Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5

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Dashi's Completionist Guide to: 100% Devil May Cry 5
dashima 님이 작성
All achievements in chronological order, secret missions, collectibles, Bloody Palace, and some gameplay tips.
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Greetings, fellow humans, demons, and those who lieth betwixt! I'm Dashi and I'll be making your one-stop guide to all the achievements in Devil May Cry 5. As of 03/31/19 this guide is mostly completed (as of 04/01/19 Bloody Palace has been added to the game). Please let me know in the comments if you catch an error!

Update: I've been seeing parts of this guide outside Steam and I wholeheartedly do not support copy/pasting my stuff on external sites because:
  1. I made this on Steam specifically written for people who have the PC copy of the game
  2. Make your own guide if you want to stick ads all over it please. I'm writing this because I like DMC and want to help people achievement hunt. Monetizing someone else's free work without even asking is messed up.
This isn't directed at normal gamers. I'm talking about official/professional game sites pulling the ENTIRE guide, unfinished or not. Thanks for understanding!

kylo ren encouraging you to clear dmc5

The following collectibles are implemented in chronological order under their respective missions. These will be listed in tandem with mission-related achievements.
  • Blue Orb

  • Purple Orb

  • Secret Mission

I tried to make these as descriptive and visual as possible, so please let me know if something is not apparent to you. There are also quite a few video guides around showing the locations of everything, as well as another excellent collectible guide on steam, so feel free to use other references if you can't find something.
I. Difficulty Achievements

real footage of v's early onset midlife crisis

There are 6 difficulty mode achievements in Devil May Cry 5, modeled after older games in the series. Each difficulty mode needs to be played separately in order to get their respective achievements. This means a minimum of 6 playthroughs of the whole game, if you miraculously get S rank across all chapters in all modes (except Heaven or Hell, which gets a free pass).

In addition, several achievements will require you to play a specific protagonist or even all three. I highly recommend playing through the game your way the first time and then going back as needed to collect S rankings, get missed story achievements, and clear the different difficulties. Getting platinum in Devil May Cry may take lots of time and patience, depending on how skilled you are at the game. Good luck!

For your first playthrough, you can choose either Human or Devil Hunter, whatever you're comfortable with. It doesn't really matter which as you'll have to go through and play them each separately anyway for both achievements. Completing the game on the harder difficulty does not unlock the achievements for lower difficulties.

Let's Rock!
Complete the game on Human mode.

Starting mode. Enemies have standard health and deal moderate damage. Recommended for players new to DMC or for a smooth first experience. This is the easiest mode to get a majority of the missable story achievements.

Complete the game on Devil Hunter mode.

Starting mode. Enemies have more health and deal more damage. Recommended for players who are familiar with DMC games.

Doing Daddy Proud
Complete the game on Son of Sparda mode.

Unlocked after completing the game once on either Human or Devil Hunter mode or as early as the Prologue by beating the boss unconventionally (see "Well I'll Be Damned"). Equivalent to hard mode. Challenging enemies appear from the beginning (before their actual introduction scenes) and are more aggressive. There's less of a pause between their attacks, so you'll have to spend more time airborne and learn to prioritize. Some enemies (ie. machete enemies) will gain verticallity. Enemy health and damage values double.

Dance with the Devil
Complete the game on Dante Must Die mode.

Unlocked after completing the game once on either Son of Sparda mode or as early as the Prologue by beating the boss unconventionally (see "Well I'll Be Damned"). Equivalent to very hard/extreme mode. Enemy health and damage values double again... x2! You'll actually have to learn how to play characters in order to make it through this mode with S rankings (especially for V... keyspam doesn't work here anymore) and understand boss patterns. Additionally, enemies may light up with a purple aura, which is essentially a "buffed" state for them, not unlike a weak Devil Trigger. Completing this mode unlocks Super costumes for each character, which gives unlimited Devil Trigger.

Stairway to Heaven
Complete the game on Heaven or Hell mode.

Unlocked after completing the game once on either Dante Must Die mode or as early as the Prologue by beating the boss unconventionally (see "Well I'll Be Damned"). Replay the game with a twist: Enemies die in one hit, but so do you. You are afforded 3 extra lives per mission. Losing lives fortunately doesn't necessarily void a S rank. On Nero and Dante, lock-on and guns (Ebony & Ivory are Dante's quickest firearms) are your friends. Don't even try to play the game normally, just shoot em up. As V, you will still have to execute enemies PLUS your demons will also die in one hit (unless Nightmare is up) so it's a slightly more arduous process. I recommend mostly using Griffon's simple attack.

Highway to Hell
Complete the game on Hell and Hell mode.

Unlocked after completing the game once on either Dante Must Die mode or as early as the Prologue by beating the boss unconventionally (see "Well I'll Be Damned"). This time enemies have a full health bar (Son of Sparda difficulty), but you still die in one hit. You can retry three times per mission, but it's still pretty challenging because you not only have to survive but also need to keep stylish rank high. Mission 8 Urizen and Vergil are particularly unforgiving of mistakes. Like Heaven or Hell mode, you're allowed 3 retries and for the 100% you must complete Hell and Hell with all S ranks. Super costumes sadly seem to push you out of an S rank, so I'd suggest avoiding them.
I. Unmissable Achievements

who pulled neros devil trigger

The following achievements are unmissable story achievements and can be ignored:

Fall from Grace
Clear the Prologue Mission.

Clear Mission 03.

End of the Line
Clear Mission 06.

Light in the Darkness
Clear Mission 08.

This Ain't Over
Clear Mission 10.

The Qliphoth
Clear Mission 12.

Gotta Hurry
Clear Mission 14.

Back to Life
Clear Mission 17.

Man on a Mission
Clear Mission 18.

