Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

857 ratings
How to get filthy rich in GTA Online solo! (beginner and veteran's guide)
By KD3
This guide is for new players and older players struggling to make money. You guys have it so easy now. When I started I had to grind Coveted for hundreds of thousands of dollars a day just to save for a Adder. Now I make 1-5 million a day doing much less than I did before. I want to show you that there is no need for a shark card in 2019. Just follow my guide and you'll never have to think about a shark card again.
Before you start making money
Don't worry guys I see your comments and i'm improving the guide as I read since I can't reply to the comments.


Make sure you get snacks They'll save your life when you're pinned down in combat. When you're behind cover you can use them while skipping the animation for consuming them. Snacks can be used through the interaction menu. Go get them from the store

Try to get weapons from someone else's property

When I started GTA, you had to be a certain level to have access to certain weapons. You still do, but it can be easily bypassed now. Just go to someone else's yacht, facility, bunker, or nightclub basement and you can get some weapons you would've had to wait forever to get.

Link your social club account so you can get the elegy for free!

Or steal a random car off the street and make it yours at LS customs

Get a boat

Having these vehicles and weapons will make your life a lot easier when doing these missions if you're a low level player


I know it's tempting, but if you're starting out you should be investing that money to make way more so that you can buy cars when you're done. If you're struggling to make money but you own nice cars, it's time to sell them off. People usually buy cars to brag about owning them, imagine when people find out you're broke driving that. You're gonna look like a clown. Flex after the big money is consistently coming in


The incentive for doing this is not good enough. You only get 2k and some RP. So you're just being a jerk if you do it. You kill one guy, next thing you know you're being attacked by 4, or getting hit with the orbital cannon over and over again. Either way you will probably keep getting killed until you leave the session.


Having 2 is good because when you source to one it will have a cooldown on it so you can just source to the 2nd one. But there's no point in any more than 2 because the cooldown is not that long. Just a big waste of money. Trust me, I bought 5 like an idiot when the update came out.

if you don't have 2 other people to do the supply missions with, don't bother with this. The sell missions are also painfully slow


A lot of people make this mistake. you need 5 businesses active to profit from the nightclub. Buying it first is throwing money down the drain that could've been used on other businesses.


This location comes with the criminal enterprise starter pack. DO NOT UPGRADE IT. This location is terrible for selling. Plus if you switch bunkers you will not keep your upgrades!


They'll make your life a lot easier in this game. They'll protect you from griefers, help you do heists or run your businesses, and you'll have more fun too. If you need more friends try asking in random sessions or join my crew. the link at the bottom.

Helpful items

You don't HAVE to buy these. They just help so get them later if you want to

Scuba suit

This will allow you to swim way faster than normal in water, and you won't need to buy rebreathers. You can buy these at a clothes store for 150k

Night vision goggles

Makes things easier to see at night. Get them at ammu nation

Thermal goggles

Makes enemies easier to spot. Really helpful for combat. Get them at clothes store. They're quad lens combat helmets. Press square in the interation menu when you have the helmets highlighted to turn their features on. Hold right on the D pad to take them on or off.

Vehicles that will make the grind easier

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY THESE! But they will make this process go by a lot faster. So just get them when you feel like you need them.

The armored kurama is excellent. It's very hard to shoot someone driving this. It also has excellent performance for an armored car

The cargobob is strictly for the vehicle warehouse. You can pick up cars with ease and bring them back to the warehouse or sell them while avoiding NPCs

The buzzard will help you finish missions way faster. If you're a VIP or CEO, you get the ability to spawn one right next to you. If you own one, it's free to spawn. If you don't it's gonna cost 25k. It has a machine gun and homing missiles to get rid of people with ease

For cargo, you can hide yourself from other players on the map if you want to avoid griefers

Some of your businesses can get raided from time to time. If you die protecting it, you lose everything. This tank will help you avoid that since it can take a lot of missiles and completely protects you from bullets while easily being able to destroy enemy vehicles.

This is one of the only weaponized vehicles that can be used in heists. The missiles are super accurate and it does a good job dealing with cars on the road if they happen to crash into it. It also has boost for getting to places quicker.

