Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

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BR 155 - Busy in Northern Germany (2-3)
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BR 155 - Busy in Northern Germany (2-3)

In 1 collection by Coasty
DB BR 155 Collection
20 items
Pls find the English text below the German one
Hamburg-Hanover Route Add-On
West Rhine: Cologne - Koblenz Route Add-On
European Loco & Asset Pack

Szenario: Standard
Dauer: 60mins (+/-)
Schwierigkeit: Experte (rot)

In dieser kleinen Serie fährst Du eine DB BR 155 und Du musst einige Aufgaben auf Deinem Weg von Hamburg nach Hannover erfüllen.
Jedes Szenario startet wo der vorherige Teil geendet hat, bis Du letztendlich in Hannover ankommst und praktisch die gesamte Strecke gesehen hast.
Da Du mit Deinem Frachtzug verhältnismässig langsam bist (max. 105kmh) hast Du nur eine geringe Priorität im Vergleich zu den erheblich schnelleren Personenzügen.
Wenn Du also reichlich "busy" rund um Frachtverkehr sein möchtest, dann ist diese Serie sicherlich etwas für Dich.

Hinweis: Alle Züge sind rein fiktiv und folgen keinem realen Fahrplan (und sind ALLE pünktlich :-), sondern dienen lediglich der Unterhaltung. Einige Züge zeigen Zugziele, die nicht in den Norden Deutschlands passen.... aber ich wollte vermeiden nur dafür weitere DLCs zu verwenden.

Teil-2 startet wo der vorherige Teil geendet hat. Nachdem der Personenzug die Strecke freigegeben hat fährst Du nach Lueneburg und lieferst Deine Fracht. Danach hast Du einen ungeplanten Halt in Uelzen, bevor es dann weitergeht bist nach Unterluess.


Scenario: Standard
Duration: 60mins (+/-)
Difficulty: Expert (red)

In this little series you drive a DB BR 155 freight train and have to complete quite a couple of tasks on your way.
Each scenario starts where the previous one has ended until you reach Hanover where you then have finally explored the entire Route. As you are quite slow with your freight train (max 105kph) you don't have much of a priority compared to the much faster passenger trains.
So, if you like to be "busy" all around freight then you may give this series a try.

Note: All trains are fictional and do not follow a real timetable (and are "on time" :-), but are just for entertaining purposes. Some trains show destination boards which do not fit to Northern Germany..... but I wanted to avoid to use add. DLCs for that.

Part-2 starts where the previous part has ended. Once the passenger train has cleared the track you drive to Lueneburg where you deliver your load. Then you will have an unplanned stop in Uelzen before you finally get to Unterluess.
Coasty  [author] 13 Jun @ 11:49pm 
Hi GeipDie, vielen Dank für Dein positives Feedback und Deine ehrliche Meinung. In Teil-2 muss man mehr fahren, weil die Wege weit sind, aber dennoch hoffe ich, dass es nicht langweilig war.
Gruss, Coasty
GeipDie 12 Jun @ 11:28am 
Nettes Szenario. Wie immer viel los auf den Gleisen. Leider hat es mir dieses mal nicht so gut gefallen, da sehr viel Fahren und ansonsten wenig zu tun war. Trotzdem ein tolles Szenario. Danke.
Coasty  [author] 25 Oct, 2023 @ 7:54pm 
Hi crlynch, I see you are on your way to drive the entire BR155-sequel :-). Many thanks once more for your kind feedback. Hope you will enjoy part-3 accordingly. Cheers, Coasty
crlynch 25 Oct, 2023 @ 1:00pm 
Another great trouble free run,nice traffic. Enjoyed the run for 1st time on this track. Cheers.
Coasty  [author] 18 Apr, 2023 @ 8:16pm 
Hi David, another BIG thanks from my end that you play this little series all over again..... and still enjoy it. I can imagine that you are more than happy, that your TS-issue is fixed and now all working again. Strange that part-3 is missing as I know you drove it in the past => maybe you need to unsubscribe such part and subscribe again. Nevertheless, I wish you have a pleasant break and enjoy your holiday with your caravan. Looking forward, when you are back. Kind regards, Coasty
david.angus1977 18 Apr, 2023 @ 4:41pm 
And now, Coasty, I've continued my celebration of being up and running on TS again by enjoying the continuation of my journey to Hanover! That was quite a straightforward but very pleasant drive to Unterluess. Oh! It is great to have the system working properly again and to be able to enjoy it. I was a bit sad during the last three months of no activity! Thanks again for producing this scenario. I will look forward to driving Part 3, but this may have to wait until we return from holiday (we are away in our caravan tomorrow to Co Fermanagh for 2 weeks). I will have my laptop with me, but it doesn't seem to have Part 3, so Part 3 will have to wait until I can drive it on my PC!. (I don't want to take liberties with the laptop in case it falls over!) Kind regards, David.
Coasty  [author] 1 Dec, 2020 @ 11:41pm 
Hi David, Great to see that you progress your journey towards Hanover. Many Thanks once more that you run this little series again and for providing feedback accordingly. I also appreciate that you like the little "story" behind as things happen not always as planned :-)). Kind regards, Coasty
david.angus1977 1 Dec, 2020 @ 3:54pm 
Thanks again, Coasty, for another cracking scenario! Another great drive! Enjoyed the lot, and especially seeing all the varied AI traffic, as well as the static stock in the sidings. Brilliant work! I was intrigued with what you wrote in response on Part 1 that you can populate some parts of the sidings with 2-D consists. It looks all very authentic anyway! Your story-lines are always excellent --- I liked the explanation why I had to drop off the last wagon at Uelzen! Best regards, David.
Coasty  [author] 26 Jun, 2020 @ 11:03pm 
Hi Erdaepflschaeler, Thanks for your kind feedback. Great to see that you liked it and I hope you will enjoy part-3 as well. Cheers, Coasty
Erdaepflschaeler 26 Jun, 2020 @ 2:06pm 
Thank´s a lot for this great scenario!!