Human Fall Flat

Human Fall Flat

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Items (140)
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 1
Created by CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 1...
海底城(Seabed Castle)
Created by Cream贞贞~白
海底城第一部分 Part I of the Seabed Castle...
Free Solo - Desolate
Created by eH reH eH reH
This is the 3rd in the Free Solo climb series. Slow to load, but it will. ...
Jungle adventure
Created by Lmao Dze Dong
Puzzles, climbings, funny....
Japanese City Adventure (日本城市大冒險) V2
Created by Sideisland
Do you like Japan? Do you like some weird stuff? Then this map may satisfy you. Come and try this map and have an amazing adventure here. V2 Update content: 1.Fixed mission objectives can't respawn 2.Fixed the problem of weapons 3.Fixed some levels difficu...
Escape the room - Kitchen
Created by BrickIT!
Escape the kitchen! Cruel people have jailed you into the room and you have to escape....
萌新系列第二部,不管难不难,请不要虐待作者,就算要虐待,待完了请不要吐口痰在濒死的作者身上 Novice Series II...
Desert Puzzle Room
Created by GorillaTee
This is an attempt at a short puzzle level. Everything needed to complete the puzzle is inside the building. The puzzle is able to be completed by one person but the more the merrier. This is my first level after getting to know unity and pro builder a bit...
100% not a troll map
This is my first map. I decided to make a troll map. Have fun getting angry with your friends....
Created by Belara
Second attempt to create map....
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 4 森林(Forest)
Created by CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 4 森林(Forest) ...
Created by tan
地图介绍:最后的boss关卡暂时联机还有问题,只有房主是正常的。这个有待修复。 若遇到无法死亡的情况。请手动载入存档点。 PS:部分素材来源网络。...
Get Hurled
Created by Gotcha
Get Hurled! Lots of high velocity adventures are in store outside the castle doors. Remember to hold on with both hands! Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity befor...
Space Station
Created by Gotcha
Explore the Space Station while collecting the batteries to escape! This is a difficult and puzzling level, completing it will may be hard. After you find and install all the batteries, pull the heavy door open to the party room! *Obligatory seizure warnin...
Puzzle rooms
Created by butt king
A series of medium difficult puzzles. Not for the impatient....
神偷跑酷1(running thief 1)
Created by 喵OWO喵
part1 of running thief 神偷跑酷第一部分...
Created by GraeChan
Go through all the hoops as there is no other way or is there?...
The Leap Of Faith [PART1]
Created by Buler
A dream that perfectly resembles the fear of falling! Challenge yourself and your friends to complete this HUGE, AMAZING map!!! Let me know your thoughts and where you struggled the most!...
The Climb
Created by だんご
Climb your way to the exit. This level was a small practise run to play around with the assets and just to see what I can do for future levels....
Created by jesperkorsbar
Lay down the planks to build a path on top of the poles. Be light on your step our you might just topple your bridge and ruin it for everyone! For players who are seeking a challenge...
报复社会旋转迷宫(crazy maze)
Created by 喵OWO喵
千万别尝试 don't try this...
Created by 地精佩奇
[WIP] Themed Parkour
Created by SuperVK
A work in progress parkour idk have fun...
The Leap Of Faith [PART 2]
Created by Buler
The adventure continues as in this dream you still struggle to overcome the fear of falling! Thank you everybody for amazing feedback on the previous installment of this series, I will work on more parts SOON! Let me know what you think of this episode, al...
Created by 萌新丶
新手勿入! 可以 1v1v1 也可以 2v2v2 ...
Created by Masaicker
新图已出,老少皆宜。 奇异之旅,终点难觅。 解密,冒险,玩耍,玩梗.. 首次进入游戏请手动“重新开始关卡”,以防检查点BUG,保证游戏性,畅快人生劲。 如果可以,请找到0-9数字彩蛋;如果可能,截点图。 若卡关,请浏览视频1,以及视频2。 彩蛋。(视频1中出现的白色长条一般为员工通道,正式游戏中没得) 未经授权,禁止转载。 New map The end of a strange journey is hard to find. Decrypt, adventure, play, memes... Firs...
