Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11

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Tips for newbies
Por Ambassador of Bigotry
A bit of information from gamer for MK11 newcomers.
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Here, I won't teach you how you should play and won't share move/frame lists. Instead, I will give you some simple answers and basic information.

This guide is finished. No more updates.
Some of you are probably playing MK for the first time since "long ago", if ever, or haven't played MK9/10. For this reason, I will share a bit of MK story. Just a bit. You can start with Komplete Edition.

MK11 storywise is a sequel to MKX. MKX is set many years after Komplete Edition (aka MK9). MK9 is set in a different timeline/universe (whatever) than pre-MK9 games.

The Original Mortal Kombat timeline ended with Armageddon. An event when all MK characters died.

In MK9, we can see an intro video where Raiden from the future (one of possible outcomes, if you prefer) is fighting Shao Kahn on Pyramid of Argus (where all characters died. Final MKA boss arena). Shao Kahn won and at the last moment Raiden somehow contacted his past self or rather Raiden from different timeline by now, to tell him one phrase:

"He Must Win!"

Later we can see the original "classic" tournament. This time, however, it will end differently...
I don't want to spoil you everything. You can watch videos or play those games yourself. All I will say is that the outcome of new timeline is different than the one in classic MK games.

After this story. Elder God ShinnokFinish him! appeared and said that soon he will be free and Netherrealm basically will own other realms like a b*tches. Well, maybe not exactly his words, but the meaning is the same. Trust me.

He didn't lie.
MKX is set around 20 years after MK9 (not counting prologue). After Shao Kahn dead, new ruler of Outworld must be found.
On one side we have Mileena. Shao Kahn's daughter and his "true" successor.
On another side, we have new character Kotal Kahn. Who also wants Shao Kahn throne.
We will see Mileena/Kotal conflict as part of the story and also continuation of Shinnok's plans.

There is also MKXcomics, which will show what happened between MK9ending and MKX story mode.

What happened after MKX ending you can see in MK11 intro.
Gameplay improvements
1. X-rays were replaced with Fatal Blows. Similar thing, but unlike X-ray, you can use Fatal Blow only once per match and only when your health bar is below a certain amount. Consider it "Saving blow". If you failed to connect FB, it will be available again after few seconds.

2. Block and power charge/amplification buttons are now separate buttons. This also adds a bit more balance/challenge. The amplification button is also used for interaction with stage objects.

3. Custom variations. You can now select a character with basic/default abilities and add special abilities of your choice. There are 3 slots for abilities. Some use 2 slots, for balance reasons. Most of the time it's 1 slot per ability.
Instead of fixed costumes, we have customizable parts.

Scorpion, for example, has different models for his spear, mask and swords.
Sonya has turret, headgear and gloves.
Sub-Zero has different masks, axes and kunai/shuriken.

All those items must be unlocked in Krypt, Towers of Time, AI Battles or be bought in Premium shop.
After many patches, grind was reduced. Now you can get taunts, brutalities and other stuff randomly in towers. More towers with good rewards appear too.
We have 4 currencies now.

1. Koins. Classic MK currency, which can be spent on chests in Krypt.
2. Souls. Can be spent on Soul chests and those things in monks hands.
3. Hearts. Can be spent on special best chests.
4. Time Crystals. Can be spent on stuff in Premium store. Skins, intros etc.

Koins are the most common currency. Easy to get.

Souls are a lot harder to earn, but rewards are usually better in soul chests. You can find Souls in Towers, as reward.

Hearts can be obtained by performing Fatalities and Brutalities. ToT is the best choice.

With Time Crystals, you can buy items fast in Premium shop, without wasting more time in Krypt or winning them as reward in ToT. The problem here is price.
You have two options. Grind or buy them with real money. Prices are around 700-2000 per item.
You can get 10 crystals for each level of your kombat card and some as rewards in ToT.
How to get gear and skins
1. Krypt chests. Don't forget to use Kronika Time Vault to refill them.
2. Towers of Time rewards.
3. Gauntlet. On same screen as ToT.
4. Character specific tower. Same screen as ToT.
5. Ai battles rewards. If you win, of course.
6. Premium shop.
7. Krypt shrine. 100,000 koins for skin and 75,000 koins for gear.
8. Kollector shop in Krypt. Use his coin to summon him, or wait until he appears. You can exchange some items with him for skins/gear/consumables.

Except chests, other options should guarantee skins.
Krypt severed heads requirements
Heads in Krypt require 25 Fatalities or Brutalities.

