Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

72 ratings
East Coast Housing 1x1 L1 Corner (RICO)
File Size
2.933 MB
21 Nov, 2017 @ 6:14pm
22 Nov, 2017 @ 7:23pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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East Coast Housing 1x1 L1 Corner (RICO)

In 1 collection by 220hertz
East Coast Housing
21 items
Just the corner piece for the other 1x1 houses I've added to this collection. RICO-enabled so you can plop.

Growable version of this asset here

Update: 11/26/2017
Probably going to leave this one where it is. I don't like changing assets all that much once I've published them. But, so you know - This one spawns a gull. If you hate C:S's gulls as much as I do, try this mod.

Asset Stats
Main mesh: 1,329 tris
LoD mesh: 91 tris

Textures: 1,024 and 128 all maps required are present.
Props: Just an entry point.
No DLC or asset dependencies.

RICO stats
Cost: 1,000
Homes: 3
To plop, check the low-density residential section of the RICO panel.

This asset is just intended to finish off a row-styled street with the other homes I've put up. I think I got the measurements OK. It uses the same texture as house 3 in the other asset which, I think, will save you some texture memory with Thale5's Loading Screen Mod. I'm kind of... of the opinion that it's an essential mod.

And also
I haven't mentioned it with this series yet, but I am somewhat concerned with the amount of geometry I've been putting into these buildings. If you're on a mid-spec rig or better and you're not maxed out on RAM on game load, you should be fine. You're probably still fine on something less than a mid-spec, whatever that means these days. Still, the mesh weight of this asset is a bit heavier than it should be - as it is with the other 1x1s I've done. Texture size too is also an issue, CO recommends keeping it at 512x512 or less for most small buildings - and all of this series has been 1024x1024. I'm deliberately trying to keep these accessible to as many people as possible, which is why I don't ask for DLC or asset dependencies if I can at all avoid it. I'll explore what I can do with better normal mapping and UV placement in the future and see if I can't hit that compromise better.

I guess, long story short - I don't want to be irresponsible about this. I enjoy the feedback and I love the game. So let me know your thoughts on that.

I'll do a 4x4 probably next, maybe one or two others and then move on to Level 2 buildings.

Thanks again. And let me know if you have a problem with this asset. Like, not an existential problem - but if it doesn't work.

Here are the source files[].
220hertz  [author] 19 Jul, 2020 @ 7:46pm 
@Barry Wall - No, not at the moment. Sorry. You might want to follow hockenheim95. He's putting together a suburban district theme and collection, which includes some of the houses I've done.
Barry Wall 18 Jul, 2020 @ 9:54pm 
Love it. is there a district theme for it anywhere?
220hertz  [author] 11 May, 2018 @ 5:28pm 
@ Magus - It's up now. Check here .
220hertz  [author] 11 May, 2018 @ 11:47am 
@ Magus - Sure, I suppose I overlooked that option when I made these. I'll have to do it a little later though.
Chris6d 8 May, 2018 @ 5:32pm 
Colors are unrealistic, but thankfully that can be changed with the building colors mod. Good work nonetheless, 220hertz.
220hertz  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:39pm 
Cool. … That gives me some ideas for December, actually.
MrMiyagi 23 Nov, 2017 @ 12:46pm 
:D I wondered why it wasn't showing up in the unique buildings Ugh I am so sorry for being a pest. I got ahead of myself! It's great where it is in parks.
The reason why I am being such a pest is because I'm devoting an entire area of villages on the shores of a Christmas save game to your houses with some other NE assets tossed in. That save will be published, so locally saved files, a good suggestion, won't be able to be in the finished city.
I'll be glad to share some screenshots when I get some areas finished. They're looking great so far and this corner one is working great.
For now, here's the collection, yours is linked
220hertz  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 12:32pm 
If you want, I could set you up with a local copy of the asset with a park AI, that's not a problem. It's probably beyond my ability to separate the gulls from the park AI for a single asset – without breaking someone else.
MrMiyagi 23 Nov, 2017 @ 11:38am 
Okay it's all good, it's a mod by BloodyPenguin that does not affect the save game, so if anyone else doesn't use RICO but wants to be able to place this building multiple times, here's the mod:
MrMiyagi 22 Nov, 2017 @ 9:11am 
Oh yeah, you're absolutely right. The seagulls are so awful. "Seagulls... stop it now!" :D
Somebody who plays Cities Skylines made that song.