Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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20 May, 2019 @ 11:56pm
7 Jun, 2019 @ 11:14am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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PARTHENOGENETIC AMAZONS ... Now with added Adoptions!

This is a a mini-mod to enable women with the [amazon] trait to reproduce either normally or via parthenogenesis.

The thought behind this is to rule as a dynasty which cannot produce *direct* male heirs. So, the only way to get a male heir is to matrilineally marry your sisters/cousins and *hope* that one of them manages to produce a son who can serve as heir. And, of course, the player could move the realm laws to some combination of cognatic.

As the mod doesn't change any existing game files, it should be compatible with any relatively recent version of the base game and with any other mod.

* "Invite Amazon" decision, available only to the player

* The new [amazon] trait; 100% inheritable from mother;
- also, 1/1000 of children born to non-Amazon women may get the trait
* The [amazon] trait is available in the Ruler Designer when starting a new game (Note: male Amazons are sterile)

* Men with the [amazon] trait are sterile
* Women with the [amazon] trait may conceive either normally or via parthenogenesis, with parthenogenesis being more common
- Logic to limit the number of Amazon characters in any court to @30, lest they utterly swamp the game
* Children conceived via parthenogenesis are always female (i.e. the males are stillborn (*) )
* Children conceived via parthenogenesis (all girls) generally belong to their mother's dynasty; 1% may found a new dynasty
* Children conceived normally may be either male or female;
- except in the case of matrilineal marriage, they belong to their father's dynasty
* Children born to an Amazon mother always have the [amazon] trait
-- technically, not true: 5% of normally conceived males may be born without the [amazon] trait
* Children born to an Amazon mother also always have the [strong] trait and a possibility of [quick] or [genius] or [fair]

* Added 2018/05/24: Character diplomacy [Adoption] decision: allows the player to adopt another character, if he/she is old enough to be a parent of the character. Note: it can be expensive, especially if the character is an adult (**).

* Added 2018/05/26: Logic to initiate a pregnancy between an Amazon and her (non-spouse) lover.

1) The most sure method is to start a new game, using the Ruler Designer to make your first ruler a woman with the [amazon] trait, then *matrilineally* marry a man without the trait.
2) Either in a new game or an existing game, use the "Invite Amazon" decision, then marry her. The difficulty with this method is that most of her children will be of her dynasty, rather than of yours.

** Short answer: it's difficult, but not impossible **

As stated, Amazon men are sterile. If an Amazom woman is married, she is more likely to conceive, regardless of whether her husband is normal or an Amazon. However, if she is married to an Amazon man, any children she manages to deliver live will have been conceived via parthenogenesis ... and they will be female, as parthenogenetically conceived males are "stillborn" (*).

Since matrileaneal marriage is unavailable in Merchant Republics, when playing as an Amazon dynasty, the only way to get more male dynasts would be to not marry your female dynasts, but instead to hope that they take non-Amazon lovers and have bastards with them, some of whom would need to be legitimized so they could be heirs to the House.

EDIT 2018/05/24:With the addition of the character diplomacy [Adoption] decision, playing as an Amazon dynasty Merchant Republic is no longer utterly impossible.

In game mechanic terms, both males and females with the [amazon] trait are sterile. It is the mod's events (referenced below), rather than any default game event, which causes the Amazon women to have children. It's for that reason that I had to script a limit to the number of Amazons in a court, else they'd eventually fill a court with hundreds and then thousands of their daughters.

Currently, the event scripting can initiate an Amazon's pregnancies in only these manners:
1) via parthenogenesis, whether or not she is married;
2) normally, sired by her husband.
3) normally, sired by her lover.

Having a husband or a lover will slightly increase her changes of getting pregnant, even if the resulting pregnancy turns out to be via parthenogenesis. On the other hand, if she is a concubine, or if she is a ruler with "male concubines", that will have no effect at all.

I *simulate* stillbirth for these males via event logic. So, depending on how the notifications are configured, the player may or may not get a pop-up announcing the birth of such a child ... but he is already dead. He loses all parentage and dynasty affiliation and gets killed at birth, so he don't even show up in the Amazon's family tree.

I wanted to scale the cost of adoption to the age of the child. But, while I was able to code that (the code was ugly), I couldn't figure out how to have the true cost display on the decision button's tooltip. So, like so many other costs in CK2, it's scaled to yearly income: 1 x income to adopt a child; 10 x income to adopt an adult.

USING "Parthenogenetic Amazons" WITH EXISTING SAVES
The mod should be usable with existing saves.

If activating this mod to play an existing save causes the characters' traits to be "off", the problem is that the mod's new [amazon] trait was inserted into, rather than appended to, the game's table of traits. This would happen if the game read the mod's trait definition file before it read one or more of the trait definition files already being used to define the traits existing in your save.

To fix such a problem, rename the file at "~\mod\TDH_Amazons\common\traits\12_TDH_Amazons_traits.txt" so that its name is alphabetically greater than any other trait definition file your game is loading. For example, the fix could be as simple as changing its name to anything starting with "13_" or "20_", and so on.

I named the file "12_TDH_Amazons_traits.txt" because that's the lowest name that doesn't break my saves.

Should the player desire to manually invoke the mod's events, the console commands to so so are -
- event AMAZON.0100 <char-id> -- to initiate a pregnancy for an Amazon woman (the event will decide which sort it is)
- event AMAZON.0110 <char-id> -- to initiate a parthenogenetic pregnancy for an Amazon woman
- event AMAZON.0120 <char-id> -- to initiate a normal pregnancy for a married Amazon woman
- event AMAZON.0130 <char-id> -- to initiate a normal pregnancy between an Amazon woman and a (non-spouse) lover
Popular Discussions View All (1)
10 Jul, 2019 @ 5:06pm
A question for subscribers
Ilion  [author] 13 May @ 2:03pm 
I'm so sorry ... I only just now became awawe of your question.

Is it that you're getting a pop-up informing you that So-and-So Amazon woman just had a son?

If so:
1) I can't control the sex of the children as they are born;
2) I son't know how to suppress the pop-up. So, I ask you to ignore it as best you can.
3) What I do about these "impossible male births is to kill them and remove them from the dynasty, so that it doesn't appear as though they were eve born.
nvernon 18 Nov, 2019 @ 5:58pm 
Hi I am getting male children when conceived via parthenogenesis.
Star¤Dagger 11 Jul, 2019 @ 2:36pm 
Touche` !!!

I like it!
Ilion  [author] 10 Jul, 2019 @ 5:08pm 
Ummm ... wouldn't parthenogenesis result from heads not exploding?

*gasp* Did I say that?
Star¤Dagger 29 Jun, 2019 @ 3:52pm 
Awesome. I can't wait for Parthenogenesis to happen IRL, I can only imagine the backward minded heads exploding!
Ilion  [author] 20 Jun, 2019 @ 9:25pm 
You're most welcome.
Cheese 20 Jun, 2019 @ 8:53pm 
this is perfect for my fantasy world! thanks a bunch
Ilion  [author] 17 Jun, 2019 @ 3:39pm 
LOL Well, thanks.
Mr.Fleshstick 17 Jun, 2019 @ 2:28pm 
@Ilion; you are the shit!! (in a positive, non-insulting meaning!) ;-)