II. Prologue - Mission 01

nero on his last brain cell

The following achievements are Mission-related achievements, considered missable or unobtainable within a single playthrough. If you miss an achievement, it is very easy to restart checkpoint or use Mission Select so you'll never be locked out of completing any of these by having to complete the game again! The guide below is based on Human/Devil Hunter modes and organized in chronological order for convenience. The maps are exactly the same on other difficulties but the enemy appearances will vary.

Secrets Exposed
Clear all secret missions.

All secret missions will be detailed chronologically below. There are 12 in total. You can clear them at any time in the main menu so long as you've actually discovered their location first.

Physical Perfection
Upgrade your vitality gauge to max.

This requires you to collect all the blue orb fragments throughout the Missions (all listed chronologically below) and purchase several orbs from Nico's shop. Two bars of health is the maximum.

The Devil's Own
Upgrade your Devil Trigger Gauge to max.

Like the vitality gauge, this requires you to collect all the purple orb fragments (all listed chronologically below) and purchase several orbs from Nico's shop.


[dante helpfully lying on the ground in the bg, eating pizza, while on fire]

Well I'll Be Damned
Wield overwhelming power to exact an unexpected conclusion.

This is a secret ending achievement obtained by defeating Urizen (the boss) as Nero. You can do it both in the Prologue and when you face him again in Chapter 8. You can't do this achievement as Dante during the flashback chapter. In my opinion, this fight is more difficult during Chapter 8, as he has additional movesets and is more aggressive.

if you're hardcore, this can be done the first time you play the game but I suggest you wait till you have leveled up skills OR wait till your Heaven and Hell run, where you'll automatically one-shot him.

In terms of beating him "legit", look out for:
  • His purple laser beam, which will sweep side to side across the battlefield. Signified by Urizen summoning a magical glowing purple circle by his throne that visibly and audibly charges up. Nero's double jump will clear him of the laser, but be wary of falling lasers as you'll be unable to avoid them while falling vertically. Nero's dodge and triple jump are very safe options as well. Getting hit by this will stun you and push you far away from him.

  • Vertical purple beams, which he will summon at his throne and will signify on the ground where they will land. Dodging side to side and even double/triple jumping will void this but it's finicky. There's enough room between projectiles that you could just sidestep them too.

  • Blue air projectiles, which land vertically on your current location. You can't jump to dodge these, so you need to either by on the move or be dodging away from them.

  • His accursed "slow time" bubble, which will trap you in super slow-motion. The cue to this is a bit more subtle, but there will basically be a blue distortion around his hand when he summons this. The sphere is pretty large, so I suggest moving away from the throne and running horizontally so it gets placed in an area you won't be using. Getting caught by this too many times will spell death, as he gets a free meteor to Nero's face if it happens.

  • The red "shield" crystal will teleport to whenever you attempt to attack Urizen and this can be used to your advantage. It can keep you above the air if there's a laser. You can essentially attack the throne from all sides and you'll get your hit in.

  • The shield crystal also attacks you, which is signified by a sort of "building up" sound cue and the shape of the crystal will become unstable. In addition, it will regenerate after a set period of time after destroying it, so dish as much damage as possible once it's down.

  • About a half to three-quarters the way through the fight, his attacks will double up and occur more quickly. This means double lasers and double meteors without warning. You really need to have good reflexes and be patient.

  • If doing this with upgraded skills and equipment, Breakers like Gerbera can save lives. A good strategy is to gradually take down the shield and then expend Devil Trigger on Urizen. If you're lucky you won't have to take down the shield more than once or twice.

just a typical girls night out

Protect the People
Defeat all enemies in Mission 01.

During Mission 01, you'll face enemies as you traverse down a one-way highway. Every tentacle and flying bug counts as an enemy, so make sure you get them all. An unmissable cutscene will play where a new type of enemy will crawl under the broken highway. This is technically the only enemy not within direct view as you're moving down the map, but it's clearly telegraphed where it is. Just follow it underneath the road and kill it. The only blue orb in this Mission will be right there beside it.

Blue Orb

In the same place as Protect the People achievement, in the image above. Simply look under the broken highway after you've jumped down - it's sitting in plain sight.

II. Mission 02

Where the Red Orbs Grow
Collected Red Orbs from an unexpected spot in Mission 02.

Early on in Mission 02, there will be a fork in the road ahead, right when you come across a broken yellow ambulance. The left side is the story route. If you take the right route, there's a hole above you in wall of a building in which you can enter and find hidden red orb trees. See the image for the location.

Blue Orb #1

In the room where you're sent to fetch the second Nidhogg hatching, a bunch of scythe enemies will spawn. Stand over the unstable patch of ground in one of the corners and the floor will give in when an enemy walks onto it, revealing the first blue orb.

Secret Mission #1

The first mission can be found in Mission 2 and is almost unmissable, as the door you have to enter is painted with the symbol. Stand to the right side of the bed and look directly at the symbol to unlock it.

Blue Orb #2

Once outside, there will be a road that closes off and forces you to go along the right lane. You'll meet yet another new machete-wielding enemy type. Right behind this area, there is a section where you can jump up and find the second blue orb. There is a Gerbera devil breaker near the entrance if you're having trouble finding it. If you reached the telephone, you passed it.

II. Mission 03
Blue Orb #1

While swinging around outside like Spider-man with Nero, one building will have 2 Grim Grip platforms. Take the one on the right to grapple to a building behind you.

Secret Mission #2

The Secret Mission and second blue Orb are in the same winding staircase area just before the library and after you chop up some roots in the sewers. The Secret Mission can be found at the very bottom of the staircase, while looking up.

This one's a little tricky I feel, so here's an image to show which direction you should be facing:

Mission Strategy: Whack the empusas if they start to bury into the ground. Using skills that make it easy to traverse from enemy to enemy is useful here, like the simple hook skill. If you to a certain amount of damage to them, their digging animation will be interrupted. It's easier if you can end up grouping them together but not required.

Blue Orb #2

In the same area as the Secret Mission, but at the very top of the stairs, right above the entrance into the library. There's a Grim Grip platform and a Grip that you'll have to shoot at to access the room above the ceiling.

