War for the Overworld

War for the Overworld

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Dungeons War
Game Modes: Deathmatch
Number of Players: 4 Player
File Size
6.405 MB
9 May, 2018 @ 6:07am
9 May, 2018 @ 6:11am
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Dungeons War

In 1 collection by Mortélior
War for the Overworld - MortaMaps
4 items
The great war of the Dungeons has begun! Four great forces are fighting each other and the Empire to prove which one deserve to take over the world! Choose your side and lead your minions to victory! :
-The Undeads (Green Player): This is the faction of strenght in numbers. It owns the largest army and its units can summon more creatures to overcome easily the enemy.
Kill your enemies and claim their corpses to build yourself a massive army. Use your Archon and your other minions to research many sins, progress in the Veins of evil much faster than your opponents to obtain the greatest range of strategic options.
With such a diversity of units and powers you'll be a really unpredictable force! But think fast, great diversity is pointless if you don't know how to use it.
-The Underground Creatures (Blue Player): This is a faction focusing on defense and on technology.
Build as many traps than possible and make your dungeon unbreachable. Your Eternal will keep your core safe while helping you build more defenses and your ennemies will have troubles at attempting sneak attacks as your walls are very resistant and the back of your dungeon is safe behind its obsidian walls.
Exhaust your ennemies' options and train your forces to defeat your opponents while your dungeon would be a true war fortress.
-The Demonic Beasts (Red Player): A faction focusing on attack. Its deadly beasts and the Siege shrine allow to easily breach enemy dungeons and to wipe out their forces.
Your dungeon is protected by Augrum walls making it very resistent, however the insane heat of your dungeon has turned some of your walls into brimstone... Be careful to not get breached yourself! And of course make sure not to send your creatures blindly into battle if you can't even keep your dungeon safe...
Your Behemoth will happily work in your Arena and will knock out even your most powerful enemies if helped by your beasts.
-The Golden Ones (Yellow Player): A faction focusing on ressources. Its powerful defenses and warriors will be near unstoppable as long that enough gold is extracted.
Be warned that your walls are made of deeply fragile sand and are full of gold which you could extract to increase your ressources faster at the price of your walls and even some doors. At least, your realm has a whole line of liquid gold around it, forcing your ennemies to build small bridges to make sneak attacks on your dungeon.
Use your Colossus to easily collect the gold and to assist your minions in their training in the Casern.

Good luck, Underlords!