Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Flippitydip's Addon Collection
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I made this literally so my brother could easy subscribe to all the addons I'm subscribed to in order for us to have fun times. Also Leroy's bullet time is the best thing ever.
Luomukset (221)
Advanced Inflator
Tekijä: jimbomcb
Adds new features to the stock "Inflator" tool: - SHIFT + Click: Inflate the entire bone hierarchy (the targeted bone, plus any child bones) - USE + Click: Inflate all bones - Inflation adjustment speed slider. This tool can only inflate the existing bones...
Air Vehicles
Tekijä: Sakarias
Air Vehicles 1.5 This addon includes one helicopter and two jet fighters. Each air vehicle has two versions. One with weapons (admin only) and one without. THE CONTROLS SHOWN IN THE VIDEOS ARE WRONG! CONTROLS = Default Key Jets Jump : Increase Throttle Wal...
Angry Birds
Tekijä: Mister Prawn
It's finally here! The Angry Birds Model pack! This time for the new Garry's Mod. All of these models are 100% Custom made, but 1337gamer15 did the porting part, and gave me the permission to upload it. And Special thanks to ApocHedgie and RandomTBush for ...
Animal Pack (Dragon Age)
Tekijä: Corvidius
Contains a raven (standing), barn owl (standing), cat, dog, wolf, and a stray mutt. Both the dog, wolf, and mutt have eye posing, the dog and wolf have lots of face posing (something like 20 flexes including tongue) (some on the mutt too), and a few skins....
Antlion Caves Onlsaught Survival
Tekijä: ZombieDawgs
Fight off hordes of oncoming antlions with a friend or on your own. Based off the level in Half Life 2: Episode 2. Requires Episode 2....
Best of Toybox
Tekijä: Robin
Never tired for old addons? So then this is for you! This addon includes old toybox stuff! Hi! There is maybe LUA errors, so tell them to me! Today I present old addon (pack) that is not new and includes new addons: ---------------------------- - Aimbot V2...
Bioshock 2 Characters
Tekijä: piehavok
Original Uploaded by murphy...
Bioshock 2 Splicers
Tekijä: piehavok
Original Uploaded by Plasmid...
Blacklight Ragdolls
Tekijä: MattiasC.N.
These are a upload to the Steam Workshop, not my own, 1bHC is the one that deserves the credit for porting these models. I am simply uploading them to the Steam Workshop to be in the new .GMA format that Gmod now takes. Enjoy the addon....
Bomberman model pack
Tekijä: Apoc Hedgie
Type of addon: Ragdolls and props Links for Source Filmmaker versions (Extract to your Steam's SteamApps/common/SourceFilmmaker/game/usermod/ folder) Bomberman ragdolls and props, not NPCs or playermodels. It does have cool exploding bombs though. Source: ...
Brass Knuckles SWEP
Tekijä: TheGammaGhost
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Model, Textures, and sounds Made by TheGammaGhost, Animations, Arms/Hands model, and Sounds by VALVE...
Counter Strike: Source - Realistic Weapons
Tekijä: maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va1P ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== Version: 4.0 (fixed for gmod 13, by me) Not originally my work, made by worshi...
Check 'Em
Tekijä: Dustino
Simple, visually-oriented logic system for Garry's Mod! Inspired by LittleBigPlanet. Credits to FluxMage for all art, models, and materials....
Chocobo (Chocobo's Dungeon)
Tekijä: Corvidius
Features: - Eye posing - Face posing - Finger posing Thanks to Dragoshi1 on Facepunch for providing the model to me....
Chowder Character Ragdoll Pack
Tekijä: MustacheTangelo
Ragdolls of the characters from the Cartoon Network show Chowder. The models were ripped and rigged from the game "Punch Time Explosion XL" The pack contains the following characters: Chowder Mung Daal Schnitzel Panini Gazpacho SnailCar...
Chris Redfield
Tekijä: x64 spinbot
Заказ "Jeanne D'Arc"...
Claire Redfield CV
Tekijä: D3
Resident Evil's Claire Redfield from Code Veronica -No Finger, or Face Posing. sorry guys and gals. -Very Flexable Thanks, Capcom, and the unknown person for the model ...
ColorChangeable Geth Playermodel
Tekijä: 017
A colorchangeable Geth Hunter Playermodel. Note: This workshop item is no longer maintained. Don't ask me to fix/change anything, I don't work on Garry's Mod content anymore. I make no claim over these models besides that I did the work to rig them to the ...
Combine Administrators v2
Tekijä: Lt_C
If you've ever played Half Life themed RP, you have either downloaded this or a permutation of it embedded in a content pack. When I made the first version almost 5 and a half years ago, I had no idea they'd become a defacto standard for just about every s...
Corpse B Gone
Tekijä: TurtleP
Removes corpses without the need to get rid of everything! Credits to Reiko (2)...
Crash of the Titans Ragdolls
Tekijä: KYRO
Este pack no me pertenece, su dueño es Ratchet Mario . Lo subí ya que en ninguna parte habian cosas de Crash Bandicoot, pronto subiré lo demás. there's three Titans in the Pack : -Ratcicle -Spike -Stench saludos!...
Creepy Woody
Tekijä: Matt
*you MUST facepose to get the Creepy smile* Ive also added facepose control to the eyelids. This addon includes a Woody player model/ragdoll. If anyone is including this addon in a video or even a picture, Link me, I'd love to see it....
Crysis 2 - Nanosuit 2 NPC and Playermodel
Tekijä: Nightmare Ω
*UPDATE: Playermodel currently cannot be seen in the C menu due to one of garry's recent updates. Just open up your console and type "cl_playermodel Nanosuit 2". Should work. _________________________________________________________________________________...
Tekijä: Samuel Boyka
Large sized map filled with cubes. The map includes a large 3D skybox and a underground level. Be sure to check out the night version if you liked this one. ...
Dark Messiah SNPCs
Tekijä: DrVrej
Welcome to my Dark Messiah SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 4 New SNPCs & Entities Spider Queen Spider Gia...
DasMatzes Bricks
Tekijä: Papa Brickolini
These are DasMatze's Bricks. There are 86 of them. They all have LODs. I did not create this addon, I only Reuploaded this because DazMatze for some reason did not upload these again So again 100% credit to DasMatze! The addon below is HIGHLY recommended f...