A flying bike with missiles, safety measures to avoid incoming missiles and boost. If you get this, it may be all you need. You need a terrorbyte to get the missiles which requires a nightclub though.

The terorrbyte is a grinder's dream. You can start sourcing missions from in the terrorbyte so you don't have to go to the business properly to start the mission. You can also spawn it next to you and use it to avoid wanted levels. It also has it's own client jobs that pay well. I use this for sourcing vehicle cargo and crates.


ADD ME IF YOU NEED HELP. I May be AFK though so I may not reply to you right away. Put your social club name in the comments and other players may add you. You can team up and maybe do heists. Please do not ask me to do doomsday heists! The payout is not worth the time it takes to get them done for me personally. I can make that money faster doing something else..

Join my crew, this is how I keep track of people who may need my help! You can also use my crew to find other people that you can grind with!
Lets get started ! The grind to a million
The first thing you need to be aiming to do is to make 1 million dollars. I know to a new player that sounds like a chore, but I promise it's not. Let's talk about some of the fastest ways to get 1 million dollars

Enable 2 factor Authorization on your account

No need to explain, it can take up to 48 hours to get the money. Idk if this still works since I didn't know if there was an end date for it, But you should try it anyway

Flight School

Not only will you learn to fly planes and helicopters, you'll make some good money doing it at the start. Your flying skill will also go up which will be useful in later missions

VIP Missions

Once you have 50k in your bank account, you can register as a VIP for 4 hours. VIP work pays very well, but has a 12 hour cooldown after it runs out. Headhunter, sightseer, and hostile takeover are the most popular VIP missions because they're easy and pay well. Do flight school so you can get the money to register as a VIP If you have a friend you can also do VIP challenges to get extra money. Point to point is the best VIP challenge in my opinion.

Don't forget to spin the wheel in the casino every day!

There's a ton of things you can get from the wheel so make sure you spin it. You can always exit out of the game if you don't like what you're gonna get. I thought you could sell the thrax if you won it, but you cannot. RIP

Do MS Baker's Casino Missions

You get some good money bonuses for doing these missions for the first time in order. Check the casino section of the awards. If you have a friend that's done them already, they can host the missions for you so you don't have to rely on randoms.


She will hire you as a bounty hunter. She's going to ask you to hunt for 5 people. Find them and bring them back alive or kill them. You will get 10k per person if you bring them back alive and 5k per person if you kill them. Once you've dealt with all of them she will give you directions to find the stone hatchet. Kill enough people with it, and you'll get 250k.

Find treasure

Someone is going to send you pictures of places, once you reach that location, you'll get a clue to find a treasure. That treasure is the double action revolver. Get 50 headshots with it and you'll get another 250k

If you have 3 friends who are active, do heists!

Not only are heists fun, but they pay well. To do heists one of you needs to own a high end apartment.

The more days you get them all done in a row, the better the rewards!


If a job or business is giving out double money, take full advantage.

Buy the criminal enterprise starter pack

I don't think shark cards are worth it at all in 2019 unless you're buying businesses and upgrades with them. The criminal enterprise starter pack on the other hand is definitely worth it for $10. You get a free office, a free motorcycle club with a counterfeit cash business, a property, a bunch of cars, a helicopter, a gun, and a cool million to invest into your empire. I would mention the bunker but the locations is god awful and you need to replace it. This is the fastest way to get on your feet and for $10 it's worth it for sure.
You made a million dollars! Time to become a CEO

You made a million dollars! I bet you feel really proud of yourself. I did too when I made my first million, then I blew it on an Adder. You're not going to make that same mistake, but you're going to have to part with that million you just made.

