Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

46 évaluations
"Tut mir leid.." or just how to play MHW IN RIGHT WAY
De 不器用な男
This granted guide is MANDATORY for reading to EVERYONE whose Hunter Rank (HR) is below 50. Why this rank? Because if you had enough nuts, time and nerves to kill the Tempered Fluttershy Kirin on the 49th rank, then consider that you have known Zen, the essence of being and went beyond three dimensions and this guide will be useful to you in the same degree that a flashlight to a blind man.
As a man who played 200+ hours and has got achievement with a rarity of 0.2%, which can be obtained ONLY if you are good teamplayer, I consider it my civic duty to inform you about the most sacral knowledge of existance. Why I'm doing such a thing? Because I'm freaking tierd to watch "Tut mir leid.." every time my teammates faints because they ain't $hit how to play this AWESOME game.
Let's ride the way!
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All secrets of the world
I'll start from very oblivious advices because, as practice shows, even simple truths are often unkonown to most players.

Did you know that you can chop off the tail of most of monsters? You didn't? Well, now you know the truth! Cutting off the tail gives you additional carves. By the way, with help of cooking food with 6 greeen skills you can obtain additional attempt to carve body and tail both.

ALWAYS try to mount a monster at the start of fight. It is not so hard! Just follow the instructions in top-right corner. Succesful mounting will immobilize monster for 5-10 seconds that gives you and your teammates more time to deal more damage. It should take 5 minutes until you can try to mount a monster again.

Beware of Beetlejuice! This fat wombo-bombo boy dwells in EVERY location in game and it will always find you. Seryously, ALWAYS. But you can use it for your benefit. Just hide anywhere and watch «Little Boy» blowing to the hell your investigation target.

Life, the Universe and Everything
Okay, you maybe think that was too easy? But now there will be a real man's talk.

New World is quite dangerous place to live in and you main goal is to survive in this cruel world. So..

Seriously. This is the most important truth that not everyone knows. During the game you have to hunt most of monsters 3-5 times or even more to make better armor and weapont. That's enough to learn their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ animations and moveset. For example if you see that Teostra freezes in the air and starts to sparkle so RUN F**KING AWAY FAR AS POSSIBLE. If you understand that you do not have time to run away take off your weapon and try to perform "Superman Leap" or "Leap of Faith". It has very big evasion window (about 2 sec) and it's enough to prevent Teostra's blast or Nergigante's dive bomb. Or you can try to knock him down with flash pods.
Simple as orange. Well timed evasion is the key to victory.

armor that have maximum resistance appropriate monster's attack element. For example: before hunting Kirin try to craft Tobi Kadachi's armor or any other that have maximum Thunder resistance. High Thunder resistance lessen damage dealt by lightnings and can prevent paralysis. And ALWAYS upgrade your armor set to maximum Defence.

that sweet precious STUN CHARM. For me stuns is the most annoying thing in game(after Beetlejuice of course), I have fainted many many times before I realized how the hell is important Stun Charm. So don't make my mistakes.

take a chief's meal before the fight.

heal yourself when your hp less than 60%. Try to maintain your hp bar high as possible because a huge amount of monster attacks, especially Elder Dragons' can just oneshot you. And don't forget to use your mantles and boosters.

carry flash pods. Seriously. You have 24 cells in your Item Pouch, is it so hard to carry f**king flashbugs? There are a lot of annoying flying bastards in game. Some of them likes to fly more than others. I mean Kushala Daora. He's really likes to fly. So if you going to hunt that black metal b*tch BE SURE you have 10 flashbugs and 3 flash pods in Item Pouch. This brings me to the next advise.

NOTICE: tempered monsters and Elder Dragons has the same HP and defence value but they deal 2-3 times more damage. Also, tempered Elder Dragons cant be blinded by flash pods more than 4 times during all the mission.

Your inventory shoul ALWAYS contain following items: potion, mega potion, 10 honey and herb to craft MORE potions if its runs out, ancient potion and max potion in case you fainted once and your HP fallen down to 100 instead of maximum, antidote, nulberry, cool drink (but you can take in at the beginign of every mission in Elder's Recess), flash bugs and flash pods, tranq bomb and traps (optional) and of course F**KING BARREL BOMBS. Seriously, ALWAYS carry ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ barrel bombs, desirable both of them, especially you hunt Elder Dragons. Every Elder Dragon going to sleep when it's exhausted. So it is great chance to blow it to kingdom come. Every Mega Barrel Bomb placed near monster's "face" deals 180(360 accidently) damage. Just imagine how many damage may be dealt by 8 Mega Barrel Bombs! It's enough to oneshot almost every elder dragons. But I have NEVER seen that every 4 players had bombs. Never in f**king 200+ hours.

This guide is my farewell gift to all hunters. I'm on 85th HR now and when I get 100th HR I wil leave this game forever. And I want the time that I spent on this game did not pass in vain. I hope my advices will help anyone.
Farewell, hunters. May the Sapphire Star light your path.

6 commentaires
Edmund 5 févr. 2020 à 23h30 
cool post but don't want to read it, so im going back in.
vivalaginger 25 nov. 2019 à 16h34 
did you make it to 100 yet?
Nemo 9 sept. 2018 à 22h57 
I've seen a hunter with 999 rank =)
AquaRegia 7 sept. 2018 à 20h41 
@Ysmir.- they don't have life :joy:
Fluffington 7 sept. 2018 à 10h26 
When you are effective you can finish investiagations with 3 tempered monster very quickly even faster with a good and coordinated team of 4 players. tempered monsters give a lot of hr points so the ability to farm them quick combined with a lot of time = high hr fast
Pinguin 7 sept. 2018 à 9h22 
i've seen few hunters rank.150, how the fuck get there so fast?!?