Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2

693 ratings
100% Achievement Guide + DLC (by THN)
By The Horror Network
100% Guide by The Horror Network

Note: There have been look-a-like copycat guides popping up. If it's not labeled by THN (The Horror Network), it's NOT one of mine and therefore not up to the quality that I aim to provide.

Welcome to the Resident Evil 2 achievement guide.

If you're just digging your heels into the game for the first time, it's best to simply enjoy your first playthrough. You will need several runs through Resident Evil 2 in order to garner all achievements; a minimum of three, though it's doubtful you will gain everything in just a few runs.

You'll need to complete both Leon and Claire campaigns, then either character also on the Second Run mode. You'll also need to beat the game without using health items, without opening the item box, taking less than 14,000 steps, completing each character's campaign on Hardcore, and achieving an S Rank with both characters.

Needless to say, you're going to want to get extremely comfortable with the routes for this title. Luckily, memorizing where to go and what to do isn't that difficult; at least for the primary runs, as the secondary ones are a bit more difficult. Ideally, you will want to do at least six playthroughs. The below is how I did my achievement runs, but of course you can mix, match, and condense as much as you feel comfortable with.

Playthrough One: Leon A - Standard or Assisted
Take your time and enjoy the game. If you really want to aim for something, try to not use health items and/or open the item box.

Playthrough Two: Claire A - Standard or Assisted
Claire's campaign isn't drastically different from Leon's, but it is a bit shorter and easier. Try to do what you didn't accomplish in Leon's scenario; IE: Don't use health items or open the item box.

Playthrough Three: Leon B - Hardcore
The B scenarios are a bit harder and items are in different locations. Pay attention to the two notes and one Mr. Raccoon collectible for this run. Try to finish within the timeframe for an S ranking, and perhaps in the process less than 14,000 steps.

Playthrough Four: Claire B - Hardcore
Pay attention to the two note collectibles for this run. Try to finish within the timeframe for an S ranking, and perhaps in the process less than 14,000 steps.

Playthrough Five: Leon A - Standard
If you didn't do collectibles in your first A scenario runs, now is the time to do that. If you haven't achieved an S ranking with Leon yet, you will also need to aim for that here as well. The constraint isn't as tight on A scenarios and Standard difficulty.

Playthrough Six: Claire A - Standard
If you didn't do collectibles in your first A scenario runs, now is the time to do that. If you haven't achieved an S ranking with Claire yet, you will also need to aim for that here as well. The constraint isn't as tight on A scenarios and Standard difficulty.

IMPORTANT: Unless otherwise stated, ALL ITEM LOCATIONS are based on the MAIN SCENARIOS. The Second Run scenarios have items scattered about in different places.

This guide is considered COMPLETE
> If you have anything insightful to add, please leave it in the comments below.
> If you're looking for boosting/co-op partners, feel free to use the comment section.
Story Related
Welcome to the City of the Dead
Make it to the police station.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Path to the Goddess
Solve the Goddess Statue puzzle.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Never-Ending Rain
Escape the police station.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Hack Complete
Complete Ada's segment.
Story related, cannot be missed.

A Great Need for a Shower
Escape from the sewers.
Story related, cannot be missed.

A Hero Emerges
Complete Leon's story.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Hide and Seek
Complete Sherry's segment.
Story related, cannot be missed.

A Heroine Emerges
Complete Claire's story.
Story related, cannot be missed.

Broken Umbrella
Witness the true ending.
Obtained by completing both Leon and Claire Scenarios, plus either character's Second Run Scenario.
Leon's Scenario
One Slick Super-spy
Use only the EMF Visualizer to complete Ada's gameplay segment.
During Leon's scenario, you will play as Ada. There are only a few enemies in her segment, all of which are easily avoidable. Do not shoot her gun, and only use her EMF Visualizer.

