Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

51 ratings
Special Spawning Guide: Antlion Worker, Antlion Guardian, Combine Elite, Rebel, and more!
By Aria Gray
This is the guide you need to spawn 'em all. I Recently discovered these, and I am glad to announce them for others to use and make. I found these after 3 days of googling non-stop. This is here so you can do this WITHOUT the pain in the ass methodology of googling.

One thing to note:INCLUDE THE QUOTES. If the quotes aren't there, then these commands WON'T WORK. And even one change can break them.
Special NPC Spawning Commands
Now first and foremost, here are the commands as availible.

The Combine Elite:
"ent_create npc_combine_s model models/combine_super_soldier.mdl additionalequipment weapon_ar2"

Now, There's 1 thing you canc hange freely. The weapon of choice. For instance, instead of Weapon_Ar2, you could add Weapon_Shotgun or Weapon_SMG1.

But those are unfortunately the only availible change in this regard, no other weapons work. And NPC_Create_Equipment DOES NOT affect this command, so you must manually change it if you desire. However he will always drop the AR2 Ball, and have the high elite health.

The Rebel:
"ent_create npc_citizen citizentype 3 spawnflags 262660 additionalequipment weapon_smg1"

Now this one is more customizable. You can change Weapon_Smg1 to Weapon_Shotgun, Weapon_Ar2, Weapon_Pistol(Not entirely sure about this one), and Weapon_RPG. BUT You can also make them medics before or after spawning.

To do so post-spawning, move your crosshair over them and type ent_Fire !Picker setmedicon.
To do so In-Spawning, change the spawnflags to 393732. However, the above works on civilians who aren't rebels, but their skin remains the same.

The Antlion Worker:
"ent_create npc_antlion spawnflags 262144"

This one has no changes possible. And from testing it may be a bit buggy but it still functions.

The Antlion Guardian:
"ent_Create npc_antlionguard InCavern 1 CavernBreed 1"

Now this one is the one I had to figure out myself. This one cannot "Bark" or Charge when it is fully active, but there is an odd trade-off you can perform.

If you want the guardian to charge, you must remove "InCavern 1" from the command. This will remove its charge-lke runspeed and poison, but grant it charging and the ability to be allowed to bark.

If you want it to have poison and high speed, remain the command as is.

Now what is "Barking"? Barking is a thing where they stick their ramming head/nose/whateverthe♥♥♥♥thatis out and vibrate it, then antlions come out of the ground to support it. This can apply to both guard and guardian(Without InCavern)
Normal Commands and what they do.
Now there are many commands in the console, but only a few are nessecary to learn if you want to cheat "Normally" and not like a map developer.

Ent_Create is a command that can accept arguements and conditions, it is the only way to spawn special NPCs like those listed above.

What are "Arguements"? They're anything you do WHILE spawning the NPC, to the NPC. For instance, changing its model, Spawnflags, Booleans, etc.

Npc_Create is a command that is... "basic". You use it in conjunction with NPC_Create_Equipment. This command is useful for spawning npcs without specifying the weapon more than once, and only spawns the normal varient of any NPC. It however cannot spawn grubs(AFAIK).

Prop_Physics_Create is the most advanced command here. In order to USE IT, you MUST know the pathway of the prop's name.

An example is prop_physics_create props_junk/gnome.mdl

Ent_Fire is a command that adds flags, booleans, and other things. Ent_Create can performt hese actions MID-Spawning, but not post. Ent_Fire does that for you. In order to use it, you have to either use a named entity(via Ent_Setname from below), or !picker in specification.

For Example:
Ent_fire !picker ignite
Will ignite whatever your cursor is hovering on.
Or Ent_Fire Alyx Ignite will set ALYX ON FIRE!

Ent_Setname is another command that isnt "Nessecary" but can be fun.
IT sets the name of entities. However, entities of a certain type are only able to act in the ways they can.

