Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

84 ratings
DR 132 'Ludmilla' Coal Train (Prop, Engine)
Assets: Prop
File Size
5.535 MB
27 Mar, 2018 @ 3:21pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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DR 132 'Ludmilla' Coal Train (Prop, Engine)

In 6 collections by REV0
- GERMANY: Vehicles and Props
308 items
Ludmilla - DR Class 130 Family: Train Sets and Props
23 items
(C) Cargo Trains: Sets and Props
102 items
REV0's Emporium: Trains and Collections
640 items
Railyard: Buildings, Props, Vehicles for Railyards
134 items
(D) DIESEL: Rolling Stock and Props
92 items
Deutsche Reichsbahn, Engine, Prop

The DR 130 family of locomotives comprises the DR Class 130 (DBAG Class 230), DR Class 131 (DBAG Class 231), DR Class 132 (DBAG Class 232 as well as Classes 233, 234 and 241 produced through modifications) and DR Class 142 (DBAG Class 242).

They were produced in the Soviet Union in Luhansk, Ukraine from the 1970s onwards, and were imported into the GDR. After the reunification of Germany the Deutsche Bahn (DBAG) inherited them and continue to make use of them mainly as heavy freight locomotives.

Nicknamed Ludmilla, over 700 units were produced between 1970 and 1982. Two of these machines are classed as works vehicles with the designation Class 754.

As a part of collections:

Technical Details

  • Engine Prop
  • 2048*1024 textures for engine
  • Custom LOD

Recommended Mods
More Beautification to plop in-game, Find It to find in game. Tag: "dr132old"

Downvote Fairy

There is a downvote fairy in workshop, who is downvoting every vehicle asset that gets released not done by him. If you like this model, make sure to upvote it.

Project took 16 days to complete. Its is sponsored by Kettenkrad81. Blueprints are provided by both SimNationJan Kettenrad81.

Great thanks to both. If you have any request, refer request form located on my Steam profile.

Keywords for Workshop search: Germany, Eastern Germany, Deutsche, Reichsbahn, Ludmilla, BR, DR, 132, 232, Coal, Cargo, Train, Diesel
Maerker 10 Feb, 2019 @ 2:24am 
Is there anybody who can make an IFA W50 truck which was one of the most familiar trucks in the GDR? Especially als fire truck? That would be great!