Insurgency: Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm

58 arvostelua
[Firefight] Successful Competitive Tips
Tekijältä goodBoy69
WIP atm

This guide is for new players who want to play competitive more effectively.
It is a revision of a guide I made some time ago.
It is intended to:
1. Improve competitive experience.
2. Make competitive games more fun.

This guide covers:
-Basic game-mode mechanics
-Load out tips
-Key tips on communication and coordination
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Firefight Rules
    What is Competitive Firefight?
  • A 5versus 5 game mode.
  • Consist of 3 objectives: A, B, C
  • Each team begins with 1 objective: A or C, while B starts off as neutral.
  • There are NO re-spawn waves. The only way to re-spawn your team is by capturing an objective.

    Win conditions:
  • Eliminate all enemy players.
  • Capture and hold ALL 3 objectives.
  • Hold the most uncontested objectives when the round timer reaches 0:00.

    Additional Info:
  • OVERTIME is initiated when the round timer reaches 0:00 and both teams have an equal number of objectives OR if both teams have an objective, and the third objective is in limbo.
  • An objective can only be captured if it is COMPLETELY CLEAR of enemy forces. That means even if the enemy has an objective 100% captured, you can stop them from finishing the capture by remaining on the point. This cause the enemy captured to be BLOCKED as long as you stay on point.
Player Variables
In Firefight, the most basic player variables are as follows:

The higher your player weight is, the slower you will move, this includes ADS timing.

With this in mind, its generally suggested that in a 5v5 you should NOT bring any armor or ammo carriers. Both carriers and armor will significantly increase your weight and you will most likely not use all 5 magazines in your carrier. Armor is niche and will probably only protect you from distant explosions and pistol calibers.

By choosing to be lighter, you will AIM faster, MOVE faster, and REACT faster. Being quicker than the enemy can change the pace of a match since the TTK is so low.

There is a tradeoff: Higher calibers weigh more, but they do more damage and penetrate barriers more effectively.

As mentioned, higher calibers = more damage + better penetration, but you will move slower. The difference is not huge but it can matter due to the low TTK.

Weapons such as the (security) MK14EBR and the (insurgents) FAL will typically kill an enemy within 1 hit and are more likely to kill enemies through walls. When using lower caliber weapons like the m4a1 or the QBZ, you will have a have more ammo per magazine and be lighter, but you will notice that it takes 2-3 shots to kill someone and even more when shooting at them through the wall.

Choosing Gear
Now that we understand the player variables, we can effectively choose our gear.
This will include 4 sub-sections: Class, Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, and Utilities.

To RECAP on the previous section before making your choice:
HIGHER CALIBERS = more weight, less ammo, better damage and better penetration.
LOWER CALIBERS = less weight, more ammo, less damage, and weaker penetration.
Choosing Gear - Class Selection
In competitive firefight there are 3 classes to choose from.

This class uses rifles, which are effective at all ranges. Weapons in this class are heavier than the flanker class weapons, but are more powerful and easier to control, especially at medium-long distances.

This class is intended for faster engagements. By using lighter and weaker calibers, the flanker is able to decrease their weight which allows them to reach places quicker. While you will move and react faster, you will find that it is MUCH harder to engage enemies at longer ranges. This class is good for getting to objectives faster and flanking enemy positions.

Good for long ranges. This class specializes in picking off the enemy from a very long distance. If you're good at it, you can pick off 1 or 2 enemies making the game easier for your team. In general, I would advise against taking the sniper class unless you can confidently pick off at least 1 or 2 enemies. In most cases you will see people using sniper rifles as a way to get a start of round cross pick or to watch an objective entrance mid-round.
Choosing Gear - Primary
When choosing your primary weapon you will want to consider the following:

Added weight
As mentioned more than once before, take note of the weight from your primary weapon. If you intend on moving faster across the map, maybe think about using a lighter weapon (like the m4a1 or QBZ). If you're providing objective support or need to shoot through walls a lot more, maybe take the mk14 or FAL.

