Hunt: Showdown 1896

Hunt: Showdown 1896

116 평점
Suspicious stuff to be on lookout in a match
»SoD« Thekillergreece 님이 작성
Guide for the Hunt Showdown, what to be on lookout for, etc. This guide is regarding mostly for sounds and audio cues that play a big part in this game.

For Gameplay Guide, refer to this guide: (Made by Alucard)

For Weapons Guide, refer to this guide: (Made by myself)
즐겨찾기 해제
Hunters in game are usually on full alert at all times to make sure they wont get ambushed by any creature or even other rival hunters. Indeed, rival Hunters are never your priority to hunt but you will have to eliminate them when you have the opportunity to do so orthewise they will eliminate you if you wont eliminate them first.

The following list lists all suspicious stuff that you must be careful or check them out if absolutely required.

Make sure to vote this guide if it turned out to be useful for you :).
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Suspicious Stuff
1. Dead Horses - Do not confuse them with "already" dead horses. This is about horses that were severely wounded by the creatures and are crying in pain when approached by a Player. If you notice a horse in an area that was alive but you do not kill it and leave the area and you come back to the same area and find the horse not responding to your presence anymore then it means a Player killed the horse and may still be around your location. Take extra caution and listen for sounds. This is an uncommon occurence.

2. Birds not in area - Most areas have fixed locations of birds to spawn. If an area you know very well does not have any birds then a Player recently spooked them or killed them with a firebomb/lantern and may still be around. This is a common occurence.

However, crows sometimes respawn to their location after a long time of no hunter's presence.

3. Dead dogs and chickens (caged) - Dogs and chickens are not dead initially and if found dead, a Player may still be around as they killed them. This is a rare occurence though as most Players leave the animals aside.

4. Monsters not in an area - Zombies are literally everywhere and if there are no zombies in the surroundings of a barn then it's likely a Player killed them and is still around. This is a very common occurence.

5. Partially or fully looted ammunation caches - If a cache is partially open (partially looted) or fully open (fully open) then a Player took ammo and may still be around the area. This is an uncommon occurence though.

6. Empty or partially empty medkits - Similar to ammunation caches. Uncommon occurence.

7. Dead Hunters - Deceased Hunters' bodies wont vanish like most monsters do (aside from meatheads). They stay permanently on map until the round ends. So, if you see a dead hunter on the ground be on extra alert as it can be an indication a deadly gunfight happened recently and the killer may still be around. Especially if the area is empty from monsters.

8. Upset monsters -
Grunts - If you notice a Grunt investigating (By constantly moving their heads side and side as they slowly walk to a path) then it means someone triggered their response. Occassionally, they may stare at a location when they are unable to go there. If you see Grunts jogging or running with their hand raised in air, then it means they are actively attacking someone or someone was too close to them and probably left in mere seconds but are still around.

Armoreds - Armoreds usually walk faster than when casually patrolling, away from their scripted patrol route. If you see them raising a hand in air then it means they are actively attacking a hunter.

Hives - Hives always spawn bees when aggravated as they have much larger radius even if hunters dont see them. A hive will jog after hunters if they are too close and only after sending bees after them. Hives will scream when alerted on hunters' presence. You will hear them screaming if you are in some close distance with the hives.

Meatheads - Meatheads who are upset will briefly raise their melee in air and/or run towards to a location. Hunters will rarely kill a meathead so use that to your advantage if you see an upset meathead.

Hellhounds - Finally, hellhounds can be heard by noises and barks if they spot and chase after a hunter.

9. Taken clues - There are two forms of clues: Taken or not taken.

Clues which are not taken are covered in white "ice glass"-like while the taken clues will have an empty deep black hole with no glass at all. This is an obviously common occurence and may mean a hunter is still around.

10. Upset Boss - A hunter can trigger both bosses by making their presence clear (as in, rushing in lair, melee on a wall or object, being spotted directly by a boss, etc). A triggered boss will run around the lair and/or jog towards to the hunter to attack them.