What did it cost? Everything.
Created by Gotcha
A truly difficult obstacle Course. Can you beat it? #MyDogsVoteMattersMoreThanMyOwn Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity before making these levels, it's possible ...
Created by quickness
Пройдите линию испытаний вместе с 2-мя или меньше игроками...
RaceOF 2
Created by quickness
Пройдите линию испытаний (с препятствиями) вместе с друзьями! (Вместе можно играть только 3-м игрокам) Complete the test line (with obstacles) with your friends! (Together we can only play 3 players)...
Created by 咏春·手残
Have Fun!!! 感谢狗哥以及大家的协助测试...
Created by 雾岛的雾
Ball Me Maybe
Created by Schmatzekeks
This is my first map ever on Unity. So please do not to hard....
The Three IV
Created by Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 6 太空 The Space
Created by CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 6 太空 The Space 跳板按键教学视频: jump pad tutorial:
神偷跑酷2(running thief 2)
Created by 喵OWO喵
神偷跑酷第二部分 part2 of running thief ...
Tokonata's Small 2 Player Puzzle Map Idea
Created by Toko
***Need at least 2 players*** This is a small puzzle map just to test out the idea to see if it would be a fun and interesting map. if you want more/ a full version of this idea with other puzzles and possibly a middle section for a third player make sure ...
Team H
Created by Key
Make it to the end with your buddies, and maybe kill them along the way......
Death Run easy level
Created by HYDRA__ZX
-map all about to survive from trap i made it just for fun :3 - there is 6 checkpoint and last point is end of the map - if there any bug please tell me i will try my best Good Luck Have Fun <3 just subscribe to download map ...
Space Mountain
Created by Gotcha
Start at the bottom and utilize the space base's heavy machinery to climb to the top of space mountain! #DogLaw Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity before making ...
Spot The Difference!
Created by MikyMaster
Spot the difference between 3 seemingly identical scenarios, 6 levels that progressively get more difficult. Can be played with as many people as you'd like, but it may get hectic if you don't work together. Thanks, I hope you enjoy! *NOTES* - please let m...
Wipeout Course
Created by J_h2000
Canned Feat...
Egg Challenge
Created by HYDRA__ZX
-try to find Eggs in my new map :D the type of the map is puzzle -there is 3 Eggs which is ( red , blue , green ) - every level there is one Egg (((Don't Rush there is something hidden))) ((( if you like this map please Rate up it will help me a lot thank ...
Created by roflbawt
Level 3! Can you make it to the end? But can you open all the doors and reach the true ending... V1.3 Restart level if you spawn at the wrong place Redid swinging puzzle Tuning here and there Likely broke something else Let me know what you think!...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 5 城市 City
Created by CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 5 城市 City...
Created by viridian
A dream of a castle and other stuff...
Lost castle
Created by yeetarou
lost castle and much more...
Created by SuperVK
A simple layer based puzzle with a tiny bit of parcour, not that long. My discord server for bugs/suggestion for new levels:
Created by roflbawt
Escape and find all the cubes! Second attempt at a level, hope you enjoy! v2.7 updated checkpoint reduced number of monkey bars final climb made much easier probably messed things up...
Created by 雾岛的雾
Crazy Jumps
Created by Yxia
Ideal map if your secret dream is to become a bird No death challenge on the map : (UPDATE) map in 1:59 : (UPDATE 2) map in 1:45 :
ez map
to be continued 7.0...
Created by HalfLegend
My first level, very simple, very basic....
Created by Belara
Первая моя попытка создать карту, мб кому нибудь понравится висеть на последней лестнице как обезьяна. В любом случае выкладываю только ради теста воркшопа и не требую оценки тк в будущем как скилла наберусь буду делать сложные дуо,трио карты где можно про...
