Stand, representing Tarot #0, "The Fool", with Zero as its numbering of the Major Arcana, it can symbolize unlimited potential and adventure.

The Fool is a Stand that leans towards a more defensive stance, with tools that allow for creating distance between opponents. The Fool gives its User 1500 Health.

Left Click - Smack: The Fool smacks the target, dealing medium damage and low knockback. (Hits multiple times)

Right Click - Pounce: The Fool lunges at the target, dealing medium damage and high knockback. (Knockback gets weaker with distance, being strongest at very close range)

Shift Left Click - Sandwave: Sends out a wave of sand, any entities caught in the wave will be dragged along with it and damaged. (The wave moves towards the User's aim, being controllable at any point of its duration)

Shift Right Click - Sandslide: When triggered, the User and players within range are gathered in a pod of sand with its movements limited to the ground, moving continuously towards the User's aim. (Only cancelled by the User or by hitting a wall)
  • Passenger: All players in the pod enter a passive state, unable to be damaged, move, or attack, only the User can control the pod's route.

Stand Block - Sand Dome: Creates a stationary sand dome around the User, damage taken while Sand Dome is active will be redirected to the sand dome, the sand dome is cancelled out once its 3500 Health Points are depleted.
  • Left Click - Dome Smack: While Sand Dome is active, the User can attack by using the dome's smacking arms, the User's aiming direction decides which smacking arm to use, deals high knockback.

Jump (Midair) - Wings of Sand: The Fool uses a sand glider and carries the User with it. (The User's aiming direction controls the direction of the glide)

Technical Info:
  • When using Wing of Sand's glider, if the User has upward momentum, the glide's lift will be relative to the User's speed.


The Stand wasn't hiding in the water- It is the water!

Stand User: N'Doul

Destructive Power: C
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: B
Precision: D
Development Potential: D

Geb is a Long-Range Sniper-Type Stand exclusive to Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. The Stand itself is utilized by N'Doul, an agent of DIO and the first of the Glory Gods to attack the Joestar group. It is one of the nine Stands to be named after dieties rather than Tarot Cards or musical references, and the first canonical stands to not be named after a tarot card. Geb represents the Egyptian God Geb, the God of Earth and the physicalities of the mortal plane.

As a Sniper-Type, Geb's greatest attribute is it's range- unlike other Stands with a range of A, it can travel infinitely from it's User, and is best used at a great distance. It's weakness is Stands that help locate a User, travel long distances similarly, or utilizes fire which burns Geb's water form, like Hermit Purple, The Hanged Man or Magician's Red. Geb gives it's User 1000 Health and has infinite range.

Left Click - Slash: Geb launches forward from under it's User's feet, slashing a close enemy. This attack deals medium damage and has multiple layers of damage, allowing it to hit mulitple enemies if you're fast enough.

Right Click - Shoot Him!: A variation of Slash that offers more range and more damage. The only issue is it's more of a commitment, as it's easier to see coming and takes longer to recover from. It's useful for damaging enemies that are too close for comfort, but unreliable compared to more powerful close-ranged stands, forcing the User to be more precise.

Stand Block - Water Barrier: Geb forms into a large barrier of water in the form of a stationary wave in front of it's User, blocking great damage and any incoming entities. Combined with it's ability to maneuver easily, this can also allow Geb to protect teammates or objectives easily, as it wouldn't require the User to actually be there.

Passive - Ears of Geb: While in DoDoDo Mode, the vision of the User becomes much darker, making terrain and stationary objects indistinguishable. However, when an entity makes a sound (including taunts, speech, footsteps, props falling over) they (or their source of audio) will be highlighted purple. These will be easier to see scaling with the loudness of the sound they make.

Shift + Space - Dash Attack: Geb will ripple through the ground, popping up to deal high damage to whatever they collide with. Exclusive to DoDoDo mode.
  • Particles: Dashing through the floor will kick particles up into the air, causing anything in the air above Geb as they travel to be highlighted in purple as if they were making noise.