You can easily see the platform as you reach the top of the staircase. Highly recommend Air Hike if you haven't already bought the skill, as double jump can easily get you to a majority of the orbs/missions.
II. Mission 04
Purple Orb #1

After breaking the bridge, you'll see this orb in plain sight at the end. Pretty much unmissable.

Be sure to pick up the Nidhogg hatchling to its left in order to get the Blue orb later in the same mission.

Destroy a certain wall in Mission 04.

There is a rather lengthy tutorial section here as you learn to use V's summons. After passing through a warehouse into an open street, you'll be shown how to activate Devil Trigger to boost Shadow and Griffon's attacks. Rather than immediately try that out, save up 3 bars of Devil Trigger and summon the Nightmare instead. The wall will have a rather artsy graffiti with a figure holding a red skull, so it's easy to notice. Both the Secret Mission and blue orb are hiding behind it.

The right image shows what the wall will look like. Just keep an eye out for that giant mural. If you reach the telephone booth, you've gone too far and need to backtrack towards the warehouse exit.

Blue Orb #1

In the same area as the Backroad achievement, behind the mural. Climb to the top of the stairs. For the next Blue orb, be sure to pick up the Nidhogg hatching in the alleyway behind the building, near the bottom of the stairs to the right.

Secret Mission #3

In the same area as the Backroad achievement, behind the mural. Climb to the top of the stairs where you also found the blue orb, and look out the broken window.

Mission Strategy: This mission is relatively easy once you get the super-slidey "Quickplay" ability. Just hold down forward and jump around to get the higher orbs as needed. You won't have to worry about props in the way as the ability will destroy them all.

Blue Orb #2

Right after passing the previous area with the mural, there will be an area to the left that's blocked off by 2 plants. One of the Hatchings would have been after you broke the bridge/highway and the other would be behind the mural building where you retrieved the first blue orb. Use both Hatchlings to reach the second orb.

II. Mission 05

that's one thicc doggo

Pet Protection
Clear Mission 05 without V's demons getting stalemated (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).

Complete the entire mission without having either of V's demons die. V has two upgrade abilities that make this achievement easier: Shadow Vigor and Griffon Vigor, which both increase the amount of damage they can take before dying. There are two tiers for each of these skills. Summoning a Nightmare will also restore their health bars and freeze them at max so long as the Nightmare is up, so you can keep Devil Trigger bars as a "heal" if one is close to death.

This can also be done without any upgrades on the first time you play if you can play V effectively. I see a lot of people play V from a distance from enemies, but he's typically more effective at a closer range. His pets heal quickly if he stands near them and it makes dodging and attacking smoother. In addition, learning to play all 3 demons at the same time to chain long air combos will really help your long-term survivability.

Break a Leg
Fend off a menace from above in Mission 05.

In Mission 05, some tentacle-like legs will burst from the ceiling at different intervals. Kill at least one of these in order to get the achievement. They are only there for a short amount of time (less than a minute or so) so attack them as soon as one shows up. Using Griffon's AOE burst damage moves really helps here as sometimes Shadow and Nightmare don't quite reach the leg's hit spot.

Blue Orb #1

Early on in the warehouse segment (where the second leg busts the ceiling), there is a platform where you'll fight several enemies and pass an explosive gas tank. Immediately after dropping down from this platform, there is a yellow tractor and a path directly behind you lit by burning barrels. They're right next to the first blood clot you can break and the area you need to access the secret mission. The blue orb is tucked away in this hidden room.

Secret Mission #4

You'll need to (yet again) summon Nightmare to break the wall in order to access the area containing the secret mission. It's directly in front of the blue orb area, after dropping down from the platform with the gas tank and enemies.

Up ahead in this area, there's a yellow staircase to the right. The secret mission can be discovered at the top, looking out.

Mission Strategy: Here you have to defeat a couple waves of enemies without getting hit. Either play V smart or use "Promotion", which voids all damage as long as you're on your Nightmare.

Purple Orb #1

After fighting the Empusa Queen, the next area will have a purple orb right above the entrance, behind you. It's in the same room as the second blood clot that opens up a hole in the ground. Some platforming across the scaffolding is required to reach it. Using Griffon's abilities will help you here.

II. Mission 07

Share the Pain
Clear Mission 07 with both Nero and V.

Play the mission once with either Nero or V, then choose Mission Select and replay it with the other character. Works across other difficulties.

Unarmed and Dangerous
Beat Mission 07 without any starting Devil Breakers equipped (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).

As Nero, customize your Devil Breaker set before starting Mission 7 so that you have none equipped. This only applies to starting Devil Breakers. You're free to pick and use any Breakers within the mission itself.

II. Mission 08
Blue Orb #1

This blue orb is unmissable as you head down the story path. It's sitting right ahead of you, but there is a pit full of enemies separating you and the orb. This is timed. If you take too long, the orb will be inaccessible. If you beat the enemies in time, the platform will lower so that it can be easily reached. There are a couple ways to get it:

1. Defeat all the enemies in the area below quickly.
2. Ignore the enemies and use Gerbera and taunt back and forth repeatedly to just fly across the gap.
3. Ignore the enemies and use Air Hike and Gerbera against the wall up to the orb.

Secret Mission #5

At the second lava platformer wall, turn while on the rock elevator to see some Grim Grip points leading towards a hole in the wall. There's a nearby ledge you can jump to that has the platform you can use to reach them.

That hole is where you need to stand to see the secret mission, which is above you.

Mission Strategy: This one can be a little tricky. What worked for me is to hold down focus the entire time and wait to shoot + grapple till Nero reaches the highest point in his arc after each successful grapple. If you do it too soon, you sometimes end up being too close to the ground.

Blue Orb #2

After riding the 2nd elevator and before fighting the final boss, the last Bloodstream is hiding a tentacle enemy behind it. Kill it, then circle back around to the entrance where a Blue orb should have magically appeared.

