This War of Mine

This War of Mine

This War of Mine: Killing Soldiers in 1 night using Arica (No damage) [Military Outpost]
"This is from Arica, Marin and Katia Chapter:
~Forgive my screen... I'm using a potato PC :(~
They say Military Outpost is the most dangerous and risky place to scavenge but it's not hard if u have Arica or Roman to do the job.
The things I did:
~Killing all 8 soldiers in 1 night.
~No inflicted damage.
~Using Stealth Attack only. (Backstab)
~Using only knife. (No Guns included)
PS: @3:20 If u use headphone u can hear their footsteps even u can't see them. [That's why I know where they are xD]"
Dismellion 27 Apr @ 7:51pm 
Good stuff, but im lazy I just shoot them all with shotgun on ladders
一串脆骨多孜然 7 Jan, 2023 @ 5:02am 
Good sabre technique. At the same time, your fighting consciousness is in place!
Red Star, Blood Moon 19 Mar, 2022 @ 4:27pm 
It's actually really easy to cheese your way through the combat like that, just as you can see, like stupid easy. It's partway why the sneak kill mechanic is damn near broken it's so exploitable, which at the same time is only just barely compensated by how sad/depressed/suicidal they get by getting used as killing machines. otherwise the immersion would be broken. AI is stupid. Just look at this guy aim while she clearly is holding a knife and he sees his dead buddies.
Secret™  [author] 23 Feb, 2022 @ 2:53pm 
@Neworder1981, just switch into combat mode and find some obstacle that u can cover by crouching and leaning on the wall. (u cant really though :c)
Spartangamer 23 Feb, 2022 @ 12:08pm 
how did you make her crouch?
A Pebble 8 Oct, 2021 @ 2:50am 
"Hi, Don't make trouble." - Guy in the process of being stabbed to death.
Daxterr 15 Jul, 2021 @ 3:07am 
orlov010 1 Jun, 2021 @ 3:35am 
JukkaX 31 May, 2021 @ 4:29pm 
Wow! :- D
zjdy119 10 May, 2021 @ 9:06am 