Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

671 avaliações
Stats Unlimited
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1 jun. 2019 às 12:01
30 jul. 2021 às 9:43
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Stats Unlimited

Updated To Fast Friends Update 509629 (02.06.2022)

Supported game version : Vanilla + Space Out.

MOD VERSION : <= Very important number.

This mod use Peter Han Plib library. Thanks to him, you can now change settings in gui and not manually in file. (You can still change config file by hand, there is more options than gui show).

Make sure that you use newest mod version. If you still see mod out of date in mod menu, you are using OLD version. Use this Peter Han Handy mod updater to get newest mod version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2018291283
Sometime if this mod mod updater provide old mod version, then try force update!

If you have some crash with this mod I need Player.log.Which is located %appdata%\..\locallow\klei\Oxygen Not Included
Location is valid only for windows. Without Player log I will probably ignore any bug report.

Mod Description:

Initial dupes stats
Stats Unlimited can still change initial dupe stats.(Only for newly printed dupes!!) And I dont recomend this usage. It may sound awesome to have dupes with 100 (or even 1000) in all stats, but it is not :) Remember this change is PERMANENT! And when you realize at cycle 50 or later that this overpowered dupes are boring (And they are!!!) it is too late. So, I strongly recomed Temporal Buff Option, read later about this.


Changes how fast duplicant increase stats(Attribute) or Skill point. Default setting is 1.0 which means duplicant gain stats/skill at same speed as in original (unmoded) game. Number bellow 1.0 means slow progress, number higher than 1.0 fastes progress.

New feature
Temporal Bonus
Probably everyone want try dupe with 1000 stats, dupe which can bath in lava, dupe which has negative air consumption and many others things. Btw.: Try to guess what happen if duplicant has negative air consumption? Do they Generate oxygen ???
It is funny. Even if they have negative consumption (so they actually dont breathe, they still suffocate in vacuum or in unbreathable gases :). But if there are at least some miligrams of Breathable gases, they start generate oxygen :))))And there is no overpresure.

And best things is, this change is not PERMANENT(Warning: this is apply only on Temporal Bonus group, others changes ARE PERMANENT) . You can turn it on/off and change bonus or negative bonus:) any time. So if you want try duplicant with 1000 stats, you can. And When you decided that it is not fun, you can change it any time. Any changes do not affect SAVEGAME. Change is done by clicking at Mod button (in main menu), find stats unlimited. Click Options and change anything in Temporal bonus group.

Also note: First you must check : Enable Temporal Bonus, otherwise no bonus will be aplyed.

You can change stats (attribute), or/and you can change this special things:

Scalding Threshold:
Radiation Resistance:
Air Consumption: Be aware: it is in Kg/s. Be very carefull with this.Bad number may do really strange things.
Carry Amount:
Space Navigation: This affect only vanilla rocket speed not Space Out rocket Speed.
Food Expectation:
Disease Cure Speed:
Germ Resistance:

Also note that you set bonus. This means if your duplicant have athletics 5, and you add temp bonus athletics 10, final athletics will be 5+10 = 15

Duplicant HP: You can set Amount of Hp which newly printed duplicant will have.
-1 means nothing is changed (duplicant remain with 100 hp as normal)
0 means duplicant arrive with 0 hp and unconscious. Initial 3 duplicant have always at least 1 hp.

Change injured effect: Currently broken, will be fixed. (maybe)

Cool Effect group

Show stats delta: Control how often nice yellow text will be printed over duplicant head. If you dont like this set it to 0.

Rest of mod description is no longer valid. I Keep it there for some nostalgic reason.

With this mods :

Base stats (Digging, Athletics, etc..) can go up to 50. (Without mod only to 20).

You can change how fast duplicant increase stat. (For all stats, or for each stats separately). Not recomented, fast stat leveling can make game very boring. This remark is specially for player 'harmonium'.This feature is turned off by default, you must change config if you want this.
Mods will notify you when duplicant increase some stats. (look at picture)

Now, Mod can change initial dupe stats (old dupes is not affected) (it is idea of IceD), this functionality is disabled by default, and must be allowed in config.

And as always this lots things can be modified in configuration file, which appear in same folder as mod, when you firstly use mod in game.

Some hint for config:

Mod is usully located : %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1758223146
(thx manavortex for advice)

(Change user to your user name)

if you want increase/decrease Max posible stats value change : <StatsCap>50</StatsCap> to another number for example: <StatsCap>1000</StatsCap>
if you want faster stats leveling change: <GlobalMultiplier>1</GlobalMultiplier> to somehing bigger : <GlobalMultiplier>100</GlobalMultiplier> Duplicant now gain stats xp 100x faster.

<ShowStatsDelta>1</ShowStatsDelta> means that yellow floating text appers every time when duplicant increase some stats by 1%, sets this value to 0 if you dont want any floating text. If you want slower notification frequency change it to something bigger, for example 5 (which means 5%)

if you want new dupes to come in game with some stats, change this:

<CanChangeDuplicantInitialStat>false</CanChangeDuplicantInitialStat> to <CanChangeDuplicantInitialStat>true</CanChangeDuplicantInitialStat>

and then change :
<DuplicantInitialStats>0</DuplicantInitialStats> to :
<DuplicantInitialStats>10</DuplicantInitialStats> => with this settings your dupes start with all stats set to 10.

15.6.2019 :
Added SkillExpMultiplier: you can change how fast duplicant gain Xp for skill point.
Small bug fixing in configuration file.
Optimized to speed, mod is faster then original Klei code.


404 comentários
[^sMauG^] 11 de jan. às 14:43 
Thanks a lot @StuffyDoll:steamthumbs up:
StuffyDoll 11 de jan. às 10:57 
Updated version here:

will remove at author's request or if updated
Domenic_071 11 de jan. às 9:35 
Its crashing
T3ntacle-Sama 10 de jan. às 17:28 
It was working fine, but with the last update it crashes with the space out dlc more
[^sMauG^] 10 de jan. às 16:51 
Yup, it crash at startup. I'm unable to continue the game with this mod.
misterbrain 10 de jan. às 11:45 
Completely crashes the game just loading in to the main menu if the mod was previously active after the latest build.

I can send the player.log file if needed, just let me know.
Con Agni 10 de jan. às 0:02 
Great mod, sadly today it crashes.
Kasean 9 de jan. às 23:05 
update pls! (」°ロ°)」
BigTwarrior 9 de jan. às 14:53 
same as others, crashes with latest hotfix
Le0nides 9 de jan. às 13:36 
Indeed. Crashes with the 09.01.25 update