II. Mission 09

Destroy a certain wall in Mission 09.

There are actually 2 walls in this Mission that will net you this achievement. I will explain the easiest and earliest opportunity to get this, but the second wall can also be found under Purple Orb #1.

First, be sure to save up at least 3 bars of Devil Trigger in order to summon a Nightmare. Mission 9's first section is a long, one-way path down some rocky terrain. At the very end of this, where you have a fight, there will be a slab wall that you can destroy by summoning Nightmare. Be sure to unsummon him and hold onto 3 bars again for the very next area this leads to, as it has both the first blue orb and secret mission.

Blue Orb #1

After breaking down the wall in the Eagle-Eyed achievement, the first blue orb in this hidden area behind some Qliphoth roots in a courtyard. It can clearly be seen like in the picture. Summoning the Nightmare again will destroy the roots and open the area to you. On the ground in front the courtyard, you can also see the red streaks for the secret mission. This can also be accessed via the normal route, after you drop down nearby a large red orb tree-- the wall route is a shortcut.

Secret Mission #6

After opening the courtyard holding Blue Orb #1 by summoning Nightmare, the secret Mission can be found by standing on top of the stairs inside the courtyard.

Mission Strategy: For this Mission, you unfortunately have to "git gud". Having Nightmare available helps immensely, and V's Royal Fork ability can save time. Making your demons attacks stronger helps as well. All of these options require Devil Trigger so it's best to have a full, upgraded bar of it.

Purple Orb #1

After the fighting the death scissors in the tomb area of the game (the one with the masks all over the wall), you'll enter a crypt. Shortly after entering, you'll fall down a hole in the floor into a room. Summon Nightmare and he'll break open a door that looks just like the one in the achievement. Inside that room is the purple orb. If for whatever reason you miss this, you can re-enter through the doorway in the right image.

Blue Orb #2

Back in the original room you dropped down into, there are ledges out the door that lead up to the orb. Requires some platforming. If you fall down, you can easily climb back up through the purple orb room shown above and try again.
II. Mission 10
Blue Orb #1

The first blue orb can be found by going through the second timed, sphincter-like tunnels that have glowing red teeth and open and close rapidly. The opening will signify when it will close by how fast it is pulsating. Kill the enemies before the timer's up and enter the passage. Once you take the tunnel up to the top, you'll see a ledge with the blue orb.

Purple Orb #1

Immediately after the first room with the first tunnel and blue orb, there will be a long pathway to your left where some of the spinning enemies will spawn. To your right is a hole in the wall with a couple red orbs on the other side. Jump through, fight all the enemies, and the purple orb will appear.

Secret Mission #7

As you continue down the long path into the next area, you'll eventually drop down to a large room with green glowing orbs and a cutscene will play introducing you to the burning H*llbat. There are two tooth-tunnels here. The one that hides the Secret Mission is on the right. These tunnels close rather quickly so try your best to finish the fight in time.

At the top of the tunnel, Dante will say something mildly 4th-wall breaking. Look up to find the secret mission.

Mission Strategy: Honestly I just got this by chance by jumping and shooting as soon as it showed its face, but the typical strategy for this is to destroy both its scissors and then shoot its face with a firearm. The right moment to shoot it for that one-shot is when its face morphs and has a red aura.
II. Mission 11

Who Needs Weapons Anyway?
Clear Mission 11 without equipping a weapon set for Dante (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).

You must complete Son of Sparda (post-game) mode in order to get this, it can't be done within the first run. Clearing Son of Sparda gives unlocks the purchasable ability "Irregular Custom", which allows you to customize Dante's inventory to remove all weapons. Once you have it, play through Mission 11 by only using Royal Guard and Sin Devil Trigger. This is surprisingly good for Dante Must Die mode, I got an easy S rank while attempting this achievement on it.

The blue orb, secret mission and hidden weapon "Kalina Ann" can all be found within the same area. This is where you navigate up into a dilapidated building with a bunch of blood clots.

Secret Mission #8

To progress through the map, you'll destroy a blood clot within a hole in the ground (seen here in the image below).

This will promptly drop the adjacent building a floor so that the upper level can now be accessed.

Jump up to the second floor to find the secret mission.

Blue Orb #1

In the same area, jump down through the hole in the ground to where two other blood clots are. Break both of them. One of them will open a wall in front of you, where a blue orb is waiting just around the corner. Also, be prepared to get jumped by Nightmares.

Weapon: Kalina Ann

After breaking both clots, a new wall will be broken just above the clot opposite the one you broke to open the blue orb wall. You'll see a large red tree orb here and a path to the right that has the Kalina Ann.

Purple Orb #1

Shortly after the collapsed building section, there will be a purple fragment in a cutscene spelled out for you. Unmissable. You'll need to defeat all the enemies quickly or the platform will fall and the orb will be inaccessible.

Don't Mess with the Best
Use proper timing to get a leg up in a close-quarters battle against the boss in Mission 11.

Attack the boss at the same time he does and throw him off balance. There's an flashing light and short slow-mo effect if this happens successfully. This will probably happen naturally if you just attack normally. You can always restart checkpoint if it didn't pop. Can be done with multiple weapons and is best done in Trickster or Swordmaster mode. I personally ended up getting this without trying with the Devil Sword Sparda.

II. Mission 12
Purple Orb #1

Immediately after bursting the 1st level blood clot (assuming you used the bottom path with the nidhogg hatching), there will be a path to your right that contains the purple orb. This can also be accessed by entering the area after the second floor nidhogg barrier in the courtyard-- it leads to the same place.

Blue Orb #1

Immediately after bursting the 2nd level blood clot (assuming you used the bottom path with the nidhogg hatching), there will be a ledge to your right that contains the blue orb. There's an angel statue nearby it.