Buy an office

Go to the website shown and purchase that office. Do not buy anything else with it. Congrats, you're a CEO now! Which means you now have access to VIP perks permanently. You can now do VIP missions as much as you want. You can also get snacks from your assistant for free! What's next you ask? Well it's back to the grind for you my friend! Do those VIP missions, steal cars off the street, do contact missions, join random invites to heists. Do whatever you need to do to get 250k. Then your life will start to change. If you got the criminal enterprise starter pack, skip this step and go to the next one

once you have 250k, buy a small warehouse

Once you have the money, go to the computer in your office and purchase a small warehouse. This is where you start to see a pretty big increase in your payday. With this business you gather crates of products and stash them in your warehouse to sell at a later date. The bigger your warehouse, the more crates you can stash to sell. DO NOT BUY MORE THAN 2 LARGE WAREHOUSES IF YOU PLAN TO UPGRADE IN THE FUTURE! If you source 3 crates at a time you can fill your warehouse in no time compared to doing 1 at a time which takes a lot longer. Sometimes you'll get a call about a special item you can source that will be worth way more money than regular cargo. Make sure you rush to your office because those missions are only available for a short amount of time before they vanish. Combine this with VIP missions until you get 318k to buy the 2nd small warehouse. The reason you want more than 1 is because once you source or sell for a warehouse, it will have a cooldown on it, so source to the other one. Plus that means more money. You can call your assistant to send you a helicopter that will let you fast travel to your office or warehouses for 5k. When your warehouse is full be quick to sell it, or it could get raided by rivals. If you only want one vehicle for the sell mission, don't store more than 9 crates in your warehouse. Be careful though, you're not alone in this criminal world. There's are other criminals that will try to stop you from making money. If it's not NPCs then it's


That's right, your fellow players may come for your cargo, every business carries this risk since you have to do their missions in a public session. The worst part is the reward is only 2k and some RP, but these players claim "that's the point of the game". It's just a stupid excuse to be a jerk. The moment you get your product, it will be visible to everyone else in the session. If you manage to sell it when other players are in your session you'll get a bonus. You'll usually see them flying around in one of these. See info in the before we start section.


There's 3 ways you can avoid griefers

1.Make a solo public session

This is possible on PC, when you think other players will attack you, you can use this to remove yourself from that sessions so you can safely sell your cargo. To do this, open a program called rescurce monitor

Once you open it, find GTA5.exe. Right click it and select suspend process. Suspend the process for 7 seconds, then resume the game. Once you've resumed it, everyone should leave the session. I don't think this works if you have the game in full screen, so set it to windowed or borderless windowed mode.

You can also alt+f4 before your product gets destroyed. You'll lose a little bit of it but most of it will survive

If you're brave enough to stick around, there's 2 other ways.

2.Use Ghost Organization

This will hide you and other members of your organization from other people on the map for a certain amount of time so that you can safely source and sell cargo.

3.Get your friends to protect you

No need to explain, but making a solo public session is the safest way to make sure nothing goes wrong. But if you want that bonus money, use Ghost Organization.

Keep selling warehouse cargo and doing VIP missions until you get 1.5 million dollars. Then move to the next step. If you have the akula, you can hide yourself and your cargo from rival players. Make sure to buy a personal quarters for your office later so you can set it as a spawn point when session hopping to move around faster.

You also have the option to upgrade the sell vehicles. Do that if you want, the tug boat is painfully slow.
It's time to expand your empire! Vehicle Cargo

You have the 1.5 mil? Good, you're not keeping it though.

Go back to the computer in your office and purchase the La Mesa vehicle warehouse. This is one of the best businesses in the game since it's so easy to set up and requires no upgrades at all. With this business you have the potential to make $100,000 every 20 minutes/. You read that right, a big step up from what you're used to now, so get excited! That vehicle warehouse is in a vagos neighborhood so don't fire your weapon in the cargo or else the whole neighborhood will unload on it.

How the vehicle warehouse works

It's like the regular warehouse crates except you're stealing people's cars instead of regular cargo. Those cars are then stored in the vehicle warehouse so they can be sold later. Be careful, any damage to the car when sourcing comes out of your pocket to repair, and any damage done during delivery is taken out of your pay.

There are 3 tiers of cars

  • Standard range
  • Mid range
  • Top range

Each car more valuable than the next, you want to aim for top range cars to source and sell, that's how you get that 100k. There's also a method to force only top range cars to spawn.