    Shift + Reload - Bottle Hide: Geb can attach themself to a preset few bottles. They cannot attack, and reactivating the ability will cause Geb to leave the bottle. Any player that attempts to drink from the bottle will instead take great damage. Exclusive to DoDoDo mode.

    Reload - Sinkhole: Geb will create a quick-sand like small puddle of water, causing any enemies or entities inside to sink into the floor. Quite useful for trapping enemies, but makes Geb a much larger target.

    Stand leap - Geyser: Geb propels themself forward as a big droplet of water in an arc. The arc is predetermined from their launch, meaning they cannot maneuver themselves in the air. It's very useful for traveling vertical distances, but takes some mastery, as a miscalculation can cause you to leap into danger. Exclusive to DoDoDo mode.


My Stand Tohth's predictions are always right!

Stand User: Boingo

Destructive Power: E
Speed: E
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Tohth is an Automatic Bound-Type Stand exclusive to Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. The Stand is utilized by Boingo, the younger brother in the Oingo Boingo brothers, a duo of assassins sent to eliminate the Joestar group before they reached DIO. It is one of the nine Stands to be named after deities rather than Tarot Cards or musical references; Tohth represents the Egyptian God Tohth, The God of knowledge, wisdom art and science.

Tohth is bound to a comic book, where it gives vague but always correct prophecies that will somehow make themselves true. This can be quite the monkey's paw, as it can prophesize just about anything, and it's prophecies might come about in unexpected ways. The User is unable to choose or change the fortune given, so it is up to them to utilize whatever odd scenario Tohth gives them to their full advantage. Otherwise, Tohth gives no combat prowess whatsoever and is used best in tandem with other Stands that may properly take advantage of their prophecies. Tohth gives it's User 1500 Health and is an item that cannot leave the User's range.

Passive - A New Page!: Every minute, Tohth will generate a new page. There are two types of pages that can be generated, Quests and Buffs. Buffs give an instantaneous effect to a Player and have an associated sound effect, meanwhile Quests are objectives Tohth gives to the User to see complete.

Left Click - Share: Tohth's User holds out the comic book, showing another what page has been produced.

Right Click - Alliance Menu: Opens a quick menu that allows Tohth's User to declare whom their allies and enemies are, making allies receive buffs and be the target for positive quests and enemies become the target for negative quests.

Reload - Check Luck: Shows your current Luck Status. It is imperative to keep your Luck high, as it increases the odds of more beneficial pages to you and your allies. Low Luck will make yourself or your allies the target of Tohth's negative predictions. Luck is increased by completing Quest Pages, and lost by failing Quest Pages.

Tohth's Pages
Buff-Type Pages

Great Weather
"Ah, the weather is great in selected map! Target 1 and Target 2 have never felt better!"
Effect: Both Targets gain 50 Health, which can exceed their maximum.

Player Suit
"Lucky! User finds a suit and keeps it for themselves!"
Effect: User gains a HL2 suit with full power and armor, restoring their armor to 100.

Target Suit
"Lucky! User finds a suit and gives it to Target 1!"
Effect: Target 2 gains a HL2 suit with full power and armor, restoring their armor to 100.

"The ground of selected map is bouncy! Target 1 can jump super high!"
Effect: Target 1's jump strength is doubled.

Spy Among Us
"Target 1 spies on Target 2, and knows what they're doing!"
Effect: Target 1 can see Target 2 through walls.

Tuck And Roll
"Target 1 feels invincible! By rolling in a specific way, they can avoid getting hurt by falling!"
Effect: Target 1 can ignore fall damage the next 5 times by holding crouch while they are falling a great distance, causing them to negate the damage.

Fresh New Shoes
"Target 1 gets some nice new running shoes!"
Effect: Target 1’s movement speed and swag level is increased.

Shirt Padding
"Target 1 finds a stack of magazines, and stuffs them in their shirt for later!"
Effect: The next fatal blow Target 1 suffers is negated.

To Be Continued…
"It’s quiet on selected map. To be continued…"
Effect: Nothing.

