ENDLESS™ Space 2

ENDLESS™ Space 2

82 ratings
Vodyani guide (2018)
By Stephane_VirtualDJ
This is a short guide about how to play the Vodyani in the current (2018) version.
(many of the existing guides around were written during the early alpha version, and are not the best tactic anymore).

The Vodyani are the most special race of Endless Space 2, and play very differently than all the other races.
Their overpowered (and modifiable anywhere) arks, super FIDSI race, and instant colonization of all planets in a system, makes them the most powerful faction if you know what you’re doing.
There’s 2 things to keep in mind when playing them: Quantity over quality, and Ark->Essence->Population->FIDSI
First turns
When the game starts, your first order of business is to explore the galaxy around you, and try to find systems with 5 planets (or 4 planets if they have resources you really need). Ignore anything with less than 4 planets, and don’t pay too much attention on all the FIDSI bonuses of the different planets. With Vodyani, the only things that really matter is the number of planets (your population have a +8 of everything, so it’s always better to have more population, than better bonuses).

So send your Wheel and your Leecher around, making ample use of your Wheel’s probes (don’t waste them on anomalies yet), to unveil the map around you.
Try to avoid pirates, and if you encounter any, just flee.

In the meantime, slowly build your main system (starting with Cerebral Reality etc) with what you have available. Don’t waste production on food-only infrastructures.
As soon as you have around 500 credit accumulated, go to the fleet screen, and edit your ark. Change every single slot that can host a module, and put a “All Must Provide” in it.
Then pay to upgrade your main ark to the new design.
Since your population is so powerful at generating all FIDSI, and Essence is needed to increase your population, it’s better to focus all your arks on generating only Essence, which in turn will raise your population faster, and in turn will generate LOTS of science/dust/production/influence.
Also, the Arks are powerful enough to provide all the essence you need, so you don’t really need to bother with leeching minor/major factions.
(remember to keep upgrading all the Arks in the future when you unlock more slots, or “All Must Provide II” etc).

Also, look from the first turn, which luxury resource is needed to Boost your population (it’s chosen at random at the beginning of each game). Then quickly find a system that has this resource, and make it your first priority to send an ark there (or maybe even move your existing Ark there).
If you don’t see any system with this resource, then make it a priority to research Galactic Commodities, then buy all of it from the market, whenever there are some available.
Since all your resources come from your population, keeping your population in constant boost (generating +8 instead of +4) should be a top priority.
Time to expand
In the first few turns, spend your essence to raise your main system to 3 population.
This should give you enough time to identify a nice 5-planet system and get the science needed to colonize some of its planets.
When that’s the case, accumulate your essence until you max it out.
(most likely, you will have built everything you can build at this point, especially since you’re focusing the research on making planet habitable, not on getting things to build, but it’s ok. Just have your production to generate essence from dust).
Once you maxed out your essence, produce an Ark, and send it to the 5-planet system you want to colonize.
TIP: one useful “cheat” here, is to change the design of arks before you produce it, and replace the All Must Provide by speed engine. Then produce an ark, move it (most likely in 1 turn with all those engines) to the new system, anchor it, edit the design again and put back the All Must Provide, and upgrade your new ark to the original design.
Time for war
When you want to remove those pesky pirate bases, or if you found a perfect-looking 5-planets system already colonized by a rival faction, you’ll need to attack.
But you probably noticed that your manpower is very very low. That’s normal for vodyani (since they don’t rely on food).
So before going to war, you’ll want to research Autonomous Construction, to have access to Titanium A2S Slugs modules.
As soon as you have it, open the fleet designer and edit the Leecher. Replace all the modules with Titanium A2S Slugs.
This way, a single leecher will reduce the manpower of any enemy system by 60/turn. So a small (and very cheap to produce) stack of 5 leechers will empty any 300 population system in just one turn.
Then send some armed ships to defeat the enemy’s ships, and as soon as the system is defenseless, send your 5 leechers, make them stay one turn, and next turn just bombard the system out of existence, no matter how few manpower your ships have.
Time for grow
At the beginning, your systems are maxed out at 3 population per planet.
In order to raise this limit, you will need to apply System Development (in the Economic screen) to each Ark.
Unlike other races, the System Development for Vodyani is not only about applying a small bonus, it’s needed to raise the population cap (which as you understood by now, is MUCH more important than the small bonus).
So, do not set up the upgrades using a luxury resource that gives a bonus you like. Use the resources that you are producing in the biggest quantity.
It’s very important that you are able to upgrade all your Arks (and you’ll quickly reach 8 or 11 Arks).
Time for win
Once you will have established 8 or 11 Arks, all of them maxed out in population, and you’re almost out of things to build in each Arks, it’s time to wrap up the game, and choose how you’d like to win.
The fastest by this point, is probably to go for a science win. Just edit your ark design, and replace all the All Must Provide by All Must Study. Then upgrade all your arks.
You’re now putting the Sophons to shame, and should finish a science victory in a dozen turns.
Or, replace by All Must Tithe for an economic victory, or All Must Serve for a wonder victory, All Must Worship for alliance, etc.