Fill your vehicle warehouse with 20 standard and mid range cars combines

The more standard and mid range cars you keep in the vehicle warehouse, the higher chance of a top range car appearing. DO NOT SELL THE STANDARD AND MID RANGE CARS. Once you have 20, only top range cars will spawn. Don't keep too many in the warehouse though or standard and mid range cars will spawn again.


When it's time to sell, select a top range car and select the specialist dealer. You can sell 1 vehicle for each organization member you have. So if you have 4, you can sell 4 cars. But you get an added 10 minute cooldown for each car you sell at once. 1 is 20 minutes, so 4 is 50 minutes. It's still the fastest way to sell the cars, but selling one at a time is fine if you have to. Watch out for griefers, using alt+f4 with vehicle cargo won't work. You'll lose the car if you do that, so just make a solo public session before selling or make sure everyone in your session is friendly so eneemy NPCs won't spawn

You'll be earning money at a much faster rate, so you're gonna have your work cut out for you. Combine the vehicle warehouse, regular warehouse, and VIP missions until you gather 3.4 mil. Then move on to the next step. If you decide to buy a cargobob sourcing and selling should be much easier

Taking the next big step! Gun Running

You must think you're loaded right? A couple cars and that money is all gone. I hope you don't intend on doing something that stupid after all the hard work you've done to get here

Gun running

Now it's time to put that money to some really good use. Go on the Maze Bank Foreclosures website and purchase the chumash bunker.

I know people with the criminal enterprise starter pack are going to say "But I already have a bunker, I don't have to do this". But the bad news is that you do. The paleto bay bunker is the worst location in the game, it's almost impossible to complete sell missions from there, so you're going to need a new bunker. Also, that bunker has no trade in value, so no discount for you. Buy the Chumash Bunker to replace it, do not buy anything else for it. Buy the sleeping quarters later so you can use the bunker as a spawn point when session hopping to get around faster. This business requires a setup mission in order to start it up.
How the bunker works

In the bunker you can have your researchers do 2 things. Manufacture guns, research to unlock weapon modifications, or split them up to do both. Since we're focusing on making money, we're going to have them focus on manufacturing guns.

Why did you have me save 3.4 mil if the bunker only costs 1.6?

simple, this business is not profitable without the upgrades. Sure you could steal supplies, but you make money much faster spending time with the other businesses. There are 2 upgrades you need, the equipment upgrade, and the staff upgrade which are 1.7 mil combined. The security upgrade doesn't matter since the bunker doesn't get raided often. Once you have these two upgrades, You're going to start paying for supplies. Paying for supplies is much better than stealing because it saves time and the amount of product you get for the missions is completely random. You can make the money back through vehicle cargo. If you're solo, check back ever 2 hours and 20 minutes and sell the product. If you have friends that you play with often, fill the bunker up with some more cargo and sell it later. When it's full you can make 1 million dollars in profit + more if you sell it with other players in the session. The supplies will only be made if you are on the game, turning it off halts the manufacturing progress. You just have to be on the game, there is no other requirement.


When selling you get 2 options, local or farther away. You make more money selling farther away. 1 round of supplies should give you 210k worth of cargo if you purchased the supplies. Supplies cost 75 to refill, so that's 135k profit. You can easily get the 75k back through the vehicle warehouse. The vehicle that spawns during the sell mission is random. If you get an insurgent with 5 drop off points, go into a different session with your bunker set as your spawn point. You'll only lose a bit of your product but it's still worth selling. Make sure to resupply before selling each time. Make sure you watch out for griefers too. Alt+F4 or going to a new session works. You'll lost a bit of cargo but you'll be all right.

Your next goal is lower even though you'll be making more money. Make 2.8 million and go to the next step

Not just a CEO? Motorcycle clubs and the Open Road

What's up Mr CEO? I see you rolling in money there but it's time to say goodbye to it. There's even more money to be made. This time you'll be buying 3 businesses instead of one.