Secret Mission #9

After filling all the fountains and dropping down into the tunnel beneath the statue, you'll head down some stairs and head up some larger ones. You'll see some telltale markings on the archway and stairs ahead of you. On the stairs heading up, turn around and look behind you to find a ledge. You can easily make this jump by performing a double jump on the 1st/2nd stair from the top.

Mission Strategy: Equip Cavaliere and Swordmaster mode. Double jump and spam the motorbike drive move.
II. Mission 13

Each In His Own Way
Clear Mission 13 with Nero, V, and Dante.

Play the mission the first time with any of characters, then return later and replay it with the other two using Mission Select. Also works across difficulties ie. you can play Nero on Human, Dante on Devil Hunter, and V on Son of Sparda and it'll unlock.

II. Mission 14
Blue Orb #1

After losing your demons and searching for them, there will be a blue orb behind you on a high rock. Griffon will make it easier to reach it. You'll come back to this room 2 more times so just don't pick Griffon last. Whenever he's available, make that double jump across.

Purple Orb #1

One of the more cleverly hidden orbs. After beating all 3 shadow bosses and exiting the dreamstate area, you'll find yourself in a winding path area where you have to break 2 blood clot to progress. After breaking the 1st clot, start on the main path upwards, and look at the right side of the path. The purple orb is there, down in a small area (depicted in the image where V is looking.. it's very subtle, you'll have to walk around the edge and fall in).

Secret Mission #10

Immediately after breaking the 2nd blood clot, there will a small space behind it where you can stand to access the secret mission.

Mission Strategy: The easiest way to do this is with Promotion.
Summon Nightmare. It'll spawn around the archway, by the halfway point to the orb. Double jump with Griffon and glide towards Nightmare. Once you get within range, mount Nightmare and walk all the way to the finish line.
II. Mission 15

the road NOT taken

Slick Moves
Proceed with caution and avoid unneeded damage in Mission 15.

During Mission 15, you will have to avoid taking damage from any of the traps along the path. There are several different routes you can take towards your destination. Damage you sustain from actual enemies doesn't count towards this achievement, but if you are having trouble, you can easily run past the free-roaming enemies. AVOID THE OBVIOUS DEATHTRAP ROUTE!!! The easiest route you is right as soon as you begin the map, straight across some platforms. You can speedrun across all these high platforms and never touch the ground or fight anything in between. Just follow the floating red orbs and bat enemies. There are two Gerberas along with this path (only on Human/DH mode) and it ends in a grim grip platform through a spiked hole.

To skip certain areas of the map, you can infinitely roam the sky as Nero if you use the Gerbera Devil Breaker and taunt back and forth repeatedly. For instance:

In both of these areas, you can skip large amounts of ground and enemies by just cycling between Gerbera and taunts and getting to these hard-to-reach platforms. Punch Line is an alternative Breaker with great air mobility but I personally prefer the Gerbera for combat.

Blue Orb #1

Both the blue orb and secret mission can be found by traversing the hidden path behind the first Divinity Statue.

So this one is a little tricky and multiple people have different ways of reaching it. The way that worked for me was to use the Gerbera + taunt trick to just fly all the way to the blue orb. There are also multiple Punch Line breakers all over this area that you can use to fly up. Punch Line is probably the recommended strategy to get up this area, but I'd recommend holding onto one Gerbera if you can for the secret mission. Either way, the destination is the same.

Jump across past the slippery wall into the next area.

There is are multiple slopes heading towards the same orb. I took this route, but there is more than one way. For this route, just follow the curves of the path up to the orb.

Actual footage of nero being dropped on his head as a child

Blast your way up those slopes!

Secret Mission #11

After collecting the blue orb, there is a ledge below to the right where you can find the secret mission.

Mission Strategy: If you played the route towards the orb with my method, your Gerbera breaker will come in super handy. The only difficult part of this map is the moving platforms. Jump up to the first rock, then use air hike + gerbera to reach the right platform instead of the one in front of you. (Triple jump is valid as well if you have the ability.) It should be smooth sailing from there.

Blue Orb #2

In the area after the second Divinity Statue, there will be an obvious Grim Grip platform you can use to reach the second blue orb.

II. Mission 16
Blue Orb #1

You have to get the Blue Orb and the Secret Mission/Purple Orb on two separate runs as there are two separate paths to the boss even if it doesn't look like it (honestly everything looks same-y in this area, so I'll do my best to be specific). The path to the Blue Orb first branches out at this area where you have the option to either jump down or across. You can find it after fighting the Behemoth (big chained toad monster). If you fight one of the death scissor demons or judeccas (teleporting scythe enemy), you've dropped too far. To get the Blue Orb, take the path across.

As you continue down this path, you'll eventually see the blue orb conspicuously sitting across the drop towards the next area. The easiest way to get across is to use Devil Trigger, which lets you fly across (hold jump till you're levitating on the ground and move across). Alternatively, double jumping and spamming Cavaliere's midair bike attack all the way across can get you there too.

Secret Mission #12

In a new run, take the direct path down instead of heading across. After the 3rd required fight (doorway is blocked if it's required), the next area will hold both the Secret mission and purple orb. If you face the teleporting enemy, you've progressed too far and you can try restarting checkpoint to rewind. The area looks like this and has some red orbs trees.

Jump down TWO platforms, next to the second red orb tree. Turn the camera to see a large red orb tree. The secret Mission is just behind it.

Et voila!

Mission Strategy: They give you a lot of time for this mission for a reason. Instead of fighting, head up the ledges and wait for 20-30 seconds. The enemy will be gain a red abdomen and give more red orbs. Use Dr. Faust's ranged hat throw repeatedly (easy to do in Gunslinger mode). Some people claim you need high Dr. Faust skill level, but that's not true, as I used this method successfully with only level 2.

Purple Orb #1

In the same place as the secret mission, if you look a couple platforms below you, you will also see the Purple Orb.

Obedience Training
Go on the offensive without relying on brute force in the Mission 16 boss battle.

