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Commune of France from KR to Vanilla
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23 May, 2018 @ 5:55pm
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Commune of France from KR to Vanilla

first things first Credit gose to the Creators of Kaiserriech for the Nation. I just edited it and refleshed it to run in Vanilla as a standalone nation. well I almost have..

update added new buffs and balencing to the Commune and its own faction that way it won't just join the commintern and crush germany way to easy. I want to give germany a challenge not absolutly destroy it.

Combined Syndicates Bloc
Commune of France
and later Switzerland and pausibly spain if it gose commie
and even worse the US if it gose commie.

(other things that I need help with are Army High Command and Politics, the Ministers are not showing up as I want them to I'll probably need to make new ones these ones work for now but they do not show up as I want them to so I'll need to fix that. please be patient with me as I'm one person on this job right now and I have collage for Game Design, I'll work on this when I can, if you wish to help send me a friend request and message me you wish to help, I'll see what I can give you to help me out with otherwise please enjoy the mod as I say again down below, also I will need new events for things like demanding the Swiss Subjucation, and demanding the Rhineland.. yes thats a thing lol.

Welcome to the Commune of France Fom Kaiserriech to Vanilla! a mod that Aims to make the Commune of France a standalone nation in the Vanilla game, giving it a somewhat new story to how it came to be. (still fixing it up) and how it rose in 1919, even though the Great war was one by the entente it came at a massive price for France, the government was weakened to the point of no return the people had enaugh and so they revolted, and exiled the French Republic to its colonies, where the French Republic even though exiled is rebuilding and maintaining loyalty, in hopes for one day its return to its home land. while the Commune rebuilds the nation reunifies and prepares its economy and army to stamp out its new threats, the Fascists of Germany and Italy, and the Capiltalists of the United Kingdom. with a looming threat or possible new ally to its west and south, and a possible new friend in the Soviet Union, along with even if possible a new friend out of the old republic as it to is showing Communist ideals, all it needs is a spark to be lit, the world is ready to be thrown into a new war all it takes is the spark. so this mod is still needing alot to work on. the national focus is not complete I had to tear it apart and re put it back together but unfortuanlly some parts are missing that should not be, I'll be needing help refixing it up if their are any volunteers, and the Commune of France is so far barrowing the old FRA_1936 OOB. (Order of Battle) because I try to make one but it keeps crashing so if anyone wants to help me make a new OOB for it with out it crashing I'll need that help to. other wise the mod is playable. not to what I want it to be but its getting their. feel free to give it a spin and try it out and pay respects and to the creators of KR. please enjoy this mod. and if you wish to help message me and send me a friend request. tell me what you want to do and I'll send you what I need done with. then I'll include you as a person who helped made the mod! anyways enjoy everyone!
Name_Are_Doyle 6 Apr, 2019 @ 9:10pm 
Doesn't work for me. Continues to crash after I pick a nation. Any ideas on what to do or does it need to be updated?
mrknight244  [author] 24 Nov, 2018 @ 4:56am 
hmmm. possibly.
Kennywnorth 23 Nov, 2018 @ 10:52pm 
could you make a version comptible with the mod Beautiful states?