Weapon damage is mostly determined by the caliber, but velocity plays a large role as well. Weapons with a higher bullet velocity will be more likely to kill and penetrate. This remains true when comparing different weapons of the same caliber. For example, the SCAR, g3a3, and the mk14 all have different effectiveness when penetrating walls and 1-shotting enemies.

Ammo count

Weapon length

Gear - General Effects
How gear effects gameplays:
The most general effect of gear is player weight, which influences a couple of things.

    Weight Influences:
  • Player speed and ADS speed
    Less weight = Faster movement + Faster ADS speed
    More weight = Slower movement + Slower ADS speed

  • Stamina Performance
    More weight = less stamina = more weapon sway = less control

For competitive, I'd suggest sticking to a low-weight gear set. This will allow you to reach objectives faster, flank faster, react faster, etc.

Gear - Variables
When selecting gear, you should consider the following:
  • Primary
    For your primary you'll want to consider ammo caliber, penetration, and ammo count.

    Personally, I suggest the FAL on the insurgent team. Its got great TTK, manageable recoil, excellent penetration, and extended magazines.

    For security, I usually run the mk14 which is basically the FAL, or the m4a1 for more ammo and easier recoil.

    Higher calibers typically are much better at penetrating walls and kill in fewer shots, but they weigh slightly more.

    Lighter calibers will generally have less recoil kick, more default ammo, and weigh less, but they may take an extra shot to kill and may have trouble penetrating walls.

  • Seconday
    You probably won't need this so I advise against it. Don't rule it out, but generally you should aim to kill your foe with that already loaded magazine in your primary. Plan to not run out of ammo in places where you can't reload. Plan to hit enemy within that 30 round+ mag. Exception is snipers.
    While a sidearm is great in some situations, they add detrimental weight.

  • Utilities
    Utilities are GREAT if you know how to use them right and they do not add much weight.
    Frag grenades at the start of a round can turn a game into 5 v 4, or even clear that C objective when it becomes contested. Smokes grenades can help you get somewhere without being shot, or they make enemies on objectives cough loudly. If you aren't comfortable with grenades yet and you find yourself dying before you can even throw one, then consider not taking a grenade to shed the weight and add more attachments.

  • Ammo Carrier
    In competitive, you do NOT need an ammo carrier. Ammo carriers are HEAVY and will slow you down. Without an ammo carrier you will have 3 magazines and chances are you will die or win before using all 3, therefor do not equip an ammo carrier and reduce weight significantly.
Gear - Class Considerations
  • Rifleman
    General use. Effective at all ranges. Guns are heavier than flanker class guns.

  • Flanker
    Niche. This class is intended for faster movement which is achieved by using smaller, lighter weapons. Not necessarily a hard to use class, but long range battles will be noticeably more challenging. Good class for getting to objectives quickly, flanking enemy, being fast.

  • Sniper
    If you're good at it then by all means go for it. Good for long range picks in middle of maps, especially during early round. Avoid this class if you can't confidently kill at least 1-2 enemy players before dying. You're better off improving your chances with an automatic all-range weapon.
Intel - Why its good
In this game there will be: NO kill feed, NO enemy player count, and NO enemy map markers.
This means that both teams will lack information about each other's status and position.

In order to know these things, they must be actively communicated with your team once they are learned. It is extremely advantageous to make call-outs regarding intel. By making call-outs, you increase the potential performance of your team. It also makes the game a lot more engaging and fun.

Intel you should focus on:
  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Positions
  • Objectives
  • Round-timer

The next section discusses HOW to make effective call-outs and what they can offer you.
Intel - Calling out
  • Your positions
    Communicate where you are at. If your teammate is capturing B and you are providing support from another spot, tell your teammate.

    By doing so:
    1. You and your teammate can watch different angles more confidently knowing you have each other's back.
    2. If your teammate becomes stalemated on B, he know he can hold his position and wait for you to pick off the enemy or help some how.

  • Enemy Positions
    If you see an enemy, or engage in battle, let your team know of the general location. You don't always need standard call-out names. Your goal should be to provide a general picture of the location that is easily understandable.