Dear Sister SWEP v2
Tekijä: EP45
Original Creator : .ISO Fixed / Modified : Me Category : DearSister There are 6 versions of this gun. - Dear Sister SWEP v2 (Original version) - Dearsis Nodrop (No dropping function) - Dearsis NoMusic (Slomo gun) - Dearsis Remix (Same as Nodrop but differe...
Destructible House
Tekijä: TNS-Otacon
Shoot it, it's fun :P To reset map: Q-Menu - Utilities - Admin - Clean Up - Clean Up Everything. This will reset map without reloading it. I'm not dead :P The map is named phys_dmm_house in the menus and should be located in the Garry's Mod Physics Maps se...
Dinosaur Ragdolls
Tekijä: Head Creeps
Did not make these, just uploading them to Gmod 13. Includes a Trex, Spinosaurus, Megaloldon shark, Raptor and many more....
Directional Gravity
Tekijä: Foohy
Put the force of gravity into your own hands! Alter the direction of the gravitational pull based on the angles of a comedically enlarged arrow! Hint: type arrow_affectplayers in the server console for arrows to affect players as well....
Doom 3 Sweps
Tekijä: Buu342
May require CSS for the particle effects. This pack gives you working doom 3 sweps for garry's mod 13. The pack does not include the fists and flashlight yet....
Dragonball Z Pack
Tekijä: starrman
Contains: Dragon Ball Source Models Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Goku...
Drivable Bf2 Buggy
Tekijä: Emperor Zin
enjoy this!...
Drivable District 9 Vehicles
Tekijä: Іñaki²
Check my Dev Blog Suscribe to my YouTube Channel SHOW ME YOUR LOVE Credits: Kaos Studios for create the models. DTmech for porting the models. DMGaina for the D9 reskins. Iñaki(me) for making them drivables and more stuff. ...
Drivable Halo Rocket Warthog
Tekijä: Lapito
Rocket Warthog is a very cool jeep from halo 1, but it doesn't shoot rockets and is for only one person. If iyou find a bug, post in the comments. Changelog: Revision 1- UPLOADED TO THE NON-BETA VERSION OF GARRY'S MOD Revision 2- NEW PREVIEW IMAGE Revision...
Drivable yacht
Tekijä: manul
Lara's boat from Tomb raider Underworld. Two versions: one controlled from primary cockpit and one via flybridge. Usage: - Go to vehicles tab > TRU yacht Things changed since previous version on - Fixed custom particle issue (screwed up agai...
Easy Animation Tool
Tekijä: Rubat
A tool that allows easy animation playback for all entities that have animations. This will not work on Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Portal 2, CS:GO models, it's a problem with Garry's Mod, not this mod. Please note that not all models have animations. This tool o...
Easy Bodygroup Tool
Tekijä: Rubat
An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Usage Right/Left click on an entity to select it. Reload to select yourself If the entity is highlighted with halo effect, then open context menu and make changes. Everything i...
Echidna Shrin
Tekijä: Jojo
Re-uploaded from the old version of Garry's Mod. Map Of Sonic Adventure Map By John41, HybridProjectAlpha et Glaber ...
Evangelion EVAs
Tekijä: piehavok
This pack includes: Unit 00 Unit 01 Unit 02 Unit 03 ...
Tekijä: PetrarchEleven
Update: Because people are fucking thick. - I DO NOT DO PLAYER MODELS. - I DO NOT MAKE NPCS. - I DO NOT DO MODEL PORTING REQUESTS. I shouldn't have to repeat myself. I post that long-winded thing below for a reason, yet people seem to be too stupid to read...
Excess Waters
Tekijä: caffein8ed
**I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS MAP** **THIS IS A RE-UPLOAD, THE IS MAP WAS CREATED BY Demazure** gm_excess_waters is a large map, mostly water with a few land areas. Features: - Waterways - Wire Input Doors - Large Build Areas - New Room And other things....
Ezreal Abilities WORK IN PROGRESS!
Tekijä: evancg
I'm trying to make an addon here! The many ratings and comments I have gotten have convinced me to finish this addon! Starting with Ezreal, I will be attempting to recreate the abilities of various champions from League of Legends! I've never made an addon...
FBI Playermodels
Tekijä: Voikanaa
FBI Pack FBI Player Models. Good for RolePlay! Player Model CREDITS Models and textures: Valve / Rockstar Porting, rigging and compiling: Voikanaa ...
FFVII Cloud Playermodel
Tekijä: Bizz
A playermoel ported and rigged by Boroko. Bumpmapping was done by Pierre Blue. The work I did was minimal, I merely made it work with the Playermodel list and uploaded it here....
Tekijä: V92
A Basement-Dweller map A basement dwelling. Includes Squeaky Stairs Toggleable Lights, with sprites and dustmotes Optimized, for what it's worth All custom content included The 2011 fs_basement-dweller and 2019 v92_basementdweller versions Requirements Not...
Faith Playermodel (Plus Runner's Bag)
Tekijä: Nexus
Just saw Celeste on Workshop, but not Faith. Here she is, eye posable, face posable and finger posable. Includes a Runner's Bag. Now available as a rudimentary playermodel. Works with Gmod legs too. If the original creator requires me to take this down, I'...
Finger Sniper
Tekijä: chowdah908
(not created by me) After a little lua editing i fixed some lua errors i have only tested in singleplayer not sure what will happen in servers and 2 player games Bang You're Dead Finger Swep: ...
Food and Household items
Tekijä: Figge Ferrum
This pack contains well over 200 props, mainly food but also cleaning products and other types of groceries. Includes: McDonald's Food Kinder Surprise + Box Chips bags Cillit Bang Wine bottles Much, much, more... 🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕...
Forest Survival
Tekijä: SBDT
The combine are coming. A small forest defence has been setup, and you and your rebels have to hold position. Recent update adds 17 waves of combine onslaught, you will need tactics, friends and a lot of ammo (only use the smg and pistol, and if someone co...
Freeman's "Model a Day" Pack
Tekijä: The One Free-Man
Here's a pack of models I made over the summer because I was bored. Everything here was suggested in a thread on Facepunch, and all the props in this pack where made in less than a day each. You can see in the images what exactly this pack contains. ...