Quest-Type Pages

Car Crash
"When walking around selected map, Target 1 sees their enemy, Target 2. Boom! A car crash kills them!"
Effect: A vehicle striking either target will instantly kill them. Failing this quest will cause a jeep to fall from the sky and crush Target 1.

Money Money
"Target 1 goes up to Target 2 and slaps them. They're covered in money!"
Effect: Melee damage from Target 1 to Target 2 will cause Target 2 to be covered in money. Failing this quest will cause Target 1 will take 50 damage and be covered in money.

Blast Zone
"Boom! Boom! selected map is a warzone! Even Target 1 blows someone up!"
Effect: Target 1 dealing explosive damage to a player or NPC will cause 5 grenades to spawn around the victim, and complete the quest. Failing this quest will cause grenades to spawn around Target 1.

Spicy Food
"Hot Hot Hot! User ate some spicy food! Quick, find some water!"
Effect: User will burst into flames. Upon finding water, they will be extinguished and the quest completed. Failing this quest causes them to take 200 points of fire damage, then extinguish.

Secret Technique
"Run! Run! Run around selected map! Don't stop running, Target 1!"
Effect: Target 1 Must simply keep holding their forward movement key for the duration of the quest. Failing this quest will make Target 1 unable to stop moving forward for 5 minutes or until death.

"Target 1 tries to kill Target 2!"
Effect: Target 1 dealing damage to Target 2 will result in an instant kill. Failing this quest will make Target 1 instantly die upon next trying to damage Target 2.

"selected map is a dangerous place, and Target 1 sees someone they hate, Target 2! They beat them up!"
Effect: The next melee attack from Target 1 towards Target 2 will result in an instant kill. Failing this quest will cause Target 1 to take damage.

"selected map is under construction, and Target 1 is dodging falling bricks!"
Effect: Damage-dealing bricks will continuously fall onto Target 1's head. If the target for this quest is Tohth's User, then successfully dodging all bricks will result in a large portion of Luck.

Take This Medkit
"User hits a man on selected map, and the man gives him a healthkit for it!"
Effect: The next melee attack towards a player or NPC will cause the victim to drop a medkit. Failing this quest will deal 50 damage to the User, with random knockback, before dropping a medkit themselves.

Poison Terror
"Watch out Target 1! There's a scorpion on you, if you move you'll get stung!"
Effect: Target 1 must stay perfectly still. Failing this quest will cause them to be poisoned for 30 seconds.

"Target 1 hates Target 2, and throws a prop at them, knocking them out!"
Effect: If Target 1 hits Target 2 with a prop, they will be knocked out. Failing this quest will cause a washing machine to spawn above Target 1, knocking them out on impact.

Crate of Mystery
"Target 1 finds a mysterious create! It may have something inside!"
Effect: A crate will spawn near Target 1. Breaking it will drop health, ammo and armor. Taking too long to do so will cause it to drop grenades when it is broken.

Leap of Faith
"Target 1 jumps off a cliff! Whoa!"
Effect: Target 1 will descend slowly and safely upon falling, and must reach a concurrent airtime of 5 seconds to complete the quest. Failing this quest will cause any fall damage to result in an instant kill.

"Target 1 finds a bathtub on selected map. Time to relax!"
Effect: A bathtub spawns near Target 1, regenerating their health on contact. Reach maximum health to complete the quest. Failing this quest causes their health to return to the amount they had at the start of the quest.

Delicious Orange
"Target 1 dropped an orange from somewhere. He’s still hungry!"
Effect: An orange falls from Target 1. Eating the orange completes the quest. Taking too long to do so, or if the orange comes in contact with an object causes it to explode.

Had A Bad Day
"Target 1 has been having bad luck, he should hide out for a while."
Effect: Hiding under a roof will cause Target 1’s Luck to slowly increase, while being exposed will cause it to decrease. The quest is completed upon reaching a Luck of 10. Taking too long to reach 10 Luck while under a roof will reset it to 0, and if exposed will set it to -10.

