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A Better Chosen
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2019 年 6 月 6 日 下午 12:31
2020 年 6 月 22 日 上午 9:20
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A Better Chosen

在 DerBK 的 1 個收藏中
A Better Everything
13 個項目
-- A Better Chosen --
-- Mod by DerBK --

Requires XCOM2 version: War of the Chosen
Requires DLC: -
Requires other mods: -


This mod overhauls the Chosen to be more interesting in and out of combat, while still keeping their powerlevel within the spirit of the game.

The changes affect the Chosen AI and their perks. In some cases, they even get new skills to use to make XCOM's life ... more interesting! Especially the Warlock has been changed considerably, both in and out of combat. Truth be told, this mod could've easily been called A Better Warlock ... or The Elders Better Champion :)

Quick overview of the changes:


- General touch ups to the AI behaviors of the Chosen
- Chosen will no longer always go for Extract Knowledge. If you fail to un-daze your soldiers, the Chosen will have a 50% chance to kidnap them instead. With the "Collectors" Dark Event active, this chance shoots up to 100%.
- Chosen gain a lot more knowledge from extracting and capturing. They now gain 30 knowledge for an extraction and 40 for a capture (vanilla values are 10 and 20)
- All Chosen gain some means of lowering XCOMs Will. This is supposed to reflect the hardship of facing the Chosen and the attrition this puts on the soldiers.
- New Chosen traits. Some of them are simple, like Evasive which gives a 50 dodge bonus, while others may even change up the AI.


Out of Combat:
The Warlock is the Chosen that has been changed the most. He still uses his Psi Zombies ability to dump explosive spectral zombies on XCOM's lap. However, instead of just waiting for the cooldown with a thumb up his arse for the following turns, he will use two new minor map abilities to harrass you now:
-- Sabotage Weapon: Psionically jams a target soldier's weapon, disabling it (= removing ammo, requiring a reload). This works just like what the Codex does, except it's single target and not tied to any damage or bubbles or whatever.
-- The Elder's Champion: Applies a 3 point Energyshield to a random enemy unit on the map, even possibly targeting unrevealed ones. The shield stays for 10 turns.

In Combat:
The Warlock is no longer neutralized by a Ranger with Mindshield. Being a 200IQ super brain, he will easily see through this ruse and will punish you for your feeble attempts of resistance.
-- Mindscorch and Mindcontrol will no longer be used against Mindshielded enemies.
-- With his new "Overwhelm Mindshield" ability, he can target mindshielded enemies for a chunk of damage, both to health and to will. Damage scales with tier of the Warlock.
-- Teleport Ally will only be used on Berserkers and Chryssalids. No more random turret relocations.
-- The Warlock does no longer need to be near death to use Spectral Army. He might just do it earlier if he feels like it.
-- The Warlock might decide that he wants to summon spectral zombies during combat, something he didn't do before. The chance for this is fairly small, but it's an option for him.
-- Warlock Mindscorch now drains 15 Will off of all targets.
-- Warlock can now teleport. He will only use this if flanked.


Out of Combat:
Rushes towards XCOM, just like in vanilla. Unlike in vanilla where she will always swordstrike to open combat, she has three option to engage now:
-- Using Harborwave if XCOM is bunched up enough for her to hit many targets.
-- Using her shotgun if she has a soldier flanked.
-- Attack with the Sword, dealing damage, dazing and triggering Bending Reed like in vanilla.

In Combat:
The Assassin fights in close quarters, using both her sword and her shotgun as she sees fit.
-- She will no longer use her Harborwave on single enemies, instead she will try to make better use of that and of her blinding grenade.
-- That blinding grenade has an additional effect now, draining affected soldier's Will score by a whopping 40 points.
-- The shotgun will come into play if the Assassin finds opportune flankshots to exploit. (Note that this behavior is intentionally toned down, because with her 25 mobility she could flank every turn if she wanted to...)
-- If the Assassin starts her turn while being out of sight of XCOM (for example following a Bending Reed), she will conceal herself again and fall back into her Out of Combat behavior.


Out of combat:
-- Tracking Shot now lowers Will and Defense by 7 for the rest of the mission. This is a stacking debuff, so a soldier that gets tracked many times can become severely exposed to enemy fire while also becoming frail of mind and prone to panic.