Freeman's "Toybox" Pack
Tekijä: The One Free-Man
Here's all my old public models I made for the toybox in my first year of modelling when that was still a thing, now reuploaded from the GM13 Beta workshop. Look at the images to see what's in this pack, it's a little better than just listing them all here...
Freespace Revolution
Tekijä: Freak On A Leash
This is the Workshop version of Freespace Revolution, it's pretty old and not good looking. Head this way for a better and newer Freespace map! ...
Tekijä: PhilosPHX
it's awesome! Created by my friend ( Uploaded by me ------------------ Now, We have GM_LifeCenter 2! Created by Crispy_Bongo Thank you for this ...
GM_Uldum 2
Tekijä: TheJaxxon
Gm_uldum 2 is the sequel to gm_uldum that features, you guessed it; More sand! Other then new visuals for the sequel there is also an indoor area for the pyramid and a little secret that can be triggered, Have fun! +r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 in console is req...
GMod Tower: Player Model Pack
Tekijä: MacDGuy
**NOTE: THIS PLAYER MODEL PACK WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED.** This is a pack of all the player models that were used in GMod Tower. Yes, they are compatible with Sandbox. Most player models have coloring support unique to their original models. Credits for c...
Tekijä: SkyCaptain
A map featuring two large seemingly endless hotels that can be used for both Sandbox and Roleplay. Map is fully noded, fully cubemapped, optimized and includes the Garrysmod 13 changeable skybox. Props also vanish when they reach the bottom of the level, s...
Tekijä: Amoreloba
gm_flatgrass2012 About as simple as it gets. Its really just a beautified version of gm_flatgrass. Features : Full LDR and HDR (and cubemaps for both) Custom trees and foliage that sway in the wind A seamless and expansive 3D skybox Dead center spawn (unli...
Tekijä: Almos
Version 2.0 - A loop totally rounded (Even a crossbow ammo can slide into) - Slopes smoothed - Node Graph - Optimization - Some bugs fixed _____ A long and large road. Perfect to test cars or vehicles. Including a big loop. Inspired by the video clip 19-20...
Tekijä: Cheaple
Welcome to Madgrass! Here you will find: Flat land to build hills to drive water to sail sky to fly an underground "Hangar" to build. Note the Plate on the picture, that is the largest phx plate. Special thanks to Dr. Matt who has been a continuous source ...
Tekijä: Amoreloba
Gm_sunnyisles A paradise in the center of the ocean. Features : Full LDR and HDR (and cubemaps for both) Custom trees and foliage that sway in the wind A seamless and expansive 3D skybox Full hammer grid size Beautiful environment Soundscapes Videos of map...
Green Flower Zone Play pack
Tekijä: Suroguner
This mod/addon is not to be sold for any reason in full or in part. The first Zone from Sonic RoboBlast 2 ported to Gmod. The Act 1 Map has been updated to one version only. this version includes a control room to turn the music on and off, and a broken sw...
Tekijä: BonacimBR
Credits to NECROSSIN for making it. I just uploaded. REQUIRES CS:S...
Halo Reach Spartan
Tekijä: Mike WiLL Mad-It
This is model of Spartan from Halo Reach . This is Ragdoll.Uploaded by Trollmaster HUN. I just reuploaded it to workshop...
Merkitty yhteensopimattomaksi ]  Halo Reach Weapons Pack 1
Tekijä: JakeGreen
This is Halo Reach Weapons Pack 1, the models in here are Ma37,Dmr,SRS99,M45 shotgun,M41 rocket laucnher and M6g pistol They are all bodygrouped and have bodygroups on the number plates on the DMR and MA37, alot of work went into these models so please giv...
Hell's Resort
Tekijä: Emnu
Horror map inside a resort. Truly a terrifying experience....
HomeTown 1999
Tekijä: Yaricsoon
Ported to Gmod 13 Original by F.Kalkman I noticed that there were many questions on how to get to the "Office Mayor's". We type "sv_cheats 1", then "god", moved into the Mayor's Office, we're there! Homicidaltoast: "To get into the mayors office the real w...
Tekijä: Rubat
Hoverboards is a reboot of 2008's quite popular mod for Garry's Mod. It was originally created by Foszor and Jinto. This pack also includes some props for your enjoyment. Usage Information READ! It is a TOOL 'Hoverboards' under 'Robotboy655' category. Pres...
Tekijä: chowdah908
set NPCs a Blaze with this classic addon :P...
Insurgency Weapons Expansion Pack
Tekijä: Simi
************Mirror************ Gamebanana - Not Updated ************Controls************ To Switch weapons, you must first holster the weapon, then you are able to switch to another weapon. To use weapons, you must spawn the corresponding ammo for the sele...
Insurgency Weapons For Gmod 13
Tekijä: Simi
************Mirrors************ Gamebanana - NOT Updated ************Controls************ To Switch weapons, you must first holster the weapon, then you are able to switch to another weapon. To use weapons, you must spawn the corresponding ammo for the sel...
Merkitty yhteensopimattomaksi ]  Iron Man Weapon
Tekijä: chowdah908
(Original creator was Kliker i just edit it for GMOD13) His steam profile Left click: punching Right click: flys up then back down Space: floating/flying Reloading: changes the right click Enjoy :D ...
K-ON Ragdolls
Tekijä: Vintage Sniper
IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM AS PLAYERMODELS USE MODEL MANIPULATOR: Note: This is only Azusa and Tsumugi, no Yui, Ritsu or Mio, It's gonna be a bit difficult for me to try and port them into gmod w...
Kingdom Hearts Pack
Tekijä: Ruxik D. Niemand
Read ME!: .i didnt make any of this, and if i did there would be alot more stuff. so i cant fix whats broken like the oathkeeper missing textures, or make more of it OR PLAYERMODELS all zee stuff goes to the original creators. who i have no idea they are. ...
Knight Playermodel
Tekijä: Sunabouzu
PUH-RAISE THE SUN! This isn't a direct rip from Dark Souls, I made it from scratch and based it off of the Elite Knight Set....
Laser Nonce SWEP
Tekijä: Matsilagi
Remember the old Laser Nonce swep for Gmod9? Its back now for gmod 13! It features all the features from the old one, including healing, long jumps, viewbobbing and sound....
