Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

271 ratings
Extra Controller Features
File Size
8.813 KB
7 Apr, 2019 @ 7:24pm
26 Dec, 2020 @ 2:00pm
18 Change Notes ( view )

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Extra Controller Features

Mod Info
If you tried to play the game with a controller, you might've noticed a few things that might make it hard to play with. For example:
  • You can only attack mobs you're facing
  • You can only do actions on the nearest entity (meaning you need to move to every single sapling to harvest a farm of them)
  • You can only telepoof / soul hop a set distance away from where you're standing
  • There is no way to zoom in / out
  • There is no way to walk with the map open
  • Iceboxes and Crockpots can't both be accessed at the same time
  • Structures and deployable items can only be placed in front of where you're facing
What does this mod do then, you ask? It fixes all of the above! ...or at least to some extent. To be specific:
  • You can attack nearby mobs regardless of which direction you're facing
  • Entities without an available action (such as picked plants) will not be selected unless there is nothing more important nearby
  • You can use the Right Stick to change where you want to place a structure or plantable item
  • New controls for doing things not normally supported by a controller

New Controls
Since the game uses almost every button in a standard controller already, this mod's controls rely mainly on the Left Stick Button (shown as ingame). All new controls for now are a combination of this button and another button.
  • Menu Misc 3 + Rotate Camera (+): Zoom
  • Menu Misc 3 + Alt Action (+): Walk To - lets you walk to a point in front of you in case you want to check your map while moving
  • Menu Misc 3 + Open Crafting/Open Inventory (+): Adjust distance of Walk To or Soul Hop
  • Menu Misc 3 while inventory is open (): Switch focus to open containers. It will alternate between iceboxes (or chests) and crockpots if they're open at the same time, letting you move items between them more easily.
  • Menu Scroll Up while inventory is open (): Instantly transfer items between your inventory and a container. Cooking ingredients will go into a crockpot if one is open.
  • Pause while a crockpot and the inventory are open (START): Cook. Works exactly like the "Cook" button that exists in the crockpot HUD when using mouse & keyboard
Configuation Options
It's always nice to be able to customize a mod based on personal preferences!
  • Misc Control: Change whether you want the mod's misc button controls bound to Menu Misc 3 or Menu Misc 4. Might be useful if other mods also use Menu Misc 3
  • Enable Placer Mod: Choose whether you want to use the mod's custom building method. Changing this to "No" will revert building to the game's default building method.
  • Enable Item Hotkeys: Choose whether to enable item hotkeys or not. Disabled by default. Item hotkeys let you quickly access specific items by binding them to the d-pad. To start, open your inventory, hold Right Stick + Right Bumper and press a direction on the D-Pad while selecting the item you want to bind. To select that item afterwards, you can hold the Right Stick and press the corresponding D-Pad direction. Your inventory does not need to be open for this part.

    I will be adding more features to this mod as I see necessary. I hope you enjoy playing DST with a controller with this on your side!
Popular Discussions View All (1)
17 Jun @ 12:22pm
Why is this Mod not for Original Don't Starve???
Devil.In.Disguise 31 May @ 1:55pm 
can u use the bound item hotkeys for pc controls too?
fatharley2001 12 May @ 3:47pm 
Unfortunately this "You can use the Right Stick to change where you want to place a structure or plantable item" doesn't work on the Linux version as of today.
fatharley2001 12 May @ 11:30am 
Wow, was literally thinking of starting modding bc I needed this
Meow 6 May @ 8:09pm 
this year a lot of pc handheld out so this mod really help us a lot :')
Many and really thanks
InvictusApollo 18 Oct, 2023 @ 3:15am 
There are mods like Shields and Raiden Shogun that need extra keys to use them. I cant use them with Steam Deck. Could this mod solve that?
Foisher 4 Oct, 2023 @ 8:51am 
OMG now I can play on steam deck now.
HarissaPower 24 Jun, 2023 @ 1:29am 
OK I’m a couch player. AND I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THIS! Moving from icebox to crockpot has been so annoying!
ThyRed 10 Jun, 2023 @ 7:53am 
it's amazing and i love it but maxwell is my favorite and this mod breaks the magician hat storage :( can't put stuff in when the mod is active)
Waroflame 25 May, 2023 @ 11:05am 
Waroflame 25 May, 2023 @ 11:04am 
Ok so I think the mod needs a small adjustment for the combat. If you have the combat changes on, you CANNOT FIGHT ANTLION, PERIOD. The antlion spikes are about the same priority as butterflies, so keyboard players don't got an issue with them, but us controller users out there will just nonstop target the spikes instead. This would be a problem without the combat changes, but there is enough time to attack the antlion long enough for the "target lock" game mechanic to kick in, and for some reason with the combat changes there is no more target lock.