Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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Hosting a whitelisted lobby through Guardian.
由 Miles (Tails) Prower 制作
This guide covers a method to host whitelisted lobby with ease.
Since my main language is russian, I apologize for any mistakes I did in this guide.

I don't own any rights in this program (program by DigitArc). If you have any problems launching program or using it, use the website: {链接已删除}

Well, what is this program, you ask? Guardian - program, which allows you to use firewall rules in a simple console application. Since it's affect only connections, you can't get banned for this, nor it will cause any harm on your PC. And according to the website, no requirement for portforwarding or anything else.

The purpose of the program is allow or disallow any connections, which are based on IPs (since GTA:O use peer2peer), thus you can do farming or any events you plan with a crew in peace, and no griefers, no cheaters will cause a harm on you.
Download and setup
Welll, it's simple you have to download archive from here ({链接已删除}) and extract it wher you want to in your PC. BUT, you need to allow to launch program with administrator privilegies. In order to do that, you have to right click on Guardian.exe, select properities, compability, tick "Run program as adminitrator", apply, OK. We're done here.

At the end of these operations, when you launch the Guardian, you should have console like this

Method 1. Auto-whitelisted server.
As soon as you launch program, there's an 4th option called "Auto-whitelisted server" (Look at the screenshot in "Download and setup" section of this guide). You have to create solo session by any means (You can use feature in this application called "New Session"), and then gather your friends. After you set, just launch that option.

The program is gathering all IPs from current session and put them in whitelist automatically. Alternatively, you could get IPs from friends and set them on options (will be covered below) and then launch whitelisted server.

Positive sides of this method is: you don't have to prepare IPs to set lobby. However, there is a backfire on this method - random people, who are about to join your lobby will be included in whitelisted pool. Also, if you want another friend to join, you have to close whitelist and wait till this player joins. With that you could get randoms also join.
Method 2. Manual IP list.
Well, in a 1st method I included mentioning of manual IP usage. Well, I wouldn't say this is the best choice, but if you have close friends, let's say 5 of them, you could use this method. I tested it a couple of times and found what this doesn't work that well.

So, in order to store manual IP in the list, Select "List" option in console application. You should have something like this:

Then, select custom. There should be 4 options: select, add, list, main menu. First, you have to add someone first by using "Add" option. It will require to put a name (it can be any name) and IP (Public IPv4).

After adding, In "Select" secion appears your added IP. Follow the instructions on console to manipulate with the IPs, listed in there.

In order to delete IP, just get to the "List" section, select IP, and there should be option - delete:

And that's all you need to know about it.
Method 3. Cloud friends.
Not sure about this method, since I didn't use it and haven't got opportunity to do so. Basically, it's the same as manual IP method. The difference is, you have to register account at {链接已删除} and get token in your profile. After you got token, you need to paste it in "Token" section in the main menu of Guardian. After you did operations, you have your own token. DO NOT SHARE YOUR TOKEN WITH ANYONE!. You can generate new one, if you think what your token being compromised.

But that's not the end. Other friends of yours need to do the same thing for their Guardian applications. Get it why is this method not that good? All your friends require to run Guardian this time, while 2 previous methods - only the one, who wants to host this.

Next step is you have to request permission in the list section inside Guardian. Remember, what everyone needs to have Guardian opened. Go to List -> Cloud -> Request Permission in order to send a request for you friend.

When on cloud list, once it's your friend(s) appear, you can select your friend and press space. This should activate them to be in a whitelist after the launch of "Whitelisted section" (white dot should appear).

Remember, all friends after that must do the same procedure, once they wanted to be the host.

(Sorry, what this method goes without screenshots. I've got no means for test. But I think I covered that correctly.)

So, you've reached the end of the guide, hope you guys found your method to host whitelisted lobby. Keep in mind, what sometimes the best solution for everything is to try a new copy from archive somewhere else.

Have a nice day.
45 条留言
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2022 年 1 月 18 日 下午 10:49 
The auto-whitelisted session is kinda buggy. Kick unknowns tends to kick everyone from time to time. Kick by IP sometimes boots you off that session you currently in. Rest should work fine.
Grottomacy 2022 年 1 月 18 日 下午 10:40 
does it work still can you list features that don't currently work
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2021 年 12 月 28 日 下午 11:45 
I think they moved toward Victoria. Same thing as Guardian.
Tomas Marlen 2021 年 12 月 28 日 下午 11:37 
Its not working anymore :D cheaters are crashing ma game again even when solo session is ON :(
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2021 年 11 月 27 日 上午 12:05 
Yes, good call on that. They have discord server. I'll update it when I get my hands on. In the meantime, here is the link:
I'm making art 2021 年 11 月 26 日 下午 11:55 
Is this still working for playing in peace with friends? I tried it and it seems the solo lobby part works, but I wasn't able to use the auto-whitelist with my friend as people still kept on joining. Not a lot of people, but not what we wanted. Perhaps is there a server or anything for some support or advice?
Gerimester3 2021 年 1 月 7 日 上午 9:04 
It's very unfortunate, this game is unplayable, especially as a streamer. :(
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2021 年 1 月 7 日 上午 9:00 
Well, from all I remember that when I was member of discord community about stuff, what DigitalArc do, they stated it can't be workaround, as this program takes IP range used by GTA and it's static. Any dynamic changes to IP will be not on a list, unfortunately.
Gerimester3 2021 年 1 月 7 日 上午 8:57 
And do you know any 100% efficiency for my problem, i am streaming this game, and about 3 week ago everyday modders ruins my games and streams. After start, they joining to my races and our games are crashing in same time.
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2021 年 1 月 7 日 上午 8:51 
Well, against VPN users it might be at half-efficiency, some IPs from VPN might not pass.