Space Engineers

Space Engineers

289 ratings
V.M.E Tyrfing-class Heavy Assault Corvette
Type: Blueprint
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17.506 MB
21 Jan, 2019 @ 9:29am
3 Nov, 2020 @ 12:49pm
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V.M.E Tyrfing-class Heavy Assault Corvette

In 1 collection by Taidyr
Valkyrja - Maintenance & Engineering
49 items
The TYRFING-class Assault Corvette is a large grid warship with a decent amount of weapons, supportive heavy armor plating, ion-propulsion and jump-capability. Created as a patrol-craft stationed at a Moon-Base, the ship comes with enough thrust to easily operate within Gravity of 0.25 G and above, as long as no atmosphere is present.

This item is survival-ready! It is fully conveyor-linked, thruster-damage compatible and uses no subgrids or supergridding! This item is full vanilla! No DLC-blocks or mods required.

Length: 80 m
Width: 42.5 m
Height: 23.75 m

Mass: 2,283,477 kg

Blocks: 1,535
PCU: 22,791
Triangles: 3,379,947

Key features
  • Survival-ready - Pressurized rooms, Airlock, Cargo- and Oxygen-Storage, functional conveyor-network and easy to build. No subgrids, no clang.
  • Heavy Armor plating - You might never know what hit you. But you'll survive to find out.
  • Automated Repair System - Only weapons and Powersupply though. Space is limited.
  • Gravity Shield - Not sure if this is still a thing, but have your NOPE-Button when facing Artillery ships. Also messes well with enemy gravity drives.
  • Passive Countermeasure - fixed decoy on the wingtips, embeded in heavy armor. Basicly drags away turret-fire from your rear thrusters in case your enemy is into suprise-buttstuff.
  • Boarding protection - Ship automaticly detects Intruders and takes sufficent actions

Toolbar 1
1 - Camera - front
2 - Rocket Launchers
3 - Missile Turrets on/off
4 - Gatling Turrets on/off
5 - Point Defence Turrets on/off
6 - Ion Thrusters on/off
7 - Gravity Shield on/off
8 - [Alert] Battlestations
9 - [Alert] Standby

The battlefield is in constant change. As new ships get introduced and deployed almost every day by various factions, the book of war had been rewitten countless times. And in an Era where supercapitals, carrying dozens of fighters, whole Rotor-Turret-Batteries, smart Missiles and Railguns had evolved, many small-sized Colonies and Naval Forces have to look on their budget and ask themselves:

"How much warship is enough warship?"

With the introduction of the Tyrfing, Valkyrja - Maintenance & Engineering made their first bold step into the warship market, providing a cheap and easily maintainable patrol craft for the Tannhauser Initiative. In comparisation to the well established competition, the Tyrfing seems rather basic and conservative: It features only a standard loadout of weapons, lacking modern PMW technology, has no gravity-drive and doesn't even come with an air-sealed docking-port.

On the other hand, the Tyrfing is rather cost-efficent, easy to construct, maintain and repair and can be operated by a small crew, allowing to deploy a well-rounded warship at a low pricepoint.

With the uprising of small, well armed Fast Attack Crafts, capable to engage and harass even large capital ships, the role of the traditional corvette, serving as a nimble patrol- and escort vessel, had to be revised. The Tyrfing is well protected and offers decent offensive capabilities for its size, allowing her to participate in full scale military engagements, if neccessary. Depending on the budget of your Navy, the Tyrfing may either serve as a capable fleet-escort, drawing fire away from capital-ships (and life to return the favor), or even be the backbone of your small colonial forces, accompanied by some gunboats.
Since V.M.E originated in a part of space were colonies are rather poor, naval forces underfunded and presence of law-enforcement is spread thin, its no suprise that the Tyrfing was shaped to be a capable anti-piracy-craft as well.

The Tyrfing operates on ion thrusters only without the need to store and reful hydrogen. Despite carrying around 2,300 tons of weight, she is still pretty maneuverable in her weight-class, while also providing a coverage of selectively placed heavy armor-plating. The ship is strong enough to counter its own weight under 0.25G-conditions, allowing it to operate above non-atmospheric moon surfaces.

