Remember Me

Remember Me

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How to defeat the first Zorn you meet (Normal Mode)
由 Barl0we 制作
Remember that robot that chased you in the start of the game? You get to fight one of those. This is how to kill it.
After stealing Johnny Greenteeth's memory of how to get to La Bastille safely, and after getting out of the subway, you are attacked by a Zorn robot.

The fight consists of two phases and a finisher.
The Fight
This fight relies almost exclusively on your ability to avoid incoming damage, and using The Spammer to take down that big, bad robot.

Phase One: Disarm the Robot

In the first phase, the Zorn will start out by throwing a dumpster at you. Dodge out of the way, and start blasting at the weak point on the Zorn's arms with your main fire from The Spammer.

Note, if you do not manage your overheating Spammer shots properly, the Zorn will regenerate a slight amount of health on the Weak Spots when they are close to being destroyed (Not much, so don't fret if it happens).

Once you shoot off the first arm, the Zorn will throw a second dumpster at you. Avoid it like the first, and shoot off the second arm of the Zorn.

Phase Two: Structural Weakness

The second phase of the fight against this Zorn will see the robot using two different kinds of shockwaves: One with an orange color, and one without a color.

The colorless shockwave can be avoided by having enough range on the robot.

The orange shockwave requires you to dodge at the moment the shockwave is fired.

Once the robot shoots out the orange shockwave, it will be stunned for a short moment - just enough for you to shoot it with your secondary fire from The Spammer, at its structural weakness.

If you manage to shoot at the structural weakness, you need to get into melee range, which will let you finish off the robot.

The Finisher

Once you manage to avoid the orange shockwave and blast the structural weakness, you will be given a Quick-Time Event (QTE) to complete in order to kill the Zorn.

Note: If you fail the QTE, the boss will be taken back to Phase Two, and will need to dodge/blast again to be allowed to finish off the robot.

As with the first boss, the finishing QTE has three steps.

The ones I received were:

1. Kick
2. Punch
3. Kick

Enjoy your superiority over the metal man!
Bugs / Glitches
Thank you to Machwulf for pointing this out:

"The PC version seems to have glitch where the first prompt (after you trigger the QTE to defeat Zorn) displays just milliseconds later! Luckily it's consistently the Y button; so right after triggering w/ B button, hammering Y should get to the next prompts (which were normal speed for me). Hope this info helps others having trouble!"
26 条留言
「Sh1k1」 2018 年 4 月 23 日 上午 12:57 
The QTEs seem to be consistently the same every time for every player, so I'm guessing it'll always be Kick/Punch/Kick (YXY) for everyone.
caubert 2018 年 3 月 1 日 上午 8:16 
yeah, QTE is glitched. First element was Y (kick) also here.
Trent 2016 年 6 月 3 日 下午 12:06 
Just wanted to point out-- I'd had a terrible time trying to get this achievement in the Zorn you meet late in the game...many many tries without success. Yesterday during my Memory Hunter playthrough, I got to the Episode 3 Zorn and it was much easier. It seemed like his arms were much weaker in Ep 3 than the later one, even on a higher difficulty. :me:
Trent 2016 年 5 月 25 日 下午 1:08 
What does "manage your overheating Spammer shots properly" mean? Does this mean when an arm gets low (say, 1/3 strength), you should make sure you can take off that last 1/3 without overheating so that you don't have to stop, giving him a chance to regen?
MaXxXine 2016 年 5 月 16 日 下午 3:55 
Worst fight system ever..
Tiny 2016 年 3 月 20 日 上午 10:14 
Worst bossfight ive ever fucking seen haha
JustinC 2015 年 10 月 21 日 上午 9:38 
How to "manage your overheating Spammer shots properly"? Every time I got him to one shot left, it jumped towards me and regenerate....
Machwulf 2015 年 8 月 15 日 下午 2:09 
Thx for all the feedback! The PC version seems to have glitch where the first prompt (after you trigger the QTE to defeat Zorn) displays just milliseconds later! Luckily it's consistently the Y button; so right after triggering w/ B button, hammering Y should get to the next prompts (which were normal speed for me). Hope this info helps others having trouble!
Barl0we  [作者] 2015 年 8 月 13 日 下午 4:22 
@Machwulf - it COULD be a glitch. I'm not sure what to do about it, unfortunately :( I previously tried to email Dontnod about an issue another reader was having, but they never answered me.
Machwulf 2015 年 8 月 12 日 上午 2:08 
Gahh! This tin-plated prick keeps stomping Nillin under foot every time I initiate the QTE; displays NO prompts for counters, buttons, anything! Is it possibly a glitch? Have tried the same fight after reboot, same flaw. Thanks for the guide & Any further advice, all!