"Target 1 dances in front of Target 2! They get hurt really bad!"
Effect: Target 1 must dance in front of Target 2, causing them to take 1000 damage. Target 1 is invincible during this time, and Target 2 cannot move. Failing this quest forces Target 1 to dance, then take 1000 damage.

My Stand, Khnum, is a transforming Stand! I can alter my height, weight and even scent!

Stand User: Oingo

Destructive Power: E
Speed: E
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Khnum is an Integrated-Type Stand exclusive to Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. The Stand is utilized by Oingo, the elder brother in the Oingo Boingo brothers, a duo of assassins sent to eliminate the Joestar group before they reached DIO. It is one of the nine Stands to be named after deities rather than Tarot Cards or musical references; Khnum represents the Egyptian God Khnum, The God of rebirth and creation.

Khnum, as a Stand, is bound to it's User and gives them the ability to re-shape their skin, allowing them to disguise as other players and even replicate them in chat. Khnum has little combat prowess, and is generally used to dismantle a group from the inside, acting as an informant or saboteur. Khnum gives it's User 1500 Health.

Left Click - Disguise Menu: Disguise yourself as any player on the server, copying their name, health, physgun/player colors and chat messages seem to be sent by the player you are disguise as. NPC's become friendly while disguise as well.

Right Click -Wrench: A melee attack that deals extra damage when striking an enemy from behind. If Khnum's user is disguised and lands a backstab, this deals tremendous damage and stuns the enemy as well.

Right Click - Sabotage: If right clicking on a healing item, poison that healing item. The next person to use that healing item takes double damage in what the item would've healed.

Shift + Right Click - Orange Bomb: A bomb implemented in an orange. Will roll and explode upon hitting an object or player; if thrown at the user's feet, it will explode instantly.

Modeswap - Trickery: Opens a menu with various Half Life 2 citizen dialogue for you to play.

Shift + Modeswap - Feign Death: Pretend to be dead for 15 seconds, including a fake killfeed message. Immune to damage during this time.


I've memorized that, too...

Stand User: Caravan Serai

Destructive Power: B
Speed: B
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: C

Anubis is a sentient Bound-Type Stand exclusive to Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. The Stand is unique in that chooses it's own User, able to possess sentient beings (from humans to mice) whom come in contact with the Katana it is bound to. It is one of the nine Stands to be named after deities rather than Tarot Cards or musical references; Anubis represents the Egyptian God Anubis, the being who judges souls before they reach the afterlife.

As a Bound-Type, Anubis gives it's User a powerful edge in battle, notably the only Stand during it's time to have almost outclassed Silver Chariot and Star Platinum both in speed and power. It's User grows more powerful the longer it lasts in combat, and becomes more tuned to fighting the same opponent. As a last effort, Anubis can attempt to possess a new body to regain their vitality. Anubis gives its User 1500 health.

Left Click - Form 1 Attacks: A quick barrage of attacks, dealing medium damage but able to hit multiple times. Attacking mid-air causes the User to leap forward, a nice tool for mobility. Holding down the button while grounded will make their attacks gradually faster and faster.

Left Click - Form 2 Attacks: The first swing is a dash forward that covers a good distance. The next two swings are very wide, and are more opportune for slicing through props.

Modeswap - Change Forms: Swaps the basic attacks from Form 1 and Form 2. Form 1 is more suited for offense, while Form 2 is utility based and works best in conjunction with Anubis's other abilities.

Right Click - Memorization: Anubis takes a defensive stance. Any attack it suffers during this time will be automatically blocked the next time they are attacked with it. Attacks that deal greater than 150 damage will cause Anubis to be broken in half, attacking faster but dealing less damage and must manually block remembered attacks. Attempting to memorize another overpowering attack will shatter Anubis entirely, killing the User.

Crouch + Left Click - Khan-a-copter: Move forward at a good speed while swinging the katana in a circular motion. Deals low but consistent damage, and is a great tool to keep enemies away or approach without worry. Can also be used for mobility to reach great heights or dash in a direction safely.