Buy a motorcycle clubhouse

If you bought the criminal enterprise starter pack, you should have one. That location is the best location since it will be surrounded by your businesses and they'll all be close to each other. Make sure you buy the sleeping quarters so you can use it as a spawn point when session hopping to move around faster. The motorcycle club is actually a front to make and sell more illegal products. The purpose of the motorcycle clubhouse is to purchase these illegal businesses so once you have them all you'll probably never visit this place again. The businesses available are

  • Cocaine
  • Meth
  • Counterfeit cash
  • Weed
  • Document Forgery

These businesses are listed by profitability. Top is most profitable, bottom is least. If you bought the criminal enterprise starter pack, you should already have a counterfeit cash factory. The rest of the money you have will be used to buy the cocaine lockup with the upgrades since it's the most profitable of the 5. Each MC business has upgrades that need to be paid for before they become profitable. Get the security upgrades later if you want, raids on the MC businesses can be very annoying. The khanjali can protect you so you don't die and lose everything.

How the MC businesses work

They work just like the bunker does. You need to do a setup mission to start each business. They each need upgrades to be profitable, and you can buy or steal product for the businesses. It's still best to buy it for the sake of time, you can get that money back through your CEO businesses. All you need are the cocaine lockup, meth lab, and counterfeit cash factory. You don't need to upgrade the meth lab or counterfeit cash businesses if you don't want to, they're profitable like the cocaine lockup though. The primary goal is to have 3 of these businesses active which is why only the cocaine lockup needs the upgrades. But to get to the next step as fast as possible, you may want to upgrade all 3 of them. Weed farm is a bit profitable, document forgery is not profitable at all uneless you steal, but it's a waste of time. To figure out what locations to get for each business, refer to this picture.


Once your product becomes worth a certain amount, a timer goes off. How long the timer lasts depends on if you have the security upgrade or not. With the security upgrade it lasts for 3 hours before you get raided, the timer also only counts down when you're in a public session. When it runs out, the raid will start once you register as an MC president again. When a Raid happens you have 30 minutes to stop it. Either the police will arrest your employees or a rival gang will steal your product. If you die while defending the product or it gets destroyed, you lose all of it and have to do the setup mission for that business again. Don't worry your upgrades will remain intact. Having the khanjali is helpful for defending your businesses. Alt+F4 and changing sessions won't get you out of this one though.


Just like the bunker, the vehicle that spawns for the sell missions is random and the number of vehicles that spawn is based on how much product you have. One round of supplies spawns 2 vehicles for the top 3 businesses. Sell farther away for more profit and make sure to resupply before selling. The difference between MC and bunker is that MC sell missions do not only involve land vehicles, you can get boats, planes, and helicopters as well. If you see this spawn, go to a new session and sell again. This vehicle is painfully slow and you may fail if you get 2 while you're alone. You can do 2 solo with every other vehicle though

And just like the other businesses, griefers will come after you. Alt+F4 and finding a new session works. Don't forget you can make solo sessions.

As i've said before, for the sake of completing the next goal as fast as you can, I suggest getting equipment and staff upgrades for the cocaine lockup, meth lab, and counterfeit cash businesses. To get to and complete the final step, you're going to need 6 million dollars. Oof

If you have a fast motorcycle like the oppressor, the MK2 or the deathbike, you can get back to your other vehicles much faster if you have more than one.

The grand finale! Welcome to the night life!

You've worked very hard to get here. I know how long you've been waiting. The long grind is almost over. You'll be making a million dollars a day before you know it and even more if you want to keep grinding

Purchase a night club with 5 storage slots and nothing else.

The storage slots are mandatory to maximize profit from this business.

The nightclub

The nightclub has 3 setup missions, first you pick up some employees, then you steal a party bus, finally you pick up solomun the DJ from the airport. Your nightclub should be up and running.

How the nightclub works

The night club has a popularity meter. You can increase it by dancing, doing a promotion mission, or hiring a new DJ to fill it up completely. You get paid every in game day based on how popular the nightclub is with the max being 10k per day. The money will be put in a safe in your office, The safe total cannot exceed $70,000.

