DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition

DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition

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A Simple Guide to Dark Souls!
Vytvořil: Gob
This is a simple guide originally made for a class project for Technical Writing spring semester 2013.... We have YouTube videos with commentary behind the thought process of what we are doing, along with quick bullet points underlining key points.
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Hi everybody! This guide is aimed more at the *newer* players of Dark Souls. Like previously mentioned in the description of this guide; our purpose for creating this guide was actually for a class in the spring semester of 2013.

This guide is meant just to help you beat the game for the first time, and help you get your 'bearings' for this game. It does not show you where to find every item, and every little trick you can use for this game.

With introductions Aside, on behalf of my group, thank you for taking the time to use our guide and we hope it helps!
1- FireLink shrine --> Undead Burg

• At the bonfire, turn around and head towards the well
• Proceed past the well and go up the stairs
• When you fight enemies, try to get at their back. This will provide a critical hit opportunity.
• At the top, dispatch the new enemies while taking care to avoid the firebombs being thrown at you.
• Now go up the stairs leading towards the bridge and grab the soul at the top of it.
• On your way back down on that path, take a right into the bridge.
• Now head back down the corridor past the entrance you used.
• At the corridor end, take the stairs up and dispatch the enemies there.
• Welcome to the Undead Burg.
• Head to the right of the small set of stairs, destroy the stack of 4 barrels, and continue down that way.
• Continue past the two enemies that spawn, you will kill them shortly.
• Head to the ladder and climb.
• There should be an enemy waiting for you at the top. Kill him.
• Now those two enemies you ignored earlier should arrive one at a time, kill them also.
• Now grab the soul at the end of the bridge and jump down the collapsed part of the wall.
• You are back where you destroyed the stack of four barrels.
• Continue forward into the fog wall.
• After the wall, grab the soul that is behind the stairs.
• Up the first stairs, take a right onto another set of stairs.
• Cross the bridge and take out the enemies there while avoiding the archer.
• Before dealing with the archer, if you took the master key as a start item, unlock the door under the archer platform and take the item from a body lying just past the room you enter.
• Now go up and kill the archer.
• When the archer dies, turn to the left and enter the archway
• Welcome to the Undead Burg Bonfire.
2- Undead Burg Merchant

• Exit the Bonfire and go kill the archer and his guard.
• Head down the stairs
• Once down in the square that is overlooked by the archer’s position, head left and fight the enemies wielding spears and shields.
• Now destroy the boxes on the platform and find the staircase hidden under them.
• Head down and take a right.
• Behind a couple bookshelves is an ambush get close enough to trigger it without being hit, then dispatch the enemy.

Note: If you plan to get the drake sword (recommended) DO NOT kill this merchant, you will be required to purchase a good amount of arrows from him.

Note: You can kill this merchant for a Uchigatana sword but you will miss out on a chance to purchase arrows, and repair powder.
3- Getting to the Taurus Demon (*Boss*1)

• From the Undead Burg Bonfire head outside and kill the archer and his guard.
• Sprint across the narrow bridge just past the archer’s location to avoid the firebombs thrown at you.
• Once inside the building past the bridge, there are three enemies, kill them and continue.
• Once out of that building take a right into the next one.
• One enemy is visible when entering, another is past the first, behind the doorway (without the stairs) and to the left.
• The room with stairs leading to it contains a chest which hides some Black firebombs. Collect these and leave the building.
• Once out, proceed up the stairs to the right of the building you just left.
• Kill the three opponents waiting at the top. One throws firebombs, so take caution.
• Once they are dead, take a red ladder on a small platform up and kill the soldiers that threw the bombs at you as you crossed the bridge (optional).
• Take the soul that was on the corpse with the soldiers.
• If you took the master key as a start item, open the door directly across from the ladder to retrieve some gold pine resin from a chest outside the back door.
( This will be very handy as you will see later on in this guide)
• Now go out and head right.
• After you kill the enemy holding a spear, turn around and climb the tower steps.
• Kill the archer once at the top. Resume your progress against those at the bottom of the stairs where the spear-man was located.
• Try baiting enemies to come at you one at a time to make this engagement slightly easier. Note: You can use the recently acquired throwing knives to draw them in one by one.
CAUTION: there is a trap once you take the left turn halfway up the steps.
• Retreat down to the first set of steps once this activates to escape the damage.
• Now once again, head up the stairs to kill the fool who tried the hit you with a barrel.
• Continue up the tower.
• Once you find the fog wall, roll into some of the barrels on this level to reveal the lizard.
• Kill this creature quickly; he disappears if you are not fast enough.
• Claim your spoils from the lizard.
• Enter through the fog wall to meet the Taurus Demon.

4- Killing the Taurus Demon (*Boss*1)

• After you enter the fog wall, head down the stairs and take and immediate right.
• Climb the ladder that is there and dispatch the two archers waiting there.
• Head back down the ladder and start heading across the bridge.
• Once about half way across the bridge activate your gold pine resin if you have some.
• Once the demon shows himself, turn around sprint towards the ladder
• Now jump off the top of the tower and attack as you fall in order to deal a substantial amount of damage.
• Now swing away until it dies. The gold pine resin will make it a very fast, and easy fight.
5- Bonfire after *Boss*1 & Obtaining Drake sword

• After you slay the Taurus Demon, continue on the bridge.
• Once out of the tower on the other side of the bridge, head right and down the steps to talk to Knight Solaire and receive the White Soapstone.
• Head back up the stairs and a short way out onto the large bridge, then turn around and run through the archways to avoid the fire that will appear shortly.
• Now run halfway up the bridge and go down the stairs on the right.
• Take a left at the bottom of the stairs and go straight.
• Proceed down the stairs and make sure you kick down the red ladder before heading down to the Undead Burg Bonfire.

