Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

55 ratings
Cheese Stick - International Gateway
Assets: Prop
File Size
807.843 KB
12 Apr, 2018 @ 11:56pm
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Cheese Stick - International Gateway

In 1 collection by hemeac
Australia Road Props
40 items
The Melbourne Gateway was created along the City Link in Melbourne in 2000. Colloquially known as the Cheese Stick. This prop contains both the yellow and red sticks (one each). If this prop set gets 25 ratings, I will add a yellow wall to match as seen in the uploaded photo.

Asset Stats:
Main Mesh: 10 Tris
Custom LOD Mesh: 10 Tris

Main Textures: 64x64
Custom LOD Texture: 64x64
Maps: Diffuse, specular, illumination and colour

For those interested, this is the Australia Coast HD map theme by pdelmo.

If you would like the wall that is behind the cheesestick, you can find it here:
Camerooni 13 Aug, 2019 @ 9:46pm 
Cheese stick? I've always heard it referred to as 'Jeff's extension'.
Frisk_yy Bruv 15 Sep, 2018 @ 4:16am 
The Leaning Tower of Cheese.
hemeac  [author] 25 Apr, 2018 @ 11:40pm 
@all, Thanks all, I've released wall, you can find the link in the description above
BURGER_R1NGS 21 Apr, 2018 @ 9:51pm 
Hell yes! Adding to my city now :D
jc ham 21 Apr, 2018 @ 9:06pm 
this would be the last thing i'd think i'd see on the workshop. very nice
hemeac  [author] 20 Apr, 2018 @ 7:17pm 
@themelbguy. That sounds like a good idea. I think I would try to release a section of it that can be tiled as a wall with PLT or if I can figure out how to get it to work with the Network Tiling mod.