If you’re doing everything right, you should consistently win before turn 100 when playing the Vodyani.
Have fun playing.
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 14 Feb, 2023 @ 7:01am 
I could have sworn there was such a setting. I must be confusing it with something else. Regardless, there IS the setting Home System Quality. By default, home systems are balanced to be 3-4 planets. But with a chaotic home system quality, you can easily get a 1 planet or a 5 planet system. And all of them can be colonizeable or only one of them with others 4+ researches away.

In the end, what kinds of systems you find is really up to chance. And playing with systems with 1-3 planets is simply a challenge you have to face. As Vodyani especially it is also no problem to anchor on a 1 planet system and move your ark later when you have found more suitable locations.
cjackmond 12 Feb, 2023 @ 6:48pm 
I checked the settings, there is no such settings for planets per system "low, medium, high, random", you must be using a mod.
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 18 Aug, 2021 @ 8:49am 
@Cid Aulstyne
Turn 30 is very late for starting offensive wars against the AI. You really need to be there on turn 10-15 with battle arks. Also, a single battle ark is probably not going to cut it. In addition to that, remember that upgrades in your ship tech also affect the arks, so they are very important to get as well.

In general, Battle arks only make sense against other empires and are way more powerful early on (before the AI can build medium ships). If you only find minor civs, you basically lost the game already anyway (unless you are on an easy difficulty).
Cid Aulstyne 18 Aug, 2021 @ 4:34am 
@Zlorfik [CH/BY]
I also tried your method twice:
First on a 8 Arms Spiral Galaxy with a total of 8 Empires, yet by turn ~70, there was no trace of any Minor/Manor Civilizations, so the Battle Ark was just rusting around

On the second try, on a 1vs1 Tiny Map against Lumeris, I found one of its Colonies by turn ~30 and the Battle Ark was destroyed by a 11CP Fleet of Explorers/Attackers
Cid Aulstyne 4 Jul, 2021 @ 4:30am 
I finally managed to play with Vodyani, and I'm trying this very strategy
It does make sense (however I think I'm taking it a bit too far by research "All must Provide III") while only acquiring 200 Dust and 50 Influence per turn
Plus refiting a single Ark cost +2.000 Dust which takes me nearly 10 turns to make (and I have 8 Arks by now)
But this is probably my own fault, I don't even know how to acquire Heroes besides the two Vodyani ones I have plus the Endless I got in my Quest

What is truly bitting my head is the "Gameplay Time" Setting and how it strongly affects the Vodyani...
I'm playing on "norma" but is there even a point to set it to "Endless" just to have a 1.800 Essence cost to build my second Ark?
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 14 Jun, 2021 @ 7:22am 
There is a setting for planets per system that can be low, medium, high, random. In the end, it is also just luck. While getting one of these is great, it is not a requirement for a successful strategy. I'd rather have a 3 planet system with 2 or three already colonizable (or like 1 tech away) than a 5 planet system where I can only get one planet for quite some time.
The great thing is, if you find better options for e.g. the capital, just move the Ark there.
cjackmond 14 Jun, 2021 @ 6:56am 
I may be missing something, but many of my starts there is NO 5 planet system in the first dozen that could be found, and very few to occasionally no 4 planet systems (outside start), or ones with no habitable planets. What do you do then? What settings ensure that you have systems with 4-5 planets?
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 20 Jan, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
(6) A properly done Ark rivals the power of a fully upgraded military behemoth at 2/5 the CP cost and without any production limits. It is generally way more powerful than a Cruiser too, which is 6 CP.

In order for an ark to reach full potential, it will need to anchor and complete the system developments. Due to the immense luxury requirements, it might be beneficial to use mining probes on behemoths to mine your system development resources on unclaimed systems. Behemoths can also be used to retrieve essence from systems with destroyed planets. It is also a great income of essence to just nuke a 5 planet system, send an Ark over and have a never-ending, non-diminishing supply of free essence.
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 20 Jan, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
(5) This is obviously not great for grabbing systems quickly, but the Vodyani don't need that anyway. Leeching systems with a full fleet of BARKs will yield you basically a free ark and a lot of essence on the following turns (to a maximum of system food production + 300 from a pop).

By turn 80, you'll have 2-3 fleets entirely made up of arks in addition to a few systems to keep yourself going. From there it is easy to snipe the enemy home systems and win supremacy.

You can always transition to a more economical gameplay and not build too many BARKs, but you should always keep the essence loop going. The higher your essence production, the more arks you churn out on which you can immediately add populations using essence, level up the system development, adding more pops through proliferation eventually to the max. population all in 14 turns - something other factions require a good 60+ turns for.
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 20 Jan, 2021 @ 5:05pm 
(4) At this point it is debatable whether you want another system or another BARK. I lean towards the BARK unless there is an amazing 5-planet system to grab.

Invasion is another point where i disagree on. The biggest downside is that Vodyani manpower is very valuable. So you wish not to lose it. The problem with invasions is that enemies tend to draft, which will unnecessarily prolong invasions and kill off your troops. What you can do however as Vodyani is leech the planet dry on pops and then invade using manpower modules & the blitz tactic. Being able to bring 2-3 times the number of troops to a fight than your enemy is an instant 1-turn invasion win, saving you lots of manpower. An added benefit of orbiting and leeching off pops also means you are sieging your enemy.