However, a hunter may unintentionally trigger a boss as they enter and try to leave the lair. So, if you hear the butcher for example jogging around the map then it may indicate that a hunter is in the lair or is near the lair. But make sure that you aren't the one who triggered the boss.

11. Dead Boss not being banished - This is a common camping tactic from Hunters. Hunters sometimes kill a boss but may not banish them for two reasons:
A) Camping inside the lair or around the lair.
B) They left the lair to search the clues for the second boss and did not want to alert all hunters for a banishing taking a place.

Extreme caution is required.

12. Dead Meatheads and Hellhounds - Meatheads never despawn after their death in similar manner of bosses. Hellhounds sometimes despawn after their death, sometimes not. Either way, if see a body of Meathead or a Hellhound then a Hunter recently passed through and may still be around.

13. Armed bear traps on the ground - There are no armed bear traps in the map. If there is one an armed bear trap then it means that a hunter may be around or was around. Take extreme caution whe spotting a bear trap as they will alert nearby hunters and injure you + give you a bleeding status if you step on one.
What to be on lookout for
1. Gunshots - If you hear gunshots, take cover and keep it quiet and meassure where the gunshot came from and how loud was it. Was it close or far? Did it come from south or east? What weapon was it? Rifle or Karabiner? If far, you may feel free to move freely again but be on alert in case the Hunters are around. If it was close, absolutely be careful and be ready to pull the trigger. Hunters are no joke. Every player will meet this dilhemma so think accordingly.

Take extreme caution to move if the gunshots are ongoing and too wild (as in, more than 2 weapons are involved) as that means a battle with two teams may be in progress. However, it could be a team exp farming on monsters.

2. Crying pain of a horse, crows flying away, dogs barking and chicken sounds -
Keep in mind: Contrary to a belief, only Hunters can trigger them, monsters cannot trigger those events.

So if you hear either of the above and was not caused by you or your teammate then a Hunter is definitely around so be on alert.

3. Doors at buildings - A common mistake Hunters tend to do is leave the door of a house, barn or any building, open. This is always an indication that a Hunter was recently here or is still here.

However take a mental note that some buildings are scripted to have their doors opened.

4. Hunter death sounds - If you hear a hunter being killed (by hearing a scream) then it is most likely they got killed by either an another hunter or by raging monsters.

5. Sounds of glass cans and hanging chains/buckets - If you hear sounds from hanging glass cans, chains or buckets then stay on alert and be ready to pull your trigger. This often indicates a hunter moved through the hanging of objects.

However, be noted that even monsters can move through hanging objects, triggering them. This may indicate a false alarm of a possible hunter's presence but this also may mean a monster pursued a hunter through the hanging objects but lost a sight of them.

6. Weapons peeking through the windows or doors. - A common mistake the hunters do is by aiming their weapon through the windows and doors, pretty close, making their weapon actually visible. Double check the windows and doors when passing through a few buildings and hunters often peek through them by aiming their weapons.

7. Sounds of weapons switch. - This is a very common thing to hear out of sudden from your rival hunter. Each weapon have a unique switch sound. If you hear a weapon switch then it means a hunter is definitely close to you.

8. Sounds of reloads. - If a hunter is close to you and is reloading, you can hear them. Use it as your advantage to counter-attack if they were attacking you and ran out of ammo.

9. Sounds of all forms of walking. - There are 3 forms of walking. Walking, Running and crouch walking.

Walking causes more noise than crouch walking but less noisy than running.
Running causes more noise than walking.
Crouch walking is the quietest form of walking than the rest.

However be advised that a very good hunter who has a good headset or has good audio speakers will be able to hear you crouchwalking from distance so be careful when crouch walking and when not.
Tips and tricks
1. It's best to learn how every weapon sounds like. Winnfields gunshots sound differently than Vetterli rifles. Vetterli rifles gunshots sound differently than Mosin Nagant rifles. Mosin Nagant rifles sound differently than Avtomat and Nitro Express rifles and so on. This will actually help you get prepared with what kind hunter you are gonna encounter with. Would it be a low threat? High threat due to him using avtomat? Adapt your strategy and prepare to encounter him with whatever tactics you feel like are useful.