Lavender Town
Tekijä: =MoonShard=
Come little children come with me.. i want to show you easter egg of these, please follow me up for this town with me, sometihng scary there may be, so deadly and paranoid for thee...
LeErOyS Bullet Time
Tekijä: Esper
Do you wish you could avoid all of those pesky bullets? If so, this is the perfect addon for you! This mod allows you to slow down time and see (and hopefully avoid) bullets, rockets, or even flying tomatoes! With all of the options provided for you in the...
Extended Spawnmenu
Tekijä: Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
Long Sword SWEP
Tekijä: TheGammaGhost
Weapon Model and Texture By TheGammaGhost LUA Script By VorteX Animations, Arms model and texture, and Sounds by Valve...
Lua Rollercoasters
Tekijä: Foohy
This is a fully lua-controlled rollercoaster addon. You create individual nodes, and a track (with the catmull-rom spline algorithm) is generated between them. Facepunch thread: The map in the video is gm_s...
Lucky Star Model pack
Tekijä: Ankie
ALL CREDITS TO 1337gamer15...
M9K Assault Rifles
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Heavy Weapons
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Small Arms pack
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
MG74 Spinigun
Tekijä: Heavy-D
A shoulder-fired, magazine fed gatling-type machine gun from the 9th dimension, the ultimate "bullet hose" weapon. Default fire rate is quite slow, but it keeps firing faster the longer the trigger is held, quickly surpassing 500 rounds per second. It is b...
MGS Model Pack
Tekijä: MauroC
ABOUT UPDATES: Since I stopped working on this, I don't know if there will still be updates. There are only minor characters left anyway. MODELS IN CURRENT VERSION: 007 Snake Snake (Sneaking Suit) Snake (Scuba) Snake (Shirtless) SOCOM Pistol Otacon Liquid ...
MVC3 Spiderman (and skins)
Tekijä: Kaijin Kylar
Spiderman from that game with many skins I can't fix the hand thing i'm sorry Credits Stan "the man" Lee - Create Char Steve Ditko- Drawn it on paper Capcom Team- Model and original textures Splinks from - Port and Rig it Rastafian- Making l4d ...
Madoka Magica Pack
Tekijä: Gmodfan3
All credit go`s to 1337gamer15 I cant make models i just uploaded this to workshop So if there are any bugs or new models you want for this addon Then dont ask me...
Mario Fireball Swep
Tekijä: Buu342
Left click to light things on fire. made this in like 30 minutes ^^...
Mark V[B] Spartan Playermodel
Tekijä: 017
Colorchangeable Halo Reach Spartan Playermodel. Note: This workshop item is no longer maintained. Don't ask me to fix/change anything, I don't work on Garry's Mod content anymore. I make no claim over these models besides that I did the work to rig them to...
Mass Effect Dragon Knights
Tekijä: Eschaton Monk
The special pre-order Dragon Knight Armor for Mass Effect 2, Male and female models included. Not made by me, Merely uploaded....
Megaman Zero Pack NPCs + Playermodel
Tekijä: Espio.
Just updated to add new HD reworked textures I dont take credit for the model, just for the minor updates/fixes. Contains: -Playermodel (colorable) -Npc's -Ragdolls New textures by Nibroc.Rock Note: The Mega man zero Z-saber is on this pack ...
Melee Weapon Pack (15 Weapons)
Tekijä: idk
--I did not make this Addon, I'm only supporting the community by adding it..-- *Original Author: Madbagel ...
Unofficial Minecraft Model Pack
Tekijä: Dj Lukis.LT
An unofficial Minecraft model pack for Garry's Mod! NEWS: 2020/03/11: Uploaded the conversion script mentioned below to 2017/05/26: Yup, this is pretty much dead, no motivation for this and nobody want's...
Minecraft Playermodel
Tekijä: Sam
This is the minecraft player model rigged to Valve's HL2 skeleton. Hold C and click on the player model icon to use. The size of the player model is a limitation of not creating custom animations, which I am not willing to do myself. Thanks to MacDGuy for ...
Monster Hunter Tri Bosses
Tekijä: Corvidius
Bosses from Monster Hunter Tri. Nexus_Elite did the rathalos, Dragoshi1 extracted the models from the game....
More Materials!
Tekijä: Dr. Spicket
This simple little addon adds many stock materials to be selected on your material STool list. All materials come from either HL2 or Garry's Mod. CSS materials are also added, but only if CSS is mounted. You do not need CSS for this mod to work. This works...
NPC Spawn Platforms v3
Tekijä: Lexi
A highly customisable STool that allows the wielder to create a SEnt that will continuously spawn the specified NPC with the specified weapons until stopped, allowing them to stage huge NPC battles, either against themselves, or against rival NPC factions....
Nature Staff
Tekijä: Spirit
The 'Nature Staff'. Left click to create a crystal wall. Right click to shake the earth around you. Reload + Left Click to launch a crystal rocket. Model by ProgSys...
Neo Heavy Combine
Tekijä: Kofus
Friendely and Hostile Neo Heavy NPC....
Ness' Homerun Bat
Tekijä: Plastered Crab
**Please rate it if you like it, and please comment if you don't like it and why so I may improve it :)** A SWEP of Ness' Homerun Bat (from Super Smash Bros. Brawl) I made for Garry's Mod. This is my very first SWEP and put a lot of time into it, so I want...
Night Of A Million Zombies
Tekijä: Joku760
Zombie survival map made by Mister Dan and uploaded here with his permission. I am just a reuploader so don't thank me :D Kill as many Zombies as possible. There are several check points in the game for how many zombies you have killed. This map was made i...
No Collide Everything
Tekijä: ...YEAR OF AOKO?
Make an object have no collisions with everything including or except the world. This tool can also disable self-collision on ragdolls and other objects with multiple collision meshes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Tekijä: Chloe
The Nomad is a basic recharging energy weapon....
Tekijä: chowdah908
(Was not created by me) original author cheesylard original download page: Fixed for GMOD13 CS:S is required or you will get pink/black textures Enjoy...
Order Turret Angel
Tekijä: Spirit
The 'Order Turret Angel' from League of Legends. HP: 2550 AttackDamage: 35 (+6 each attack) AttackSpeed: 2.7 (+0.2 each attack) Original stats adjusted so it fits with the 100 HP proportion. Calculated with Akali's HP at lv. 1 (425 HP) Base model by Riot G...