In the Blink of an Eye
Defeat Super Tyrant with 5+ minutes left until detonation.
This is really not as hard or daunting as it sounds. After running through the detonating Umbrella Facility, you'll be on an elevator with probably about 7-8 minutes to spare. Just keep blasting away at the heart in the middle of the Super Tyrant's chest, and eventually Ada will throw a rocket launcher your way. A hit or two with it should finish off Super Tyrant, and as long as you do it before the timer ticks down to the 5 minute mark, which is plenty of time, this achievement will be yours.

Hardcore Rookie
Complete Leon's story on "Hardcore" game mode.
Hardcore isn't too bad. The main difference is that the enemies are a bit tougher, and you need to use ink ribbons to save your game. There's also no autosaves, so be sure to save a lot. Avoid as many enemies as you can to conserve ammo, and apply the most optimal route that you can. Best done on the main scenario.

Leon "S." Kennedy
Complete Leon's story on "Standard" or "Hardcore" with an S rank.
This is best done on the main scenario, and on Standard. The only attribute that matters when it comes to obtaining an S Rank in Resident Evil 2 is your finish time. Below are the finishing times to qualify you for an S Rank.

Main Scenario:
Standard - 3 Hours, 30 Minutes
Hardcore - 2 Hours, 30 Minutes

Second Run:
Standard - 3 Hours, 00 Minutes
Hardcore - 2 Hours, 00 Minutes

In order to achieve these times, you will need to know the most optimal route possible for completing the campaign. There are various text and video guides for this around the web. The in-game timer stops when you pause your game. Refer to the video guide for more information.

Claire's Scenario
Young Escapee
Escape the bedroom within 60 seconds during Sherry's segment.
Turn around, take the egg doll. Examine the doll in your inventory. Turn it around to get the cube out of the back. Turn around, take the cube to the dresser. Position the cubes so that the following symbols face the front:

Circle/Square, Square/Star, Star/Square, Square/Star

Take the scissors. Turn right, go to the cardboard, use the scissors on the cardboard. Exit out of the hole.

With Time to Spare
Defeat Stage 4 G with 4+ minutes left until detonation.
This final boss battle is a little more time-strict than the one in Leon's campaign, despite Claire getting a bit more time. You will receive a minigun at the end of the game, aim it and keep shooting the eyes out of the center of the monster. They don't all need to go out at once, just keep praying and spraying. If you run out of ammo, use your submachine gun next; followed by your grenade launcher with acid rounds if possible. You should be able to do this within the 4:30 - 5:00 range.

Hardcore College Student
Complete Claire's story on "Hardcore" game mode.
Hardcore isn't too bad. The main difference is that the enemies are a bit tougher, and you need to use ink ribbons to save your game. There's also no autosaves, so be sure to save a lot. Avoid as many enemies as you can to conserve ammo, and apply the most optimal route that you can. Best done on the main scenario.

Sizzling Scarlet Hero
Complete Claire's story on "Standard" or "Hardcore" with an S rank.
This is best done on the main scenario, and on Standard. The only attribute that matters when it comes to obtaining an S Rank in Resident Evil 2 is your finish time. Below are the finishing times to qualify you for an S Rank.

Main Scenario:
Standard - 3 Hours, 30 Minutes
Hardcore - 2 Hours, 30 Minutes

Second Run:
Standard - 3 Hours, 00 Minutes
Hardcore - 2 Hours, 00 Minutes

In order to achieve these times, you will need to know the most optimal route possible for completing the campaign. There are various text and video guides for this around the web. The in-game timer stops when you pause your game. Refer to the video guide for more information.

Other Run Challenges
Complete the game without using a recovery item.
Best done on the Assisted difficulty. You cannot use any health items at all. This is best saved for when you are completely familiar with speedrunning the game. Save often.

Clear the game without opening the item box.
Best done on the Assisted difficulty. Though not entirely required, taking the time to find the Hip Pouch upgrades makes this a lot less tedious. You cannot open up the item box even once. This is best saved for when you are completely familiar with speedrunning the game, since you will know exactly what to pick up and when.