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 2
Created by CTS | Piya
皮皮跑酷系列(PiPiParkour) 2...
Flood Escape
Created by Xeukxz
Escape The Flood Before Its Too Late!...
Created by 萌新丶
Construction Chaos V2
Created by Cenn
A short level with some new mechanics Now with more consistent rules about the mechanics...
Created by info
Custom Map für den Freedom Squad...
Created by Belara
Third attempt to create map. I investigated how the door works and still dont know how to do checkpoints properly so this map kinda ez. Map supposed suppose to be only for 2 players, in the future ( when i will know how to do checkpoints ) i will do harder...
Created by 地精佩奇
1.新手向 2.刚开始作图可能bug比较多 3.烟筒那里灯过不去的话用门 可能会有bug 4.我要吃西瓜...
Created by 萌新丶
Twirly Whirly
Created by Xeukxz
A Hella Sexy Twirly Whirly Obsticle Course...
King of the Tower
Created by Rexxenexx
My Second HFF map. King of the Tower, climb to the top as fast as you can! Fighting and throwing the red balls is highly encouraged....
Lethal Lava Land [ABANDONED]
Created by ketrub
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that this map is not gonna get updated. If I work on more maps, and I want to return to making maps, I want to have a fresh start. Thanks....
Tokonata's First Puzzle Map! (Feedback is Encouraged Please!)
Created by Toko
In this map you will test your problme solving skills to gather all 3 shrunken Human: Fall Flat items and bring them to the end to open the doors. Have fun!...
过关斩将, 直线过关.一共9关,普通偏难....
Created by
最后一关跑酷只有一条命, 掉下去只能在大方块上看别人跑了...
Created by Caramel饼
Created by 只带丶天涯
萌新勿入 萌新勿入 萌新勿入 作图不好见谅,有什么不满联系作者 群821024894 或者虎牙直播间18090855...
Created by 萌新丶
仙某某直播两周年庆专属地图 到传送带位置那里,每一个粉丝的图片墙都有语音彩蛋。 详情请看视频。 直播当天视频:
左边为大佬线,比较难,右边新手线,后面比较难,第一次制作可能不太好,请见谅,需要一些爬墙技巧,整体不是很难,我自己试过能通关的 On the left is the big man line,which is more difficult, on the right is the novice line,and on the back is more difficult. Maybe the first production is not very good. Please forgive me, we n...
Created by 鹤鹤
作者:只带萌新的野鹤 备注:持续更新人性化系列,为什么说人性化, 人性化图一中没有空的板子,不能抓的板子,软骨伞之类的。 也属于稍微自闭图,耐心过关你还是能过去的!!...
Broken city(破城)
Created by LiYizZ
作者:B站 里逸zZ...
Dark Castle(黑暗城堡)
Created by 阿挺真帅
总共13关 Total 13 Level 你们可以提意见,但是我不一定会听。 有bug可以提出来,但是我不一定会改 You can give advice, but I don't necessarily listen. There are bugs that can be raised, but I don't necessarily change them. O(∩_∩)O...
Created by 萌新丶
1,新手慎入! 2,爬墙,超级跳。 (爬墙和超级跳不精通都很难玩) 3,需要练技术的可以来试试。 *本图是dutu系列最后一个版本了。 不会玩的可以加我好友。免费带玩,免费教操作...
Junk Tower
Created by Polum47
Put your climbing skills to the test. Race your friends to the top. Be very careful though.. --NO CHECKPOINTS-- You fall, you start over :( Can you reach the end? Can you find the easter eggs? Can you find Benchie McBenchface? Good luck and have fun!...
Adventures of Gromp 0.6?
Created by KaptainKumKakes
this ones for da gromps...
Created by Nekoron
:: Menu :: - Hot Dog - Hamburger - Ice Cream - French Fry - Pizza...
