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The Beginner's Guide to climb that tower Senpai!
By Lipucd
What's wrong? Tried climbing the tower only to find yourself one body less then when you started? Perhaps at your ropes with those blueprints wondering why you can't keep crafting and upgrading towards your hearts content? Maybe just irked off with your waiting room always in flames and broken to bits every time you come back towards it? Well here you go Senpai! The perfect ticket to help get you in gear and understanding what all you gotta do to make it towards the top!...Because you're going to be the one to make it!

Let me just start this off that I am by no means a -Pro- at this game, by all means as I write this I'm still clawing my way towards floor 20 or so! But I saw enough questions and confusion floating around that I felt like I should go on ahead and make a full fledged guide to answer the more critical things of this game, more less to offer newbe's still trying to get out of the first 10 floors, or are like me and are breaking into 11+, some helpful tips and soultions towards gear choices and upgrades and how to best go about spending and buying things.
Understanding Gear

So you know gear, right? Of course you do! How crazy would you NOT know about gear! Though you might in turn find yourself rather confused why that sword just took off half of your health when you had the best defense money could buy and now gotta spend your hard earned KC on another body retreval then a warm hot bowl of mushroom soup. Well Senpai you see in this game gear works in interesting ways, and understanding this is how you get to keep your money and metals for more important stuff!

So tell me Senpai, when you look at this gear, what do you see? Do you see that gnarly style the armor has? How about that wicked naming system? But really all that's just fluff for the real meat and bones. There's two big and big factors you gotta keep track of when picking your loadouts, because this can lean towards you no selling that Bone Tubers spinning attack, and you being dead on the floor. The first, and most obvious for any gamer, is the Defense stat. This is more or less a value that helps reduce incoming damage and makes it easier to take. As your durability on your gear goes down though, so does this. So really this stat's acually kinda wack and while it helps, it's not the end all be all number you NEED to be caring about. Instead look at those 6 icons with the %'s. See how they add and subtract from them? This is the REAL thing you need to worry about gear!

Damage is broken up into 6 catagorys: Slashing, Blunt, Piercing, Fire, Electric, Poison. By building your % defense around these elements, you can drop them down DRASTICLY given this damage reduction kicks in BEFORE your defense, not after! But in turn if you build incorrectly...BLAMO! Did you just take 500 damage by that Hammer towards the face? So even at the start of your climb, 20%, even 10% can make a world of difference between life and death!

Words not good enough for you? Well how about a picture book to better explain this!

Pretty sweet looking gear, right Senpai? Over 300 defence and great looking too! But notice that Slashing -%?

This Scratch Tuber might be from floor 1, but it's still hitting for 19 damage. Not hyper painful, but let's show off the trick towards this ya?

Yeah, I know. You look more like some ugly meat bucher now, and it's 40 defence difference too, so you would THINK this was a far worse armor set, right~?

What's that Senpai? Did it only hit you for 14 damage this time? Even though you had FAR less defence?! Yeah, you now know the true power of armor! Sure, this is only the floor 1 mobs, so the damage is low, but did you see how LARGE of a difference that was?! Learning the damage types common on each floor, and gearing correctly is how you've going to reach towards the top! Just to note on some stuff though, a lot of people get caught off guard on floors 11+ because most stuff uses slashing, and while you where on floors 1-10, the slashing weapons where all weaksause 1* stuff, but on the higher floors the damage become far larger, meaning that % diffence becomes all the more vital to take note of!
Death Metals and You

Dying, it's the name of the game Senpai! You're going to have it happen sooner or later, and when it does happen, that's when temptation takes over!

...No not THAT temptation! Buying yourself back alive! In this world dying isn't the end after all! With a single payment of a Death Metal, you can rise back on up with full health and keep going! Not a bad deal yeah? Well about that...You see, that's a great feature to make use of when you're past floor 30, because of reasons I'll get into later, but if you're reading this, you're chances are still kinda low in the climb I bet, and as such this is both building bad habits, more less spending something you'd need to fork over your hard earned real life cash on, and that's just no good!

But then you're looking at me, asking "Well what am I going to use these on if not reviving myself?!" and that answer is very clear! You see, there's factors fo your waiting room you have to upgrade, or you'll get nowhere fast. One of these is your storage space. You start with 30 when you get access towards it, and unless you pay 2 death metals for 10 slots, it'll stay that way for your entire playing time. You know how hard it is to go around juggling all of your useful crafting materals and gear with just 30 slots towards your name, and each item takes a slot?! That's too tight a fit for even a speedrunner man, no one's got the endurance to play that kind of game! Your box can keep growing after that first payment too, and you'll quickly find yourself needing well over 100+ slots once you start gathering some of the better mushrooms you'll want for those major boss fights!