PAYDAY The Heist models
Tekijä: Lillwasa
Chains, Dallas, Hoxton and Wolf from PAYDAY The Heist. Ragdolls only with a few skingroups....
PROTOTYPE: Alex Mercer Models (Re-Upload)
Tekijä: Flying Dutchcrab
This is a reupload of a model pack made back in Gmod 12 by Ace00731 (this is his facepunch username). This model pack contains ragdolls of Alex Mercer, the main character/protagonist in the game Prototype. Because I am not the original author, here is the ...
Penelo ragdoll (Final Fantasy XII)
Tekijä: Opti
Penelo from Final Fantasy XII. This is a port from old gmod. All credits go to the original uploader mariokart64n....
Tekijä: [PH] Zyx
An old but simple phys map. Press the button to collapse the bridge. Press it again to repsawn it....
Tekijä: Kunole
Finally, it's upgraded and fixed. So i changed alot under the city, now you have tunnels and little ways to reach your target on different ways. -Create a Nav mesh for nextbot support. -Solved the crashing issue at mapspawn. -Player spawn now on different ...
Phys_town v1
Tekijä: Kunole
Hello community, today I want to show you another of my projects. It's the map "Phys_Town". In this map you can find physical buildings, skyscrapers (freezed, non physical), catastrophes and a lot of space to fly around with your house and construct. This ...
Physical Bullets
Tekijä: Hauptzentrale
enable under Options tab > Physical bullets > Settings This Addon enables physical bullets for MOST SWEPS (not the hl2 weapons! See FAQ for details) The bullets are affected by gravity and travel faster/slower depending on the force of the weapon. They can...
Tekijä: uacnix
As the name says- place and launch her. In this case it should be "them" not "her", but who cares? The first, earlier upload was made public because of my lovely steam that gave me an internet error when changing visibility, so i thought it was private. Pr...
Portable Rocket Launcher
Tekijä: Froget
Portable Rocket Launcher- It can be draged with a car or as a stationary rocket launcher simply freeze spawn a Explosive barrel add a thruster and place it in the rocket launcher then Launch! No Addons Required...
Portal gun
Tekijä: Astatine
Original Portal Gun mod (That unfortunatly broke, but I'm repairing it!) In progress of writing Troubleshooting If you do find yourself using this SWEP in multiplayer, I'd advise you type 'sv_kickerrornum 0' into the console, so your friends cannot get kic...
Quake II modelpack
Tekijä: Lizzaroro
Finally, someone has ported the Quake II models for Garry's mod! You can even use the bodygroup tool to change the skins of the ragdolls from normal to injured. Each one of these models were ported, rigged and compiled by me. So far this pack includes: 22 ...
Quote, from Cave Story
Tekijä: Deity Link
This was my first ragdoll ever. So yep, this is Quote (spoiler!), the main protagonist of the best japanese indie game of all time aka "Cave Story". The game is free on the dev's site, so go try it!...
RCS:Scientist Launcher
Tekijä: Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff I ported weapon from Rocket Crowbar Source. New version have been released! Link...
Tekijä: Matt
RP_Jorpakko Jorpakko, a fictional Finnsh City, is a large-scale RP map designed to combine both fun and realistic experiences to Garry's Mod. Features: Plenty of Apartments (Shower / Saunas and Nice Views Included) Coffee Shop Restaurant Metro / Train Stat...
Rag Morph
Tekijä: Sakarias
If you want to contribute to the code you can do so here: If you want to report an issue please do it in github here: How does it work? A ragdoll will be pasted on the player. ...
Ragdoll Eye Tracker
Tekijä: big hog
Make ragdolls' eyes track you or props. Spooky....
Ragdoll Mover
Tekijä: Winded
What is it? Ragdoll Mover is a tool that allows you to move ragdolls in a similar way to 3D programs. This also includes IK chains. Why should I use it? If you are fine with physgun, then maybe you don't need to use this. But here's a few key features of w...
Rampage Trio
Tekijä: Corvidius
George, Lizzie, and Ralph from Rampage: Total Destruction Wii. Features: - Four sizes (1x regular, 2x big, 5x bigger, 9x giant)...
RealCS Weapons
Tekijä: maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va1i ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== Fixed for GM13, by me. Not originally my work, made by cheesylard. REQUIRES: -...
Tekijä: Comrade Stinger
ttt_mc_skyIslands is a medium/large Gmod Trouble in Terrorist town map. The goal of the map from the very start was to make it look as similar to minecraft as possible. We have seen several Garry's mod maps attempting to copy the style of miencraft but mos...
Tekijä: sardonicWarrior
A recent update in Garry's Mod broke the trigger from teleporting players to outside the starting room, I suggest reporting it to the Garry's Mod issue tracker. In the meantime you can use TTT2 where it still works. Original TF2 version made by MrJBeetle, ...
Tekijä: Inside
Tekijä: LOL DUDE
Large, post-apocalyptic-themed roleplay map. DISCLAIMER! I didn't make this. All credit goes to Hazard24 and the people who helped them. This add-on will be removed if Hazard24 decides to upload it themself. WARNING! The files that the map uses for its sou...
phys_temple (Destructable!)
I did not make this, credit goes to Nyko18 He's very lovely and cool. My YouTube! Can we get to 10000 20000 total ratings? Check out my other popular maps: If you're having crashing problems try...
Tekijä: Laurella
##THIS MAP REQUIRES EP1## ##THIS MAP REQUIRES EP2## Made by myself, reuploading from! Facepunch thread This map uses lots of npcs which can be laggy on some computers. I would recommend hosting it on a dedicated server and not a listen server...
Tekijä: LegendaryPeelz
A map heavily inspired by John Carpenter's 1982 classic "The Thing". Originally made for the Morbus gamemode, but it's also great for Sandbox. The map will be found under the "Other" category. Enjoy, and don't forget to take blood tests! Credits splitstick...
Tekijä: TFfan92
This map was made using heightmaps provided by NASA and it's textured also using textures from NASA. This map is the maximum size that Source can handle, The displacements are the highest quality source will do without crashing. I take no credit for making...
Tekijä: Flowx
gm_warmap_v5 This map was designed for open terrain vehicle combat, prefably ACF and / or WAC. Features: -fullmap displacement (largest possible map size) -3D Skybox -HDR -fog ( a tiny bit ... ) -a small airport with a runway -2 bases (Red and Blue for tea...