(Dead Space)禁区
Created by LiYizZ
Created by 去去去qqq
太空冒险(Space adventures)
Created by 小凯丽0v0
已更新!!!!BOSS关卡更新!!!! 尽你所能,到达基地! Do your best to reach the base! 这两天收到很多吐槽、建议、谩骂之类的……所以我修改了一下……TAT 1、增加检查点(降低第一关的难度 ) 2、背景音乐声改小声了(毕竟我爱电音,没电音我过不来关) 3、增加通关示范视频(由里逸倾情主演) 3、转盘降低,弹跳板距离缩短,鲸鱼机器人距离缩短,四人合作关卡距离缩短(至于小机器人有不明椭圆空气墙我是不会改的因为我觉得很酷) 4、新增打BOSS关卡,拯救世界的任务就靠你了! P...
Created by Yi
本图最后有武斗场用于比试~,无任何难点 ,新人作图,bug请谅解. 免责声明:本图所有素材来自于网络和自制,禁止用于任何商业用途 Disclaimer: All materials in this map are from internet and selfmade, prohibited from any commercial use. 作者:简单...
这张地图历时比较久,是我一边学习Unity3D,一边制作的。感谢耐心解答我问题的朋友们。 本地图是解密+闯关为主题,各位要是觉得还不错的话,请多多评论 非常高兴能收到你们的点赞以及建议,谢谢~ 注意:本图只适合多人游玩,至少2人~ This map has been made for a long time. I learned Unity3D and made it at the same time. Thank you for your patience in answering my question...
Created by 浪教授
欢迎大家游玩此地图,地图有点大 而且对电脑有一定要求 有一些BUG作者暂时无法解决 大家可以按提示操作 欢迎大家提供宝贵的建议 作者:浪教授 斗鱼:6891973...
The Three V
Created by Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three VII
Created by Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和我的steam(Mr.三鹿),谢谢您的支持!!!...
Created by viridian
A wet dream...
Marked Incompatible ]  dicks
Created by butt king
A terrible map, made by a dick, for dicks, and about dicks....
Created by 晓晓
Created by 小羊炒饭
人生就是要有一次说走就走的旅行。 但是一个人的旅行,难免会孤单。...
Created by 你比风还会吹
作者:只带月饼的美团 更新版本:10.8 完整版! 1.优化了部分掉帧卡顿 2.新增指示牌(文字提示) 3.优化cp6的矿镇模型碰撞 4.修复莲花卡脚 5.新增悬浮岛 感谢- 只带萌新的大佬 的指导 (某人对我放养式教学可还行~) ...
Created by 喵OWO喵
这是一个给各项技巧都有一定基础的玩家突破自身上线的训练场,如果全部通过你将大大提升自身的技术和熟练度! 更新内容:新增了海豚跳,大摆锤和投石车!...
Created by 地精佩奇
1.我要吃西瓜 2.因为一些bug西瓜的互动比较生硬所以这次西瓜是假的 3.时间紧可能有bug 我电脑用机关不行 所以机关也没有 4.比较短 毕竟新手向 5.刚开始那本书没用 真的没用 不会刷新...
Created by Marto_0
A parkour. On slippery ice!...
The Three I
Created by Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
Created by GraeChan
Leave the island by a boat of your choice and ascend the platforms of peril above....
free die 23333333
Created by bla me
welcoome :) version 3 1.增大死亡检测边界 2.下调部分关卡难度 3.等待建议...
Invisible floors 1, Suelos invisibles 1
Created by Adriana
This is my first attempt to create a Human: Fall Flat level. It may content mistakes even if I have tested it. It is an intuitive map full of invisible paths that will lead you to the end. I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment if you find any problem. I apo...
吸血鬼城堡(Vampire castle)小残618系列1
Created by X小残ฅ
欢迎游玩~闯入吸血鬼城堡游玩并安全逃离! 特此感谢皮皮跑酷系列作者帮忙优化地图 并感谢多位自认鸽子的大佬悉心解释。 支持作者的帮忙评个分吧!谢谢各位了 最终版地图,无重大事件决不修改 (7人以上在终点有几率会炸图,返回大厅就行) Welcome to play ~ enter the vampire castle play and safe escape! Thanks to pipi parkour series author for helping to optimize the map And tha...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 2 (Svartalfheim)
Created by VodkaZombie
If one wishes to journey to Valhalla without being slain, one must first overcome all of Odins challenges. Odin tasked the dwarves of Svartalfheim to craft these challenges. Each realm has its own unique challenge you must complete, starting with Svartalfh...