Passive - Aerial Overhead: The third consecutive swing in either form will cause an aerial spin attack, giving greater vertical range over other attacks.

Passive - Prop Slash: Props attacked with Anubis will be literally sliced in half, separated in two. (Sliced props cannot be sliced again.)

Defensive Mode - Toggle Tangibility: Disables Prop Slash. Anubis's Katana will slice right through walls, allowing the User to strike opponents through them without harming anything else.

Standleap - Dimensional Slash: Standleaping will make Anubis dash forward, slicing anything in your way. Damage is only dealt at the end of the dash for dramatic effect. A powerful movement tool in tandem with Anubis's other movement abilities.

Passive - Anubis: Anubis grants it's User a variety of powerful effects.
Enhanced Physique: Anubis's User gains extra movement speed and jump height.
Wallrun: Anubis's User can run up, up and alongside walls.
Dash: Double-Tapping in any direction with your movement keys will make you dash in that direction. Dashing into a wall will automatically enable wall-running.
Death Aura: While sheathed, Players or NPCs that come into contact with Anubis's User will lose health slowly and silently.

Passive - Possession: After Anubis's User is killed, they will drop themselves as a prop. NPCs will attempt to pick it up, and Players can also do so manually. Either who attempt to do so will become possessed, Anubis taking control of their body. Victims of possession can choose to spectate their possessed bodies or respawn. Humanoid Stands can pick up and use Anubis, though their right-click is replaced with Anubis attacks, and their Stand Block is replaced by Anubis's Memorization.
While Anubis is on the ground, holding Sprint will make it unable to be picked up and cause damage to anything that touches it.


My body...! It's turned into a magnet!

Stand User: Mariah

Destructive Power: E
Speed: E
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: E
Development Potential: E

Bastet is a Long-Ranged Automatic Stand exclusive to Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. It's User was Mariah, yet another assassin sent by DIO to eliminate the Joestar group. It is one of the nine Stands to be named after deities rather than Tarot Cards or musical references; Bastet represents the Egyptian God Bastet, the goddess of celebration, love and the sun.

Bastet works best as a sniper, tricking an enemy into activating their magnetism, trailing them from a safe distance until they are too incapacitated to move, then moving in to finish the job. Bastet is not a particularly powerful Stand, but if utilized correctly, can doom an enemy with zero chance of escape. Bastet gives its User 1500 health and has a range of 1500 units.

Left Click - Nuts and Bolts: Drop multiple nuts and bolts. Will be severely attracted to magnetized people, dealing good damage to them.

Right Click - Knives: Throw several knifes in front of you. Does little damage, but hones in on magnetized people and deals much more damage to them.

Shift + Right Click - Battery Trap: Places a car battery attached to magnetic wires. Takes 2 seconds to charge, after-which stuns then explodes upon the next person who steps on it.

Modeswap - Place Bastet: Place Bastet's Outlet on any surface. It will be visible to non-Stand Users as a normal plug. Bastet may also be placed on any button, which makes it impossible to differentiate.

Stand Block - Magnetic Repulse: Send all metallic objects around flying in the opposite direction.

Passive - Magnetism: Anyone who comes too close to Bastet's Outlet will become magnetized. Magnetized individuals grow slower and slower overtime, and metallic object / other magnetized players are drawn to them. Eventually, they will start taking damage from the crushing weight.
Objects that are attracted to a magnetized target will repel off of Bastet's User. Metal objects that are not magnetized will also be repelled, albeit with much less force. Robotic NPCs will be stunned for a short time while in contact with Bastet's User.



Stand User: Alessi

Destructive Power: D
Speed: D
Range: E
Durability: C
Precision: D
Development Potential: D

Sethan is a Bound-Type Stand exclusive to Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. It's User was Alessi, a very eccentric character sent by DIO to eliminate the Joestar group. It is one of the nine Stands to be named after deities rather than Tarot Cards or musical references; Sethan represents the Egyptian God Set, the god of the desert, evil and chaos.

