Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

25 평점
Creating a logo mod
ChoGGi 님이 작성
Step by step to create a logo mod.
즐겨찾기 해제
  • Prepare your logo file.
  • It needs to be a power of two (512x512 is ideal). It can be smaller (32,128,256) or larger (1024,2048,4096).
  • The import tool may barf on lower than 24 bit images.
  • You can add transparent space around to make it fit into a power of two resolution.
  • Save as a PNG or TGA (not sure what else it supports).

  • Now that you have your image, we'll head into the Mod Editor.
  • Open up the Mod Editor from the main menu and go to File>New Mod.
  • Name it.
  • You should now see this image, go ahead and add a Decal and Mission Logo from the New Mod menu.
  • Don't ask me why they named the menu New Mod instead of New Item.

  • First add a Name, nothing too fancy (no spaces just letters/nums) as it'll be used for the filename and Windows can be touchy about filenames, but also something unique enough that it won't be used by another mod. This won't be displayed to the user.
  • Copy the Name to the Entity Name.
  • Press the ... to browse to your logo file, then click Import.
  • Wait till the logo decal is imported.

  • Some people in the comments mention having to restart the game for the image to "take".

Mission Logo
  • Take the Name you used for the decal and paste it for the Id and Entity Name.
  • Display Name is what will show up for users in the New Game>Colony Logo list.
  • Click the ... next to Image (this is what will show up next to Display Name in the logo menu.
  • You need to browse to the logo mod and select the newly created TGA file.
  • The logo mod should be in %AppData%\Surviving Mars\Mods
    C:\Users\UERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Surviving Mars\Mods (Appdata is a hidden folder).
  • Once you find it, open the UI folder and select the TGA.

  • That's it, save and if all is well you should see your logo in Colony Logo
    (assuming you've enabled the mod)

  • You can also click on the main mod item (parent of decal/mission logo), and check the Colony Logo checkbox to have to show up in the Steam Workshop Colony Logo list.
댓글 15
ChoGGi  [작성자] 2022년 7월 23일 오후 9시 12분 
You are extremely welcome.
jpinard 2022년 7월 23일 오후 7시 46분 
Thanks for this. Extremely helpful.
ChoGGi  [작성자] 2022년 1월 17일 오전 6시 53분 
From the main menu
KDN 2022년 1월 16일 오후 10시 54분 
how do i open mod editer
qrazyqwert 2021년 11월 30일 오후 2시 23분 
Also had to restart so it would take my pic. Realy nice explanation thanks
ChoGGi  [작성자] 2021년 6월 18일 오후 4시 45분 
I've made ones at 1024x1024 before, so check the image again and make sure it's exactly those dimensions.
Sex-Ray Vision 2021년 6월 18일 오후 4시 30분 
Mod editor always claims image dimensions are wrong in both .tga and .png with and without compression at 1024 x 1024 resolution no amount of restarts seems to fix this as it did with Otichoo.
Otichoo 2019년 5월 27일 오후 8시 56분 
nvm... had to restart the game
Otichoo 2019년 5월 27일 오후 8시 55분 
Cannot import the decal . It says that the image width and height are wrong . i edited the pic to be 1024 by 1024 and still the same error
cybertron beast 2019년 5월 19일 오전 7시 27분 
oh it's ok, i did it again and now it's worked thank you anyway