In Combat:
To contrast with the Assassin, the Hunter is focused on keeping distance from XCOM and hailing shots on them. The changes to the Hunter are mostly AI based, with only minor touch ups to his skillset:
-- He will not randomly grapple around, he will keep it in his back pocket until he will need to gain distance from XCOM.
-- The movement profiles used by the Hunter have been exchanged with extremely defensive ones. Whenever possible, he will try to stay away from your guys.
-- His daze grenade has been buffed. It now has a considerably larger range and radius. Also, the chance to stun has been increased from 67% to 100%.

Note: The early game assassin had her defensive stats nerfed to compensate for the AI increase. She was a bit too deadly for a while.


Avoid things that change the AI behavior trees of the Chosen, as that's something that i do as well and that can not stack up with the changes of something else. This includes mods that give new active perks to the Chosen because those perks would need to be worked into the AI tree.

Pretty much everything else should stack just fine, especially mods that add extra stregths and weaknesses.


- Yes, this is completely standalone. It does not require ABA or ABAI, but it is of course compatible with them.

- Yes, this can be added mid-campaign. Even mid-mission. That should be no problem at all. At this point, it would also be safe to disable it again mid-campaign, but i can not guarantee that part will stay that way.

- No, this is not compatible with my ABAI: Chosen Tweaks mod. Dump that mod, it's crap.

- No, i can not suggest using this mod with other Chosen overhauls. They will likely conflict a lot.

- No, there will not be a vanilla version. What kind of dumb question is that? Get out of here.

Here's a little wall of text on what this mod is trying to do - and what it is not trying to do. So read that before you come to me with your ideas of super tracking shots that instagib anything that moves and Chosen that take 5 actions per turn.


Any modder is allowed to pilfer, re-use or re-upload any of A Better Chosen's assets, scripts, doodads and thingamajigs in any way or form that he wants to. I don't care.
熱門討論 檢視全部(5)
8 月 2 日 上午 6:29
What this mod is trying to do (...eventually...)
2023 年 3 月 31 日 下午 12:23
Russian Translation
2021 年 12 月 29 日 上午 10:56
Traditional Chinese
330 則留言
DerBK  [作者] 9 月 28 日 上午 9:29 
The Warlock uses the same Teleport ability as the Codex. You can give it a cooldown through the SoldierSkills.ini (TELEPORT_LOCAL_COOLDOWN and TELEPORT_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN), but be aware that doing so will also apply this cooldown to the Codex.

Something of note about the Warlock Teleport is that i set up his AI to only use it defensively. So he will only teleport when flanked or standing in dangerous terrain.
Soul 9 月 28 日 上午 7:16 
Mod's great but the Warlock could use a one turn cooldown on teleport,he's now as boring as the Assassin,flanked,teleport 10 tiles away and can summon and then shoot,like come on lmao,at least have a turn where he need to actually run and not as far. It become just chase and shoot instead of tactical placement
DerBK  [作者] 6 月 21 日 上午 11:56 
Yeah, their AI doesn't discriminate between VIPs and soldiers, inactive or not. All they see is an enemy they have a flankshot on and take it. This can happen in vanilla as well, but it is certainly more common with ABChosen because it makes the Chosen actually take their shots. Basically an unfortunate side effect of being told to act more efficient.
Luckily, this interaction is quite rare.
Dignan Zazumba 6 月 21 日 上午 11:37 
Just had Hunter gun down an inactive VIP at random?
Atsushi Murasakibara 5 月 22 日 下午 10:11 
Dude, you're to be congratulated! I put this mod on today and was surprised right at the first meeting. I faced the Chosen hunter and he just wouldn't sit still, he would shoot all the time, he wouldn't look like an idiot aiming like he used to, it was an amazing experience, thank you!
Iceman970 4 月 14 日 上午 11:31 
Yeah MindShield is Essential to avoid a one off mind control (from sectoid or warlock) which ends the run but Unfortunately It doesn't seem to do anything about Daze from assassin or hunter which are going to land if your within line of sight.
DerBK  [作者] 4 月 14 日 上午 10:08 
I am not 100% certain on this, but possibly a Mindshield blocks Dazed? Could give your one soldier one of those and hope that it's enough.
Iceman970 4 月 13 日 下午 9:35 
Okay thank you, Just takes a while with "save scumming" to make that type of run even remotely possible but idk maybe I just need to get good XD
DerBK  [作者] 4 月 13 日 下午 3:11 
The Daze stuff is pretty integral to how the Chosen work, i wouldn't expect there to be something like that around except as a very targeted mod built specifically for your purpose. I am not aware of such a thing.
Iceman970 4 月 13 日 上午 8:38 
Is there a mod to remove all insta daze from the Chosen As doing a one man army run with a unit feels almost impossible with insta traq or what be completely ending the run