

OC - Operator 45O
""Field" Operator 45O

Name: Operator 45O (AKA Ash among resistance androids)

Occupation/Model: Operator (underwent partial Type-B equipment transition)

Race: YoRHa Android

Sex: Female Model

Age: Unknown

Manufacture Date: 16/5/11942

Height: 179 cm

Weight: 125 kg

Weapon: YoRHa-Issued Sword, Spear

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Purple

It is common for YoRHa units to request for a model change for various reasons, whether to break the monotony of their previous assignments, or to undertake certain missions. Operator 45O was one of the early YoRHa androids to request for such change. Feelings are prohibited for YoRHa androids, but she cannot deny the boredom that was sitting at the control panel in the Bunker coordinating & relaying information to combat units on the ground.

After 2 years of serving as an Operator, 45O wanted to be down there with her fellow comrades, to fight together with them, to see Earth with her own eyes, the see water falls, animals, flowers & all the fascinating stories the squads she supported had told her about after their missions. The squads sent her photos too of various interesting sights & scenery, which she happily shared with Operator 6O, her close friend in the Bunker. Funny though, this Operator 6O, she's always so chatty & cheerful, she talks a little too much some times. But somehow, despite being the polar opposite of 6O, being the quiet & serious one, 45O found herself growing close to 6O & enjoyed her company immensely.

Operator 45O put in her request to transition to a Type-B (Battler) or Type-D (Defender) model and was given the green light by the Commander. However, the R & D girls in charged of combat data collection had a bright idea - "What happens if we equip an operator model for field work & combat, yet retain her skills & abilities as an Operator?". Operator 45O was curious enough, or perhaps foolhardy enough, to agree to that experiment.

With that, she underwent equipment transition & was sent down to Earth as a "Field" Operator. Her job is to support the YoRHa squads in their missions by providing live, on-the-go combat analysis, information feed & strategy formation. 45O accepted the supportive role, as long as she was able to be on Earth & join the fighter with her fellow android comrades. Also, to explore around when she has the free time, ahem.

Despite not having the hacking skills, investigative & information gathering prowess of the Type-S (Scanner) models, 45O shined through with her strategy formation & information analysis in the heat of battle. Her level-headedness allowed her to calmly & quickly identify weaknesses in enemy formation & specific weak points of Goliath-class machine lifeforms & direct her squad members to act on those info. She also proved herself invaluable in aiding resistance androids in their fights & grew to know some of the resistance fights closely. They even decided to give her a nickname, Ash, the 1st 2 alphabets a play on her designation, 45."