• From Undead Burg Bonfire, head up the ladder.
• Once cleared of the stairs past the ladder, head out the doorway to the left and walk to the right of the platform.
• Equip a bow (short or long) and take aim at the drake’s tail swinging around on the right side of the bridge.
• Depending on your stats it will take about 25 arrows into the drake’s tail.
• If quiver becomes empty, go and buy some from the Undead Merchant
However, if you stop at the bonfire, your progress on the tail will be reset.
• Once you do enough damage, the sword will pop up on your screen for like you were picking up an item.
• Accept the sword.
6- Cathedral bonfire, and blacksmith.

• Start at Undead Burg Bonfire and climb the ladder.
• Head up the stairs and out the left doorway.
• Keep right on the bridge path.
• In third archway one enemy will be waiting for you. Kill him.
• Now walk to the other side of the bridge and continue down the small path to the right.
• A spear-man is on the path, kill him.
• Continue onward;
• Through the next door three rats await, kill them and head up the ladder at the end of the room.
• Once at the top, continue forward and equip some firebombs for an upcoming fight with an armored boar.
• At the top of the stairs you will find a soldier, kill him.
• Past him, the boar and some footmen block your path, take a right and kill the spearman that stands there.
• If you can manage it, lure the boar into the fires on the battlefield, they will damage the boar more than basic weapon attacks; unless you can sneak around and stab him under his tail.
• Clean up any of the foot soldiers that remain in the area.
• Head up the stairs to the left of that spearman, killing foot soldiers that get in your way.
• Continue forward, killing any enemies that are still around and take the soul at the end of the small bridge like path.
• Drop down off of the bridge like path and head towards the right side of the closed gate and head down the stairs there.
• Once in the hall, continue forward and kill the three opponents (one in the hall and two beyond).
• Now head up the stairs and kill two more enemies.
• Down a different set of stairs there are two more enemies, kill them and take the Mystery Key from the corpse in the corner.
• Head up the ladder.
• Kill two more enemies.
• Traverse some of the support beams on this level to acquire a soul from a corpse.
• Go up another ladder
• Continue forward and turn right through the archway and the fog wall.
• Once out, the right path leads you to one enemy and a new shield.
• The left take you further, leading you down a corridor after which there is a spearman and one other enemy waiting for you.
• Either kill them, or run past them.
• Once you are past them, you will need to take a left and go down the stairs at the end of the path.
• Either fight the people in this small open area, or run past them and take the right path down a slightly overgrown corridor.
• Once you reach a building, head down the stairs to the left.
• Welcome to the Blacksmith Bonfire. The blacksmith is just down the stairs.
7- Opening Cathedral gates, and preparing for the Gargs (*Boss*2)

• Head back up the stairs from the Blacksmith Bonfire and back through the overgrown corridor.
• Kill the enemies in the open area.
• Head back up the stairs on the left from the direction you entered and follow that path again the where the spearman and other enemy waited for you. Kill them.
• Find and enter the corridor that has a wall on the left side and a waist high wall on the right.
• Once out of this hallway, take a left kill the enemy at the gate, then open the gate.
• At the top of the stairs and to the left is a halberd.

• From the Blacksmith Bonfire, head up and across the overgrown corridor.
• Clear enemies at the end of the overgrown corridor.
• Enter the cathedral look right to get the large enemy’s attention. Then return to the open ground between the chapel and the overgrown corridor.
• Kill the big enemy. Try to circle around him, making his attacks hit less often.
• Once this enemy dies, he will not respawn.
• Once again enter that cathedral and inspect what the large enemy was guarding.
• Take the Fire Keeper Soul, which can be used at the Firelink Shrine to upgrade your estus flask.
• Now once you turn from obtaining the Soul, head right and up the stairs.
• An enemy waits at the top of the stairs. Kill him
• As you continue your climb and enter a corridor, you start entering a room at the end of this corridor, fall back to the start of it , the enemies will form a line, enabling you to use the drake sword’s strong attack(wield two handed) to attack many of them at once. Note: This will cause durability loss to the sword, so be sure not to spam this.
• The one enemy casting spells at you is easy once you get close to him, once he dies he will not respawn.
• Now enter the room and head to the far left doorway to grab a soul from a corpse.
• Go back to the room and go straight across to kill an enemy.
• After he dies, continue onward and break down some panels blocking a doorway.
• Up the stairs a man awaits rescue from his cell, use the mystery key to free him.
• Return back to the room through the corridor.
8- Killing the Gargs (*Boss*2) & Reinforcing your estus

• For this fight, we recommend to be in human form.
• Get yourself to the room that the Caster enemy once called his home.
• From that room, take the far right doorway, kill any enemies there, and go up the ladders.
• Since you are in human form, you can summon an NPC character, Knight Solaire, to aid you in this fight.
• Without human form, you would be unable to do this summon, making the fight much more difficult.
• After you summon Solaire, walk through the fog wall to confront those gargoyles.
• The fight begins with one gargoyle, and the other joins the fight around when the first drops to half health.
• Both gargoyles will tend to focus Solaire, but they will still target you, so be careful.
• If you can cut off a gargoyle’s tail, you will receive a great axe.
• When the gargoyle swings wide, you can use the slanted roof so that the only thing they slice is air.
• After the gargoyles are slain, move across the roof and up the tower in order to ring the first bell.
• After ringing the bell and coming back down, there will be an NPC on the ground floor of the tower selling some items.

Note: if you don't have the drake sword you may use gold pine resin to do increased damage to this gargs.

• Start at Blacksmith Bonfire head up and toward the cathedral.
• Ignore the enemies
• Head straight into the cathedral and keep going into one of the elevators.
• Go down
• When you exit the elevator, head left up a set of stairs to obtain a soul from a corpse.
• Now continue down the stairs to an open room and continue left.
• Go through the archways.
• Welcome back to the Firelink Shrine.
• Stay right and go past the fire keeper and down a set of stairs.
• Keep left and when you approach a hole with bars over it, go and use it.
• It will ask if you want to use a fire keeper soul to upgrade your estus flask, say yes.