A Small Carbon Footprint
Take 14000 steps or fewer in one playthrough.
While 14,000 might sound like a lot, it's really not. You will need to only go where you need to go to get key items; no extras permitted. You can view the steps you've taken in the pause screen in the lower corner. Play on Assisted difficulty to make it easier. This is best saved for when you are completely familiar with speedrunning the game. Although the Second Run scenarios are shorter, this achievement is doable on the main scenarios as well.

Grim Reaper
Complete "The 4th Survivor" extra mode.
After completing both Leon and Claire scenarios, as well as at least one Second Run scenario, you will unlock The 4th Survivor mode. It's simply a gauntlet of enemies that you will need to get through as Hunk. However, if you die it's game over and you're back to the beginning of the run. Check out the video guide for help if you're having problems getting through the mode.

Hip to Add Squares
Increase your inventory slots.
You will need to find all of the Hip Pouch upgrades to net A Waist of Space, but the easiest one to find to grab this achievement is to open the West Office Safe (combination Left 9, Right 15, Left 7).

A Waist of Space
Expand inventory slots to max.
This can be done as either Leon or Claire, as the locations do not change between the two. There are a total of six Hip Pouches.

Raccoon Police Department:
West Storage Room: On a table near the metal cage at the back of the room.
West Office: In the safe. Combination Left 9, Right 15, Left 7.

Operations Room: After solving the Goddess Statue puzzle, escape Tyrant and enter the safe room. The Hip Pouch is in a locker in this room.

Raccoon Police Department:
Safety Deposit Room: Two spare parts will be needed to unlock the locker that houses the Hip Pouch in this room. They are located in the Shower Room on the Second Floor, and the Linen Room that's also on the Second Floor. After placing the parts into the keypad in the Safety Deposit Room, unlock the locker numbered 203.

Workroom: The Hip Pouch is in the same room as the Hiding Places film canister. The Workroom is on the Upper Level of the Sewers, and can be reached via the Lower Waterway on the Lower Level. You will need to use a lift to access it.

Umbrella Corporation:
Nap Room: In order to grab the last Hip Pouch upgrade, you will need to have the Signal Modulator which is located in the room beside the stairwell, nearest the Lobby on B1 of the Laboratory. This is required to proceed through the campaign. Once you have it, take it to the Nap Room and use it on the panel in the back. The Hip Pouch will be on the bed that is revealed once the shutters come up.

First Break-In
Open a dial safe.
Refer to Master of Unlocking for more information.

Master of Unlocking
Open all of the safes and locks in the game.
This can be done as either Leon or Claire, as the locations and solutions do not change between the two. There are a total of three lockers, three safes, and one desk.

Raccoon Police Department:
Leon's Desk Locks (West Office): Left - NED , Right - MRG
West Office Safe: Left 9, Right 15, Left 7
Waiting Room Safe (East Wing): Left 6, Right 2, Left 11
Shower Room Locker (Second Floor): CAP
Third Floor Locker: DCM

Control Room Locker: SZF
Treatment Pool Safe: Left 2, Right 12, Left 8

Vermin Extermination
Destroy a Mr. Raccoon.
Refer to Complete Vermin Extermination for more information.

Complete Vermin Extermination
Destroy all Mr. Raccoons.
There are a total of 15 Mr. Raccoons to destroy, littered across both Leon and Claire campaigns. For a better text guide with pictures, click HERE. Otherwise, their locations are as follows:

Leon & Claire:
Raccoon Police Department, West Office, 1F - Up on the cabinets, on top of some boxes.
Raccoon Police Department, S.T.A.R.S. Office, 2F - On a desk, behind a monitor.
Raccoon Police Department Parking Garage, Firing Range, B1 - Under a fallen paper target.
Raccoon Police Department, East Hall, 2F - On a table, by the stairs.
Raccoon Police Department, Clock Tower Passage, 3F - On the window sill.
Sewer Supplies Storage Room Hall, Lower Level - Before the room, on the ground behind a table.
Laboratory Cafeteria, Lab North Area - On a table.
Laboratory Nap Room, Lab North Area - After opening the shutters, in the leftmost bed on a small shelf.
Raccoon Police Department, Side Entrance, 1F - SECOND RUN ONLY. At the start of the Second Run, go down the stairs and up towards the side entrance, then look left at the plants.