Advertised as an Assault Craft, the Tyrfing packs quite a punch. The vessel is able to outgun and keep up with smaller gunboats, fighting other corvettes or frigates and offers enough protection and firepower to engage and harass even larger ships in wolfpack-tactics. The main battery consists of four fixed forward mounted 200mm Rocket Launchers, combined with two 200mm Missile Turrets. Either controlled by AI or through the Gunnery seat, the turrets are intended to directly target and destroy key-compontents on enemy vessels, while the fixed battery punches through the hull.

A ventral-mounted Auxillary Missile Launcher is embedded midship to provide additional firepower in case the main battery suffers critical damage or gets destroyed - which is quite common during a prolonged engagement. This Launcher also serves as a bombardement-weapon in order to destroy anchored facilities on asteroids or moon-surfaces.

The Tyrfing provides three control-seats on the Bridge, including Helm, Gunnery and Engineering. Even though the ship can be operated by a single person, relying on the automated systems, it is optimized for a compliment of three crewman. Fully pressurized rooms, personal storage, Cryo-Chambers and two survival-kits provide the crew with everything they need to stay alive and healthy during their mission. However, the Tyrfing is still a pretty small and tight-packed warship, not intended for long term deep space missions. No personal quarters, no messhall, no leisure, no luxury. You sleep in your chamber and lunch comes pre-packed out of a box.

Storage is also limited, only consisting of a few small cargo containers to make room for spare parts for field maintenance and the integrated Repair-Systems. Oxygen is stored in Tanks, backed up by two o2/h2-Generators in order to fill up bottles. The Tyrfing comes neither with refineries nor assemblers.


Visual Mods & Skyboxes for screenshots

Items in screenshots
  • Helghan
    by Almirante Orlock

  • Various unpublished stuff from our survival-server

Taidyr  [author] 7 Jun @ 10:23am 
All ion, so space only. No landing gear included.
LionHeart 6 Jun @ 4:08pm 
how do i land with this ship ? does it have landing gears
ThatPurpleGuy3 10 Feb, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
I appreciate that!

I ended up pasting it in creative a few times and figured out the remaining seats and toolbars. Still, I ended up catering them to my usual toolbar design. For future endeavors, I reckon I will paste in creative first to get a general layout of things. And STILL, I love this ship.

Great job on the entire collection. I'm a huge fan.
Taidyr  [author] 9 Feb, 2023 @ 6:13am 
Hey there,

the other toolbars are set with groups for power-systems, lights, generators, jump-drive controls, etc. Something usually always breaks when building from a blueprint in survival.
Writing all of them down takes quite some time and also blocks a good number on the limited amount of characters, allowed in the description.

Given that most players have their own preferred layout and will reorganize the toolbars anyway, it's usually not worth the effort. Especially for an old ship like that one, which has no special features apart from flipping things on and off.

Recommend you do the same and set up the toolbars in a matter that is convenient to you, so you can always find the required setting right away when you need it.
ThatPurpleGuy3 6 Feb, 2023 @ 9:40pm 
Hey, Taidyr! Love the ship!

I was curious, a lot of the toolbar commands didn’t transfer over when I built the ship. I see that you had the first hotbat tooltips one the description. How might I go about figuring out the rest?
Strike 2 Jan, 2023 @ 10:17am 
Ah okay, can't wait to see the stuff higher on the priority list then!
Taidyr  [author] 2 Jan, 2023 @ 1:55am 
Hey @Str1ke,
I'm working on a new version for this old beater and will likely give it the white paintjob. It is pretty low on the priority-list rn, tho.
The small craft you mentioned is an old fighter-design based around an old concept from 5URG3.
However, even back in 2018, when I build that thing, it was already underperforming hard. So the idea was discarded and will therefore not be published.
Strike 28 Dec, 2022 @ 2:00pm 
Also I love the small craft beside the Skinfaxi in one of those images, will it ever be published?
Strike 28 Dec, 2022 @ 1:57pm 
Would you consider uploading a version of this with the orange and white paint job? Or would I just need to recreate that.
MadDave95 12 Aug, 2022 @ 11:22pm 
a absolute tank for its size !
got attacked by a reaver butcher and thrasher and the ship managed to stay healthy enough to get back to base! i love it