The next step is optional and in our opinions saves you some future headache later in the game.

• Now go over to the man in gold armor and kick him off the ledge so you get some of his items.
• Once he is gone, quit and restart the game so his drops are there ( five humanity and a ring of favor and protection).
8.5- Running past the red dragon to get an easy bonfire.

• Start in the first room you get to after taking the ladder from the Undead Burg Bonfire.
• Head up on the bridge and quickly run around the stair entrance so that you are closer to the dragon and still protected from the fire it bellows onto the bridge.
• You may do this over and over in order to farm souls from those killed on the bridge when the fire runs down the bridge.
• Once the dragon begins to leave his position on top of the building to land on the bridge, start running past him and ignore the items on the corpses lying there.
• Once you are inside the building, light the bonfire there.
• The dragon will leave for awhile, but will return eventually.

Note: Pull the lever in the room to open the path to the cathedral.
9- Killing the Titanite Demon

• Start at the Blacksmith Bonfire and head down the stairs and through the only doorway in the room.
• As soon as you enter the next room, the Titanite Demon will start attacking.
• Staying right next to the demon will stop most of his attacks from hitting you.
• Try not to get stuck on the ground debris littering this battlefield.
• Try to get around to his back to attack him.

Note : every so often he will jump and slam down on you, try and avoid this attack by backing away and 'resetting' the fight.
10- Getting lucky with Black Knight Halberd.

• Without human form, this item drops less often, human form recommended before trying this.
• Continue past where the Titanite Demon used to dwell and arrive in Dark Root Garden
• Clear out the first three enemies (beware of the grapple attack that can chunk down your HP), then go back to the first right you could have taken and go up the slope.
• Follow the path downwards
• Eventually you will find a fork in the path, take the one that descends further down.
• If you keep going you will find an enemy in gold armor; this is your target, kill him.
• Getting around behind him for a critical hit will do a very large amount of damage to him, around half of his health.
• Three sword thrusts to his back should be enough to kill him
• Hopefully, you have just found a nice Black Knight Halberd to add to your weapon selection.
• While you’re down there, continue along the path a little further to find a Grass Crest Shield.

-Note: This is luck based, the halberd may not drop.
10.5- Killing Havel (AMAZING RING)

• Keep right and proceed toward the tower after killing the black knight.
• Once you open the door he is standing immediately to the right, dash in and get him in your sights quickly.
• Much like with other humanoid boss like creatures, try and sneak around to his back and critical strike him.
• Havel is capable of killing you with just ONE hit, so be very cautious on when to strike, usually when he is recovering from one of his attacks.
• Once killed, we highly recommend using this amazing ring.
11- Darkroot Garden Bonfire

• Continue past where the Titanite Demon used to dwell and arrive in Dark Root Garden.
• Continue straight and kill any enemies you encounter.
• Two plant monsters will ambush you soon after you kill the first three enemies.
• Once you find, and nullify, the ambush continue on.
• When you pass by a large boulder on your left, garb the soul from the corpse lying behind it.
• Continue until you see an odd and mysterious looked door.
• Then proceed to the wall next to the left of the pile of rubble and hit the wall.
• It will disappear and reveal a bonfire for you to use.
12- Getting to, and killing Moonlight Butterfly (*Boss*3)

• Start at the Dark Root Garden bonfire, if not in human form already we suggest you use humanity.
• Walk out and keep left.
• In this hallway, there is an alcove to the right before you reach the fog wall.
• This location will spawn enemies as soon as you pick up the soul, so avoid if you want to.
• Pass through the fog wall to enter the next section, which is a small thicket of woods with an accompanying clearing to the left of it.
• Keep left in this room.
• Many enemies lie in waiting here, and keeping to the clearing will allow you to avoid most of them.
• There is a small gap in the wall leading to an item protected by a tree hugging snake.
• Be careful when approaching and securing the item.
• Continue your path around the clearing.
• Once you reach stone surrounding, there will be one stone knight that you cannot avoid awaking, but if you pass him fast enough, he will not know you were there.
• Underneath the staircase hidden by the foliage is yet another summon location for this boss fight.
• This summon is of a Witch Beatrice and she will be of great aid in the fight against Moonlight Butterfly.
• Now ascend the stairs and enter the fog wall to fight the butterfly.
• The superior objective in this fight is to dodge the magic attacks from the butterfly.
• The butterfly will eventually come down into melee distance, allowing physical characters to hit it.
• If you are patient and good at dodging the attacks, the butterfly will be dead eventually; Beatrice speeds this process along.
• After the Butterfly is defeated, take the stairs immediately to the right of the next doorway and go up.
• At the top of the tower you find a couple items:
• The Watchtower Basement Key allows you to go and fight Havel
• The Divine Ember enables you to craft Divine Weapons, which will be super useful in the Catacombs.
12.5- Save 20,000 souls (Optional)

• You can unlock the door next to the Dark Root Garden Bonfire in one of three ways:
• You can fight a hydra that is located to at the bottom of the dark basin just before you reach Havel’s room.
• You can either purchase the blacksmith’s crest from him for 20,000 souls.
• Or you can kill the Blacksmith.
• Patience and gaining knowledge of his attack patterns is really the key in this fight. He is too agile to allow you to critical him in the back easily.