Though there's still the issue of DYING right? it's never fun and you gotta go and climb back up where you died to beat yourself up and it's ugy and gross. Though you do know you can just go back into your freezer and just BUY your body back, right? Yeah Senpai, you don't need to fuss and muss when all it takes is some KC to get your body back, all of your gear and earnings still in one peace, and even your decals stay put! Though I'm sure you're also going "That's a lot of KC to get my body back..." and yeah, it's a toll for death, but KC you gotta understand comes and goes freely. You're ALWAYS able to get KC for free and time, and there's more then a few ways to earn it fast at that! But Death Metals? There's only ever a few 1 time quests that'll hand those out, and what happens when you've done all of them, huh? Hoping that you'll get gifted one on a daily log in reward at random? Praying that the server mantance goes wrong so they hand one out? Outside of rare cases, that's when the 'Free' in 'Free to Play' is lost, and then you're just paying money dude! Not to get me wrong, if you like the game, support what you play! Helps keeps the lights on! yet you gotta be smart as well, don't go spending cash you don't -need- to be spending just because a cute girl asks you nicely, K?
TDM Goldmine

Pretty sure you've already had the pleasure at some time or another meeting Tetsuo and his 'Wonderful' Tokyo Death Metro huh? Pretty weird guy if you ask me, includuing with all of the merch made after him! I mean, he doesn't even have a lower body! The guy can't skate! Why is everyone trying to buy stuff of him?! But let's get towards the real nitty gritty about this because while it can be scary to have your base in flames and the like after a tower climb, the rewards are worth all of the time spent doing it! So take notes!

So TDM is the 'Money Maker' in this game, by attacking someone elses base while they are busy off doing -other- things, you can yoink some of their profits for your own use (Up towards 10% of their current amount, but limited by 10% of your max holding amount) right away! Sounds pretty nice right? But of course your target's aren't going to just GIVE you that hard earned cash once you come a knocking, and nether should you when others come back for revenge! So you both can set up base defenses using your current allotment of fighters to take up posts to make any attacker second guess their speedy entry and wanting to go right back home. The more fighters you've got in your freezers, the more stuff the other sides gotta kill to get past, and with a time limit of only 3 minutes to break in, break your stuff, and get out, stalling is a stronger tatic then you'd think! Make sure you take the tips from my gear page into mind though, as nothing sucks like having some guy with a knife cut your entire team down with a single hit because you where -15% slashing! Just make sure to mix it up so that if one damage type worked on one guy, it'll be different with the other! Though to note, gear you get from the tower itself and slap onto people will break while defending, but gear you buy from your own blueprints will always keep their durability up! Make the best use of your shop senpai!

But try as you might, you STILL come back towards this site huh? Gotta be some nasty cheaters screwing you over right? Wrong! In earnest the AI's for your fighters...Aren't the best, and even if you've got that nice COEN summon set up, people just duck and walk around and he just punches your own dudes around! Uncool! So yeah, even the best guard can't stop at least SOMEONE breaking in and taking your own stuff Senpai! But that goes BOTH ways! You see that rank 71 guy taunting you with 11,000KC? Stock up on the right mushrooms and you can beat that bad boy at his own game! Then if that's the case, you're asking me "So is it forever this back and forth?!"...Kinda! Yet you gotta accept one thing Senpai, DO NOT HOARD YOUR FUNDS. People can't -steal- what you don't -have-! Got a ton of spare KC you need to burn quickly? Buy some mushroom soup for 50K, or buy from the recycle shop some of those full healing meats and if you're really stacked getting a Tryptamine D for those really risky runs would be a good investment! As for your SPLithium? Don't sweat it! Use as much as you can for your base upgrades and blueprints, but otherwise don't stress it, you'll be able to get this in mass amounts in a few runs, so if people yoink yours...yoink it right on back! Aha!

Also Im' pretty sure you've seen this before! Someone just broke into your base, you come back ready for payback and....You can't? Wait what? I'm sure you're asking yourself "What the heck?! This guy's GOTTA be cheating now!"...and again, nope! You see to prevent odditys in how payouts work, if someone's in their waiting room, or is currently raiding other bases, you can't attack them at all! Weird huh? Though don't think they get to stay safe idling mindlessly without doing anything! If they raid or sit in their waiting room for over an hour being logged in, they are free for the counter attack!

Oh, right ONE more thing! Yes, your fighters CAN be stolen...for 4 hours, and then you get them back! Used to be 48 hours, and if not freed, you'd lose them forever towards the other player! But these rules where too harsh so we toned it down! If you REALLY need that fighter back like...-NOW-, and you can't raid the other end, you can pay the other player a bounty to collect them right on back! Yet most of the time it's ether easier to just beat them back up, or wait for them to come back on their own.