The hidden underworld

Now let's get to how the real money is made. Below the nightclub, there is a storage facility where your technicians are gathering tons of illegal product from your other businesses. They work independently of each other though, so your businesses will not be affected by what's going on with the nightclub. But to make the most profit possible out of it, you need 5 businesses active and have all 5 storage upgrades so you can hold the most cargo possible. Which is why we bought it last. The more time passes, the more product gets gathered and the more money you make. No resupplying or anything, it just happens on it's own as long as you're on the game.

Buy the equipment upgrade for the nightclub

The product will be made faster and worth more

Hire 5 technicians

With the money you saved this should not be a problem. Each technician will be assigned to gather a certain type of product. As time passes in the game they will gather more of it until they can't gather any more. These are

  • Cargo and shipments (crates)
  • Sporting goods (guns)
  • South American Imports (Coke)
  • Pharmaceutical Research (Meth)
  • Organic Produce (Weed)
  • Printing and Copying (Forged Documents)
  • Cash Creation (Counterfeit Cash)

You want them assigned like this for the most profits (no order)

  • Cargo and Shipments
  • Sporting goods
  • South American Imports
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • Cash Creation

If any of your businesses that your technicians are assigned to get shut down for any reason like a raid, the technician will not gather any more of the product until the business is set up again.

the other 2 don't matter

Buy these 2 vehicles

Depending on how much product you have, you may need to use one of these vehicles. They can all be upgraded and equipped with armor and weapons as well, so be sure to do that in the future. You can find them in basement storage 1 along with the mechanic to mod the vehicles.

Business battles

If you are in a public session with 3 people who are not doing a freemode event, a business battle will occur every 15 minutes. You can gather certain cargo to get for your nightclub to speed up the cargo gathering process. Be careful though, other players probably will be going after it. Using off the radar will hide the cargo if you have it.

How selling works

You will always get 1 vehicle no matter what. Which vehicle depends on how many crates have been accumulated before the sale. Don't forget to buy those two vehicles to avoid not being able to sell your cargo due to not having a vehicle large enough. I don't need to remind you of griefers, this one can be pretty risky. If you alt+f4 you could save most of your product but i've been told there's a random chance that you lose all of it. Just make a solo public session before you sell it if you don't want it destroyed. It does however have the biggest bonus if you sell it in a public session since it's cargo can reach the highest worth of 1.7 mil. Imagine selling that in a session with 30 people in it. This is my favorite business since I can go AFK and it gathers tons of product that I can sell when I feel like playing again. Nightclub popularity does not affect this at all. Neither do the product or upgrades other businesses have, just make sure they're active. If your vehicle gets stuck while selling. Go get the up n atomizer from ammu nation for 500k. It's a big help


If you want to make the most out of your nightclub, you need to learn how this works. I highly suggest having GTA installed on an SSD if you plan to do this a lot. I personally fear that a hard drive could fail if you do this for too long since they have mechanical parts on the inside. So use an SSD to be safe. Kingston sells some for $20 on amazon. If you can't or don't want to do that, put the game on a drive that's separate from the drive that windows is on.


you will lose all of your money to daily utility fees if you AFK in a session.

Go to your apartment and boot up a mission. You'll spawn inside of your property. This does not work on offices anymore so just go to one of your apartments if you have one.

boot up a mission like all in the game or something. Start the mission

sit on your couch, push right on the d pad to focus on your TV and press select. You don't need to turn the TV on.

Make sure your game is on windowed or borderless windowed mode. Don't minimize it.

time will pass, your products will be made. Your nightclub will sell for a lot of money when you come back. Your bunker and MC businesses will be ready to sell. If you have top range vehicles in your warehouse you can sell those. While the product is being made just go live life, watch anime, play some other game, don't sit there and wait for it. You can sell it whenever you want btw, you don't have to wait to max it. If you wait for 500,000 twice it takes the same amount of time as waiting for 1,000,000 once.

(Optional) Get a terrorbyte

A grinder's dream, inside is a touch screen computer that will let you source cargo for any business. I use it to source vehicle cargo and do the client jobs on it since they're easy and pay 30k. No more going to the office to supply cargo. It saves a lot of time.

That's it! You did it!