I've finally figured this one out! During the boss fight, Cerberus will cycle between 3 elements, each one designated to one of it's heads. The repeating pattern is fire (right head), lightning (left head), then ice (middle head). The key is to interrupt this cycle by attacking its corresponding head. For example, if the current element is fire, the head you should aim for is the lightning head so that it skips an element. In the image above, you can see that the current element is ice, but it skipped right to lightning because I slapped the fire head real hard.

You can use Devil Trigger/Sin Devil Trigger to do this as well but I personally recommend just doing regular attacks, regular Devil Trigger or guns. On the beginning modes, I found Sin Devil Trigger does way too much damage and lessens your chances of actually downing a head before killing the boss.

II. Mission 18
Blue Orb #1

The last collectible in the game! After beating Shadow for the first time, there will be 3 red empusas that spawn up on the ledge (unmissable as its the story route). The blue orb will appear if all three are defeated. Again, this is type of enemy that will attempt to escape by digging which will void the orb. They're all within a pretty closed area so it should be easy to deal damage to them if they start their burrowing animation.

II. Mission 19

his robo arm can't hold all these daddy issues

Battle for the Ages
Clear Missions 19 and 20 without using continues (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).

Complete both Missions 19 and 20 without using a continue. If you end up dying, you can retry this as many times as you need with Mission Select but you'll have to play both missions straight through in one go (can't quit to menu and select Mission 20 separately). Once you get to the mini-score screen, hit continue. Like the majority of these achievements, this is much easier to do on Human difficulty.

ain't no rest for the wicked

A New Job
Accept a new job from Morrison after the Red Grave incident.

Do NOT skip the ending cutscenes/credits or this can end up being missable. To see the bonus ending, you must outperform Vergil in the credits fight and kill more demons than him. There's no scoring on the screen, but you'll know if this happened if Dante says this line.
III. Combat Achievements

im a barbie girl in a barbie world

These are generic combat-based achievements that can be unlocked at any time and/or over time. Progressing towards all difficulties and all S rank will naturally get you a majority of these.

Not Too Shabby
Perform a Stylish Rank S combo.

Steppin' up the Style
Perform a Stylish Rank SS combo.

Seriously Stylish Slaying!
Perform a Stylish Rank SSS combo.

By far, the easiest character to get S+ style ranks with is V. On Human and Devil Hunter, it's relatively simple to get to at least a S+ rank just by using his basic attacks and nothing else. Summon Nightmare, avoid damage and perform finishers consistently - you will build up to S+ in no time. I believe that performing finishers as soon as possible merits a better ranking. Same goes for chaining finishers. As V, you can also taunt while fighting, which adds almost a whole letter rank if you're successful.

For Nero and Dante, it's also completely doable but likely more difficult for beginners, Their SSS ranks will be much easier to do on bosses and on harder difficulties where you can perform longer combos.

As Nero, be sure to use exceed/max act as frequently as possible and throw in a devil breaker ability every now and then. It really comes down to memorizing his red queen combos and timing exceed correctly.

Dante is much more skill-based, but it's pretty easy to reach S+ rank by cycling between all his skills and Sin Devil Trigger. You don't need to change weapon/style but it can build rank faster. I personally had an easier time racking up points with AOE weapons like Cerberus and Cavaliere combined with Dr. Faust. Royal Guard blocking against a large group of enemies and releasing is also another good way to get an easy SSS.

The Quick and the Dead
Defeat 5 enemies in 1 second.

There's multiple ways to pull this off:
- With Dante, this is very easy by using Sin Devil Trigger and releasing the entire bar with at least 5 enemies closeby.
- With V, it's also relatively simple with his Royal Fork ability, which can finish off all enemies at once. Once 5 enemies are in a weakened state, finish them off with that ability.
- With Nero, there's not a really easy way. He can probably pull this off in Heaven/Hell mode with an AOE Devil Breaker attack, or if you get lucky with a max-act.

Demon Destroyer
Defeat 1,000 enemies total.

You will automatically unlock this by playing the game a couple times. May stack with Bloody Palace. You can also farm this and the previous achievement in mission 13, where the spawns are continuous so long as you don't kill the nests.

Collect more than 1,000,000 Red Orbs total.

You will automatically unlock this by playing the game at least 1-2 times. There's another achievement in which you have to buy all abilities and the most expensive skill is 3,000,000, so this will come along the way if you're vying for the 100%. If you are good at avoiding damage, Dr. Faust can help rack up these orbs quickly through combat. Bloody Palace is also a very good place to gain massive amounts of orbs.

Dante The Gambler
Use more than 500,000 Red Orbs total with Dr. Faust.

You can get this normally by equipping Dr. Faust and using it every now and then like a normal ranged weapon, or just get it all in one go if you're not willing to lose all those orbs. Just back up a save before shooting off for the latter option. The Dr. Faust level 4 upgrade will help you spend and gain orbs faster for this achievement. I personally left on Dr. Faust's auto-attack (Hat Trick?) and this unlocked after a couple missions.

I Believe I Can Fly
Rack up a total of 60 minutes in the air by jumping or other means.

If you spend a lot of time jumping and performing mid-air combos, this should unlock very quickly. It includes time spent outside of combat. I got this by Mission 6-7 without trying for this achievement, so it's even easier than it looks.

Rearm and Repeat
Collect more than 100 Devil Breakers during missions.

As Nero, Devil Breakers can be found throughout Missions all over the ground. As you can't collect Breakers if your inventory is full, it's good practice to break these occasionally. The best place to farm this is during Mission 15, where there are tons of Punch Line Breakers within a early section of the map (hidden route behind Divinity Statue, see Mission 15 guide above). After collecting them, you can restart the checkpoint and continually pick them up until the achievement unlocks.


Getting all skills for all 3 characters may be mutually exclusive depending on how many red orbs you have. Each character has several skills, followed by a 3,000,000 red orb taunt move. For quick results you can back up a save file, purchase all the skills for one character once you've accumulated enough red orbs, then reload and do it again for another character. Otherwise, playing Bloody Palace a couple times will net you plenty of orbs for all 3 characters.