...and the Extra notes!

So feeling better about trying that climb now senpai? No longer making those silly mistakes like before? Or dreading the TMD? Spending your Death Metals on the things you need and not what a pretty girl asks of you?...Well 2 out of 3 at least isn't bad if that's the case! But at this point I just wanted to give you a few other points that would go far to know:
  • That Meijin guy? Yeah, if he's looking away from his game at any time, he's got tips for you, and in earnest while most of them are stuff you might already know, a fair amount is rather easy to miss out on, so collect them all and read up!

  • Make sure to do your quests, but DON'T go collecting the Kill Coins and ISPlithium unless you -NEED- it! Remember the raiding from TDM? Guess what senpai? They can't raid your reward box! All that loot is yours on demand, and it can hold up to 50 items at once! So don't freat too much about it! Bank that stuff away as you need it!

  • Make sure to just upgrade stuff, keep upgrading, just upgrade everything you can! Anything that needs blue metals (Like the iron) are super easy to push towards 2*'s, and by the time you're ready for their 3*'s you're able to farm green metals easy! Also when you upgrade a blueprint from one star rating towards the next, this boosts your 'Fun Shots'! These are passive stat bonuses you get on an account level that gives you a small extra boost in effectiveness! The more stuff you find and make, the larger your Fun Shots!

  • As fun it is to name and customise your fighters, don't get too attached now! At floors 11, 16, 25, and 35, you'll unlock the next rank of fighters to use, and you really should replace your old with new! You see fighters have star ratings too senpai, and that limits how much they can level up before they are total duds! 1*'s cap at 25, 2*'s cap at 50, 3*'s cap at around 75, 4*'s at nearly 100, and 5*'s at 120. You can push these caps with Bloodnium, but save those for your 5*'s, or if you're REALLY into the game, aim for those 6*'s at floor 41+! They cap at 120 as well, but they have higher Bloodnium max levels!

  • Did you see those golden beasts by chance? Maybe got them as a reward or something? If so, don't cook or eat them! That'll be the biggest waste you could do! Instead take them into the tower and just STOMP them! Killing them on new fighters gives a TON of EXP, perfect for fast leveling up! They also produce far more useful mushrooms when killed then their normal versions, making it a total win-win!

  • Digging the waiting room music, but hate how melodramatic the tower's normal music gets? Go into your Game Settings and turn on 'Tower Radio'! Now you've got whatever radio station, or song on endless loop you set on the radio, for your climbing enjoyment! Jam out towards your fav tunes as you preform your goretastic finishers!

  • Every day check your elevator map and clear out as many side paths as you can! The more of the tower you've got unlocked, the easier it is to get around and fulfill chalenges, more less farming for those useful mats, and even finding rooms perfect just for farming up new fighters for the higher floors!

So you agree then? This game HAS to be the best game ever made, right? Then get back climbing senapi and put that new infomation towards good use! Because remember...

maximthebear 30 Nov, 2021 @ 1:08pm 
maximthebear 30 Nov, 2021 @ 1:08pm 
уауы пкпкаы ыкп кп :d4_wink: :MushroomMagistrate:
tonyzur 29 Aug, 2020 @ 5:29pm 
im an idiot and i spent all my death metals on revives. guess im fucked for endgame crafting.
JACK..17 25 Jul, 2020 @ 3:30pm 
i feel like i already knew about these tips but i forgot about some of them Thanks Man :)
Aesina 16 Jul, 2020 @ 8:01pm 
Thanks! This is VERY useful, now I feel dumb playing this game for 3 days lol gotta use those tips then
[ALF]monkey10012438™ 17 May, 2020 @ 7:13am 
I use a right handed mouse, so if you want to aim your weapon just hold m1 and then move your mouse in the direction you want to shoot and then shoot with m2. That's what worked for me at least.
Damu 26 Apr, 2020 @ 3:49am 
thanks for telling me about the fighter level caps, i thought they all cap at 25 and i got stuck at floor 12, time to kill all my guys and replace them
dracomancer13 25 Nov, 2019 @ 4:28am 
Bird: as far as I can tell, you can only aim with two-handed ranged weapons. One handed ranged weapons just shoot in the general direction you point or lock on to a specific enemy.
SilentMark2 31 Dec, 2018 @ 10:47am 
Thank you for this guide! I've been so confused about what to spend death metal on that I spent it to revive myself. Never even knew you could buy your body back in the freezer without spending Death Metal.
john johnson the johnathan the j 26 Oct, 2018 @ 1:22am 
how do i even aim?