Tekijä: Laurella
This map requires Episode 1, Episode 2 and Counter-Strike:Source!! Made by myself, reuploading from! Facepunch thread Theres a few bugs that I'll iron out for v1-1, like physgunning certain trunks or crystals! Hey guys, glad you like the map!...
Tekijä: Blinxis
An underground test lab abandoned during the war. Many workers managed to make it out...except you. Unlock the secrets of the lab and test your will to continue through the vast halls of uncertainty. Many who died from the radiation linger the halls of the...
Tekijä: Tinker
This is a racing map for Garry's mod. You can race with your friends or do something else. The map is created for the ones who love night. This version is fixed and adapted for GMOD 13....
Tekijä: Soma
A cool map for capture the point and holding it with several fun things. Will be updated each time I did a great thing. Feel free to tell me what you want to see in this map :) I got a problem with the music that aren't played by other people than me. I pu...
gm_mountain_defence_hl2 v1.1
Tekijä: Kori
**UPDATED TO 1.1!** An npc defence map for Garrysmod or hl2. Like most survival maps, the goal is to defend the base and stay alive. This version has NO REQUIRMENTS. However, keep in mind that the hl2 textures don't look nearly as good as the ep2 textures....
Tekijä: Kori
A complete remake of an (very) old map I created. The map is fully nodded, allowing both ground and air npcs (including striders!) to jump from ledges, know where to take cover, and follow you across the map. **Hl2 Ep2 is REQUIRED to be mounted to see most...
Tekijä: Kori
Select your gamemode and fight off tons of different enemies including combine, zombies, antlions, apcs, striders and more! A tutorial is given upon choosing a gamemode. If you want to skip it, open the console, enable cheats, then type "host_timescale 10"...
Tekijä: PhilosPHX
factor: - 3rd Floor Apartment - homes - Subway station - diners...
Tekijä: Grocel
A map with a long train rail system, NPC nodes for ground, striders and birds, HDR lighting and with a wire interface to control the rail switches and the color room. This workshop file contains a NAV file too. There is no train in the map and I will NOT a...
Tekijä: Bigwig
A big open desert. Fully noded for AI...
Huge Revamp of the map! Newer, lovelier textures Fixed broken textures Added water pool 3D skybox Tower is better This map is nextbot ready and has a nevmesh. Unfortunately nodes are not possible with this map (for the actual maze part). Report any problem...
Tekijä: Bigwig
A big open city map. Fully noded for AI...
The Bedroom map from Blockland. If you like this map, please vote for Blockland on Greenlight!
Tekijä: Bigwig
A post-nuclear gmod map. Fully noded for AI If you are seeing checkered shadows on the ground it's because you don't have Episode 2 installed. ...
Tekijä: Laurella
Made by myself, reuploading from! Facepunch thread Revision 2: Added icon! Requirements update: Episode 2 (rock textures) and Team Fortress 2! This is mainly for personal use, but I figured I could give it to you guys too. This map includes: ...
Tekijä: SaLaMi
After creating gm_parasite i wanted to create a new horror map, so i present to you my newest horror map : gm_abandoned_metro PLAYSTYLE This map is supposed to be played on your own, but your friends can tag along. Also turn up your volume, make your room ...
►► ◄◄ gm_Lair features a tropical island and a Supervillains-like lair inside (you may have guessed it) a VOLCANO, cause honestly- what's cooler than a lair inside a volcano? Trailer made by Melting Terminal: ...
►► ◄◄ Features: 4 different Islands All Buildings detailed & enterable Big watersurface & airspace AI- Noding optimal NPC-Pathfinding HDR- compiled Several Eastereggs (...inducing zombie traumata. Well, you'll see...)...
►► ◄◄ Features: More islands than in Part 1 Bigger islands More enterable buildings A Skybox that hits the Hammer-limits An circling airship, docking some islands Only requires Halflife2-content...
►► ◄◄ Features: Open, varied areal: cliffs, roads, beach, water & houses Lots of enterable buildings great watersurface high skybox lots of ai-nodes RP – usable 3D – Skybox Halflife²- content required ...
Tekijä: TFfan92
This is my favorite deathmatch map from Garrysmod 12. Be careful. The cars WILL run you over. If you want you can press a button that's in the skybox that stops the cars. Have fun. You may need HL2 Deathmatch....
Tekijä: SBDT
This is not made by me, but by Robert Briscoe. A scenic dense forest map perfect for all your woodland needs. This map requires Counter Strike Source, but nothing else. I would like to make this perfectly clear, THERE IS NO SLENDERMAN ON THIS MAP. If your ...
Tekijä: Twist
An arena with 6 game types with an outside build area. Prop spawning is disallowed in the arena and teleporter room. Admin room and settings are below the spawn room. Map contains music from 'Newgrounds Audio Portal', I do not own the music. It would be a ...
animal pack v1
Tekijä: PhilosPHX
Model created by others. Not me! I can't create. Sorry, If there is a problem. create by ...
Zombie Survival
Tekijä: an energy vortex
About Zombie Survival is a massive gamemode where humans are pit against a zombie horde. Once a human dies, they become a zombie. The game ends when all the humans are (un)dead or the humans survive a certain amount of time or complete objectives. It was o...
Zelda TP Model Pack
Tekijä: idk
--I did not make this addon, I'm supporting the community by adding it.-- *Original Author: FluxMage* Notice: Some of the ragdolls in this pack, tend to get glitchy, one in particular, the TetMite....
Working Combine-Mech
Tekijä: Cole
This will allow you to spawn a fully working Combine-Mech from your entities menu. CONTROLS: WASD - Movement SPACE - Use your Jet system 1 - 7 - Switch Weapons Left click - Fire Weapons Right click - Toggle First or 3rd Person F (or whatever key you have b...
Wolverin Claws Swep
Tekijä: chowdah908
(was not created by me) Fixed up a couple of lua erros and the createafont error Enjoy...
Wakizashi Sword SWEP
Tekijä: TheGammaGhost
Weapon Model and Texture By TheGammaGhost Arms Model, Animations, and sounds by VALVE...
