Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

31 ratings
Corridor Sound
File Size
5.939 MB
26 Jun, 2018 @ 8:15pm
10 Jul, 2018 @ 9:46pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Corridor Sound

In 1 collection by MudgeLord
Mudge's Maps
9 items
Corridor Sound is a reimagination of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. It's a beautiful place up north close to the Canadian border with lush forests surrounding it. In this version however, the area is more dry than the actual region. There aren't nearly as many trees and forests. There are two types of farms set up for the player all across the flatland.

I worked very hard on this map and tried to make the tree/ road and rail placement as realistic as possible. I believe that the 5 weeks of effort put into this map really payed off. I see it as my best map yet and I don't know if I can truly ever surpass this again. It was extremely frustrating when I started this map because the entire map got deleted the first 2 times I started on it thanks to low space on the computer I'm using. Thankfully I wasn't too far into the map both times.

-Almost the entire shoreline of the map is accessible to ships
-There are 2 airplane lines
-There is one 2-lane highway that splits off into 2 roads
-A large 4 to 6 lane freeway crosses the entire map
-The starting square has a freeway branch-off and 1 trainline connected to it

You should definitely use the map theme I have picked out for this map. It works perfectly and looks beautiful!

Over 300,000 trees were used in the making of this map

Remember to rate my map and comment your feedback!

UDPATE 1.1: I had to change all of the 2 lane highways to 3 lane highways due to comparability issues network extensions. When you start the game, just upgrade them all to 2 lane.

UPDATE 1.2: [LATEST VESRION] I changed the railway layout. Now there is only one railway that leads to the start square. I deleted an unwanted patch of trees. I also fixed the issue with the Highways even further.
Vahlee 15 Mar, 2021 @ 1:53pm 
I like it, but I have some issues with it.

Something weird happened when I was trying to build a tunnel underneath the wider river. Doing so caused a tsunami in a new area of town. And then I had weird deformations in the land around the river, and two areas of the river that had no water, to the point where a cruise ship got stuck in one of the pits of no water. I also saw a bizarre land formation that wasn't included in the map and that I didn't add. I had to destroy about half that new neighborhood to get rid of the water-less pits and the land deformations. This worked, but rebuilding that neighborhood has been very hard.
Vahlee 3 Mar, 2021 @ 6:30pm 
I'm tryin' it!
conan_growl 14 Nov, 2020 @ 7:35pm 
Finding a suitable map on Steam is a hard job. And I am very fortunate to have found this. Thanks!
BonBonB 12 Jul, 2018 @ 6:55am 
Reviewed in What Map 369
V_Cred 8 Jul, 2018 @ 9:53am 
I spended the last hours tweaking and fine tunning the my for my needs/taste, also changed the roads to mass transit ones, I'll post the pics with the final result soon.
V_Cred 8 Jul, 2018 @ 9:51am 
No, actually i don't use any custom roads, just the dlc + default ones
MudgeLord  [author] 8 Jul, 2018 @ 8:17am 
V_Cred Do you use network extensions 1?
V_Cred 8 Jul, 2018 @ 2:52am 
looks good, the only problem is the need of the Network mod, it keeps me away.
Toemad 6 Jul, 2018 @ 1:06pm 
Nice Map!
MudgeLord  [author] 2 Jul, 2018 @ 5:47pm 
I can't believe this has already reached 500 downloads. Thank you so much everyone