Note: This is 100% optional, the blacksmith WILL NOT respawn until NG+. Either way eventually you will need to get into that area to fight SIF.
13- Getting to the Capra Demon (*Boss*4)

• Start under the dragon’s bridge at the undead burg, head up the stairs and away from where the dragon likes to perch.
• Once at the big archway, take the door on the left then go to the ladder and climb/slide all the way down.
• Once down, head out into a fork in the path, the right one allows you to make a shortcut to the Undead Burg Bonfire. We take the left one.
• Descend the stairs and wait for the enemy dog creatures to come to you.
• Most enemies in this section can poison you if you are not careful.
• The Thief enemies love to parry you and also try to poison you, be patient and careful, and then dispatch them.
• As you move onward from your first thief encounter, you’ll want to keep heading down the street until you eventually meet three more thieves and two more dogs.
• After they have been taken care of, walk through the fog wall to arrive at the Capra Demon.

Note: The video picks up at the bridge where you get the drake sword.
14- Killing the Capra Demon (*Boss* 4)

• The highest priority in this fight is getting yourself to the stairs behind the Capra Demon to the left.
• Have your shield up as soon as you enter this room.
• Near the top of the stairs, there will be a small ledge just to the right of the stairs.
• Get on the ledge and fight the dogs that are with the Capra Demon.
• The ledge itself is a bit too small for the Demon to get on it himself.
• Although as he tries, he will likely push you off.
• The strategy here is to hide on the ledge while the demon attempts to attack you and wait for him to fall off, then jump and attack him while you fall towards him then get back to the ledge.
• Rinse and repeat.

15- Entrance to the Depths & Undead merchant

• Starting from where the Capra Demon was slain, we continue until we find a staircase going down.
• At the bottom of the staircase, you’ll find some thieves waiting for you. Kill them.
• Keep right after you kill the thieves to find a wooden door.
• Use the Key to The Depths to open this door.

• Starting from where the Capra Demon was slain, we continue until we find a staircase going down.
• At the bottom of the staircase, you’ll find some thieves waiting for you. Kill them.
• After they die, continue going forward while keeping to the right until you come upon some metal bars where you can pick up a soul.
• Now turn around and head up the stairs and go through the door.
• Immediately turn left and ascend up the staircase while taking out the archer station along the way.
• Once you reach the top, go through the corridor the merchant should be on your right, just behind some metal bars.

Continuing from the depths door:
• Go down the corridor and take a left.
• Take the stairs down.
• Kill the enemies.
• Go down the path in the opposite direction that you came down the stairs from in order to obtain a large soul.
• Now continue down the hallway in the same direction that you came down the stairs from.
• There is an opening in the wall, go through it and head right down the steps and kill all the enemies in the room.
• In the far right of the room near the back wall you will find the stair case heading down to another level.
• A couple dogs wait at the foot of the stairs, kill them.
• A Butcher attacks you soon after the dogs attack you, employ the basic strategy of dodging, flanking, and critical hitting to win.
• Now open a chest that was near where the butcher was originally working.
• If you go to where the butcher was working and break the barrels, you can fall into The Depths.
16- Getting the depths bonfire & Freeing laurentius (pyro guy)

• From the hole you fell down in part 18-1, start heading to your left
• Go a little way under the overhang
• Then jump down onto the giant rat, performing a plunging attack.
• This will almost kill him in one hit.
• Finish off the rat, then turn around and grab a soul from a corpse in the corner below where you entered this room.
• Now turn left and head down a corridor with stairs.
• Take the first left and kill the rat in the hallway.
• Once you reach the end of that corridor, turn left and kill another rat, and immediately turn around so you avoid getting to close to the hole in the floor.
• At the end of this corridor turn left and slowly approach the exit of the corridor so you can pull each of the rats individually.
• There is also a caster far to the left casting spells at you as you fight the rats.
• Leave the hallway and quickly take cover behind the wall to the left to avoid the spells being thrown by the caster.
• Try and bait each rat over to you.
• Once they’re gone you can focus on the caster.
• With shield raised, advance toward him while sidestepping his spells, then murder him when you get close.
• Rats hide in the two boxes just behind the caster.
• Continue straight until you reach the wall and turn to your left to grab an item from a corpse.
• Now return to where you killed the first rats of this room and the caster and climb the stairs that are there.
• Once up them, take a left and go through the fog wall.
• Proceed along the corridor and grab a soul from the corpse there.
• Keep going down the corridor.
• As the corridor opens up, there will be some rats lulling around, kill them.
• Behind some metal bars is a sewer chamber key, grab it.
• Then turn around and head up the stairs and kill the rat up there.
• Another rat waits within the box at the end of the hall once you clear the steps.
• Follow the corridor further and kill the large group of rats there, then grab the Great axe from the corpse there.
• Turn to go back down the corridor and enter the first room you can on your left.
• Go straight then head up the stairs.
• Kill the enemy at the top, and then unlock the door on the left.
• Through that door is the room holding The Depths Bonfire.

- starting from the bonfire, turn around and go down through the door at the back of the room
-continue through the hallway until you get to the hallway with the water on the floor
-there are slimes on the ceiling in this hallway, sprint through the hall and the slimes won’t touch you
-take a left at the end of the hallway and go up the stairs when you reach them and go through the door
-continue through the room with the pillars and watch the butcher at the end on the left in the hall
-kill the butcher and he will drop “The Sack” which is his mask
-continue down the path the butcher was guarding
- You will quickly reach a room full of barrels, roll through the to break them DO NOT SWING YOUR SWORD
-free Laurentius and he will relocate to the Firelink shrine
17- Depths shortcut door (Easy path to next boss)

–From the same bonfire go back to the hallway with the slimes on the ceiling and take an immediate right.
-Continue down the stairs and take a right then a left through the door way.
-Near the end of the hallway watch for the rat in the big crate.
-take a left after you kill the rat and drop down the ledge.
-Turn around after you drop down and go through the door and take an immediate right.
-In that hallway with the water fall through the first hole in the floor in that hallway.
-Head forward after you fall down and watch out for the basilisks. If you stand in the fog for too long, and fill the bar, you will be cursed and die and when you resurrect you hit points will be cut in half until you purge yourself of the curse.
-Take a right after you kill the basilisk and continue to the end of the hall and take a left and follow that hallway to a large room with vaulted ceilings.
-On the other side of the room from where you enter there is a set of stairs on the right side of the wall
-At the top of the stairs open the door and go up the ladder which allows you to bypass the basilisk area
18- Getting to, and killing the Gaping Dragon (*Boss* 5)

