Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Game Mode: Arena, Specialty
File Size
30.862 MB
29 Jun, 2019 @ 11:51pm
20 Dec, 2023 @ 6:09am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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A basic yet enjoyable journey

A deathrun map that after many versions is finally complete, content wise that is. This is my first map I have ever made, but I do believe that people will find the map enjoyable for what it has to offer.

The map has:
- An AFK killer for RED team
- A massive amount of credits in RED spawn
- A motivator, featuring the Patriarch from Killing Floor
- A freerun button
- 20 usable traps
- Two small parkour sections
- One set of chance doors
- Four different endings (Instant win, 50/50, Spinner, and Parkour)

My next version will exit the alpha phase, where I will focus on making the map more visually appealing, as well as fixing any bugs that might be discovered along the way.

Map By: AgentApple50
Steam Reupload By: Pot_head_wabbit


If you're the original creator of this TF2 map and want it removed from this archive, please provide a link to your official Steam Workshop page. We'll act promptly upon verification. Thanks!