Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

28 人が評価
Maps and Mods: Maps, Gamemodes, Objective
59.593 MB
2019年3月3日 14時40分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


This is a complete re-work of the KF-Factory_Objective map.

This map uses official objective mode so you can win XP.

History: Once you freed Burning Paris from the ZEDs, you decided to walk through the streets in the search of an old friend. You made a base near his but one day everything went out of control at your friend's base. Now you need to escort your friend to your base and ensure he make it alive.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2019年7月29日 11時19分
Bugs / Things to modify
29 件のコメント
GigaBowserX 2020年4月27日 11時24分 
Okay, no problem! I understand how crazy life gets, so no worries if you aren't able to get around to fixing it right away. I'll stay subbed to the map and this discussion so that I'll know if/when anything happens. Cheers!
Mr.  [作成者] 2020年4月27日 10時49分 
Yup, definitely some update screwed up the map. Haven't got time to fix it but i'll do my best.
If you're subscribed here the map will auto-update once i upload a fix, stay tuned here on the comments i'll say when i upload an update.

Thanks :steamhappy:
GigaBowserX 2020年4月27日 1時54分 
I figured it wouldn't be too difficult to go ahead and test the moddb version myself, so I downloaded it and gave it a whirl. Still getting the same issue as before. Definitely something weird going on with the map, or something random on my end.
GigaBowserX 2020年4月27日 1時20分 
Haha yeah, that was actually how I found this map in the first place - I was just looking at the contest results recently. Congrats on the 4th place win!

But yeah, the map still doesn't show up on the list of possible maps when I select "Objective" from the list of play modes. And I still can't get that first gate to open for me after Wave 1, no matter which difficulty or wave length I select.

I should note that I'm subscribed to the map through the Steam Workshop, rather than downloading it from moddb. Would that make a difference at all?
Mr.  [作成者] 2020年4月26日 11時38分 
®omano exactly, this map was made before the obj mode and there was a bug (it should be solved by now) that custom objective maps won't show up on obj list.

@GigaBowserX thanks im glad you liked it. Just so you know, this map won 4th place on KF2 NEWGROUNDS competition about a year ago :steammocking:

Thank you everyone for your support!
®omano 2020年4月26日 8時04分 
:thumb: ok that's what I meant because many "Objective" maps were made before the objective game mode existed officially, so they were never intended to run as "Objective mode" but Survival :D but apparently it still has a bug anyway as confirmed by Mr.
GigaBowserX 2020年4月26日 6時05分 
Thanks for the responses, you two. I appreciate it! To ®omano, I'm using Survival mode for this map because it doesn't even show up as a possibility when selecting Objective mode. I also read on some of the comments here that you're supposed to load it using Survival mode.

To Mr., thank you for looking into this. Hopefully it can still work after recent updates; I haven't been able to play this map before, but it looks like it could be really good. I did get a chance to play the Survival mode version, because that one seems to work fine (the gate is always open on that one). You did soime fine work on this map!
Mr.  [作成者] 2020年4月25日 12時23分 
It is a bug, maybe because of new updates. I'll check it out.
®omano 2020年4月25日 11時41分 
Do you play the map with the Objective game mode or Survival game mode? Try both, check if one work.
GigaBowserX 2020年4月25日 5時57分 
Not sure if anyone's still around to answer this, but after I get past Wave 1, there's a gate blocking the trader and it won't open. I've tried to check around to see if there's a switch or lever or something to open it, but to no avail.

Once Wave 2 starts, I can see the objectives that I need to do, but the gate is still closed, so all the zeds just come running up to the gate and stand there (sometimes attacking me through the gate or attacking each other). Am I missing something obvious, or is this some kind of bug?