Go back the way you just came from opening up the short cut.
-Back in the big room take a right at the end of the stair case.
-Near the end of the room take a right through a small hallway.
-At the top of the stairs take a right and go down the staircase.
-At the bottom take a right and go to the end of the walkway and find a heavy crossbow and bolts on the left on a corpse.
-on the left coming back from getting the crossbow you can summon an npc to help you with the fight if you are not hollow, but it isn’t necessary for this fight and the die quickly.
-Head down the stairs and through the barrier.
-After the cutscene wait for the dragon to slam down into the ground and run behind him.
-The dragon will walk forward for a second and take a pause. Use this time to attack his tail/back leg.
-If you cut off his tail you will get the dragon king great axe.
-Wield your weapon with two hands when you aren’t blocking to output more damage.
-Continue waiting for him to slam the ground and repeat the process.
-If you are too far behind him he will tail-whip you so stay right near his legs.
-Using the rinse and repeat you should be able beat the dragon without being hit once.
-Once you beat the dragon you get the blight town key and make sure to grab the hard leather armor set on the body in the room.
19- Entering Blight town, and finding the first bonfire

After you get the key from the Gaping Dragon you can unlock the door to Blighttown.
-Be careful of the big guys on the narrow walkways they will easily knock you off.
-You can run past them if you keep running and don’t stop.
-Run along the path until you come to a three way and take the small middle bridge over the gap.
-As soon as you are across the bridge run over to the wall on the right and follow it to left.
-Drop down and pick up the shadow armor then drop down again.
-Take cover in the little spot behind the ladder.
-Enemies will funnel into the little spot and make them easier to kill.
-When you are finished pick up the soul of a proud knight behind you and drop down a third time to the platform with the ladder on it.
-Move to the right and then take a quick left and drop down a fourth time, breaking through a small wooden barrier.
-Turn left after you land and keep moving straight.
-keep to the right and you should see a bonfire on a small stone bridge.
20- Getting to lower Blight Town & Bonfire

-From the bonfire we just found turn around and go back the way you came keeping as far to the left as you can.
-When you find the dogs beat them and move around the giant pillar to the right on the wooden platform.
-Continue straight for a moment and then drop down to the right at the end of the small platform.
-Drop down again, watching for the torches which mark ladders and stairwells.
-Drop down a third time immediately after the second by the torch.
-Take a right after your third fall and move down the stairs.
-Double back at the bottom of the stairs and down into the cave.
-Continue forward and then down the ladder.
-At the bottom of the ladder go through the hole in the wall right in front of you.
-Continue forwards and down the ladder at the end of the walkway on your left.
-Go down another ladder and watch for the flying creatures, there poison is deadly.
-At the bottom turn around and go straight watching out for the creature breaking through the wall.
-At the end take the ladder on your right, and at the bottom take the other ladder to your immediate right.
-At the bottom of the second ladder move straight forward and drop down.
-Drop all the way down to the bottom and onto the poison floor, but don’t worry, we’re close to the next bonfire.
-Roll and run through the water as quickly as you can to the dry ground on the right side of the room.
-When you get on dry ground move along the right wall and there will be a cobblestone archway that leads to the bonfire.
21- Getting to, and killing Queen Quelaag

-Make sure to get into 'human' form.
-From the bonfire move back out the archway and to the right moving along the right wall and staying out of the water as much as possible.
-You may want to collect a few purple moss clumps, as you are almost certainly going to get poisoned in this part.
-Keep moving along the wall and ignore the ramp to the left and roll across the water to the stone pillar and continue following the right wall.
-Stay to the right side of the wall and run as quickly as you can, but YOU WILL GET POISONED.
-Keep a lookout to the left for the hill with the strange black root-like things popping out of it.
-Run/roll over to that hill and look out for the ogers that will throw and hit you with rocks guarding the hill.
-Heal your poison and move up the hill and into the cave.
-Follow the cave down and leave the carriers alone, they won’t attack you if you don’t attack them.
-In front of the barrier you can summon Man-eater Mildred to help you with your fight if you’re human.
-The goal of the fight is to attack Quelaag from the side.
-Move around her in circles attack her side whenever possible.
-Watch out and back off when she pauses for a second, because she will blast the area around her for massive damage, even if you aren’t in front of her.
-Continue circling her and watching out for the lava she spews until you are able to kill her.
-Once you beat her run up the stairs and ring the second bell which will open the gate at the fortress.
- Before leaving the area move down a second set of stairs and directly across from the stairs is a hidden are behind the wall.
-Attack the wall and you will find a small patch with a carrier you can talk to blocking the way.
-Talk to him and answer yes and he will move. If you answer no he will attack you.
-There is a firekeeper and a bonfire here. If you kill the keeper you will get her soul to upgrade your flasks, but you won’t be able to use the bonfire anymore but you will still be able to warp to it later in the game.
22- How to go from blight town to fire link shrine

-From the bonfire under the archway move to the right again and along the wall.
-Remember the ramp on the right? Head up it this time.
-Follow the ramp and take the ladder up.
-Drop down onto the water wheel and ride it up.
-Get off the water wheel at the top and go up the ladder and then up a second ladder.
-Keep moving and watch out for the mosquitoes.
-Keep heading up 5 more ladders until you get to the top and take the bridge to the cave on the left.
-Run or fight your way through the cave and to the Valley of the Drakes.
-Take the narrow bridge on the right and head left.
-Take the soul before you open the gate and take the stairs down.
-Go straight from the bottom of the stairs and down another set along the wall.
-The second blacksmith is along the wall behind iron bars on the left.
-Back up the stairs, go through the door immediately next to the one you just came through and go up the stairs.
-Run through the doorway to the left and all the way to the wall and hit the switch to bring down the elevator.
-The elevator will take you back to the Firelink Shrine.
23- Sen's fortress & the iron golem (*Boss 6*)