Please note: Dante's "Irregular Custom" skill can only be unlocked after beating Son of Sparda mode. It must be purchased in Dante's skill menu (pretty cheap, 100 orbs), after the Ex-Provocation taunt.

Demon Breeder
Acquire all of V's skills.

Nothing's Impossible
Acquire all of Nero's skills.

Be the Legend
Acquire all of Dante's skills.

III. Perfect S Rank

perfect men don't exi.........

Hell of a Hunter
Clear all missions with S rank.

Worthy of Legend
Clear all missions with S rank on all difficulties except Heaven or Hell.

For the most part, if you perform well in fights with at least a steady S+ rank or at least hit SSS a couple times, you will get a final S mission ranking. You do not have to perform S ranks as all the different characters for the 2 character-choice missions - once is enough.

There are a total of different 21 Missions per difficulty, which can be done in any order. For the prologue (and by some extension, mission 8), you must hit Urizen a moderate amount of times in order to get the S Rank. It may not necessary to defeat him if your combat rank was good, but you should at least attempt to actually kill him. Infinite Devil Trigger and the special Super costumes will lock you out of a S Rank, so extra difficult modes like Hell/Hell have to be completed without them.

Certain modifiers will increase or decrease your score:

Penalties and Bonuses
Rank Modifier
Super Costumes
-80% Rank
-20% Rank
Revives after dying
Reduces your score the more you use revive
No Checkpoint Restart
+20% Rank
No Hit Run
+220% Rank

Therefore getting a no-hit and/or no-restart run is a guaranteed way to get consistent S Ranks across all modes!

There are also several miscellaneous Style bonuses (as seen in the two screenshots below) that can boost your overall score:

The easiest of these to get are consistent Devil Triggers and speedrunning (it's pretty lenient if you ignore red orbs). Plenty of other miscellaneous ones exist (ie. popping all the balloons in mission 2 and swinging Goliath by its tail in the boss fight). If you perform generally well, you'll get S ranks even if your "required fights" score isn't an S or took damage.

In general your combat scores should be at least A, or the chances of getting that final S are slim.
III. Bloody Palace & Bosses

As of 04/01/19 Bloody Palace has been released. Bloody Palace in DMC5 consists of 101 stages, in which a boss fight will take place every 20 levels. There are 3 separate achievements for completing all the stages with each character.

Each stage has an allotted time period that will add to your overall timer. If you finish stages early, the leftover time will rollover; alternatively, if you finish late, time will be subtracted. The faster you complete each stage, the more time you will have. Taking no damage will also add bonuses to your timer.

Certain stages will have enemies that will allow you to heal, such as tentacles, as Devil Trigger does not heal you in Bloody Palace. Especially for some of the later bosses, it may be better to play it safe than sorry.

Slam Dunk
Clear the Bloody Palace with Nero.

The key is to understand the timing behind max-act and dodging. Hooking enemies with your breaker also saves a lot of time and will make fighting against pesky flying enemies much easier. You will occasionally have rest levels full of Devil Breakers that you can pick and choose from (2 of all standard breakers and 1 buster arm) so if you want a particular breaker only, pick the ones you want to keep first and you can stack them each time you get a rest level. Using the Super Nero costume will lock you into a minimum B rank but will make the experience easier. Learning to dodge on time is mandatory to maintain a high stylish ranking as Nero on boss fights. The easiest way to air dodge is with the trusty Gerbera breaker.

Too Easy
Clear the Bloody Palace with Dante.

The cheese set-up is Royal Guard + Dr. Faust with Hat Trick on + optional Super Dante costume. Reflect, hold block, release, repeat. Use devil trigger every now and then. Hat Trick is especially good for mobs and death scissors, because the orbs easily break the scissors and hit their mask. Royal Guard is a godsend against Furies. With this set-up, you'll have a lot of no damage runs and beat Vergil without really trying. This is of course possible without the Super Dante costume but will require good timing.

It's also completely doable with any of his weapons and abilities of course, as Dante has the most flexibility of all the characters. Using Dante's Super costume will lock you into a minimum B rank but will make the experience easier.

Rest in Peace
Clear the Bloody Palace with V.

A lot of people seem to struggle with V in higher difficulties and bosses. He does seem to suffer from lack of flexibility and scaling, but Bloody Palace is definitely doable. To succeed, you really do need to know what your most reliable combos are and learn to play close to your demons and enemies without being in range/getting hit. With the other two protagonists, you only need to pay attention to your immediate vicinity; with V, you need to have peripheral awareness of his 2 demons and yourself. It's simply a different way of seeing the battlefield but can be jarring to go from traditional hack-and-slash to this style of play. Accessibility and visibility are why it's much easier to play V at a medium-close range rather than from long-range.

More than anything, you need to learn how to build Devil Trigger and keep Nightmare on the field. Promotion will void all damage, which makes it a good option for certain bosses whose attacks are difficult to avoid. Nightmare's presence also keeps Shadow and Griffon at max health. If one or both of your demons are stalemated (or close), you can call Nightmare for an instant heal. If Nightmare isn't available, summon them at your side to heal by using a quickdodge ability. Using the Super V costume will lock you into a minimum B rank but will make the experience easier.

Stage 20: Goliath

- As Nero, you can pretty much spend 90% of the time airborne and be able to avoid all his attacks. When he swings, just triple jump to avoid. His fire beam will suck you in if you're too close, so just stand to the side or behind him when this happens. When he's collapsed, you can grab him by the tail and deal good damage.
- As V, stand just out of range to his side/behind and it'll be easy to avoid or dodge most attacks.

Stage 40: Artemis

- As V, this fight might seem challenging due to lack of air mobility, but it's relatively easy if you reserve Shadow for dodging. You can just walk through the laser rings as well. The only real challenge is during the part where she's swooping- double jump with Griffon during this part. Griffon's fully charged thunder attack is a godsend here.
- As Nero, you can grab her when she's down on the ground. One charged shot from his gun will also kill the flying drones.