You are now set up to make millions a day for little to no effort. I appreciate everyone who took the time to look at this guide. I spent quite a bit of time on it. Los Santos is your oyster! Make sure you check out the casino or the facility so you can do the doomsday heists. Or maybe you want to try out the hanger now? Whatever it is you wanna do, go ahead, you've got money waiting for you if you run out. All of my progress that you've seen was from I returned in March this year. So that means I did this all in 4 months. It only took me 2-3 weeks to set everything up though.If you have nice cars and no businesses, SELL THOSE CARS!

About Me

For anyone that really wants to know. I've been playing GTA since 2013 on the PS3. I had 1k hours on PS3 before transferring to PC. I had 80 mil before the yacht update and blew it all on dumb stuff when it came out instead of saving it for businesses. I quit when the import/export update came out because I didn't want to grind to get the vehicle warehouse and I didn't want to sell my cars just to get one. I came back to the game in March this year. Had less than 600 hours on PC before then. I sold some of my cars including my RE-78, Osiris, ETR1, and X80 proto to afford the vehicle warehouse and bunker. Grinded to get more money for the MC businesses and the nightclub. Took me a week or 2 to get everything set up. I had like 700+ hours when I was done. The rest of the time is either me being AFK or grinding for a couple extra hours each day to get stuff I missed out on+buying my cars back. I now own everything I want in the game and I can buy anything new I could want when it comes out. Once you've done this you should never even think about buying a shark card again. I've never purchased one in my life

Don't forget to add me and join my crew if you need help or other people to grind with!

Feel free to message me on steam if you have more questions
ClownY 14 Jan @ 1:07pm 
Hey KD3 I added you to message you a few questions. I know this guide came out a while back so not sure if you still check it but if you would add me back and message me please!
KD3  [author] 30 Dec, 2024 @ 6:40pm 
lotherius don't worry you can still make this work without them
lotherius 30 Dec, 2024 @ 12:31pm 
"Solo" guide and it tells you "Make Friends"... fml.
Medicaloak-0 4 Nov, 2024 @ 5:37pm 
My user is Medicaloak-0 if anyone wants to add me
RushyenOG 23 Oct, 2024 @ 1:29pm 
Alghoq 20 Oct, 2024 @ 9:13am 
Good stuff right here
I cant find your Discord tho on your wall unfortunatly, do you have the link?
KD3  [author] 10 Nov, 2023 @ 11:11pm 
黒川 This guide is old. Maintaining popularity wasn't worth it when I originally made the guide. You also could not sell in private sessions.With warehouses you can earn exp fast and make good money way faster with the small warehouses than with the nightclub.
黒川 10 Nov, 2023 @ 9:28pm 
totally disagreed about nightclub
for ppl who own criminal enterprise starter pack
it's great to get nightclub as very first few business
upgrade staff asap to maintain popularity

50k per 48min is pretty good
maintain popularity is very easy
turn on passive mode, throw drunker, get extra 50k as top up
no need any sell mision for this
just comeback to nightclub with passive mode every 48 or 96min

since office is free, clubhouse is free
counterfeit cash is from pack, link it to nightclub
link warehouse to nightclub too, it not free but everyone own it as it's very cheap
paleto bay is worst bunker?, no problem, link it to nightclub
there are like 3/5 of business that can link to nightclub already

then can hire more technician, get coke and meth lab anytime (don't need to upgrade)
make nightclub own 5/5 then upgrade equipment

if going for real active, just ignore almost anything and get kosatka and spam cayo
nightclub is still like top 1-3 thing that good to own first
KD3  [author] 6 Nov, 2023 @ 12:30am 
Plaster Cramp Yes, that should work. Just make sure you don't die. Another trick to avoid raids entirely is to not start your MC at all when you're going to the businesses to sell. Once you start the sell mission, your MC will start automatically. So you can get near the businesses without triggering the raid if you don't start it up while going to a business.
Plaster Cramp 5 Nov, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
Awesome, thanks. One more question, to protect from raids, you suggest the Khanjali tank, but would the Rhino work better since it's half the price?