-From the first blacksmith move across the bridge to the fortress watching for the traps that litter this place.
-Watch out for the floor trap and use it to help kill the snake creatures.
-Keep going forwards through the fortress and across the bridge with the pendulums.
-Go through the doorway at the end and to the left and follow it and go up the stairs.
-Go across the second pendulum bridge and through the doorway at the end of this one watching for the trap and the snake immediately inside.
-Go through the doorway on the right side of the room and up the small staircase and across the third bridge.
-Through the door way to the left run quickly up the stairs because boulders will start falling.
-Duck inside the doorway on the first landing and into the hallway on the right side of the back of the room watching for the floor trap in the middle.
-Go left and up the second staircase and wait for the boulder to come and then run up the stairs to the right
-Quickly turn right and run under the boulder before it falls.
-Go up the couple of stairs into the hallway and dodge/roll over the floor to avoid the spike trap.
-Move across the next pendulums bridge and to the left up the stairs.
-At the top of the stairs move across the next pendulum bright and watch for traps at the end on the left and on the right.
-Go through the barrier and run from the giant throwing bombs at you on the other side of the gap.
-Keep moving up staircases until you get to the choice of another stairway on the left or a long open bridge on the right. Take the stairs and keep moving.
-Move across the bridge and to the right then through the doorway and across the next bridge.
-Go left in the room with the cages and up the stairs and around the bridge to another staircase.
-Go in the doorway and through the barrier to the iron golem.
-Keep him on the ledge/bridge where he starts.
-Attack his legs without locking on and he will fall from the bridge.
-Wait for the fire to dissipate and check out the glowing circle that will take you to the next area after a cutscene.
24- Navigating Anor Londo (Bonfire 1 & 2)

-From the beginning move down the long stairs and across the bridge and take a left.
- keep moving through the open area and take the first doorway on the right to a bonfire.
-To the left is the dukes archives, but go straight and across the bridge and down the elevator.
-Move down the stairs and kill the gargoyle on the bridge.
-Facing the stairs you came down, drop down on the right side and head up the cable-like thing.
-Drop down the from the cable onto the balcony and head through the broken window.
-Take the ladder up to the rafters and move across them to the other side of the room.
-Take great care to not get knocked off by the enemies throwing knives at you.
-In the middle cut the chandelier down which will drop something you can retrieve later.
-Continue making your way to the other side of the room.
-Once you make it head down the ladder and through the barrier on your left.
-Head across the bridge and push the gear.
-Another gargoyle will drop down after you push the gear.
-Defeat him and move to the other side of the platform and head up the big stairs.
-At the run past the knights and through the doorway on the right.
-Take and immediate right and keep moving.
-Moving down the ramp on the left go over the gable and run across the next ramp and to the right around the building.
-Move up the next gable and take a right around the building.
-Drop down onto the balcony and go through the barrier and you made it inside.
-The room on the left contains the bonfire.
24.5- Acquiring Havel's Armor

-From the bonfire go back out the door and straight across to the next door.
-Kill the knight and open the chest to get the sunlight medal.
-Back out of the room follow the left side of the of the wall to the first door you come to with all the boxes in it.
-Head through the fireplace by attacking it.
-Move down the stairs to the dark room to the left.
-Open the chests in the room being careful to make sure they aren’t the mimic that looks just like the other chests, but it will attack you.
-The rest of the chests contain Havel’s Armor.
25- Getting to orenstein and smough (*Boss* 7)

-You may reverse your hollowing here.
-From the same bonfire move out of the door and follow the wall to the left again.
-Pass up the door we went through before and move to the one right across from it.
-In the room take the staircase up and take the first door on the right.
-Go right immediately and head up the stairs at the end of the bridge.
-Go left at the top and then take the staircase upwards on the left side.
-Go right at the top of the stairs and cross the room to the other side and down the stairs.
-Go down the stairs right to the right of the staircase you just came down.
-At the bottom you can summon Knight Solaire before you drop down to face the boss.
-When you’re finished drop down to face the giant knights guarding the big room.
-They are similar in strategy to the regular knights only bigger. Keep blocking, attack when you can, and try and get behind him.
26- Killing Orenstein and Smough (*Boss* 7)

-After you beat the big knights summon Knight Solaire if you want/can.
-Head to the barrier and go through to the boss fight.
-The easiest way is to kill the little guy, Orenstein, first.
-Let the npc fight the big one while you take on Oren.
-Once you beat the little guy face Smough.
-The main attack is his jump attack. When you see him jump up block and move backwards, but other than that just block and attack when you can and he should go down pretty easily.
-Once you beat them head up the elevator and activate the shrine.
-After that open the door and collect the lordvessel.
27- Going to the catacombs & bonfire 1 in cata.

