No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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backup Save-Game with key-combo from in-game
Av Trance
I hope you'll find this useful and it will once safe your live! =)
Have fun out there!

This creates backups of your save-games in a folder you choose, sorted in folders named by time and date, by using a key-combination you choose and runs from in-game.
This requires a 3rd-Party tool called Autohotkey (AHK, )
Ask me, if you need help or something isn't clear to you. I tried to keep it simple but detailed enough if you haven't the experience. If you read each step carefully, there should be no problems.

1. install Autohotkey

2. create a folder where you want your save-games copied to
in this example we use "C:\Users\YOURNAME\Desktop\NMS-Save-BU"
(YOURNAME is your username, replace it pls)

3. in that folder: create 2 textfiles
name them "NMS-Save-BU.cmd" and "NMS-Save-BU.ahk"
(if your file-extensions are hidden, un-hide them from windows explorer settings)

4. on each file do right-click -> create link here
then rename the two links to the exact same names (with .cmd/.txt) of the textfiles
(this is to remove the text if windows created it behind the original names like " - Link")

5. create another textfile in the folder named "exclude-cache.txt"
edit this file and type the 5 letter word "cache" in it, then save the file

6. move the link NMS-Save-BU.ahk(.lnk) (.lnk is hidden, look at the icons, move the link, not the original file) to your desktop or where you like it
do a right-click on the other link NMS-Save-BU.cmd(.lnk), choose properties and then choose "minimized" at 'execute' where "normal window" is default, click OK

7. edit the textfile NMS-Save-BU.cmd and copy this to it:
set folder="%date%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%" mkdir %folder% xcopy "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\*" %folder%\ /E /EXCLUDE:exclude-cache.txt
check if the path in the last line is correct, if it is pointing to where your save-game-folder is (drive letter?), if your username is correct/replaced
save the file

8. edit the textfile NMS-Save-BU.ahk and copy this to it:
#UseHook On SetTitleMatchMode, 3 #IfWinActive, No Man's Sky { ^!+y:: Run "C:\Users\YOURNAME\Desktop\NMS-Save-BU\saveBU-M.cmd.lnk" return }
make sure the path in the line with "Run ..." is correct, you created this folder in step 2

the line ^!+y:: looks cryptic, you define you key-combo here, I'll explain: (some examples follow)
start with the modifier key
type a ! for Alt-key
type a ^ for Ctrl-key
type a + for Shift-key
then type the letter or number you want
type :: behind it

for CTRL+SHIFT+9 use

for ALT+P use

for SHIFT+CTRL+A use

(always use lower-case letters in the definitions!!)

make sure your key-combo does not interfere with keys you use in-game!

save the file

9. almost done:
double click the link you moved to your desktop in step 6
(if you launch the game as admin you have to run the link as admin too)
the key combo is enabled now
an icon in the tray shows AHK is running (a white H on a green square)
right click this iconand chose exit if you want to disable it

10. have fun!