Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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1.0 Don't Starve Together
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1.1 (21/02/2019)
+ DST Abigail Call
Oggetti (12)
Combined Status
Creato da rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Digable Reeds
Creato da Ysovuka
Note: This is a server only mod. All clients will download the mod upon entering a server which has this mod enabled. Dig reeds and plant them anywhere on marsh turf. --] Original Mod Creator: gamer.toukotsu (Klei) Note: Remember you must fertilize the ree...
Food Values - Item Tooltips (Server and Client)
Creato da gregdwilson
Currently mod is not getting updates. If you want to continue develop the mod, feel free to use all files in my mod. Now includes - Fire Remaining Burn Time Controller support! To use, you hav...
Geometric Placement
Creato da rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Global Positions
Creato da rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Health Info
Creato da NubsPixel
v2.2.03 - Quickfix v2.2.02 - Fixed incompatibility with some mods. - Added new prefabs to white list as of October 2021. Shows exact health of creatures on mouse-over or controller auto-target. This mod is inspired by Tell Me About Health (DS) which was po...
Sticky Recipe
Creato da Rick
Makes a recipe sticky to remind you what you are working on. Click the sticky button in the recipe popup and a windowless popup will appear on the right side from which you can also click build. Very useful to keep track of how much you've gathered and rem...
Status Announcements
Creato da rezecib
How it works ALT(+SHIFT)+click parts of the HUD to announce their status ("I'm wounded!", "I have 2 twigs.", "We need more drying racks."). For controllers, the announce buttons show up on the HUD when in Inventory or Crafting mode. (SHIFT is needed for in...
Personal Chesters
Creato da Dragon Wolf Leo
All comments that violate Steam Rules and Guidelines will be reported. This mod gives all players their own Chester. Personal Chesters are separate from the original Chester, so he'll still remain in the world. However personal Chesters are linked to the p...
Minimap HUD
Creato da squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Map Revealer for DST
Creato da Kuloslav
DESCRIPTION It's a very simple mod revealing the entire map in the game, regardless of the level at which we find ourselves. Despite the simplicity makes it easy modding or just makes the game a lot easier. Mod has changed since the update 1.0. From now on...
DST Abigail Call
Creato da IcyTheWhite
THIS MOD IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED I don't play this game anymore or work on any mods. You are completely free to take this mod and create an updated or improved version of it. I can add links to mods that are directly related to this one, just mention them ...