Raccoon Police Department, Break Room, 1F - On the floor, behind a duffle bag.
Sewer Entrance - Where Ada pushes the ladder down, in the corner on a ledge.
Sewers Incinerator, Upper Level - While playing as Ada, after escaping Tyrant, look right.

Raccoon Police Department, East Storage Heart Door Room, 3F - On a stack of boxes on a shelf.
Destroyed Bus on Streets Behind R.P.D - At the front of the bus, on the inside near the driver's seat.
Orphanage Nursery, 2F - In one of the cubbies.

Lore Explorer
Read all of the files.
There are a total of 58 files. Much like the Mr. Raccoon toys, many of them can only be accessed by Leon or Claire and some can be found by both characters. As there are so many, listing them in this guide would be futile. Please refer to THIS[] text guide or the below video guide for more information.

The Basics of Survival
Combine two items together.
Simply combine any two items together in your inventory. This can be two herbs (green + green, green + red, green + blue, red + blue), or a weapon and a part (IE: a gun and a muzzle), or even certain key items (IE: jewel box and jewel). It should take no effort to get this.

Customize a weapon.
The fastest weapon upgrade to obtain is in Leon's Desk in the West Office of the Raccoon Police Department. The left combination is NED, the right combination is MRG.

Eat This!
Counterattack with a sub-weapon.
Sub-weapons are grenades, flashbangs, and combat knives. You are given a combat knife at the start of the game. Simply get grabbed in-front (not from behind) by a zombie and press the spacebar to perform a counterattack with it.

Zombie Roundup
Kill 3 enemies at once with a sub-weapon.
This can really only be done with a grenade. Simply round up three or more zombies and lob a grenade at them. Do not try it by using the grenade as a counterattack, as it has a vastly decreased explosion radius. If you're having problems getting this, the best and easiest place to do so is at the very end of Leon's scenario, as he's running through the facility during the countdown sequence. There will be a door that opens, and several zombies pour out. Throw a grenade, and this is yours.

Bon Appétit
Shoot the grenade you fed to an enemy.
When a zombie grabs you from in-front, you can press spacebar to counterattack. Ensure that you have a grenade or flashbang equipped, let a zombie grab you, then shoot the grenade that's in its mouth.

Don't Need No Stinkin' Gun
Defeat an enemy with a knife.
You're given a combat knife at the beginning of the game. Ensure that it is equipped, and find a lone zombie (or a couple) and attack it with only the knife until it dies.

Keep Their Heads Ringin'
Paralyze a licker's sense of hearing.
Due to just how fast the Lickers are, this is a little tricky but not impossible. You're best off lobbing a flashbang at your feet and letting the Licker pounce at you to make sure that it enters the radius of the grenade.

Like Skeet Shooting
Shoot a zombie dog or a licker out of the air.
Note that you only have to shoot a Licker or a Zombie Dog out of the air, NOT kill them mid-air. You will more than likely get this by accident anyway. However, it's easier to do with Lickers. Just wait until they're about to jump, and use a shotgun or grenade launcher to blast them.

That'll Hold 'Em
Use Wooden Boards to board up a window.
New to Resident Evil 2 is the ability to board up windows. You can find these boards scattered all throughout the game, indicated by their yellow tape. There's a Wooden Board right outside of the Safe Room that also houses the Dark Room. There is a broken/boardable window in this area as well, right by the stairs. Pick up the board and approach the window to use it.

A Vault-like Mind
Open a portable safe.
This will come naturally if you're going for 100%. The Portable Safes are used to house the spare parts needed for the keypad in the Saftey Deposit Room. There are only two, and they are located in the Shower Room on the Second Floor, and the Linen Room on the Second Floor.

