Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage

47 ratings
Dinosaur Techniques that will help you Succeed
By The Sickening Belligerent Freak
This Guide will tell you about some techniques you can use. (Atleast 2 Of these will require the Skin pack to work)
Techniques for the Dactyl
The Pteranodan is the Flight class, I believe, and as you may know, it can grab Humans and drop them. With luck, you can drop a human Into a Rex's Mouth, but both the Dactyl and Rex must know what to do.

The Dactyl picks up a human and moves over to a Rex (or Spino) The Rex would have to move his head upwards (Space Bar) and the moment the Dactyl Drops the Enemy The Rex can Chomp on down. This is very tricky, but it works, i've tested and tried it, over and over till I got it right.
Techniques for Nova
The Raptors are the Scout Class, Their Very Fast, A Technique called "Tailing" Will work. Tailing Is simple, Wait out until you see a solo human pass towards you, you must now run after them, make sure to pounce on them. This may be Simple but it Works against the Unaware Human. Believe me.
Techniques for the Dilo
The Dilo Is the Ranged Class, You'll need Dino Skin pack 1 for this to work Guarenteed. The Second Skin for the Dilo is Green, The Same color as bushes, Find a Bush or two that is big enough to crouch into without being seen so well. Humans will literally Run right passed you and not Expect a thing. When they are close and their back is turned, Poison them and Chow down.
Techniques for Rex
The T-Rex is the Tank class, It Commonly Attracts more attention to the humans than Novas, Dilos, E.T.C. But Seeing as how they are the Largest, they, Of course, Make noise. The Number 1 Downside to the T-Rex is that For any other class, they can here the Rex's steps from about a mile away. The 2nd worst part abot the Rex is Sprinting and Turning, This is the Number 1 Weakness, so make sure you Corner Humans, or atleast attract alot of attention so that the Raptors can do their thing.
Techniques for Carno
The Carno is the Push Class, So therefore, it sends Enemies Flying into Danger, If you have Dino Skin Pack 1 and use the second skin on a darker map, You have a Bigger chance not getting noticed while about to push someone into Danger. Don't Forget to stop sprinting about half a second before you were planning to stop, Because he'll sprint for another second.
A Friendly Tip for Humans
Make Sure to Watch your Back, listen for Footsteps, and look into the Sky for Dactyls or look on the ground for their Shadows, good Luck out there.
hey 28 Jan, 2023 @ 10:11am 
Vibrinth 25 Mar, 2016 @ 7:39am 
this really helped me thanks!
Yu-Kwokie 20 Mar, 2016 @ 7:57am 
The tips for human is, stick together and avoid t rex
Garbeargob 4 Jul, 2015 @ 6:30am 
thanks for the help i really appreciate it
TortillaMaster 29 Jun, 2015 @ 2:48pm 
Maine 2 Aug, 2014 @ 9:51am 
omg This is mod helps me alot now i Know How to fix this,
AttilaLaDank 27 Jul, 2014 @ 7:27am 
I feed all the rexs now
MozarteanChaos 5 Dec, 2013 @ 6:36am 
No they didn't, I can still use it after roaring as a Dilo.
[kf]dinobirdboy 1 Dec, 2013 @ 11:55am 
they took the poison out for the dilo
Roguekiller 22 Jun, 2013 @ 8:22pm 
Thanks for the help first day playing this game