    This allows your team to know what direction they should be watching, which is HUGE in winning the round.

    "I'm being shot at from THEIR side of B!"
    "A is stalemate, 1 on A!"
    "2 just crossed from mid to B side"
    "I'm dead from C somewhere?..."

  • Kills
    If you get any kills, tell your team how many and where. The best way to do so is by saying: "Minus + (# of kills) + (location)"

    Kill call-outs are essential information. They indicate:
    1. How many enemies are left.
    2. Undefended lanes on the map.

    5v5, you get 1 kill, making it 5v4:
    "Minus 1 on B! 4 up!"

    3v2, B is being captured by the enemy, you kill a guy on C:
    "Minus 1 C, only 1 more alive! He must be on B"

    1v(?), you are last alive, unknown enemy count, you ask your team:
    "How many kills do we have?" They tell you 3. This means 2 enemies left.

  • Deaths
    Call your deaths, where it occurred, and where you were killed from.
    Calling deaths is just like kills: "I died on B from yellow house!".."I died on A from their side of mid!"

    By calling your deaths, your team will know:
    1. They are down a player and may need to consider playing carefully and re-spawning the team.
    2. The lane you were covering is now open. They may need to rotate to cover, or expect enemies to push the open lane.
    3. The general location of the hacker enemy player that killed you.
    If an objective is likely to be contested/captured.

  • Objective Status
    In many situations, a player is able to make more choices if they know more about what is about to happen. To increase awareness, its important to call out OBJ status.

    The objective status can be broken into and communicated by percentages.
    -25% (1/4th captured)
    -50% (half captured)
    -75% (3/4th captured)
    -90% (About to be captured)

    "B IS 25% FOR US"
    "B 90%" - re-spawn is imminent
    "A is 50% for them!" the enemy has A by 50%

    Benefits of knowing OBJ status:
    1. You will know how close you team is to having a full 5 player team alive.
    2. You will know how quickly you need to react. If the enemy has B at 50%, you must act quickly to block the capture in order to stop the enemy re-spawn.
    3. You will know how long you have before the enemy has a 5 man team again.
    4. If you have OBJ 90% captured but then die, the enemy must DECAP that 90% and then capture an additional 100%. Therefor you know you will have more time to act if this happens.

    PRO tip: If ALL the players on your team are alive, consider getting and objective captured up to 99% then DO NOT FULL CAP. Save the cap for when you have 1-2 dead teammates, then you can capture and re spawn them in. Be careful though, you could potentially die before getting to cap.

  • Round-timer
    Make sure your team is aware of the round-timer especially when its almost over. When the timer reaches 0:00 the team hold most objectives wins. However, the match will enter overtime if both team have 1 objective and are contesting another one when the timer reaches 0.

TL;DR Summary
Use lighter gear to move and react faster.

In a game, there is not a lot of given information.
Win by having more information than the enemy team.
    Perform call-outs for:
  • Your position
  • Enemy Position
  • Your kills
  • Your deaths
  • Obj status
  • Round-timer

9 kommenttia
goodBoy69  [tekijä] 16.4.2021 klo 13.44 
NWI removed it because the lack of players who would play competitive matchmaking. From my understanding they thought it was a bad looks on them to new players, since new players might try to queue and never actually find a game, thus leaving a bad impression
GODek 16.4.2021 klo 2.03 
What happened with this gamemode? I remember playing it like a year ago.
カミカゼサイクリスト 3.2.2021 klo 10.30 
If only there was a competetive :(
Nazy Koj The Dog 10.10.2020 klo 23.03 
If only people played competetive :(
Stuphed_Shark 25.9.2020 klo 16.55 
If only people played competetive :(
goodBoy69  [tekijä] 21.6.2020 klo 17.08 
If only people played competetive :(
2TapDan 20.6.2020 klo 20.43 
If only people played competetive :(
transbianyan 21.4.2020 klo 5.31 
If only people played competetive :(
♿big chungus fast life hellcas 13.2.2020 klo 10.05 
If only people played competetive :(