Hats Off!
Shoot Tyrant's hat off his head.
Tyrant is an unavoidable part of the game. Simply take the time to aim at his hat and shoot.

Treasure Hunter
Using the photo hints, find 2 hidden items.
The description for this achievement is a little misleading. While there are plenty of rolls of film that can be developed for photo hints, this achievement requires two specific photos. When in the Sewers searching for Chess pieces, you will find "Hiding Place" film by the Rook location in the Worker's Breakroom and Workroom. In the Breakroom, push the cabinet that has yellow tape on it to access a hidden elevator that will take you back up to the Raccoon Police Department. Go to the Dark Room to develop the film and you will get two photos; the bottom is of the Press Room. Make your way there and interact with the table that has drawer a boombox on it over on the far left side of the room. Now head to the STARS Office. Head to the smaller office inside, which is Wesker's, and open the bottom drawer on the left hand side to get a wooden box. Open it to get a surprise, and the achievement.

Defeat Stage 2 G using the crane only once.
This one is a little tricky to write out. Essentially, you'll want to make sure that G has very low health, so make him go down 3 or 4 times before hitting him with the crane. Refer to the video guide for a much better explanation. Make a save before attempting in case you fail.

Helpful Resources
All-in-One Collectible Text Guide:

Mr. Raccoon Location Text Guide:

Walkthrough for Leon and Claire Scenarios:

All-in-One Collectible Video:

Leon A Speedrun:

Claire A Speedrun:

The Ghost Survivors (DLC)
Hell of a Sheriff
Complete the No Way Out scenario. (No training mode)
Simply complete the No Way Out scenario. It's pretty well unmissable if you plan on playing this content. You need to beat the three main scenarios, and then No Way Out will unlock; it's a bonus horde mode.

Got 'Em
Destroy all Mr. Raccoons hidden in The Ghost Survivors mode.
Thankfully, there are only 10 Mr. Raccoons hidden among the four new scenarios. Use the video guide to locate them all.

Wrap Up
Good luck in your achievement hunting!
If this guide helped you, give it a thumbs up so others can find it easier.

Achievement Guide written by The Horror Network / Deathless Void.
Do not redistribute this guide without my express permission.

This guide is considered COMPLETE
> If you have anything insightful to add, please leave it in the comments below.
> If you're looking for boosting/co-op partners, feel free to use the comment section.

Note: There have been look-a-like copycat guides popping up. If it's not labeled by THN (The Horror Network), it's NOT one of mine and therefore not up to the quality that I aim to provide.
happyyuumi 10 May @ 8:12pm 
ULTRA BEEF 21 Jan @ 1:34am 
Pepperidge Farm remembers
uuuhhhh-Ghostly 17 Oct, 2023 @ 11:47am 
@The Horror Network - You forgot again?
Honeybadger 22 Sep, 2021 @ 10:41pm 
banan gaming 19 Sep, 2021 @ 4:47am 
hell os sheriff is worst to me :P imposibble
Betelgeuse 11 Jul, 2021 @ 4:08am 
One of the easiest ways to get Zombie Roundup is to throw a grenade at the Zombie dogs in cages when you first get to the Parking Garage.
Ethan_Eros 6 Jul, 2021 @ 9:27pm 
If you're wondering if there's a weak spot on the zombies, aim for the LEGS.
The Horror Network  [author] 3 Jul, 2021 @ 8:58pm 
I forgot about it again. I just put it on a sticky note. Will add it. It was added post-release.
FyreTeGo 3 Jul, 2021 @ 8:53pm 
"Chasing Jill" achievement is missing as mentioned in the replies. You get it by picking up a letter left by Jill Valentine. It's really easy to spot though. I'm on Leon A and it's on one of the counters of Kendo's Gun Shop. You'll know you're close when you start walking with Ada while leaving the parking garage.
banan gaming 25 May, 2021 @ 8:03am 
i did forgotten soldier and i dont have achievment tf is this shiet