WW2 Soviet NPCs
Tekijä: SyntaxError752 Description: Part of a NPC pack Contains: Commisar Conscript Strelky Marine Medic Sniper Frequently Asked Questions and Issues: How does one download this? Click on the green "Subscribe" bu...
WW2 Commonwealth NPCs
Tekijä: SyntaxError752 Description: Part of a NPC pack Contains: Medic MP MP(Beret) Paratrooper Private Private(Beret) Frequently Asked Questions and Issues: How does one download this? Click on the green "Subscr...
Vortigaunt Beam Swep
Tekijä: Nightmare Ω
Uploaded from gmod 10 is this really old swep that I'm surprised hasn't had it's lua broken yet. I think it was originally made by Jvs Video coutesy of The Glavie Known bugs: -Fire sounds sometimes mute if you don't have Episode 2 -Doesn't work in multipla...
Tekijä: Bite That Apple
This gamemode is OFFICIALLY outdated. Please use this version here -> - - - This gamemode is from a skelton gamemode, and was a very basic Team Deathmatch. Now it's quite complex, and more int...
UT3 Custom Robot Models
Tekijä: Eschaton Monk
Made by Zairaam, Uploaded by me. You need: STAND TOOL BODYGROUP TOOL RAGDOLL MOVER - -- Unreal Tournament III -- ---------------------------------------------------- Release: Zairaam's Custom Liandri Bots To Install: Drop the "Unreal Tournament" folder int...
Turret Tool
Tekijä: nrlulz
Throws bullets at things...
Merkitty yhteensopimattomaksi ]  Trolling Gun
Tekijä: Nihil
For those who whant to piss off their mate! Press Left to start singing. Press Right to mute. Press R to stop. Made this shit for my stepson. So don't get disappointed. Trollpride Worldwide!...
Tekijä: MacDGuy
Jump around all crazy like! The original Toybox trampoline entity, now for GMod 13. Made by MacDGuy and Voided. From GMod Tower,
Merkitty yhteensopimattomaksi ]  TigerKriid's CSS Weapons
Tekijä: TigerKriid
30.10.12 -Working Weaponstore -Fixed Galil Sprintpos -Fixes on Ironsights -Working Weaponstore -Renamed all Weapons to their CSS names -Fixed Weaponicons -Fixed Weapon Slot poses -Added Money (for Weaponstore) -Typing ammo into the console removes your amm...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Tekijä: Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
Tekijä: Citizen_001
REQUIRES CS:S TO BE INSTALLED TO WORK PROPERLY. PLAYER MODELS HAVE BEEN FIXED AND ARE NOW VISIBLE AGAIN. A map for the gamemode Trouble in Terrorist town that takes place in an abandoned flooded section of a coastal city. This map is very good for sniping....
Tekijä: Citizen_001
REQUIRES CS:S TO BE INSTALLED TO WORK PROPERLY. PLAYER MODELS HAVE BEEN FIXED AND ARE NO LONGER INVISIBLE. Also minor soundscape issues have been fixed. A cliche "Lost Egyptian Temple" map made specifically for the Trouble In Terrorist Town gamemode. It fe...
Tekijä: Citizen_001
REQUIRES CS:S TO BE INSTALLED TO WORK PROPERLY. IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU READ THE MAP GUIDE BELOW. PLAYER MODELS NOW WORK PROPERLY AND ARE VISIBLE. (I will change back to the custom model once Gm13 fixes that issue) Custom sounds and music used from: Tomb Rai...
Sword Swep Pack
Tekijä: chowdah908
These wern't made by me there some old add-ons i had laying around from gmod12 enjoy these :D ...
Super Meat Boy
Tekijä: Apoc Hedgie
Type of addon: Ragdolls and props Links for Source Filmmaker versions (Extract to your Steam's SteamApps/common/SourceFilmmaker/game/usermod/ folder) Super Meat Boy ragdolls pack, custom-made and stuff. Except for Dr. Fetus, he's official. Source: My mind,...
Strider Warp cannon
Tekijä: uacnix
Ported from older versions, this SWEP gives you the ability to shoot like strider, both from pulse and the giant penis-like cannon! Primary: Pulse gun Secondary: Warp cannon I assume you have the Arial font on your pc, otherwise there might be problems wit...
[Classic] Steventechno's Furniture Pack Classic!
Tekijä: Steventechno
This is the old Furniture Pack. This version still exists for Historical reasons, while old, can still mesh just fine with the current packs just fine! This version is still worth downloading as it has a different style from the current pack! --Community P...
Starcraft Materials Pack
Tekijä: Grocel
This adds textures from the classic real-time strategy game Starcraft 1 to the material tool. If you can't use this addon, make sure the server has installed it too. That's a restriction of GMod....
Star Wars Stormtroopers
Tekijä: Captain Charles
Name: Stormtrooper Ragdolls Version: 1 Description: Stormtrooper Ragdolls & Playermodels for Garry's mod. Contents: Stormtrooper Stormtrooper Playermodel Stormtrooper Colorable! Stormtrooper Playermodel Colorable! Shadowtrooper Shadowtrooper Playermodel Sh...
Star Wars Lightsaber
A light saber swep. Hold down jump to Force Jump. Secondary is Force Jump Attack. Primary is well, you know. Some credit goes to jA_CoP because I used his secondary attack code. Download. All things are in the pack. Gogogo....
Star Wars Clonetroopers P1
Tekijä: Captain Charles
IMPORTANT!: This is only part one of the addon, there is only one other part. Part 2 contains the remaining materials missing from Part 1. - Thank you Name: Clonetrooper Star Wars Models Version: 1 Description: Clonetrooper Star Wars Models for Garry's mod...
Star Wars Battledroids
Tekijä: Captain Charles
Name: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players Version: 1 Description: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players for Garry's mod. Contents: Battledroid Battledroid Commander Battledroid Geonosis Battledroid Pilot Battledroid Security BAW E-5 Blaster Features: Phong shaders Bum...
Star Fox Trio
Tekijä: Corvidius
Fox, Falco, Wolf, weapons, reflector, Great Fox, and arwing from Smash Brothers Brawl, bridge from Star Fox Adventure. Features: Minor face posing Eye posing Finger posing Toe posing Bodygrouped headsets, holsters, and reflectors for all 3 Bodygrouped doub...