Stage 50: Three Matriachs (non-boss but worth mentioning)

Stage 60: Cavaliere Angelo

- Like for the achievement, parrying Angelo's sword attacks is a free interrupt. Attacking her the same time she attacks you will stun her briefly.
- A lot of people recommend avoiding her charged up thunder attack (the one she does after teleporting), but if you do enough damage, you can sometimes interrupt her.
- As V, this fight is godly easy. Just walking around slowly behind her automatically puts you out of range of most attacks. Use dodge to get your pets out of AOE range when necessary.

Stage 70: Three Furies (non-boss, but challenging)

- As Nero, my method winds down to getting a feel for their attack timing and using a move with stopping power (ie. exceed attacks, payline) to briefly interrupt them and get some damage in.
- As Dante, I tend to rely on Royal Guard for this. Reflect when they're about to attack, then release when they're stunned.
III. Bloody Palace & Bosses (cont.)

Stage 80: Ugly Chicken

Stage 90: King Cerberus

- This fight is relatively easy for all characters as his attacks are pretty small in range and easy to dodge. The only one you have to look out for is when he changes elements.
- As Dante, I find using the boss' own weapon against him works really well.

Stage 98: Urizen 1.0

- See "Well I'll Be Damned" prologue achievement for a summary of his moves.
- I've noticed it's a whole lot easier for some attacks to miss directly to the right of his throne. Being out of the pool of blood area lowers your ability to maneuver and defend.
- Remember that a double jump will clear you of the lasers. Characters that have triple jump and Nero's midair roulette spin are really useful for dodging some of the larger projectiles too, like the shield's spikes, time-slowing spheres and meteors.
- As Nero, when you get his shield down, you can use Devil Trigger grab on him twice for a chunk of good damage. Nero's Split ability seems to have the same effect as a dodge against the vertical lasers (needs confirmation). If you do get caught by the time-slowing sphere, remember that breaking your Devil Breaker is a free get-out-of-jail card.
- As V, Promotion will hide you from a lot of the damage. I also recommend standing nearby to Urizen as V so that Griffon/Shadow less dodge and attack interchangeably with less time delay. Remember that both his demons are resurrected and will be at max health as long as Nightmare is up.

Stage 99: Urizen 2.0

- Similar to his moves as Urizen 1.0, shield and all.
- Standing behind him is a bad idea and is sure to get you killed. Keep in front of him if possible.
- The most annoying attack is his homing tentacle-spike attack. Honestly there's not really a great counter this that I've found, other than jumping as much as possible. If you have a good strategy for this, let me know in the comments.

Stage 100: Urizen 3.0

- For this fight, a single jump will clear you of the laser, so you don't have to double jump (as V this means you don't have to keep pulling Griffon out of attack).

Stage 101: Daddy

- Vergil can be grabbed out of the air as he's flying across the field in Devil Trigger mode.
- He can also be parried but for the life of me, I don't know how I did it LOL... I'll update if I figure out the secret.
- Double jump, side dodge, and/or gerbera will get you out of range of most his attacks, as they're mostly horizontal. Summoned swords may need to be dodged normally.
- As Nero, know when to recognize his stumble animation (it's relatively short) as this is a really good time to perform a Devil Trigger grab.
- As Dante, remember that the Sin Devil Trigger animation is invincible, so you can hold it down and wait to use it when Daddy Vergil is about to whoop you. Trickster style is the easiest way to gap-close and dodge, and if you're any good at Royal Guard counters, this can be done as well.
- As V, shadow dodge and promotion are your best friends. With some luck, you can divert Vergil's attention away from V and to his demons (be cautious and stay nearby to heal them if they get hit).
Thanks for taking a look at my guide if you've made it this far and I hope you found it useful!

And thank you to the devs for bringing back DMC as well! I'm one of the few people who actually liked the reboot, and this return to form is pretty glorious. Here's to hoping for future DMC games! (and I hope V makes a return!)

If you find anything that's incorrect or you have a suggestion to add, feel free to let me know in the comments. Thank you again to everyone who helped confirm achievements with me at release.

Dashi (Kasey)
댓글 101
GiacchiTaccomo 2025년 1월 11일 오후 3시 41분 
Guys I found a way to get back to the room in mission 9 to get both gems! It might take some tries but wall jump and then use m3 (the button used to teleport to weakened enemies and insta kill them) on the ledge of the room before the way to the sanctuary with all the masks.
East 2024년 3월 16일 오전 6시 19분 
You can't get achievements for completing the game on various difficulty as Vergil like SoS or DMD. It has to be Nero/Dante/V mode.
GraveHammer 2024년 2월 3일 오후 12시 16분 
Your mission 9 descriptions are absolute ass.
warrunner. 2023년 12월 14일 오전 4시 56분 
Christ... can't you see the difference between "Before" and "After"? During mission 9 last two orbs has nothing to do with the "Death scissors fight". If you encounter them - you passed it already. In order to collect you have to drop down the hole in a floor, indeed. But it's located after tentacle-needle corridor, long before scissor fight. You also collect Purple orb before Blue one. Stop disorienting people.
이도핑 2023년 3월 17일 오후 8시 22분 
#萝莉#调教#贫乳#双马尾 2022년 11월 25일 오전 1시 17분 
Frost 2022년 8월 24일 오전 6시 52분 
so much wasted time with these descriptions, just look up videos save your effort
LatinoRasta 2022년 8월 18일 오전 10시 27분 
Damn thanks this helps
Gregson 2021년 8월 17일 오후 7시 30분 
What up...
It's Dashie...
Festivitis 2021년 7월 13일 오전 10시 27분 
Also BTW Rearm and repeat works as well with bloody palace, if you destroy every breaker you get you could probably get this in 1 run.