Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Ocen: 38
Legendary Headstart
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27 kwietnia 2018 o 13:06
19 maja 2018 o 16:20
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Legendary Headstart

The Legendary Headstart Mod adds a variety of bonuses to all major civs at the start of the game. The intent is to provide a richer variety of playstyles, based on the sometimes legendary head starts these bonuses sometimes provide.

There are 18 bonuses in all – some of which are much more powerful than others:

1. Faith: Adds Faith - if the game starts before the Industrial Era, otherwise adds Gold. Can also spawn 1-2 Great Prophets. Adds an Era-appropriate melee unit, then adds the "Faster Healing" and "Foreign Lands Bonus" to existing combat units.
2. Science: Adds 1-3 free Technologies, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels.
3. Gold: Significant amount of Gold added to treasury
4. Culture: Adds 1-3 free Policies, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels. Adds gold if no cities exist.
5. Happiness: Golden Age progress boost; additional starting Happiness
6. Great People: Adds 1-3 Great People (of your choice), more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels. If there is no city, a gold bonus is awarded.
7. Infrastructure: Adds 1-3 extra Workers, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels.
8. Expansion: Adds 1-3 extra Settlers, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels.
9. Melee Units: Adds 1-3 Melee units, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels.
10. Mobile Units: Adds 1-3 Mobile units, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels.
11. Ranged Units: Adds 1-3 Ranged units, more for later Era starts and easier difficulty levels.
12. "Peace" Focus: Adds 1-3 extra Settlers and 1-3 extra Workers.
13. "War" Focus: Adds combat units, similar to #9, and #10 and/or #11.
14. "Commerce" Focus: Adds smaller amounts of Faith, Gold, Culture, and Golden Age progress

New Bonuses (V3):

15. Trade Baron: Adds 1-3 Trade Routes and/or 1-3 Great Merchants
16. Cornucopia: Grants Pottery if not discovered and builds a Granary in the Capital, if one has not already been built. Adds 10-30 food to the capital.
17. Heraia: Adds 2-5 population to the capital. Adds 25-40 food. Spawns 1-3 Settlers if the civ has no cities.
18. Armilustrium: Adds Walls to the capital, 50% chance of adding a Castle, and 1 Great General. If the civ has no cities, 1-2 Great Generals will spawn.

Please note: Starting in V3, these bonuses are applied at the beginning of the human player's 2nd turn. This provides all civs the chance to build a capital so they will be capable of getting the full benefits of all the Legendary Bonuses.

Additionally, the benefits are adjusted, based on game difficulty, speed, and starting Era. Generally speaking, when the mod adds units, it randomly adds 1-3. It adds more units if the game starts in a later Era, or if you are playing at an easier difficulty level.

The mod uses 5 possible methods to decide which bonus a civ will get:

1. Completely Random: this means that a civ could get any one of the 18 bonuses. (40% chance)
2. "War" Priority: the civ will get a bonus from a list of #9, #10, #11, #13, or #18. (10% chance)
3. "Peace" Priority: the bonus will be selected from a list of #1, #2, #4, #5, #12, #16, or #17. (10% chance)
4. "Commerce" Priority: the bonus will be either #3, #7, #8, #14, or #15. (10% chance)
5. Leader Flavor: the bonus will come from whatever Flavor is the highest for that civ's Leader. If there are more than one flavors with the highest number, the mod will select a random flavor with the highest value. (30% chance)


Special thanks to MariusMagnus and Nutty on civfanatics for helping me fix a few bugs and add some improvements that hopefully make the mod more "Legend…." wait-for-it…. ;)

Please note: the mod is quite stable, but is still in BETA form. Please let me know if you're seeing any problems or have any suggestions. Thanks!
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29 lutego 2020 o 9:12
Suggestions - Bug Reports
Komentarzy: 41
S-Man  [autor] 19 maja 2020 o 12:23 
@KiwiSteve - that's right, as in many things in life, there are trade-offs with all "blessings..." This is actually by design. For example, if your nearest rival Civ has settlers early on, they can really be set back in their development - making them easier pickings...

It's almost an unfair advantage, as the human player can manage these problems a bit better than AI Civs. But, then again, they also have buffs the human player doesn't.

My main intent in this mod is to throw a ton of curve balls at human players, so they have to adjust their normal approach to game start, and respond to wildly unusual situations early on.
KiwiSteve 4 kwietnia 2020 o 15:30 
Hi SMan
I just found this mod recently, and love it.
The latest start gave me 3 settlers and three workers ...
... but not enough happiness to form the three extra cities straight away, and all my income taken by the workers.
As you say, some are better than others, and what you like the best is probably what suits your style.
JEELEN 17 czerwca 2019 o 14:31 
@S-Man: The option to gain a Prophet right off the bat seems a bit OP. If you're close to a civ that gains one, it becomes pointless to try and start a religion. By the time you have enough Faith all of your cities will be under overwhelming religious pressure.
JEELEN 13 czerwca 2019 o 11:55 
Turn 50: captured 2 Pompeian settlers, defeated 1 German warrior... and Cleopatra declared Friendship.:steammocking:
JEELEN 13 czerwca 2019 o 11:50 
Wel, it's different alright: on turn 40 I have 4unhappy cities producing crap all... and Pompey & the Germans DOW my 1 warrior army. :steamfacepalm:
JEELEN 13 czerwca 2019 o 11:24 
Decided to try out something different: Caesar vs Pompey, while not founding Rome on the first turn... we both got 3 additional settlers. :steamhappy:
JEELEN 10 czerwca 2019 o 11:02 
@S-Man: I agree. I've had a tendency to simply begin the game at Classic Era to skip the motions of the first 50 turns or so, butI found the AI isn't well adjusted to a non-standard start era.

It may be because I picked Carthage to play, but compared to my latest game the AI does seem to keep up better - because of the start bonus? Will see after a couple more playthroughs, I guess.
S-Man  [autor] 10 czerwca 2019 o 4:50 
Glad you're liking it, @JEELEN. I noticed, when I play the game for fun, I tended to always follow the same development path - on techs, social policies, etc. Not that this is totally boring, but you do notice a pattern after a while.

That's what got me to build this mod - to throw a huge bonus at you (and all your nearby competitors) that forces you to adjust your normal playing style. Either to take advantage of the bonus, or to prepare for hostile neighbors coming at you with a massive army.

Everything clears up, more or less, by the first 50 or so game turns, but I do believe this mod makes those first 50 turns a LOT more interesting...
JEELEN 7 czerwca 2019 o 11:25 
Discovered Egypt on turn 13 and they had an extra Settler hanging around. :steamhappy:
JEELEN 7 czerwca 2019 o 11:13 
@S-Man: This is frigging brilliant! Playing as JFD's Carthage I got gold after turn1 and on turn 2 a religion was founded. Totally random! I love it.