Zombie Army Trilogy

Zombie Army Trilogy

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Horde Mode - Dead End Expert Strategy
By warpillow
A 4 player expert strategy for Horde Mode on Dead End.
Point Post Cross Strategy
1) "Point Position"- Player 1 uses Blyskawica and stands just to the right of the SMG ammo crate. Ideally close enough to only have to barely turn in order to refill ammo. Player uses very short bursts (1 or 2 rounds) into the mist going for head shots. Kill quickly.

2) "Guard Position" - Player 2 fires into the alleyway standing behind the Point Position in a range from right behind Player 1 to just less than 1/2 way down the alleyway. Blyskawica or shotgun are effective here. Player 2 defends the back of Player 1 and assists in keeping the alleyway clear. This position requires lots of movement and should be given to the most aware player on the team.

Player 1 and Player 2 must be in sync with each other. If Player 2 begins to get overrun, he backs up and alerts Player 1 who turns to help Player 2, and vice versa. If the forward position gets crowded they must run to the end of the alleyway to join Player 3 and Player 4. Players who do not communicate will find themselves sandwiched and quickly made very dead.

3) "Left Post Position" - Player 3 stands at end of allyway, opposite of ammo crates, behind box on left facing down the alley toward the mist. This player shoots any zombie that climbs over the wall to the right (standing to the left, shooting to the right).

4) "Right Post Position" - Player 4 stands on the right up against the wall facing the left windows and sewer drains and shoots zombies as soon as they appear (standing to the right, shooting to the left).

Post Positions will use whatever sniper rifle the players want. In the event that the Point and Guard Positions are overrun, ONLY Right Post Position will move up to assist. Left Post must remain. If all players are in the same general area then the zombies will all move to that location. Staying spread out is key. If either Post Position needs a ammo refill, then alternate turns for trips up to Point. Guard Position should assist Post player to ensure clear path to and fro.

Each of these positions is setup to eliminate zombies ASAP. Dead End doesn't allow room to run. Therefore, the name of the game is quick kills. This means kill grunts first as tall zombies will meander around and are easy to avoid. Explosives are very limited. In the later waves when grunts are hording and Suicide Zombies begin to spawn, Point and Guard can fall back to the end of the alleyway. Shoot the Suicide Zombies when they're in the midst of a horde. Free bomb.

Just as there is a "holding pattern" at the end of each wave when the final three zombies are labelled and waiting to be killed, there is a "trigger point" in the middle of most waves where finishing off the First Company triggers the arrival of the Second Company. Aware players will see the horde thinning out without replacements and will take this opportunity to reload. This is an absolute necessity, especially in the later waves.

For advanced players who see double digit waves (assuming you're playing on Sniper Elite), when the stuff hits the twirly thing and you've got zombies coming out of your ears, pick one side of the alleyway to stand on. Zombies will congregate to that side allowing space to run on the other. Another micro-tactic for Post players when things get heavy is for one player to kick zombies down while the other one picks them off with sniper fire. Basically the one kicking them down is looking to slow their progress, not kill them, buying more time.

But of course, no matter how good we get at horde mode or how high we see those waves go...we all end up Dead at the End.
freezingcathedral 11 Dec, 2018 @ 3:08pm 
best strat for dead end: play waves of despair instead.
VIlIlSOR 27 Feb, 2018 @ 1:31am 