How it works is this. The Alyx YOU journey with in HL2EP1 and HL2EP2 is named "Alyx". But say you want to ♥♥♥♥ around. You can spawn a random rebel, Combine Soldier, and/or any NPC and do ent_Setname Alyx. Doing so and deleting original alyx will make them act like alyx in cutscenes and events.

Or the Gnome from "Little Rocket Man"? You can spawn in a Prop_Physics via the command above this one and name it "Gnome". Putting it in the rocket will count for the acheivement, but please do it legit. It's a worthwhile journey.
There isn't much to go here but...

To spawn vehiclews you can type these commands.

Impulse 82

Impulse 83


(Airboat + Gun)
ent_create prop_vehicle_airboat model models/airboat.mdl vehiclescript scripts/vehicles/airboat.txt EnableGun 1
This is for any and all additions anyone can find but cannot fit the other normal categories.

Dead Combine Floor Turret:
ent_create npc_turret_floor spawnflags 256

This will spawn in a Combine Floor Turret with NO ammunition. Good for decoration/scene setting.
uncannycato 17 Apr @ 3:10am 
if you really plannin to do it with cheats everyone wont look at you same as before
uncannycato 17 Apr @ 3:09am 
if you enable sv_cheats 1 it does
《{Sandvich gaming}》 27 Dec, 2023 @ 3:54am 
I mean like does it block you from getting
Aria Gray  [author] 26 Dec, 2023 @ 3:47pm 
Don't use this to cheat achievements. The one exception is "Get some Grub", but still try and do even that legit.
《{Sandvich gaming}》 25 Dec, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
does it help me getting achievements?
WishingPlague 19 Dec, 2023 @ 11:47am 
Aria Gray  [author] 19 Dec, 2023 @ 7:21am 
Ive never played with scripting and what you've described sounds a lot like scripting, since its file-based rather than purely console commands alone. Personally you should make your own tutorial post since this is a very far step to what I was covering, but is an advancement.
WishingPlague 18 Dec, 2023 @ 8:59pm 
Also, I found might have found a way that should get the rendercolor quotes into a bind. (I haven't tested it yet, please let me know if it doesn't work.)

1. Add a config file of any name to your cfg folder within hl2. (Make sure it's within the game you playing. If episode 2 then ep2/cfg, episode 1 -> episodic/cfg or half life 2 -> hl2/cfg)
2. Change it to the command that you'd normally run within console to summon the entity.
(Example: ent_create npc_zombie rendercolor "0 255 255")
3. Save the cfg file.
4. Open your game.
5. Bind a command that makes it so it executes the cfg file every time you press it via console.
(Example: bind tab "exec summonlbzombie")
The string after "exec" needs to be the file name of your cfg file excluding the file extension.
6. Have fun!
Feel free to put this in the "Misc" section if you please.
WishingPlague 18 Dec, 2023 @ 8:59pm 
I don't think this is needed.
To clarify what I think you mean by this.
I'm pretty sure that a single command is a console command that can be put within one string of commands in console. "put together through aliasing or through use of semicolon ( ; )"
The fields I assume are the parameters of the basic root command. Such as "ent_create npc_strider" being the basic root command and the parameters of this being the extras. Ex: "targetname combine_strider01"
This can also be shown as a line in a config file.
bind pgdn "ent_fire !picker lock"
bind pgup "ent_fire !picker unlock"
bind t "ent_fire !picker ignite"
alias test02 "ent_create grenade_ar2; ent_create info_particle_system start_active 1 effect_name vortigaunt_beam cpoint1 player targetname test_01; shake" )
Aria Gray  [author] 18 Dec, 2023 @ 6:19pm 
This isnt multiple commands. This is a single command with a lot of specified fields. It is not "ent_create combine_s" "additionalequipment weapon_shotgun". These are booleans. I THINK you understand me saying this but just in case clarifying. Do you think I need to add this information to the Guide? I'm willing to if needed.