Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

114 ratings
Cantil Rapids
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7.467 MB
21 Apr, 2018 @ 10:52am
22 Apr, 2018 @ 9:19am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Cantil Rapids

In 2 collections by ecania
A Collection of Ecanias Maps and Themes
37 items
Cantil Rapids the Collection
26 items
Heya and welcome to enjoy Cantil Rapids.
Thank you very much for clicking on this beautiful map.

The map is made with Khanadors gorgeus theme - Not so Rocky Hills EU Theme
The map is huge , can be played from 9 tiles up to 81 tiles.
There are more than 25ok trees on the map , so you gonna need the
Unlimited Trees mod to play.

About the map

5 road connections
4 rail connections
4 sea connections
4 air connections

Terraforming and planning and map idea – Ecania
Terraforming and erosion with Wilbur - Giggily
The beautiful trees and bushes - Mr Maison
The beautiful trees and bushes - Pdelmo
The awesome map theme - Khanador
5 way intersection made by - Arisandi
Trumpet intersection by - Koesj


Traffic can look thick on the huge intersection on the map , but testing shows that after
a bit of time it will adjust and slightly look better.

Pillars are deleted with Move it , sometomes pillars comes back when starting a new game , especially railpillars just delete them again if they block shipping path or come back under custom bridges.

There are 3 items listed as required items , those are mods and maptheme , trees , bridges and LUT is in the Cantil Rapids collection above this text so you can subscribe everything with one click if you prefer to do that.

I reilly recommend the The Bona Vista Valley LUT for this map to keep the colors from the photos.


If you wanna play this map and think it is to much to sub , well then you can skip the bridges and Sörlandet and also Doosan power and the 2 lighthouses....I recommend you sub all trees , theme and lut.
Also know that playing 25 or 81 tiles does not make any differance , the computer reads in the whole landscape anyway , how much you build is what makes the differance.

Enjoy the map.


Daylight Classic All screens taken with this mod on - set it to all on.

Prop & Tree Anarchy Use this if you wanna keep grass around stones and flora under bridges and such.

Tree LOD Fix This mod have been used for screenshots.

Ultimate Eyecandy

Softer Shadows

Cubemap Replacer
This mod is used in the screenshots for the sky.

Pastel Cubemap Pack
Pack with a few Cubemaps to the mod above
Black Fire 1 Jul, 2018 @ 1:17am 
WOW !! I really really like your style! The detailing is just awsome! and I really like how you make these mountains. Thumbs up !!! :steamhappy:
BonBonB 29 May, 2018 @ 4:08am 
Reviewed in What Map 310
ecania  [author] 30 Apr, 2018 @ 9:55pm 
@ rovaira2 you can use Building themes mod and set another theme for districts or the whole city..
rovaira2 30 Apr, 2018 @ 7:53pm 
Does this work with American buildings or just European? And if it's European, is there a way to turn on American ones? Thanks for everything.
ecania  [author] 29 Apr, 2018 @ 2:40am 
@ osure that sounds great now enjoy the map
osure 28 Apr, 2018 @ 6:21pm 
@ecania, I didn't see the collections so after subbing to all the items in the collection I have trains now! Great map!
ecania  [author] 28 Apr, 2018 @ 6:27am 
@ Zelghradis strange when I let the map run before release, trains where on the map I havent started a city on it, but I will check it again , and you did sub all items in the collection since its some train bridges you need.
Zelghradis 28 Apr, 2018 @ 5:54am 
Trains arent coming in for me :(
ecania  [author] 28 Apr, 2018 @ 12:15am 
You need this collection , it is also on top of this page.
Tenbeersdeep 27 Apr, 2018 @ 3:24pm 
Is there a train bridge to sub to? Allt he train lines are broken.