-From the firelink shrine head to the left side of the area. A divine weapon helps a lot here because the skeletons resurrect.
-Move through the area killing the skeletons and follow the patch to reach some stairs that head down the cliff and into the catacombs.
-Keep following the stairs down until you get to a ledge and climb down the ladder on the left side.
-Move forwards and through the first doorway on the left.
-From there go forward for a bit and then through the broken hole in the wall on the left side and kill the necromancer. Be sure to flip the switch on the wall and then light the bonfire.
28- Finding and killing Pinwheel (*Boss* 8)

-From bonfire we just found move back up and out through the opening in the wall.
-Go left out of the opening and through the doorway.
-Move forwards and follow the left wall and go across the bridge when you see it on the right.
-Keep moving forward through the room killing skeletons.
-Go through the first archway you see.
-Move through to the left and then another left and then a right across a bridge.
-Across the bridge go down the stairs and ignore the doorway.
-Keep going down the stairs and be careful not to fall off too early.
-Drop down the end of the stairs and onto platform below.
-From there drop down to the next platform and then again through the hole in the floor at the bottom.
-Here is the skeleton blacksmith.
-Head through the wall he just opened up and be careful of the skeleton wheels in the next room. Note: it is possible for them to roll into the hallway and kill the blacksmith.
-Move through the big room and down further into the cave and through the barrier.
-Drop down to Pinwheel.
-If you’ve waited until now to come down here he should die in 2-4 hits and drop the rite of kindling.
29- Into the Tomb of Giants :( (Bonfire 1)

-Starting from the pool of water make your way to the far side of the room and up the ladder on the right.
-Go up the second ladder right in front of you and move to the right. Note: You really should have the skull lantern for this part as it is very hard to see and easy to fall off cliffs.
-Kill the first skeleton and move down the ramp then slide down the stone ramp on your left.
-Turn to the right and kill the skeleton and pick up the soul then move back to the second stone ramp and fall down that one.
-Turn right and kill the skeletons and move down the third stone ramp and fall of the left side at the bottom
-Directly in front of you should be a ladder that leads down to a bonfire on your left.
29.5 Tomb of the Giants (Bonfire 2)

-From the first bonfire move back up the ladder and continue forward into the cave.
-Stick to the right wall and follow the path for a good while.
-You should eventually find a hole in the ground in a more open area with a knight guarding it.
-Fall/walk into the hole through the opening and kill the knight if necessary.
-Continue through the cave sticking to the left along a narrow walkway to the end to pick up the Effegy Sheild.
-Turn around and move back into the cave and go to the right down a small ramp that quickly takes a hard left.
-Stick to the left wall and then to another narrow walkway which almost comes full circle and leads you to a small alcove that contains the 2nd bonfire.
30- Tomb of Giants Bonfire2- Gravelord Nito (*Boss* 9)

-Move from the bonfire we just found back around the wall and to the right following the wall.
-You will see a steep ramp in front of you, take the path just to the left of it.
-Follow the wall around and drop down onto a narrow path below and through an arch immediately to your right.
-Follow the path sticking to the right wall and then, when the path splits, taking the path on the left that leads downward and doubles back the way you came.
-Go down the ladder and follow another narrow path along a cliff.
-Go through the first entrance to your right and stick to the left wall.
-Follow more narrow pathways fighting skeletons as you keep moving along.
-Move into a cave and follow it downwards. You can easily run past most of the enemies in here.
-Move into the arch on the left at the bottom and up a ramp.
-Double back and up another ramp right in front of you.
-Break through the wall of bones right in front of you and you will see a barrier behind it that contains Nito.
31- Killing Nito (*Boss* 9)

-It could be important to get poison cure salves.
- Drop in the room and listen for a scream, if nito does scream roll repeatedly to dodge the poison spike.
32- Ceaseless discharge

-From the first bonfire in the demon ruins move down the ramp and double back to your right.
-Move across the small bridge to the left and through the barrier you see to your left.
-Move forward, keeping your eye on the boss and run up the stairs into the path on the right.
-Stay back in the little alcove and taunt him into swinging his tentacles into the path.
-Swing at his tentacles after he slams them down, this way he can’t hit you with his fire explosion attack.
-Using this strategy he should go down pretty easily. Just make sure you stand back before he swings because he can still hit you a little bit even when you’re around the corner.
33- Demon Ruins bonfire2

-After beating Ceaseless Discharge move from the same bonfire as before and back down the big ramp.
-Head straight this time instead of doubling back.
-Drop down onto the floor and head across the room avoiding the lava.
-On the far side of the room pick up the soul of a proud knight.
-Move to the wall in front of you and through the opening.
-This will lead to a narrow bridge/ledge that will lead around the wall and keep following the path.
-Once you’ve done a full 180 move forward for just a bit and you should see off the side a glowing white ball of light signifying an object you can pick up from a corpse on a ledge below.
-Drop off onto this ledge and pick it up and watch out for the wyrm that pops out of the wall just over the bonfire you see right in front of you.
-Dispatch the wyrm and light the fire.
34- Killing Fire sage (*Boss*10)

-From that bonfire move forward and make your way down the big ramp and to the barrier on the far side of the room.
-Lead the big demon back up the ramp and get him caught in the pillars and easily kill him.
-Once you’ve killed him run to the barrier and go on through.
-This fight is similar to the asylum demon fight and fire resistance is good here as well.
-Avoid his attack and swings with his big mace and back up when he slams it down for his area attack and he should go down easily.
-Move to the far side of the room that opened up after you beat him and take the stairs downwards.
-This will lead to the next bonfire.
35- Killing the centipede (*Boss*11)

-From the bonfire we just found move down the root-like ramp.
-At the bottom on the left will be a summon sign for knight solaire again if you are in human form. You don’t really need him, but he helps.
-Once you are inside turn to the right and jump across the lava to the narrow strip of land on the other side.
-The key to the fight is to stay out of the lava and keep blocking.
-Stay on the narrow strip of land we jumped to and dodge and block his attacks until he moves over to you.
-Keep your health up whenever possible because with this way you can’t avoid damage here and keep swinging and dealing as much damage as possible.
-Once you kill him pick up the ring and equip it. You will need it for the next area.
36- Navigating lost izalith

-After you beat the Centipede and picked up the ring and equipped it move from the next bonfire and walk across the lava to the left side and up the root-like bridge.
-This will take you to the Lost Izalith area.
-Continue following this root all the way to its end and move across the room to the center where you see the large building/shrine.
-Inside the building is a chest.
-Run from the enemies, or fight them if you like moving to the next shrine/building. One of them contains the bonfire you’re looking for. Attack each wall and on should open up and reveal the bonfire.
37- Bed of Chaos (*Boss*12)