Sethan is a Stand which is not particularly powerful itself, but allows it's User to weaken it's enemies far beyond it's own strength, making easy targets out of potentially dangerous enemies. Sethan gives its User 800 health and has a range of 500 units.

Modeswap - Weapon Mode: Switches between which weapon to use: an axe or a gun.

Left Click - Axe Swing: Swing an axe, dealing good damage and busts down doors. A reliable basic attack. it is recommended to only use this on an enemy you know weak enough to not defend themselves properly.

Left Click - Shoot Gun: A powerful eight-shot revolver, a good tool to use for medium ranges, Sethan's preferred distance to enemies in early conflict.

Modifier Key 2 - Hold Sethan: Extend Sethan towards the area you are looking in. He will have the weapon that you have equipped, either an axe or a gun. Attacking will cause Sethan to attack with the axe or gun as well, making his attack range more effective. Can be used through doors or behind glass windows.

DoDoDo - Sethan: Take control of your shadow, which can extend up to 500 units out. When out of range, Sethan will simply raise upwards off the ground. Players or NPCs making contact with Sethan will cause their age to reduce, giving them more and more debuffs over time.

Passive - Debilitating Age: Enemies lose more and more age while in contact with Sethan's shadow, giving different effects at each stage.
Adult: Default stage.
Young Adult: Movement speed increased by 10%. Damage and health reduced by 5%.
Teenager: 50% chance to lose your Stand. Movement speed increased by 10%. Damage reduced by 15%, and health reduced by 25%. Cannot use vehicles.
Pre-Teen: 75% chance to lose your Stand. Damage and health reduced by 35%. Cannot use vehicles or text chat.
Child: 75% chance to lose your Stand. Movement speed decreased by 25%. Damage and health reduced by 50%. Cannot use vehicles, text chat or guns.
Toddler: 90% chance to lose your Stand. Movement speed decreased by 50%. Damage and health reduced by 75%. Cannot use vehicles, text chat, voice chat or guns.
Baby: 100% chance to lose your Stand. Movement speed, damage and health decreased by 90%. Cannot use vehicles, text chat, voice chat, guns or sandbox functions.
Fetus: Become a baby prop. Cannot do anything but be killed.

208 bình luận
CHΛOS 29 Thg07 @ 11:44am 
cerberus Ainsworth

you don't, it's as shrimple as that
cerberus Ainsworth 29 Thg07 @ 12:08am 
How do you use DoDoDo i can't find out how
Goopy  [tác giả] 7 Thg12, 2022 @ 9:30pm 
I'm happy to say this project isn't abandoned, and the DoDoDo camera is broken in unison with third-person or camera mods, anything that would change the position of your POV. Still in development <3
CHΛOS 12 Thg08, 2022 @ 3:42pm 
DoDoDo camera has been entirely non-functional since day 1 of this mod being released to the public. This combined with the discord being closed makes me think this project was abandoned which is a real shame.
Goopy  [tác giả] 12 Thg08, 2022 @ 3:05pm 
pidginnn 12 Thg08, 2022 @ 12:51pm 
Goopy  [tác giả] 20 Thg05, 2022 @ 12:40am 
That's odd. You need to be jumping over a bud while holding your Modifier Key 2. It might also be interfering with another addon that modifies jumping mechanics, like parkour mods. If the issue persists, post again.
isaya22 19 Thg05, 2022 @ 2:50pm 
Why does the rose wind of the kiss of a rose don't work??
Aruzuhl_2 14 Thg03, 2022 @ 9:40am 
mhrbnbngs could you explain more detailed cuz i typed it in my console and its not working
CHΛOS 12 Thg03, 2022 @ 7:26pm 
One MAJOR issue: the DoDoDo camera isn't an actual feature! on most stands, it is simply a big handicap. However, death 13 is *entirely* useless without it, and geb / lovers are extremely difficult / impractical to use.

And before you just tell me to send a bug report on Github, I have already done that. 4 months ago! The bug report page is more or less equivalent to "#spam" channels on discord considering how much anything there actually gets read.

Give REAL solutions if you know any, never direct people to post bug reports as those are utterly useless.