Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Lifecube Escape Pod - Sidelauncher
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2 Jul, 2019 @ 12:43pm
17 Jan, 2020 @ 12:29am
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Lifecube Escape Pod - Sidelauncher

LCEP (Life Cube Escape Pod) Sidelauncher

General Intro
The LCEP system is based on Buoy's quick-launch lifepod system, but reconfigured for a much smaller profile using all available space. With an optimum capacity of 5 and a rated maximum capacity of 8, this lifeboat is designed for launch in less than favorable conditions, such as extreme weather or a heavy list.

The LCEP has a relatively small range that will allow the pilot to reach any nearby land. If there is no nearby land, propulsion should be disregarded in favor of extending battery life for lighting and heating. The lifepod is fitted with solar panels which, over time, will recharge the batteries.

- Simple quick-launch system similar to the Buoy Lifepod.
- Compact, low spatial profile arrangement and shape.
- Basic all-electric propulsion and steering with approximately a km range per full charge.
- 11 solar cells.
- Minimal low-powered stabilization system.
- Drainage pump system.
- Heating system.
- External power cutoff triggered when the main ship's power reserve falls below a particular threshold.
- Seats for five including pilot.
- Parachute.

Weight: ~200 kg
Length: 3 meters (12 Blocks).
Width: 1.75 meters (7 blocks).
Height: 1.75 meters (7 blocks).
Capacity: 5 occupants optimal (including pilot), overflow up to 8 possible but not recommended.

This lifepod can and may be used in your next project; credit is appreciated. A frontlaunching version of this lifepod can be found here:

Implementation is fairly straightforward, but care should be taken in the process. If you find it necessary to modify the existing exterior walls (Such as adding windows or optimizing layout) be careful of destroying certain components such as the power store or the launch slider. Make sure the door segment has an unobstructed jettison. If you use a different base color (color between joined faces), switching colors can be safely done with the color-switch tool without changing any of the lifepod's colors.

Each module has two batteries on top marked with a different colored stripe, each electrically connected to a specific part of the module. During implementation, replace the blue-marked battery with your vessel's main power supply, making sure to hook it up in the same spot or at least in the same circuit.

The red-marked battery is an optional power booster for the launch system. If your vessel is a submarine or you are placing the module below the waterline, this battery should be replaced by an isolated power supply elsewhere; otherwise, it can be discarded entirely.
puppetmaster5000 14 Jul, 2023 @ 7:39am 
awesome escape pod
DorothyVivian 3 Aug, 2022 @ 6:05pm 
Very nice design.
I'm only having one problem. I replaced the launch button with a normal toggle button and while yes that button does work, it won't let me hook up an external activation thing (I want them to be able to be launched from the bridge from a single button)
Any assistance would be helpful.
Remousamavi  [author] 22 Jan, 2020 @ 2:44am 
@craftyscotsman'4f Ditto here - this is actually why I made this to begin with, because I wanted this style of lifepod that could be squeezed onto smaller craft.
craftyscotsman 19 Jan, 2020 @ 10:46am 
fantastic. loved the look of the other guys one but was too big for my using :( thanks!
Remousamavi  [author] 17 Jan, 2020 @ 12:49am 
@mtmanning64 I can, in fact I have just finished doing so:
Redm 16 Jan, 2020 @ 3:37pm 
can you make a front launcher
Remousamavi  [author] 27 Jul, 2019 @ 11:57am 
@AegiusX3 As of the most recent update, it now does have heaters.

If you do decide to go with these modules, feedback would be appreciated :)
AegiusX3 26 Jul, 2019 @ 11:55pm 
Do these have heaters? im planning on adding a compact lifeboat system to a tanker