2. Explosions can attract larger monsters' attention and will increase their aggro significantly. Prepare for monster horde if you are gonna set off explosions for some reason.

3. Hives should be taken seriously and nicknamed as artillery enemy as they can send their hives to far distances. If a hive is attacking you in distance and you can't kill it, run to the opposite direction as far as you can (at least more than 30 meters from the distance you was at) so the bees can lose you.

4. The damage from monsters can differ.
Grunts with no weapons deal about 10 damage per hit.
Grunts with torch deal zero damage as they only set you on fire.
Grunts with knives deal about 10 damage per hit and instantly give you bleeding status at the same time.
Armoreds deal about 50 damage per hit.
Hives deal about 50 to 80 damage in total. It depends your distance with the hive and the bees lifespan time.
Meatheads deal about 60 damage per hit.
Hellhounds deal about 70 damage per hit.
Butchers deal about 40 damage per hit and set you on fire at the same time.
Spiders deal about 40 damage per hit and give you a poison status. Their acid smoke will last about 30 seconds and can kill you if you won't move away from the acid smoke.

5. Grunts with torches can not set you on fire at all when you are in deep waters. Therefore they will never damage you, no matter how many times they hit you.
댓글 37
Dredd 2020년 8월 30일 오후 12시 01분 
Whenever I discover the remnants of a gun battle I like to count the bodies since the map allows 12 players MAX a total of 4 teams in a round. So that mental count helps let you know if you have complete map control or there is a straggler that needs to be hunted.

Also certain sounds can be heard from certain distances I have to do more testing but roughly 30-50 meters of running, jumping, and melee can be heard so roughly a distance of a compound.

There's a lot of mental battles whenever a round begins.. Some Hunters purposely don't kill anything nor do they take clues, surveying the land for any clues to other Hunter's presence. So what is really scary is a quiet game and it's already 25 minutes in. You have to start thinking am I really alone or am I being stalked.
{FU}TheForgeryTTV 2019년 7월 28일 오후 5시 11분 
Hellhounds howl if they cannot pursue a hunter anymore, or in rare cases, a hunter is killed in front of them.
»SoD« Thekillergreece  [작성자] 2019년 3월 23일 오후 12시 16분 
This guide is very outdated and obsolete. I might update it sometime soon.
RoachDoggJR 2019년 3월 23일 오후 12시 13분 
Hellhounds deal 20ish damage per hit, no?
UK GH0STP3PE 2019년 3월 17일 오후 12시 24분 
You forgot to mention twigs. They are a pretty big giveaway if someone steps on them and you can see them on the ground snapped if someone has already broken them.
💜 Jonni 2019년 3월 11일 오후 2시 32분 
Hellhounds deal nearly as much damage anymore, if you kill it and get hit in the process you won't even lose a small bar if you stop the bleeding fast
RoxioFoxiteTTV 2019년 3월 5일 오후 9시 10분 
The spider does 60ish damage, as you lose slightly more than a large bar when hit, at least when pouncing.
Ir0n_Revverb 2019년 2월 8일 오후 9시 49분 
You should ad that Meatheads will "drop" their leeches only if a hunter is nearby. If you are watching one from a distance and he drops leeches, then another hunter is probably near
»SoD« Thekillergreece  [작성자] 2018년 6월 16일 오후 11시 12분 
@iMaxDamage I'm sorry but this is not relevant to this guide.. :P
Ugly Face 2018년 6월 16일 오후 10시 47분 
Should add "If your teammate continously causes you harm, run away from or kill them."
Had my team mate repetedly harm me in various ways until it culminated in him outright trying to kill me. I dipped like a potato chi!