Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Modding my Exiled Lands
By Vattende
Please, keep in mind that these modlists are currently outdated !!! I let them online for convenance and info, use at your own risks !

So you want mod your game !

In this little guide i want just put together all my different modlists i made over the time, for my singleplayer games or for my servers.

Keep still in mind that new patches may break one or several mods in your game. So still check the workshop-pages for each mod, see if the mod has been updated to the last patch.
Make back-ups before doing change !

Older modlists
Here my older modlists i made in the past.

Some mods may be outdated yet, and no more work properly. But still it may give some ideas, or answer to some questions. So here it is.

modlist singleplayer/server (old)

some variation

small modlists
Some small but very useful mods.

I may add in the futur some othere lists.

still, take a look !

the little but so useful ones
modlists for singleplayer and servers
Most actual modlsts.

Some i run on my servers, but all working nicely for singleplayer-games to of course.

current modlist for my server Barbarian Spleen