Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster

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Anaconda - Enclosed Wooden Coaster in rainforest and Brazilian Village
Tags: park, sandbox
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26 Oct, 2018 @ 3:34am
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Anaconda - Enclosed Wooden Coaster in rainforest and Brazilian Village

    My first wooden coaster upload and my biggest project yet, I had had this idea in my head for a while now (a snake coaster enclosed using the pirate hull piece, raiding a town) and decided with the new world's fair expansion I might be able to get it under 4k and I could finally make it as a blueprint...
    It didn't work out that way in the end.. I was at about 3,500 and I hadn't even done trees or lights and some buildings were still bare (I experimented with deleting buidlings or moving them about or this or that.. but it kept throwing out the sight lines).. so I decided I'd just have to go over the 4,000 (thinking double blueprint) since I wanted to do the idea in my head justice..
    Anaconda, Complete Constriction
The Ride
  • Coaster Type: Wooden Coaster - Monster
  • Excitement: 6.60
  • Fear: 5.15
  • Neausa: 1.12
  • Enclosed triple-helix element
  • Jumps straight into the action with an extended pre lift section
  • Extended predrop section
  • Really different experience depending on if riding at day or night
  • Plenty of triggers
  • People mover - 2 trains x 10 cars that run without interruption. 70 guests/minute

    As I said I had had this idea in my head for a while, Anaconda is an adventure ride that is mostly enclosed but is designed to give riders good views out at critical moments and bring the jungle in. Anaconda is shaped to feel like the movement of the snake slinking back and forwth through the undergrowth and its main element is probably the triple coil (I knew I wanted to do that as soon as I thought enclosed snake coaster it just fits so well). Naturally we had to have long trains so they could slither through the circuit in correct fashion!
    Anaconda is a people mover (the que line should never stop moving) with 2 trains, each with 10 cars running uninterrupted;Anaconda is capable of accomodating 70 guests per minute.
    All POV spots work well, I always like the front seat, front car and it is awesome here but the first seat in one of the rear cars is just great - to see the whole ten car train winding out in front of you as you bank around corners is excellent
Scenery and Theme
    I knew I wanted an adventue style coaster made of wood since I knew i'd be using so many ship hulls so obviously lots of timber and trees would go well. I picked an Anoconda in the end as Brazil has some pretty great buildings and has the amazon jungle to work with as well.. I wanted that overgrown jungle feel to compliment the snakey movement of the coaster and then I needed the village for the Coaster to 'raid' ; in the end it all came together.
    Since its halloween soon I made sure it had more of a scarier atmosphere with a few gruesome details put in here and there for those with a keen eye. I wouldn't say its horror more of a thriller ! .. (regardless; not a good place to go camping with your friends even if the confident one with the backwards baseball cap says "it'll be fine, its miles away from one can hear us out there") ..
  • Everything custom (building, signs, supports etc.)
  • 12 custom and unique buildings (Brazilian - Colonial Portugese style)
  • Enclosed Snake Coaster
  • Hundreds of lights to ensure the mood is right.
  • Large abandoned Brazilian town / village, the final residents make their last stand at the church on the hill
  • Jungle/ Amazon setting
  • A few halloween goodies
  • 6,800 pieces approx.
Blueprint or Park?
    As I mentioned briefly before I had always intended this to be a 4K but just wasn't willing to limit myself when I got to the mid 3,000's with so much left to do. That being said I built the whole thing as if it was a blueprint (IE. no terraforming, no extra peices for no reason, simple pathing etc and the footprint is really pretty condensed for what it is (I did try and keep it tight anyway)) so you can try your hand at splitting it and saving it as two seperate blueprints. I got it to work eventually but I didn't want to turn collison off so it made it really tricky (took something like 20minutes before I reliesed no-one is ever going to do this and I decided to upload as a park). The splitting it in half is easy enough its lining it back up that is a pain.. but that's all up to you.
    For now I just saved it as a parkfile, it was never intended but it works; the coaster is in the middle and because of it's height makes a nice focal point for any potential park. No terraforming has been used to make the ride though so move it anywhere you like!
    Feel free to use any of the buildings in your uploads to the workshop just please give me a shout out whenever you do ^^ enough grind and hustlin' being new as it is ;)
    Let me know what you think or rate it up if you like it! :)