MY HOME4(密室逃脱)
Created by 小凯丽0v0
不更了 别玩...
Created by 好气啊
测试版1.0 emmm 目前没什么想法了 就先这样吧 后续会更新的...
你行你上 you can you up
Toko's BoxCrate Puzzle Map part 1!!!
Created by Toko
This is my Puzzle map I have been working on for a while. Hope everyone enjoys this crate/box themed puzzle map! Feedback is encouraged!...
Japanese Temple Alpha V1.1
Created by Sideisland
This is an Alpha Test of the lobby level, please enjoy! It will be more functions soon....
Created by Cream贞贞~白
关卡里有7个彩蛋哦~ 如果你看到灭火器,尝试砸墙壁吧~ 还有,二楼不是出口哦~出口有标志 There are 7 eggs in the Labyrinth If you see a fire extinguisher, try smashing the wall. In addition,the second floor is not an exit. There is a sign for the exit. ...
The Portal
Created by Pirate_90
Description: Solve puzzles and find ways to reactivate a portal that will lead you to another world. Music by: Secession Studios Warning: The portal can glitch. To reduce the risk, make sure not to grab anything and don't jump during transport. Updated Jan...
AbitOfEverything (WIP)
Created by Marto_0
What the title says Combination of some parkour. Puzzles and other stuff. Still adding new parts...
Created by 去去去qqq
我不管我就要修仙 过不去请输入cp 数字...
Lava Lake
Created by Gotcha
Make it through lava lake collecting power gems to find the temples jewel! Some may find this level difficult, some won't. Regardless, it will be enjoyable. #GiveDogsJobs #UnionizeThoseDogs Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates!
Generic Floating Island Map
Created by kai
Take your friends on this short adventure through asset purgatory! Journey from island to island, pressing buttons, opening doors, and moving boxes to caterpult your way to victory! v1.1 Changelog - Added small hole to fall through for "victory" - Placed P...
超神的飙车之路(drag racing of rookie)
Created by 超神小菜鸟
超神的飙车之路 不考过于硬核操作 都说第一张图做太难了 所以这次来个新手难度 如果遇到什么bug可以在斗鱼4497699提出 或者直接在下方留言 下个图将会做成智勇大闯关 敬请期待! 祝你有个美好的一天! drag racing of rookie Do not require too high a level of operation.Game difficulty:easy I am a streamer.If you encounter a vicious BUG.You can come to my...
Created by 两败涂地
让我们一起愉快地玩耍吧~ Let's play game happliy together!...
Crazy Jumps 2
Created by Yxia
More craziness here Check part 1 here : Tell me your thoughts in the comments !...
Mengxin 1
萌新系列1,可怕的图都被大佬们做走了,我只能做做萌新系列。也请各位玩家提出您宝贵的建议 后续关卡正在制作中,敬请期待 Novice Series 1, terrible maps have been completed by the masters, I can only produce novice series. Players are also invited to make your valuable suggestions. Subsequent levels are being produced...
Created by 阿挺真帅
Created by 丹丹111
第一次作图,没有什么特别难的地方。 中间有一关需要用到二段跳。 最难的地方应该就是跳板了吧! 快召集你的小伙伴吧,双人滑竿需要两人配合。 有什么做的不好的地方,大家可以指出来。欢迎订阅游玩。...
Ancient Trial
Created by GRR0L1K
Walk through ancient trial and try to not angry ancient gods....