-From the bonfire you just found move out of the building and to the right to the wall.
-Make your way up the vines and make your way across the room you just entered.
-On the far side is and archway move through it and just through it and a little ahead you will see a large staircase. Make your way up the stair case and around the chaoseater.
-Take a right at the top inside the shrine and go forwards for a bit and take a left to the barrier.
-Go through the barrier and you will fall down a long ramp.
-This boss will take you 3 lives to complete most likely.
-Start off going to the left and following the wall.
-Attack the roots in the bubble and a cutscene will appear.
-The floor will start to drop out from under you and root-arms will start to swing at you and will most likely succeed in throwing you off. This is fine.
-Make it back and your progress is saved.
-Move around the right wall this time and attack the center of the next bubble root cluster for another cutscene.
-You will most likely die again here. Come back and drop down onto the root in the hole in the center.
-Follow that root up and cut your way into the center of the beast.
-Hurry through, cutting and tumbling through roots along the way.
-Once you make it through to the end attack the main root and find victory and a bonfire right there.
38- Getting to Sif, and finding the hornet ring (*Boss*13)

-Use your crest to open the door.
-Slowly walk down the stairs and try to 'aggro' one mob at a time, the first time you enter there will be +1 knight unit.
Note: to just completely avoid fighting these you may run past them all and talk to the cat to join the forest covenant
-Make your way across the bridge and if you continue straight you will run into Sif's room.
-The first time you enter the room Sif will not be engaged until you pick up the ring near the tombstone.

-Sif can be tricky at first, and deal lots of damage.
- Personally, i kept rolling INTO him and allowing his swings to go over my head and allow repeated attacks.
-Sif can, and probably will jump back, so just rinse and repeat the roll into tactic.
39- Getting to seth first encounter//Dukes archives

- Warp to the anor londo bonfire, from there instead of taking the path you used previously, go into the room with the giants and make a right. Follow that path up and you will encounter two boars separately.
-Take the elevator up, defeat the crystal knight, and the crystal gecko.
-Enter the fog where you will encounter seth, and you will die the first time.

-After you die, you will be teleported to the dukes archives.
-Kill the guard standing right outside your gate to obtain the key.
- Make your way down the stairs, and try and fight the enemies one at a time if possible.
- Once you make it to the bottom of the stairs go up the ladder dispatch the three lizard people, and turn off the horn.
- You should find a chest with the key needed to escape this hell.
- Return back up the stairs and climb the ladder.
- Use the newly obtained key to proceed to the next part of the guide..
40- Library short cut

41- Finding and defeating Seth (*Boss* 14)

-For this video i highly recommend watching the video; there are invisible floors you can take advantage of to make getting to seth sooo much easier!
- Once you actually make it to seth you will enter the room and a cut scene will happen.
-Attack the crystal you see in the cut scene once seth gets closer to you--the closer he is, the easier it will be to cut off his tail.
- Once he was closer break the crystal and run around him and chop off his tail.
- Seth is a pretty straight forward fight, the only thing to avoid is the crystals on the floor due to the high chance of being cursed.
42- Draining the water in New Londo

- Go to Fire link, from there head down towards the fire keeper, and even farther down the elevator.
- Take the left path that will lead you to a bridge surrounded by water.
-Without this curse you will NOT be able to hit any of the ghosts.
-Cross the bridge THEN use the curse, dispatch the first two ghosts, and climb the stairs.
- Take it very slowly in the buildings because the ghosts can go through the floors, walls, etc..
-You will come to a ladder which you may kick down to use if you die to avoid that labyrinth again.
-you will continue across the path, and enter the building to your right.
-Take it very slowly there are a lot of ghosts in this room..
- Once the ghosts are taken care of you will go up the ladder located in the fireplace, and obtain the key.
-Head back out the building and make a right *Note* you will need to jump across the gap.
-Once across, make a right and follow the path, where eventually you will turn the gear to drain all the water.
43- Killing the Four kings (*Boss* 15)

-First, and foremost equip the Covenant of Artorias or you WILL die.
-To make this encounter "Super EASY mode" equip havel's armor, like seen in the video you will be waiting for more kings to spawn.
-With Havel's armor you will not be knocked back so you can just lay into them.
-Heal as necessary, and you should be on your way to GWYN!

-Congrats! You're almost done! However, good luck, this guy is a pain in the ass!
-Defeat the black knights, Should be easy for you at this point!
- Once you get to the fog door, equip the hornet ring, this is important because you will NEED to parry. Gwyn gives you no time to breathe.
- You will probably die a bunch try not to get disheartened, this is normal parrying is not easy.
-Once you get the hang of parrying, it should only take 4-5 parrys depending on your weapon.
-Congrats on defeating gwyn!
Počet komentářů: 35
Jayinator3 29. úno. 2020 v 9.45 
This guide is probably dead by now but it helped me a lot and there are SOME places were its skips like 42 and 43 but still pretty good.:cozykcdknight:
NateDogg 23. dub. 2019 v 18.54 
"If you chose the master key when you made your character...."
That would've been helpful information at the beginning of the guide
willy willington 13. úno. 2018 v 17.38 
best ds guide on steam hands down.
Astar 1. led. 2017 v 0.47 
One of the best guides I've seen. Kudos
Kherao 19. srp. 2016 v 7.27 
can somone help me with ceasless discharge
Kherao 2. říj. 2015 v 17.50 
does anyone wanna play this with me
Baron Von Rattheimer 21. úno. 2014 v 9.15 
Summoning witch Beatrice for the four kings is a terrible idea. She only makes the boss harder.
Fantasy System 2. úno. 2014 v 23.52 
Mike 7. zář. 2013 v 9.16 
Thanks dude, now I know how to get pass through the 1st part :D
Mira 18. srp. 2013 v 12.47 
amazing guide