Standing Pose Tool
Tekijä: Winded
This small tool can pose a ragdoll to it's model pose, which usually is a standing pose for ragdolls. It does not work properly with all ragdolls, but for most of them it does....
Spiderman Swep
Tekijä: Dorpz
This is the spiderman swep, a swep back from the good ol' garrysmod-org times. Thank you BRUJV for creating the original version and a big thanks to Dorpz for fixing it and re-uploading it to the workshop! Compatibilty update made by Dorpz. Plus: Added 2 n...
Speed Pads, Jump Pads and Conveyor Belts
Tekijä: Liam
You can find them under Entities, then "Speedpads + Jumppads" There are also 2 STOOLs "Speedpadify" and "Jumppadify" that turn the prop you click on into a speedpad or jumppad. If you rightclick a speedpad using context menu (C), you can change it to prese...
Sonic the Hedgehog - Hero pack
Tekijä: Apoc Hedgie
Type of addon: Ragdolls and props Links for Source Filmmaker versions (Extract to your Steam's SteamApps/common/SourceFilmmaker/game/usermod/ folder) USE THE FACEPOSER TO OPEN THE EYES. Sonic Generations models, not playermodels, not NPCS, but models, so d...
Sonic the Hedgehog - Dark pack
Tekijä: Apoc Hedgie
Type of addon: Ragdolls and props Links for Source Filmmaker versions (Extract to your Steam's SteamApps/common/SourceFilmmaker/game/usermod/ folder) USE THE FACEPOSER TO OPEN THE EYES. Sonic Generations, Unleashed and/or any other Sonic game models, not p...
Sonic Unleashed - Hero Pack - Dowload Now!
Tekijä: Pdiorio258
The Pack Includes: Sonic The Hedgehog Amy Rose Tails Miles Prower More will come!...
Smod Kick Fixed
Tekijä: Sosa
How to Kick for Dummies: Open option goto keyboard then go to advanced and make sure you have enable console ticked. Then. get in-game and press (~) It is right under the escape key. Finally, enter "bind (Whatever button you wan't) KickingComm" (No ""). No...
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
Small barn-like shack
Tekijä: InkSlunk
A tiny little hut with an upstairs. 100% Breakable...
SW Slig PM
Tekijä: SligWolf
My version of the slig from Oddworld as playermodel and npc. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Oddworld Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Consol...
SW Blue-X11
Tekijä: SligWolf
A tron styled car. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon bluex11 Control...
SW Motorbike
Tekijä: SligWolf
A motorbike with and without sidecar. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_ad...
Tekijä: Sam
Slap your friends or foe with this weapon. Features actual slapping animations seen in first and third person. You can also slap with your hand of choice using left click and right click respectively. Slap-able Objects - Players - Friendly NPCs - Non-frien...
Skyward Sword pack 0.2
Tekijä: idk
--I did not make this Addon, I'm supporting the community by adding it-- *Original author: Litronom / Till*...
Skyrim Dragon Shouts
Tekijä: j2b2
Skyrim Dragon Shouts In Garrysmod ___________________________ WATCH THE VIDEOS BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN IT DOESN'T WORK OR ASK HOW TO DO SOMETHING ___________________________ Instructions: Enable developer console by going to Options>Keyboard>Advanced>Enable De...
Skeleton Playermodel
Tekijä: Sam
Complete skeleton model and player model from Half-Life 2: Episode 2. Features hands and feet, works as a ragdoll too. Hold C and click on the player model icon to use. Also seen in Elevator: Source. NOTE: This player model was uploaded before the skeleton...
Shuriken SWEP
Tekijä: chowdah908
(was not created by me) Fixed up for gmod13...
Serah Farron Ragdoll
Tekijä: WingSilent
A ragdoll of Serah farron, from FFXIII and FFXIII-2, ported by Squiddy. Features: Faceposing! Fingerposing! Phong and Eye refraction! Poseable hair and skirt! A home-made skeleton! Meaning NO , I will not make this a playermodel, NPC, or whatever the hell ...
Scorpion And Sub-Zero
Tekijä: Lillwasa
Scorpion And Sub-Zero from MK vs DC. 2 ragdolls with bodygroups....
Scary Horror Map Pack
Tekijä: Emnu
Updated versions of the maps in this pack here: Death of the Dream 1, 2 & 3 Death of the Dream 4 Hell's Resort http://steamcommu...
Star Wars Lightsabers
Tekijä: Rubat
Tekijä: Oskutin
VIllage in mountains. CSS and Ep2 Required! VMF Here: ...
Tekijä: Oskutin
"Day" version of the Tunturi . VMF for editing here (Feel free to edit):
Tekijä: Oskutin
Highly detailed medieval village on fell. Requires l4d2? possibly some other source games too. VMF here, for editing:
Tekijä: Oskutin
Requires EP2 and CSS VMF here:
Tekijä: Oskutin
Nightversion of the mountainvillage. Requires EP2 and CSS. VMF here: ...
Tekijä: LucasGodzilla
It's a port of my Gmod 13 addon, which is a port of a map for the older gmod. Also FYI: I DIDN'T MAKE THIS MAP...
Tekijä: Shadow Knight
I just wanted to upload this favorite map of mine, because it's just beautifully made(My opinion) and i wanted to get it on the workshop. Code for the admin room is: 0195 I don't take any credit for this map, all the credit goes to F. Kalkman. Ps. You don'...
Revolver pack (Madcows)
Tekijä: cowboy
// I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THE MODELS/MATERIALS/SOUNDS \\ A pack of 4 Revolvers based on the Madcows base Yes they are sweps, and no, you dont need to have the madcows weapons for this. You dont need CSS for this. These people made the models: Colt Python...
Resident Evil - Vector (Revised)
Tekijä: Srgt. Shotup
I fixed up the Vector model from Resident Evil so it used the game's original bump and specular maps, as well as changed rigging. This is only a ragdoll, but anybody can make NPCs/Playermodels if they feel so inclined. Credits go to Nikout for the original...
gm_mountain_defence v1.2
Tekijä: Kori
**V1.2 CRASH FIX** An npc defence map for Garrysmod or ep2. Like most survival maps, the goal is to defend the base and stay alive. Ep2 is required for the textures, but not any npcs. NEW FEAUTURS IN 1.2: -Removed hunters due to crashing NEW FEAUTURS IN 1....