You need to use Fatality or Brutality 25 (was 50 before patch) times against character, for whom you want to unlock skins. If you want to unlock items for Scorpion, then you`ll have to use F/B against him.

1. Easy Fatality tokens. Can be obtained in Premium shop or as reward in ToT.
2. Skip Fight tokens. Found in chests.
3. Gear XP boost tokens. Some can be obtained in Gauntlet, i think.
How to make Ai fight for you in towers

When you picked a tower:

Character select screen > Highlight a character > Square (PS4) or A (PC). Below your character variation name (below costume image), you will AI fighter ON/OFF. Set to "On".
Tag/Group/Raid towers
As you may know, there are towers which can be completed with 2 or 3 players.

In Tag tower. When you have low health or below certain amount, then let your teammate fight while your character will rest and regenerate his health points. No need to try defeating opponent by yourself from the start. Unless you know that you can deal some good damage but it can risky. Rest for some time and let your teammate do the job.

Button for Tag ability will be shown below your character image, on the right side of the screen. On DS4 controller it`s "RS" aka Right Stick. You can use keyboard in case you don't have analog sticks.

Another thing that can help is correct augments. Some players ignore this. Characters like Baraka have very OP augments. You can complete all towers in solo with them.

In Group (aka 3 players) towers use consumables/bonuses (icons below your character image). They will help a lot in battle. Just try no to use them randomly. Things like rockets can break combos.
There are 3 buttons. On DS4 controller it`s X, Square and Triangle. Can`t speak for others.

Skip intros. Not everyone likes to waste time by watching it. You may want to watch intros of new DLC character but you better leave it for solo towers.

Try not to break other players combos with buffs/items (rockets etc). It can be very annoying when you are trying to use combo or force AI to do specific thing and then someone will use Cyrax net or some rockets.

If AI has armor, you can throw healing item and current player can use FB - Don't heal him before he will use Fatal Blow. FB can break armor and you can heal him after that.

NB! Augments were changed in patch. Guide is a bit outdated in case of augments. Some have buffs and debuffs at the same time.
A bit of information.

Blood rain - Stay in blood circle/tornado thing to heal and avoid damage from rain. Please...
Green laser - Try not to touch or you will take a lot of damage.
Ice rain - Jade is your easy win solution. Use her "Shadows" ability to ignore ice.
How to make your character stronger in towers
1. Augments. You can change them on customization menu, gear screen. Depends on your controller. You will see empty slots below gear images. You need to play a bit to level up those gear items and unlock slots. Each character has his own unique to him augments.
Augments can give different advantages. Do not ignore them.

You can change augment type for gear slots. Instead fire augment for example, you can use toxic/green augments with different bonuses. You need to use Reroll function below gear icon, on Customization screen.

2. Consumables. You can equip them in some towers, just before battle. Button icon will be displayed below your character image. You can use single consumable for one battle or those which will be active in whole tower.
How to improve performance
If you have problem with fps, here`s few options to improve performance a lot.

Motion Blur, Ambient Occlusion, Vsync, Dynamic Resolution - Off.
Lighting - Medium.
Frameskip - On.
Video Mode - Fullscreen.

Possible options:

Particles Mode - GPU.
SS Reflection - Off.

Fix for technical problems
For crashes after updates and few other problems.

1. Game icon in library - Properties - Local files - Verify integrity of game files.

2. Delete "MK11" folder in "Your main disk" - Users - "Your PC name" - AppData - Local.
2.1. Enable "hidden items" by pressing "View". You can find this option at the top of folder/window when you will open any of the folders i mentioned above.
How to enable 60 fps in menus, krypt and cutscenes
1. Go to "Options" screen.
2. Open "PC Features" tab.
3. There you will see two separate options. One for menus/cutscenes and other for Krypt.
How to use PS4 icons
As for controls. If you have DS4 controller and you see Xbox icons instead of PS4 do this:

Game name/icon in Steam library - Properties > Steam input per-game settings - Forced off. Delete any non-official software you have for controller.

If it didn`t helped, then try installing PS4 Remote Play. Also configure your controller in Steam BP mode, even if you used Forced off option.
Before you start

If you plan to play online, then PLEASE follow steps below.

1. Be sure that your fps bar is high/green. When you launch online for the first time, it will run a benchmark. If your fps is below high or it was high, but you know that it can become unstable, then lower your graphics settings. Playing with low fps is annoying for both sides and can be a real nightmare.