Created by Hzm
由于该图是本人第一次做图,所以昨天发布的仅仅只是测试阶段。 特别感谢只带家族 - 天涯 教我入了制图坑。 全图都经过测试,可正常通关,萌新只要有一点爬墙基础就能解决,真正的萌新也会不自闭的。 要是有实在不会爬墙的萌新,可以来我直播间,包教包会。 游戏内音乐若是太大,请使用桌面任务栏小喇叭 音量混合器 调节!! 正序过完游戏的玩家,若是觉得难度太低,可以试着逆向在过一遍,就变成一命过。...
Free Solo - Ondra
Created by eH reH eH reH
The 2nd in the Free solo series. This is far harder than the last....
Created by 阿挺真帅
内容比较简单. The content is relatively simple. 后面有个超级大彩蛋哦 There is a super big egg behind....
Sky Floors
Created by sussy
A level with some platforming and puzzle elements. Each floor has a different theme. Note: If the joining players can't touch objects the host should click Load Checkpoint or Restart Level in the menu....
Created by Nekoron
It's short map. Floating burrels! Floating crates!...
Montezuma II
Created by Rexxenexx
My third HFF map. A little more difficult obstacle course than Montezuma I, but still short enough to not take too much time to complete. There are funny situations you can get into on this map so I hope you can try it Multiplayer even though it is Singlep...
Created by 只带丶天涯
第一张新图 虎牙17330166 不喜勿碰...
MY HOME(小凯丽的家)
Created by 小凯丽0v0
“毒鸡汤”闯关地图,通关有彩蛋哟^^ 不知道咋过去的请注意看墙壁上挂着的电视…… 拜托拜托给点个赞叭 !萌新作图者不容易啊各位TAT 最后一次更新,修复了个别bug。 1、钢丝加宽(降低点难度 - -) 2、增加二楼隔层(不要再问我怎么上二楼了,- -二楼我封住了,那是终点!!!) 3、路牌提示(意思就是你不会二段三段跳板子的话就走左边的另一条路,当然,两条路供您选择,自行决定) 4、90度大板增加跑酷阶梯(鉴于还有些新手不会爬墙,增加些阶梯供您攀爬,当然也增加了爬墙高手的难度-_,-) 5、检查点更新 欧...
Created by 阿弥
想知道你的小人儿能蹦多远么,想跟小伙伴证明谁才是二哈中的强者么,想知道你跟大佬隔了几个村几个屯么! 行了 ,甭瞅了,还瞅啥啊,你的小人儿已经饥渴难耐了...
Created by 只带丶天涯
可能BUG 会非常多 我劝各位沙雕别订阅 嘿嘿 虎牙直播间:18090855 YY语音:31433264...
萌新第一次作图(太难了),难免会有一些bug 发现请及时联系我!谢谢!您的评分将是我继续创作下去的动力. 难度:中等 QQ10947204...
Created by -
Journey to Valhalla, Part 3 (Muspelheim)
Created by VodkaZombie
After Svartalfheim, the dwarves decided to increase the danger. The next challenge they created is in Muspelheim, the realm of fire. Avoid the dangerous lava while jumping from rock to rock, performing difficult jumps and acquire Surtr's fiery sword to pro...
Created by 秋豆麻袋
第一次作图缺乏经验,不足之处请多多指教! 感谢朴素的百里大哥分享的作图经验! 此图坑多,心态不好着勿入! 新手勿入! ...
Created by 浪教授
修改了已知的BUG 欢迎大家多多指点 放弃多次终于还是做出来了 随手点个赞呗 以下是作图教程*换成. 作图教程 pan*baidu*com/s/1x2b1IY0Ze0Y5W1f0RizBow 提取码:uaau 作图软件(限WIN64位系统) pan*baidu*com/s/130kCcQAPqMJyrpSHu7lW0w 提取码:vl0q QQ3578253...
Created by Tina
我干了你们随意 {此图已由只带月饼的美团,里逸测图完毕,Bilibili搜索“美了个团丶”,“里逸zZ”就可以看到流畅到无与伦比的视频了}...