Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

484 ratings
European Bike Paths
Assets: Road, Park Area
File Size
2.939 MB
11 Mar, 2019 @ 12:15pm
15 Mar, 2019 @ 9:59am
5 Change Notes ( view )
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European Bike Paths

This is set of two functional Dutch-style bike networks.
Click here for Vanilla-style ones.

2 way
4 meters
1 way
2 meters
Ground, Bridge

The bridge elevations are actually sunken, so they can be used as either bike lanes or bike crossings. The GIFs below show you how to do this.

The small width of the networks come with some game related problems. This is because the networks were never designed to be this thin.
It is highly recommended you use a theme which does not have grass sprites or use this mod to remove them, otherwise they may show through the bike paths.
You may encounter some terrain issues while using these networks; the best thing do to if you have major problems is delete and redraw them.

With the 1 way bike path, you cannot see the direction when in the landscaping panel, you have to switch to the road panel to see the directions. If you want to change them you have to go back to the landscaping panel and right click them with the upgrade tool.

Please give feedback in the comments section, and consider giving this asset a positive rating if you did enjoy using it.

How to use
The GIF below demonstrates how to add crossings:

It is highly recommended that you only make crossings on flat ground or next to junctions.

The GIF below demonstrates how to add custom bike lanes:

If you use "No Crosswalks" mod the nodes will not be coloured.

Hazard262 for screenshots.

bicycle bike biking bridge crossings dutch elevated europe european functional junctions lanes line markings networks one paths red road terrain thin track tunnel two way white
InCaseOfAsteroid 14 Mar, 2023 @ 11:59am 
I actually found out why they sink into the roads in a whim, it's because of the curb height Aduster Mod, can you do anything for compatibility with that? The high curbs look hideous
InCaseOfAsteroid 14 Mar, 2023 @ 11:52am 
My crossings are also hiding below the roads for some reason. Would be awesome if you could fix this, cause the roads look really great!
ravogi 22 Feb, 2023 @ 5:32pm 
fixed yet?
Nyrob€€ 10 Nov, 2022 @ 6:26am 
As said, totally unusable because of sinking nodes. Although these paths look gorgeous, don't use them because you will end with a lot of frustration.
♥ Alura ♥ 29 Jun, 2022 @ 1:41am 
Same issue for me, loaded the game after few days of using the paths and I found half of my city sinking to the ground due to the bike paths. Unless fixed, I wouldn't recommend using it. :winter2019sadyul:
Izangar 12 Mar, 2022 @ 9:11am 
I've experienced a bug with this one. When loading a city with this path in it, they'd start to sink along with the terrain. It brought the simulation speed almost to halt. After I deleted these paths, the game returned to normal.
Andrea52 10 Feb, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
These look good, but theyre really annoying to build with. They snap to the ground in annoying ways, and sometimes won't let you raise or lower them. They have a tendency to hide underneath roads and the ground, and will often "eat" nodes too close together, making it very difficult to precisely set up complex crossings, especially on uneven ground. The dash marks are based on nodes, meaning theyll be stretched out unevenly depending on how long the path is, and the reflective properties are a bit weird, so sometimes short sections will appear to glow from certain angles.

But god do they look good...
pbilk 6 Feb, 2022 @ 1:13pm 
@3D Master I would say red looks best but I can see how blue brings more visibility. However, if you are using red for painted bicycle gutters then yes, blue would or green may be better. However, if you make proper bicycle infrastructure. Whether that's traffic calmed streets with bike lanes, bike priority streets or separated bike lanes then the colour doesn't really matter since other things are slowing down vehicles and visibility of the path is not as much of a concern.
VonVirusxD 21 Dec, 2021 @ 5:48am 
@3D Master, basically entire Eastern Europe uses red as well and I do not think that it will ever change.
vic.foras 30 Sep, 2021 @ 10:49am 
This bike path is perfect, however the fact that it's snapped to the ground all the time makes the building process difficult, especially when you're going to build it close to where there's a fake ground made with PO.