2. Don`t use Wi-Fi if possible!. I understand that situations can be different, but no adequate non-wifi player would want to play with Wi-Fi user.
Wi-Fi players are like some FGS veterans. They can be annoying, they do bad things and when someone tries to tell them to stop doing what they`re doing - They don`t care. Don`t join the a-holes army!

3. Check your internet speed.

4. If someone uses duck command too fast few times in a row, that`s not always a "tbagging".
I had a match when i won 2 rounds in a row. Incredibly amazing Nice guy like me tried to show him "Mercy" and failed. Opponent didn`t understood that and I am 99% sure that he thought that I am typical toxic FGS player. He disconnected on "Finish him" screen.
FGS Dictionary
Chip Damage - The reduced damage a character takes from an attack while blocking. Generally an extremely small amount; in some games, normal moves do not cause this.

Juggle - A combo in which the victim is hit multiple times in midair. The move used to start the juggle is called a "launcher".

Poke - Generally a quick attack that is done to hit an opponent from the maximum range that specific move will allow, generally done as a single attack to accomplish any of the following things (sometimes more than one): to stuff an opponent's current attack, even one of their own pokes, to create distance between the two players, to deal "safe", unpunishable damage; to hit confirm into a full combo.

Footsies - "Footsies" is archaic slang for the mid-range ground-based aspect of fighting game strategy. It refers to a situation where both players are outside of combo range and attack each other with mid- or long-range, generally safe attacks (pokes). The ultimate goal is to control the flow of the match, bait the opponent into committing errors, and attempt to punish every action.

Safe - A move that cannot be punished if blocked. Usually these moves have a very short recovery time, or they block stun the defender for a long enough so that the attacker can block before the defender is capable of retaliating.

Wakeup/Getup - The frames in which a character is considered to be standing back up from being knocked to the floor. A wakeup game is the ability for a player to choose how they stand up. Options open to the player may include: rolling towards, away from the opponent or attacking.

Mix-Up - Not to be confused with Cross-Up. Mix-Up is a strategy or technique of making one's attacks more difficult to predict. In 2D fighting games such as Street Fighter or The King Of Fighters, it typically involves using Low attacks, Overhead attacks, Throw attacks, and generally any assortment of attacks which require different responses from the opponent in order to defend against them. Mix-ups become more effective as the variety and complexity of the required defenses increases, and as the amount of time available to react decreases. When used in a pressure string, mix-ups can allow a player to connect a combo or inflict a knockdown to continue the pressure if their opponent fails to correctly guess what to do, how to evade/counterattack, or where to block.
Mix-up can also refer to the strategy of entering poses or stances which have multiple moves with different attack properties available to them, such as Lei Wulong's animal kung-fu arts or Guy's Bushinryu ninpo arts.

Zoning - Zoning is a tactic in 2D fighters usually used at mid-range or far mid-range, the purpose of which is to control space and keep the opponent far away using projectile attacks or long reaching pokes. The idea is to space oneself so that they are in a position to respond to or punish any entry angle or attack of the opponent's. Ideally, the player can use certain pokes and attacks to beat the opponent's attacks, punish their advances or jumps, and hopefully shut down their offensive options, while landing hits. In attempting to zone, it is important to know the properties of one's own attacks as well as the attacks of the opponent, in order to find the best move to use in countering the opponent's move. The ability to predict the opponent's next move, and having good reflexes to react to that move, are also important.

Turtling - The act of staying in a defensive stance for most or all of the match, only attacking when the opponent misses, or with a reversal move. Usually done when far ahead in the match and running low on time, to avoid unnecessary risk.

Rushdown - The complete opposite of turtling, a rushdown style is considered to be completely offensive, often using a huge variety of mix-up, pressure, and mind games to force an opponent into a suboptimal defensive situation, seeking to create openings and watch for sudden mistakes to capitalize with proper, devastating punishment.
1. MK11 borrowed customization system from Injustice 2.
2. Mercy system returned from MK3.
3. You may want to change "Release check" option to "OFF". It was a lot easier for me to do Getup Attacks/rolls and Breakaways when it was off. Also test input timing options.
4. Frost can be unlocked for free, in game.
5. To fix low audio. Install Windows 10 build 1903.
6. You can ignore some projectiles by ducking without block.
7. If you have gamepad or something else without buttons to tag - Use keyboard.
8. You can change augment type by spending Souls currency (it was random before patch).
Wiktionary - For better descriptions of words used in FGS.
Defox - For his performance guide.