World of Guns: Gun Disassembly

World of Guns: Gun Disassembly

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Vought F4U illustrated guide (to get Sniper, Serenity, Champion, etc.)
Por Eugene Glovak
Open this guide and then launch the game. Then start any game mode for Vought and let this guide... well, guide you.
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Vought may not be as difficult as BMP, and it's certainly a lot faster to deal with, but the mess on the screen is somewhat even worse because you have parts not only lying below, but also floating around everywhere, disorienting you and hindering the view. This guide, hopefully, will somehow help you to move in the easiest direction to remember.

The video version (Game with Sniper, Serenity and Timed III):

Frame Disassembly
NOTE: You don't have to zoom too close to the small parts. Clicking at roughly the right place should work in most cases.

So, the best way to start is probably from the front. You can move to the tail in an almost linear way. First, click the Nose Cowl Assembly:

Right next to it comes the Engine Hood:

Under the hood, there's the Engine Hood Frame:

Now, detach the Engine Flaps (be careful because they don't go all the way up):

After them, you can take the Engine Cowl off:

The next part is Upper Cowl Paneling:

We can continue moving forward, but since we've stumbled on some pole sticking out, let's deal with it, too. First, you have to remove the Aerial:

This allows you to click 2 Aerial Masts. And, while you're at it, notice the Whip Antenna below:

Now, when we've moved below, there are some more bulging parts. We have 2 Pylons and 2 Gear Hatches:

The gears themselves cannot be touched for now. Instead, remove the Intercooler Flap (make sure to remember that it's not the first of remaining panels below):

After that, you can take off the first one, the Lower Cowl Paneling:

Proceed with 2 Intake Panelings:

You can now remove the cooling system under these, or wait until it's time for some other wiring (whatever is easier for you to remember). Right here, we'll move up to 2 Center Wing Top Panelings instead:

And let's keep moving forward, to the Fuel Tank Cover:

This allows you to remove the Fuse Paneling Front:

Now, once again, the next part is not the closest one, so be careful. Click the Canopy and only after it, the Canopy Windshield:

Keep moving to the tail - next comes the Rear Fuse Paneling:

Then, Tail Section Paneling:

And the Tail End Cover:

Now, at the tail, there are 2 Stabilizer Panelings and 2 Elevator Fabric Covers:

Next, you can detach the Elevator:

...and disassemble it, removing 2 Elevator Mechanizations. Also, 2 Stabilizer Frames are free to go now:

Remove 2 Rear Hatches underneath (once again, don't touch the rear gear yet) and the Fin Paneling:

We can't proceed with the rear part for now. To do that, we have to go inside the cockpit. Take out the Pilot Seat there:

Behind the seat, there's the Oxygen Bottle:

Then there's the Back Armor and the Front Armor:

And now prepare to fill your screen with a lot of messy crap. Things start to get hard from now on. We have 7 categories of various lines and wiring that are lying inside the frame, and right now we'll take it all out. That includes:

  • Electrical Fuse (red),
  • Fuel Lines (yellow),
  • Hydraulics (green),
  • Control Rods (just pull the control column in the center of the cabin),
  • Rudder Rods (white, thin and hard to notice, I've shown a part of them inside the wing),
  • Engine Control Rods (running along the fuel tank),
  • Cooling System (in front at the wings, if you didn't take it out before).

You can remove the Fuselage Fuel Tank now:

Returning to the cockpit, there are Dashboards:

They are hiding the Battery and the Hydraulics Hand Pump:

Behind the pump, there's the Hydraulic System Reservoir. You can also remove the Pedals:

Take out the Cockpit Paneling. Behind it, you'll see the Radio Equipment:

Let's finish with the tail now. Click the Rudder and then disassemble it into Rudder Fabric Cover and Rudder Trim:

Then detach the Fin Frame and the Rear Gear Mechanism:

Now that we've emptied the tail part, the Rear Fuselage Frame can be removed:

Speaking of gears, there are 2 Landing Gears in the front, so take them out, too, and then disassemble them separately:

Each gear consists of more than fifty parts, and their disassembly animation takes several seconds, so you have some time to rest. By now, you should have 291 parts left. If you have more, it means you've missed something in the frame or the cockpit, so check everything once again.
Wing and Engine Disassembly
In order to detach the wings, you have to reach 2 Wing Cap Mechanisms. Those are located underneath the plating and are hard to get. I've shown you the place where you should click (for one of the wings):

Now, remove 2 Wing Consoles:

The left wing (from where you're looking, it's located to the right) has the Pitot Tube at the edge. It should be removed first, or you'll fail to take off the edges:

Now you can click 2 Console Leading Edges and 2 Wing Tips:

Then, 2 Armament Box Access Doors:

After that, 2 Wing Console Top Panelings and 2 Flap Frames:

To fully strip the wings, we have to remove 2 Aileron Rods that were hiding under the paneling. The left wing, however, once again is not symmetrical to the right one - it has the Aileron Trim Actuator in addition to the rods (I've shown you both with two additional arrows):

Now 2 Aileron Frames can be dismantled:

Next, move underneath and remove 2 Console Gap Coverings:

And after them, 2 Wing Console Bottom Panelings:

Rotate back up. To remove the machine guns, first take out 2 batches of Barrel Tubes and Ammo:

Now you can click 2 blocks of Guns (those are actually Browning M2, which is present in this game as a separate model):

Under the guns, there are 2 Wing Struts, which are even harder to click than the cap mechanisms. The best way is to rotate to the side and click the protruding green part:

We're done with the wings and can finish the front part of the frame. You can also do it before the wings, but then you'll have a lot more parts right at your face which will make the rest of disassembly even harder, so I wouldn't recommend it. Anyway, here are 2 Flap Actuators:

They release 2 Outboard Flap Frames, which in turn release 2 Inboard Flap Frames:

Once again, dive below to remove 2 Gap Covers:

And 2 Bottom Center Wing Panelings after that:

Those were the last panels. Now get to the engine and take off the Air Ducts:

They are hiding the Carburetor, Hydraulics Assembly and Fuse Box:

Removing the carburetor allows you to detach the Engine Block:

We can disassemble the engine or the rest of the frame, it doesn't really matter. Let's choose the engine block. Pull the Propeller out:

Then, the Engine Nose Cowl Frame:

At the back, there's the Exhaust Pipe:

Next, the Engine Flaps Mechanism at the top (another part that is hard to see):

After that you can click the Engine Flaps Frame:

The engine is done with. Return to the frame and remove the Diaphragm:

Behind it, there's the Engine Mount:

And behind it, there's the Oil Tank:

Finally, take off the Center Wing:

...and dismantle 2 Air Intake Frames:

The disassembly is now complete.
Okay, this looks scary. If you tried to assemble BMP-3 before, you probably thought it was scary, but at least all of its parts were lying on the floor. Right here we have parts lying and floating everywhere, covering each other and making it nearly impossible to find your bearings. To find your way in the chaos, start with the engine, parts of which should be the closest to you. Click the Exhaust Pipe and both Frames (in any order):

Then locate the Engine Flaps Mechanism and attach the Propeller:

Now put in the Oil Tank, and the Fuel Tank, too:

Attach Air Intake Frames and then the Center Wing:

Next goes the Engine Mount:

Put Hydraulics Assembly, the Fuse Box and the Diaphragm back. And it's also easy to spot the Cooling System:

Now you can mount the Engine Block:

Attach the Engine Hood Frame and Carburetor:

After the latter, you can put in the Air Ducts:

Then close the Engine Hood lying just below:

The Nose Cowl lies right next to it:

And the Engine Cowl is lying a bit closer to you (they all have metal sheets in the shape of an arc, so it's easy to notice):

After that, put back the Engine Flaps and Lower Cowl Paneling:

Next goes the Intercooler Flap. And Intake Panelings are easy to distinguish, too:

Assemble and attach the Landing Gears along with Gear Hatches:

The next big part is the Rear Fuselage Frame:

You should probably rotate back for a better view on the tail parts. Attach the Stabilizer Frames, the Fin Frame, and the Rear Gear:

Then assemble Elevator Mechanizations and the Rudder Trim:

Attach the Rudder Fabric Cover and the Elevator:

After that goes the Rudder, Rear Hatches and the Tail End Cover:

The closest panels to you are Stabilizer Panelings. Above them there are Elevator Fabric Covers:

Right next to those there are Bottom Panelings, and we can attach those, too, just because it's easy to remember. And in front of those, at the edges, you can easily click Aileron Frames:

Now there are once again various choices. Let's choose Gap Covers, Wing Tips and Pylons:

Proceed with the Flap Frames (in the order shown below). After you put them back, it'll be easier to notice the Fin Paneling:

And now we'll get to the cockpit. Put back the Radio, Front and Back Armor:

Above them, there's the Cockpit Paneling, and you can also click the Pedals now:

Put back the Oxygen Bottle, Hydraulic System Reservoir, and the Battery:

After the reservoir, click the Hydraulics Hand Pump:

Next come the Dashboards:

And the Canopy Windshield:

Now you can put back some of the wirings, specifically, Rudder Rods, Control Rods and Engine Control Rods:

Find the Pilot Seat:

Now we've freed some space to deal with the wings more comfortably. Click the Wing Struts and Flap Actuators:

Now you can put back the Guns, and Ammo with Barrel Tubes after them:

Regardless of the guns, you can also proceed with Aileron Rods and the Trim Actuator:

Once all the hardware is inside, cover the wings with Top Paneling and Leading Edges:

Now you can get the Access Doors and the Pitot Tube. Also, Aerial Masts are easy to click at this point:

And both wings can now be attached:

Put back the Wing Cap Mechanisms and the remaining wires and lines:

The rest is now pretty easy. You can literally attach everything you see at the back, and some Top Paneling at the front:

Now, the remaining paneling, the Canopy and the Aerial (this should be clicked at the front end):

Haven't you forgotten something? Look below, there's your Antenna:

And we're done. If you haven't made any mistakes, most likely you're gonna be a champion and get one free credit, regardless of the time spent (although if you paid for this model, you probably don't need it). Good job!
2 comentário(s)
Eugene Glovak  [autor(a)] 26/jan./2019 às 2:31 
-=NE=-  [desenvolvedor(a)] 13/dez./2018 às 13:56